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Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507793


Introduction: The Pacific white-spotted eagle ray Aetobatus laticeps, has recently separated from the Atlantic A. narinari based on both morphological and genetic evidence. This species is characterized by a dark body with numerous white spots all over its dorsal side. Considering the type, shape, number, and distribution of these natural markings as potential identifiers at the individual level, we studied the variation in the spot patterns. Objective: Describe and compare the white spot pattern (type and distribution) of individuals and evaluate their potential use as identifiers at the individual level. Methods: We analyzed 54 videos (105 subsequent extracted photos) and 19 photographic records that were taken at different sites along the Pacific coast of northern Costa Rica. Results: Seventeen distinctive types of white spots were identified across the entire dorsal side of the rays. Significant differences between each major body section (pectoral fins, back, head, and pelvic fins) were found in the type and frequency of white spots. The type 'single spot' was commonly distributed across the entire dorsal side, and the spot pattern on the pelvic fins was informative to identify 72 individuals. Conclusions: The analysis of the type, shape, and distribution of white spots in A. laticeps determined several combinations of white spot patterns that be used for further taxonomic description and provide potential identification of the individual for future population studies along with its distribution.

Introducción: La raya águila de manchas blancas del Pacífico, Aetobatus laticeps, se ha separado recientemente de A. narinari del Atlántico basándose en pruebas tanto morfológicas como genéticas. Esta especie se caracteriza por un cuerpo oscuro con numerosas manchas blancas en toda su parte dorsal. Considerando el tipo, la forma, el número y la distribución de estas marcas naturales como identificadores potenciales a nivel individual, estudiamos la variación en los patrones de manchas. Objetivo: Describir y comparar el patrón de manchas blancas (tipo y distribución) de individuos y evaluar su uso potencial como identificadores a nivel individual en especímenes recapturados. Métodos: Analizamos 54 videos (con 105 fotografías extraídas posteriormente) y 19 registros fotográficos que fueron tomados en diferentes sitios a lo largo de la costa pacífica del norte de Costa Rica. Resultados: Se identificaron diecisiete tipos distintivos de manchas blancas en todo el lado dorsal de los radios. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre cada sección principal del cuerpo (aletas pectorales, espalda, cabeza y aletas pélvicas) en el tipo y frecuencia de manchas blancas. El tipo 'punto único' se distribuyó comúnmente en todo el lado dorsal, y el patrón de puntos en las aletas pélvicas fue informativo para identificar 72 individuos. Conclusiones: El análisis del tipo, la forma y la distribución de las manchas blancas en A. laticeps determinó varias combinaciones de patrones de manchas blancas que se utilizarán para una descripción taxonómica adicional y brindan una identificación potencial del individuo para futuros estudios de población a lo largo de su distribución.

Animales , Rajidae/anatomía & histología , Rajidae/clasificación , Costa Rica
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 18(3): e200008, 2020. graf, mapas, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135402


The present work aimed at studying the sicklefin devil ray (Mobula tarapacana) that aggregates seasonally in the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago (SPSPA). From December 2008 to June 2016, 827 rays were sighted through free diving visual census survey. From the total of the records, it was possible to identify the sex of 361 specimens, in which 215 were females and 146 were males. The disk width ranged from 2.40 m to 3.20 m with mean size of 2.60 m, for both males and females, indicating that the population is composed by sub-adults and adults. Using photo-identification of the pectoral-fins in the ventral side, 11 males and 44 females were identified and compared with each other, but no re-sight was detected. Recent mating scars were observed in males (n= 7) and females (n= 6), as well as courtship and pursuit behaviors, confirming that the SPSPA is an important area of aggregation and mating for M. tarapacana in the Atlantic Ocean.(AU)

O presente trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a população da raia manta chilena (Mobula tarapacana) que forma agregações sazonais no Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo (ASPSP). Durante o período de dezembro de 2008 a junho de 2016, foram avistadas 827 raias através de censo visual por mergulho livre. Do total das raias avistadas, foi possível identificar o sexo de 361 espécimes, dos quais 215 eram fêmeas e 146 eram machos. A largura de disco variou de 2,40 m a 3,20 m, com média de 2,60 m, tanto para machos como para fêmeas, evidenciando que a população é composta por adultos e sub-adultos. Com base na foto-identificação do padrão de coloração do contorno localizado na região ventral, foram identificados e comparados entre si, 11 machos e 44 fêmeas, não tendo sido observada, porém, nenhuma reavistagem. Marcas de cópula recente foram observadas tanto em machos (n= 7) como em fêmeas (n= 6). Comportamentos de corte e perseguição também foram observados, indicando que o ASPSP é uma importante área de agregação e acasalamento da espécie no Oceano Atlântico.(AU)

Reproducción , Conducta Sexual Animal , Rajidae/clasificación , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Rev. biol. trop ; 64(4): 1469-1486, oct.-dic. 2016. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-958227


Resumen:A pesar de la gran importancia ecológica, evolutiva y económica de los condrictios, su diversidad ha sido escasamente estudiada en México. En este estudio se describe la diversidad de especies de condrictios que se han registrado hasta el momento para México, la cual se compone de 214 especies (111 tiburones, 95 rayas y 8 quimeras) y representa el 17.3 % de las registradas a nivel mundial. Las familias con mayor diversidad de especies son Rajidae (14.5 %), Carcharhinidae (12.1 %), Pentanchidae, Triakidae y Urotrygonidae (5.1 %). En términos de su distribución geográfica, la diversidad del litoral del Pacífico mexicano contiene el 56.1 % del total de aquellas que habitan en las aguas marinas y salobres de México (120 spp., 62 géneros, 37 familias y 14 órdenes); porcentaje muy similar a las que habitan en el litoral del Atlántico con el 55.1 % de las especies (118 especies, 59 géneros, 35 familias y 13 órdenes). Las afinidades biogeográficas de la fauna de condrictios mexicanos son complejas, pues 19.7 % de las especies son circunglobales, 9.9 % trasatlánticas, 1.9 % transpacíficas y 9.4 % son endémicas de la zona económica exclusiva. Además, el 36.6 % de las especies son endémicas del Pacífico oriental, presentan mayor afinidad a la provincia de Cortés (27.7 %), seguida de la de California (20.7 %), Panamá (19.3 %), Galápagos (5.6 %) y Peruano-Chilena (8.9 %). Así mismo, el 33.3 % de las especies son endémicas del Atlántico occidental donde tienen mayor afinidad con la provincia Caribeña (31.9 %), seguido por la Caroliniana (24.4 %) y Brasileña (6.6 %).

Abstract:The diversity of chondrychthyans in Mexico is described. The fauna is composed by 214 species (111 sharks, 95 rays and 8 chimaeras) and represents 17.3 % of the total number of species recorded worldwide. The families with the highest diversity comprise: Rajidae (14.5 %), Carcharhinidae (12.1 %), Pentanchidae, Triakidae, and Urotrygonidae (5.1 %). In terms of geographical distribution, the diversity on the Mexican Pacific slope reaches up to 56.1 % of those species inhabiting Mexican marine and brackish waters (120 species, 62 genera, 37 families and 14 orders); the diversity in the Atlantic slope resulted similar to that on the Mexican Pacific with 55.1 % of the species (118 species, 59 genera, 35 families and 13 orders). The biogeographical affinities of the Mexican chondrychthyan fauna are complex with 19.7 % of the species being circumglobal, 9.9 % transatlantic, 1.9 % transpacific, and 9.4 % endemic to the exclusive economic zone. Additionally, 36.6 % of the species recorded so far are endemic to the Eastern Pacific coast where the species are similar to those found in the Cortez biogeographic province (27.7 %), followed by the Californian (20.7 %), Panamanian (19.3 %), Galapagos (5.6 %) and Peruvian-Chilean (8.9 %). Likewise, 33.3 % are endemic of the Atlantic coast, where species are similar to those found in the Caribbean province (31.9 %), followed by the Carolinean (24.4 %) and the Brazilian (6.6 %). Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (4): 1469-1486. Epub 2016 December 01.

Animales , Tiburones/clasificación , Rajidae/clasificación , Cordados/clasificación , Biodiversidad , Distribución Animal , Tiburones/fisiología , Especificidad de la Especie , Océano Atlántico , Océano Pacífico , Rajidae/fisiología , Cordados/fisiología , México
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(supl.1): 319-327, abr. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958143


Resumen Entre mayo 2010 y mayo 2011 se analizaron las rayas látigo (Dasytis longa) capturadas por pescadores artesanales de Golfo Dulce, Pacífico Sur de Costa Rica. En total se realizaron 30 faenas en diferentes zonas con fondos lodosos y rocosos de baja profundidad (menos de 30m). Durante las 30 faenas de pesca se capturaron 872 organismos, de estos, 112 (13.1%) fueron rayas. La especie más abundante fue D. longa, aportando el 75.7% de las rayas y más del 10% de la captura total. Los análisis revelaron una proporción sexual de 1.33 machos por cada hembra para las rayas látigo y una longitud media del ancho del disco de 84.63±12.11cm. Con respecto a la captura por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE), las mayores CPUE se obtuvieron en enero y febrero que se capturaron en promedio de 0.006 rayas látigo por anzuelo por hora. La condición de captura, el bajo valor comercial y la disponibilidad de los pescadores, permitió liberar el 99% de las rayas capturadas. Debido a la alta sobrevivencia y capturas de D. longa en las pesquerías artesanales, se recomienda regular la línea de fondo durante enero-febrero en Los Bajos, Pique Fijo y La Ciénaga (Zona externa Golfo Dulce).

Abstract From May 2010 until May 2011, the longtail stingrays (Dasytis longa), caught by artisanal fishermen in Golfo Dulce, south Pacific of Costa Rica, were analyzed. We observed a total of 30 artisanal fishing operations in different areas of Golfo Dulce, with muddy bottoms and very shallow waters (less than 30m). The areas called "Los Bajos" and "Pique Fijo" represented the 26.7% and 23.3% of all the operations, respectively. Other important areas were "La Cienaga" (20.0%), "Lapa-Ríos" (6.7%) "Piedra del Sombrero" (6.7%) and "Pavones" (6.7%). "Matapalo", "Corcovado" and "Punta Banco" were less used by fishermen (9.9% of trips). In the captures, 345 (39.6%) were sharks (Sphyrnidae Carcharhinidae, Heterodontidae, Ginglymostomatidae and Triakidae), 228 (26.1%) bait fish (Aridae), 112 (13.1%) rays (Dasyatidae, Myliobatidae, Rhinobatidae and Mobulidae) and 111 (12.7%) commercial fish (Lutjanidae, Serranidae, Sciaenidae). The most abundant ray was D. longa, with 75.7% of total rays caught, n=112), and more than 10% of total catch. The longtail stingrays male: female ratio was 1.33:1. Mean width disc length was 84.63±12.11cm. The highest Catch per unit effort, CPUE, was in January-February (0.006 stingrays per hook per hour). The lowest was in July and August (0.0004). Nearly all rays caught were released. We recommend regulations on the artisanal bottom line during from January to February in the areas of Los Bajos, Pique Fijo, and La Cienega. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 1): 319-327. Epub 2015 April 01.

Animales , Tiburones/clasificación , Rajidae/clasificación , Industria Pesquera , Costa Rica
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(supl.1): 183-198, abr. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958134


Resumen De mayo 2010 a mayo 2011 se recolectó información referente a 67 faenas pesqueras artesanal con línea de fondo (44.8% observaciones abordo y 55.2% observaciones de descargas en centros de acopio) realizadas en Golfo Dulce, Pacífico Sur de Costa Rica. Durante las 67 faenas de pesca se analizaron en total 609 tiburones pertenecientes a diez especies. De estas, sobresalen S. lewini (más de 51.8% del total de tiburones analizados), M. lunulatus (23.5%), R. longurio, (13.8%) y C. limbatus (8.9%). Otras especies G. cirratum, G. cuvier, N.velox, S. tiburo y H. mexicanus fueron muy esporádicas ya que aportaron cerca del 2.0% del total. La condición de captura, el bajo valor comercial y la disponibilidad de los pescadores, permitió liberar con vida y sin anzuelos un total de 65 tiburones y 111 rayas, de las cuales 75.7% fueron rayas látigo (D. longa), 12.6% rayas gavilana (A. narinari), 5.4% rayas nariz de vaca (R. steindachneri), 5.4% rayas guitarra (R. leucorhynchus), 2.7% rayas de puntos (U. chilenis), 0.9% rayas mariposa (G. marmorata) y 0.9% mobula (Mobula sp.). Los análisis de CPUE en Golfo Dulce revelaron las mayores CPUE de tiburones en julio-agosto, mientras las mayores capturas de rayas se presentaron en enero-febrero.

Abstract Since May 2010 until May 2011 biological and fishery information regarding 67 artisanal fishing operations were collected in different areas of Golfo Dulce. A total of 30 (44.8%) onboard operations and 37 (55.2%) landings were observed. During onboard operations, a total of 872 fish were caught: 345 (39.6%) were sharks (Sphyrnidae, Carcharhinidae, Heterodontidae, Ginglymostomatidae and Triakidae), 228 (26.1%) "bait" fish (Aridae), 112 (13.1%) rays (Dasyatidae, Myliobatidae, Rhinobatidae and Mobulidae) and 111 (12.7%) commercial fish (Lutjanidae, Serranidae Sciaenidae). The capture condition (dead or alive), the low commercial value and the availability of fishermen, allowed us to release 65 sharks and 111 rays, all of them were alive and without hooks. Of these 75.7% were stingrays (D. longa), 12.6% eagle ray (A. narinari), 5.4% cownose rays (R. steindachneri), 5.4% guitar fish (R. leucorhynchus), the spoited ray 2.7% (U. chilenis), 0.9% butterfly ray (G. marmorata), and 0.9% mobula (Mobula sp.). The CPUE rate shows that the sharks and rays contributed more than 50% of the total catch of fishing operations. However, the months when the fishermen caught more sharks, the rays were not abundant. July and August were the months with the highest shark CPUE, while January-February were the months with the highest ray catches. Regarding the 37 landings observations, a total of 264 sharks were analyzed, being the scalloped hammerhead shark the most abundant (S. lewini, n=163), with 61.7%, followed by the common soothhound shark (M. lunulatus, n=48) (18.2%), the blacktip shark (C. limbatus, n=27) (10.2%) the pacific sharpnose shark (R. longurio, n=24) (9.1%), whitenose shark (0.4%) (Nasolamia velox, n=1) and the bonnethead shark (0.4%) (Sphyrna tiburo, n=1). The fusion of biological and fishery data from onboard observations and landings made it possible to analyze a total 609 sharks belonging to ten species. Of these, S. lewini represented more than 51.8% of total sharks analyzed; M. lunulatus, 23.5% R. longurio, 13.8% and C. limbatus, 8.9%. Other species G. cirratum, G. cuvier, N. velox, shovel head shark (S. tiburo) and the horn shark H. mexicanus were very sporadic since they contributed only 2.0% of the total. Analyses of length of S. lewini showed that they are mostly juveniles (74.31±17.4cm). Similar situation was found with individuals of R. longurio, M. lunulatus and C. limbatus whose mean total lengths were of 65.22±14.04cm, 94.08±23.64cm 4.44cm respectively 76.65cm. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (2): 183-198. Epub 2015 June 01.

Animales , Tiburones/clasificación , Rajidae/clasificación , Explotaciones Pesqueras/tendencias , Peces/clasificación , Costa Rica
Rev. biol. trop ; 61(3): 1341-1349, sep. 2013. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-688480


Aetobatus narinari represents a fisheries target in Southern Gulf of Mexico, and it is currently considered a Near Threatened species by the IUCN red list. The information available of this batoid fish includes some biological and fishery aspects; nevertheless, little is known about the factors influencing on fishing operations and catches. In order to evaluate the effect of environmental factors and the fishing effort allocation by vessels on the target fishery of A. narinari in this area, a daily basis sampling was carried out on four small-scale vessels, from January to July 2009 (the entire fishing season), in two fishing localities (Campeche and Seybaplaya). A total of 896 rays were recorded from 280 fishing trips. A General Linear Model was used to predict the factors effect on the probability that fishing operations occurred, and on the probability for captures of at least one or three or five rays per vessel-trip. The probability that fishing operations occurred off Campeche was predicted by the lunar cycle, with the highest probability in the new moon period (66%) and a probability smaller than 35% for the other periods. The probability that fishing operations occurred off Seybaplaya was predicted by wind velocity, with higher probabilities at low wind velocity than at high wind velocity, and a 50% probability of fishing operations at 12-15km/h. Catch rates off Seybaplaya were predicted by the vessel´s factor (the effect of fishing effort allocation), the North wind season and sea surface temperature. The probability for captures of at least one and three rays per vessel-trip was predicted by the vessel´s factor and the North wind season. One vessel had higher catch probability (83% for at least one ray and 43% for at least three rays) than the others (69 and 70% for at least one ray and 26% for at least three rays), and during the North wind season the catch probability was higher (96% for at least one ray and 72% for at least three rays) than out of that season (68% for at least one ray and 21% for at least three rays). The probability for capture at least five rays per vessel-trip was predicted by the sea surface temperature and the North wind season. At 23°C the catch probability was of 49% and the probability gradually diminished to 4% at 28°C, and during the North wind season the catch probability was higher (40%) than out of that season (7%). This study shows that some environmental factors and fishermen perceptions and experience (fishing effort allocation) influence on the catch rate of A. narinari, and that these factors must be considered in future studies on elasmobranch fisheries, mainly when comparisons between catch rates among seasons or regions are analyzed.

Aunque existen estudios sobre las pesquerías de batoideos en aguas Mexicanas, falta información sobre la influencia de factores sobre las operaciones pesqueras y las tasas de captura. Para evaluar el efecto de algunos factores en la pesquería dirigida sobre la raya pinta Aetobatus narinari en el Sur del Golfo de México, se realizaron registros diarios de las operaciones pesqueras de cuatro embarcaciones menores en dos localidades (Campeche y Seybaplaya), de enero a julio 2009 (temporada de pesca completa). Fueron registradas 896 rayas en 280 viajes de pesca. Se utilizó el Modelo General Lineal para evaluar la influencia de los factores en las operaciones de pesca y las tasas de captura. La operación pesquera fue predicha por el ciclo lunar (frente a Campeche) y la velocidad del viento (frente a Seybaplaya). Las tasas de captura frente a Seybaplaya fueron predichas por el factor embarcación, la temporada de frentes fríos y la temperatura superficial del mar. Este estudio demuestra que tanto los factores ambientales como las diferencias en la asignación del esfuerzo pesquero entre embarcaciones, influyen en las tasas de captura, por lo que deben ser considerados en estudios futuros que comparen tasas de captura entre estaciones del año y regiones.

Animales , Ecosistema , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Rajidae/clasificación , Golfo de México , Estaciones del Año
Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 16(1): 35-40, jan-jun. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-718763


O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a morfometria, o rendimento e a composição centesimal de cortes da carne de arraias de água doce capturadas no reservatório de Itaipu. Para os estudos de morfometria e rendimento de cortes foram utilizados 60 animais, distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com três classes de peso corporal (500g, de 501 a 700g e acima de 700g). Houve efeito (p<0,05) do peso em relação ao percentual de resíduos, com maiores índices em animais menores. Para as análises de composição centesimal foram utilizados cortes de filé sem raio (FSR), filé com raio cartilaginoso (FCR) e cauda de 30 animais distribuídos nas mesmas classes de peso já descritas. Foram observados maiores níveis (p<0,05) de matéria mineral no filé com raio para animais entre 501 e 700g. Umidade e matéria mineral apresentaram efeito (p<0,05) entre os diferentes cortes com maiores valores para FSR, FCR, e cauda, respectivamente. Para as demais variáveis avaliadas não houve efeito (p>0,05) entre os tratamentos. Os resultados indicam que o aproveitamento das arraias de água doce pode ser realizado em todas as classes de peso. A composição centesimal associadaao bom rendimento dos cortes da carne revelam a espécie como importante recurso pesqueiro.

This study was conducted to evaluate the morphology, yield and composition of meat cuts from freshwater stingrays caught in the Itaipu Reservoir. For studies of morphometry and cuts yield were used 60 animals, distributed in a completely randomized design with three classes of body weight (500g, 501 to 700g and above 700g). There was effect (P>0,05) of the weight in relation to the percentage of residues, with higher indices in smaller animals. For centesimal composition analyses, were used fillet without rays (FWR), fillet with cartilaginous rays (FWCR) and tail cuts of 30 animals distributed in the same weight classes already described. It was observed highest levels (p <0,05) of ash in the fillet with cartiloginous rays for animals between 501 and 700g. Moisture and ash showed significant effect (p <0,05) between the different cuts, with higher values to FWR, FWCR, and tail respectively. For other variables evaluated there was not effect (p> 0,05) between treatments. The results indicate that freshwater stingrays use can be realized in all weight classes. The centesimal composition associated with the good yield of meat cuts, reveal the species as an important fishery resource.

Se ha realizado esta investigación con el objetivo de evaluar la morfometría, el rendimiento y la composición centesimal en cortes de carne de rayas de agua dulce, capturadas en el embalse de Itaipú. Para los estudios de morfometría y rendimiento de cortes se utilizó 60 animales, distribuidos en un delineamiento completamente aleatorio, con tres clases de peso corporal (500g, 501 a700g y arriba de 700g). Ocurrió efecto (p <0,05) del peso en relación al porcentual de residuos, con mayores índices en animales pequeños. Para los análisis de composición centesimal se utilizó cortes de filete sin radio (FSR), filete con radio cartilaginoso (FCR) y cola de 30 animales distribuidos en las mismas categorías de peso ya descritas. Se observó niveles mayores (p <0,05) de materia mineral en el filete con radio para los animales entre 501 y 700 g. Humedad y materia mineral presentaron efecto (p <0,05) entre los diferentes cortes con mayores valores para FSR, FCR, y la cola, respectivamente. Para las demás variables evaluadas no hubo efecto (p> 0.05) entre los tratamientos. Los resultados indican que el uso de rayas de agua dulce se puede realizar en todas las clases de peso. La composición centesimal, asociada al buen desempeño de los cortes de la carne, revela como la especie es un importante recurso pesquero.

Animales , Carne/análisis , Industria Pesquera , Rendimiento Académico , Rajidae/clasificación
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484520


Stingrays are a group of rays – cartilaginous fish related to sharks – that have whiplike tails with barbed, usually venomous spines and are found around the world, especially the marine species. Despite recent reports of accidents involving these fish, they are not aggressive, reacting only when stepped on or improperly handled. Injuries by stingrays are seldom mentioned by historians, although they have always been present in riverine communities of inland waters and in South American coasts. Indeed, envenomations by stingrays are quite common in freshwater and marine fishing communities. Although having high morbidity, such injuries are neglected because they have low lethality and usually occur in remote areas, which favor the use of folk remedies. In the present review article, historical aspects of injuries caused by stingrays in Brazil and their distribution on the coast of São Paulo state and riverine communities of the North, Midwest and Southeast regions were studied. In addition, other aspects were analyzed such as clinical features, therapeutic methods, preventive measures and trends in occurrence of these accidents in the country, particularly in areas in which freshwater stingrays had not been previously registered, being introduced after breaching of natural barriers.

Animales , Heridas y Lesiones/metabolismo , Intoxicación/mortalidad , Mortalidad , Rajidae/clasificación , Animales Ponzoñosos , Fauna Marina/análisis
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(supl.3): 257-273, nov. 2012. ilus, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-672094


Isla del Coco is an oceanic island 500km off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. It is a National Park and its marine fauna has been relatively well protected. The island is famous for its elasmobranch (sharks, rays and skates) sightings in shallow waters. Here we present a catalogue of the deepwater elasmobranchs observed with the DeepSee submersible. Five species of sharks, six species of skates and one ray have been observed between 45 and 330m depth. Triaenodon obesus, the white tip reef shark, was commonly observed between 80 and 301m, but only in the afternoons. Sphyrna lewini, the scalloped hammerhead shark, was observed as deep a 303m, but commonly between 45 and 90m, and close to the island. Odontaspis ferox, the smalltooth sand tiger shark, was observed between 82 and 316m. Echinorhinus cookei, the prickly shark, was observed between 91 and 320m. Rhincodon typus, the whale shark, was observed only close to the island, between 77 and 80m. Taeniura meyeni, the marbled ray, was observed only close to the island, between 45 and 90m. A Dasyatis sp., similar to the the diamond stingray, was observed only once close to the island at 60m; this is the first report of this genus at Isla del Coco National Park. Manta birostris, the giant manta, was only observed close to the island at 90m. Mobula tarapacana, the sicklefin devil ray, was observed between 60 and 326m, extending its maximum depth almost 10 times what has been reported. Aetobatus narinari, the spotted eagle ray, was observed only close to the island between 60 and 82m. Torpedo peruana, the Peruvian torpedo ray, was observed only once at 313m, and is the first record of this species from Isla del Coco National Park.

La Isla del Coco es una isla oceánica a 500km de la costa Pacífica de Costa Rica. Es un Parque Nacional donde la fauna marina ha estado relativamente bien protegida. La isla es famosa por los elasmobranquios (tiburones y rayas) en aguas poco profundas. Aquí presentamos un catálogo de elasmobranquios observados con el sumergible DeepSee. Cinco especies de tiburones y siete especies de rayas han sido observadas entre 45 y 330m de profundidad. Triaenodon obesus, tiburón punta blanca de arrecifes o tiburón cazón coralero, observado comúnmente entre 80 y 301m pero solo en las tardes. Sphyrna lewini, el tiburón martillo o cornuda común, registrado hasta 303m, pero comúnmente entre 45 y 90m, y cerca de la Isla del Coco. Odontaspis ferox, tiburón solrayo, visto entre 82 y 316m. Echinorhinus cookei, tiburón negro espinoso, avistado entre 91 y 320m. Rhincodon typus, tiburón ballena, observado solamente cerca de la isla, entre 77 y 80m. Taeniura meyeni, raya moteada, vista solamente cerca de la isla, entre 45 y 90m. Dasyatis sp., parecida a la raya látigo, registrada solamente una vez, cerca de la isla a 60m; este es el primer informe de esta especie en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco. Manta birostris, manta gigante, observada únicamente cerca de la isla a 90m. Mobula tarapacana, manta cornuda o manta moruma, vista entre 60 y 326m, extendiendo su profundidad máxima casi 10 veces a lo informado en la literatura. Aetobatus narinari, chucho pintado o raya águila, observada solamente cerca de la isla entre 60 y 82m. Por último, Torpedo peruana, raya torpedo eléctrico o raya peruana, solamente vista una vez a 313m y es el primer informe de esta especie en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco.

Tiburones/anatomía & histología , Rajidae/clasificación , Elasmobranquios/clasificación , Biodiversidad , Costa Rica
Braz. j. biol ; 72(4): 885-891, Nov. 2012. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-660385


Potamotrygon signata is an endemic freshwater stingray species in the Parnaíba River basin, Brazil. After its original description, only citations in systematic lists were recorded in the literature and the biology of the species remains unknown, including the feeding habits. The aim of this study is to characterize the overall diet of P. signata based on analysing stomach contents and to provide preliminary information on intraspecific diet variability between sexes and maturity stages. The stomach contents of 56 specimens of P. signata were analyzed. The taxonomic identification of food items showed the presence of 13 prey orders, including insects, mollusks, crustaceans and teleost fish. The Index of Relative Importance (IRI%) indicated P. signata as an insectivorous species, with a dominance of Diptera larvae (60.64%) and Ephemeroptera nymphs (34.68%). Differences in diet were observed between sexes, as well as between mature and immature individuals. The IRI% of females showed a similar occurrence of Diptera and Ephemeroptera (47.12% and 47.86%, respectively), whereas for males, Ephemeroptera was the main item (79.56%). Immature individuals showed a dominance of Diptera (76.20%) while mature individuals showed a similar occurrence of Diptera (46.95%) and Ephemeroptera (47.23%). The observed sexual and ontogenetic differences in diet may be related to distinct nutritional requirements of males and females, and to the variation of morphological aspects of the oral apparatus and dentition of males and females and of immature individuals and adults. The essentially insectivorous diet of the species is possibly adaptively advantageous in the Caatinga semi-arid environment, where the availability of fish as prey may be subject to strong seasonal variation.

Potamotrygon signata é uma espécie de raia de água doce endêmica da bacia do rio Parnaíba, Brasil. Após a sua descrição original, apenas citações em listas sistemáticas foram registradas na literatura e a biologia da espécie permanece desconhecida, incluindo os hábitos alimentares. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a dieta de P. signata com base na análise do conteúdo estomacal, e fornecer informações preliminares sobre a variabilidade intraespecífica da dieta entre os sexos e segundo os estádios de maturidade. O conteúdo estomacal de 56 espécimes de P. signata foi analisado. A identificação taxonômica dos itens alimentares revelou a presença de 13 ordens de presas, incluindo insetos, moluscos, crustáceos e peixes teleósteos. O Índice de Importância Relativa (IRI%) indicou P. signata como uma espécie insetívora, com predominância de larvas de Diptera (60.64%) e ninfas de Ephemeroptera (34.68%). Diferenças na dieta entre os sexos foram observadas, bem como entre os indivíduos maduros e imaturos. A IRI% das fêmeas mostrou uma ocorrência similar de Diptera e Ephemeroptera (47.12% e 47.86%, respectivamente), enquanto para os machos, Ephemeroptera foi o principal item (79.56%). Indivíduos imaturos mostraram um predomínio de Diptera (76.20%), enquanto indivíduos maduros apresentaram uma ocorrência similar de Diptera (46.95%) e Ephemeroptera (47.23%). As diferenças sexuais e ontogenéticas observadas na dieta podem estar relacionadas a diferentes necessidades nutricionais de machos e fêmeas, e à variação de aspectos morfológicos do aparelho bucal e dentição de machos e fêmeas e de indivíduos imaturos e maduros. A dieta essencialmente insetívora desta espécie possivelmente é uma vantagem adaptativa para esta espécie no ambiente semiárido da Caatinga, onde a disponibilidade de peixes como presa pode sofrer grandes variações sazonais.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Rajidae/fisiología , Brasil , Contenido Digestivo , Insectos/clasificación , Ríos , Estaciones del Año , Rajidae/clasificación
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 9(1): 201-208, Mar. 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-583976


Análises citogenéticas de Potamotrygon aff. motoro e P. falkneri identificaram a ocorrência de um sistema múltiplo de cromossomos sexuais do tipo X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y, em ambas as espécies, com 2n = 66 cromossomos em fêmeas e 2n = 65 cromossomos nos machos. As regiões organizadoras de nucléolos (RONs) identificadas pela reação Ag-RON, evidenciaram marcações múltiplas em ambas as espécies (com variações de 5 a 7 RONs). A técnica de bandamento C, revelou a presença de blocos heterocromáticos localizados nas regiões centromérica em quase todos os cromossomos nas duas espécies em estudo. Através do presente estudo foi evidenciada uma heterogeneidade nos cariótipos, permitindo sugerir que rearranjos cromossômicos, como inversões e/ou translocações, ocorreram durante a evolução cromossômica nas duas espécies desse gênero.

Cytogenetic analysis of Potamotrygon aff. motoro and P. falkneri indicated the occurrence of an X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y multiple sex chromosome system in both species, with 2n = 66 chromosomes for females and 2n = 65 chromosomes for males. The nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) identified using Ag-NOR technique showed that both species have multiple Ag-NORs (5 to 7 chromosomes stained). C-banding technique indicated the presence of heterochromatic blocks in the centromeric regions of almost all chromosomes in both species. Through this study there was evidence of heterogeneity in the karyotypes, which suggests that chromosomal rearrangements such as inversions and/or translocations occurred during the chromosomal evolution in two species of this genus.

Animales , Citogenética/tendencias , Rajidae/clasificación , Cromosomas Sexuales/genética
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 9(1): 209-232, Mar. 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-583977


Uma revisão taxonômica de duas espécies nominais de raias de água doce do gênero Potamotrygon previamente consideradas válidas, Potamotrygon falkneri Castex & Maciel, 1963 e Potamotrygon castexi Castello & Yagolkowski, 1969, foi realizada baseada numa análise detalhada abrangendo aspectos da morfologia externa e interna, incluindo um estudo morfométrico e merístico de espécimes provenientes da distribuição registrada dessas espécies. Além dessas espécies, o status taxonômico da espécie nominal Potamotrygon menchacai Achenbach, 1967, tratada por autores prévios como sinônimo júnior de Potamotrygon falkneri, foi avaliado. As espécies nominais que constituem o que foi chamado de complexo falkneri-castexi representam exemplos da variação cromática encontrados em uma única espécie, uma vez que ocorrem padrões intermediários de coloração e os caracteres restantes não são consistentes para separação em nível específico. Sendo assim, a espécie nominal P. falkneri é considerada válida e as espécies nominais P. castexi e P. menchacai sinônimos juniores desta. Adicionalmente, uma possível espécie nova é apresentada do río Madre de Dios no Peru, sendo esta portadora de alguns caracteres destoantes de P. falkneri. Essa espécie, conhecida de poucos indivíduos, é tratada aqui provisoriamente como Potamotrygon sp.

A taxonomic revision of two nominal species of freshwater stingrays of the genus Potamotrygon previously considered valid, Potamotrygon falkneri Castex & Maciel, 1963 and Potamotrygon castexi Castello & Yagolkowski, 1969, was conducted based on a detailed analysis of external and internal morphology, including a morphometric and meristic study of specimens from the recorded range of both species. The taxonomic status of the nominal species P. menchacai Achenbach, 1967, treated by previous authors as a junior synonym of P. falkneri, was also evaluated. These nominal species, which constitute what has been called the falkneri-castexi complex, were found to represent examples of chromatic variation present in a single species, given that intermediate patterns of coloration are common and the remaining characters analyzed are not consistent enough for separation at the specific level. Consequently, Potamotrygon falkneri is considered valid, whereas the nominal species Potamotrygon castexi and Potamotrygon menchacai are concluded to be junior synonyms of P. falkneri. Additionally, a putative new species is identified from the río Madre de Díos in Peru, which has some characters that do not correspond to P. falkneri. This species, known from few individuals, is here provisionally treated as Potamotrygon sp.

Animales , Clasificación/métodos , Rajidae/clasificación , Anatomía/clasificación , Ecosistema/análisis , Esqueleto
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 43(1): 82-88, Jan.-Feb. 2010. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-540519


INTRODUÇÃO: No presente trabalho objetivamos descrever o processo de colonização da Bacia do Alto Paraná, Sudeste do Brasil, por arraias, demonstrando sua atual situação e provável tendência, os impactos gerados e discutindo algumas ações de manejo e medidas mitigadoras. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas entrevistas com ribeirinhos e profissionais de saúde para o levantamento de informações sobre a ocorrência de arraias e acidentes associados a estes animais, além de coletas e observações subaquáticas de potamotrigonídeos, entre 2004 e 2009, em localidades situadas nos Estados de São Paulo, Paraná e Mato Grosso do Sul, no Sudeste, Sul e parte do Centro-Oeste do Brasil. RESULTADOS: Três espécies de arraias foram identificadas na área de estudo, demonstrando utilizar os caminhos abertos pela Hidrovia Tietê-Paraná para se dispersarem. Dezesseis vítimas de acidentes envolvendo esses animais foram encontradas, notadamente banhistas e pescadores, chamando a atenção pelo fato dos casos não serem notificados e apresentarem elevada morbidade, com marcante incapacidade temporária para o trabalho. CONCLUSÕES: Este é o primeiro relato de invasão biológica envolvendo espécies de elasmobrânquios conhecido na literatura e, pelas arraias estarem colonizando áreas densamente povoadas e ampliando sua área de distribuição a cada ano, é de se esperar que sua interação negativa com humanos se intensifique, provocando alterações importantes no perfil epidemiológico dos acidentes por animais peçonhentos ocorridos no sudeste brasileiro.

INTRODUCTION: In this paper, our aim was to describe the process of colonization of the upper Paraná basin, southeastern Brazil, by stingrays, showing the current situation, likely trend and impact caused and discussing some management actions and mitigation measures. METHODS: Interviews were held with riverbank people and health professionals, to gather information on occurrences of stingrays and accidents associated with these animals, along with underwater observations and collection of specimens, between 2004 and 2009 in localities in the States of São Paulo, Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul, in the southeastern, southern and part of the central-western regions of Brazil. RESULTS: Three species of stingrays were identified in the study area, thus demonstrating that they were using the paths opened by the Tietê-Paraná Waterway to disperse. Sixteen victims of accidents involving these animals were found, mainly bathers and fishermen. Attention was drawn to the fact that these cases had not been reported, yet they presented high morbidity with notable temporary incapacity for work. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report on biological invasion involving species of elasmobranchs in the literature and, because stingrays are colonizing densely populated areas and are expanding their range of distribution each year, it can be expected that their negative interactions with humans will intensify, with important changes in the epidemiological profile of accidents due to venomous animals occurring in southeastern Brazil.

Adolescente , Adulto , Animales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Joven , Mordeduras y Picaduras/epidemiología , Ríos , Rajidae , Mordeduras y Picaduras/patología , Brasil/epidemiología , Dinámica Poblacional , Rajidae/clasificación , Adulto Joven
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 7(1)2007. ilus, mapas
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-459167


A distribuição geográfica das raias da família Potamotrygonidae é restrita aos principais sistemas fluviais da América do Sul. No Brasil, a ocorrência de potamotrigonídeos é conhecida em toda a Bacia Amazônica, em alguns rios da região Nordeste e na Bacia Paraguai-Paraná. O alto curso do Rio Paraná, separado no passado dos trechos médio e baixo pelas Cachoeiras de Sete-Quedas, hoje está conectado a essas áreas devido ao represamento de grande parte de seu curso. A construção das barragens destruiu obstáculos naturais, possibilitando a dispersão de diversas espécies de organismos aquáticos rumo ao alto curso do Rio Paraná. Reportamos aqui o registro da ocorrência de duas espécies de raias no Alto Rio Paraná, as quais não faziam parte da fauna nativa da região há pouco mais de duas décadas atrás.

The freshwater stingrays of the Potamotrygonidae family are elasmobranchs restricted to the major river systems of South America. In Brazil, the occurrence of potamotrigonids is known in all the Amazonian Basin, some rivers of the Northeastern region and in the Paraguay-Paraná Basin. The upper course of the Paraná River, separated in the past from the medium and low courses by Sete-Quedas Waterfalls, today is connected to these areas due to the dams constructed in great part of its course. The dams had destroyed natural barriers, making possible the dispersion of many species of aquatic organisms to the headwaters of the Paraná River. We report the occurrence record of two species of stingrays in the Upper Paraná River, which were not part of native fauna about two decades ago.

Agua Dulce/análisis , Biodiversidad , Presas/efectos adversos , Fauna Acuática/análisis , Fauna Acuática/clasificación , Ríos , Rajidae/clasificación
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-459171


Stingrays of the Potamotrygonidae family are a singular group of Neotropical ichthyofauna. Although ancient reports exist about the group, there are still many questions that need to be clarified, such as the biology of the species that occur in the Paraná-Paraguay River system. In the present work, the diet of Potamotrygon falkneri and Potamotrygon motoro, captured in the Upper Paraná River, downstream from the Engenheiro Souza Dias Hydroelectric Power Station (UHE Jupiá), was analyzed. Both species showed a diversified diet, consisting of 14 food items, including Mollusca, Crustacea, Insecta and fish, with the predominance in diversity and abundance of aquatic insects. Only one individual of each species ingested fish. Potamotrygon motoro consumed mainly Ephemeroptera, while P. falkneri consumed mainly Mollusca, Hemiptera and Trichoptera. The data apparently indicate a more specialized diet for P. motoro, consuming more Ephemeroptera (Baetidae), and a more generalized diet for P. falkneri. The analysis of individuals captured in three microhabitats that differ in function of the substrate type and presence of marginal vegetation, suggests differences in the food items consumed.

As raias da família Potamotrygonidae representam um grupo singular da ictiofauna Neotropical. Apesar de serem antigos os relatos sobre o grupo, ainda são muitas as questões que permanecem sem resposta, sobretudo no que diz respeito à biologia das espécies que ocorrem na Bacia do Paraná-Paraguai. No presente trabalho foi analisada a dieta de Potamotrygon falkneri e Potamotrygon motoro, capturadas no Alto Rio Paraná, a jusante da Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Souza Dias (UHE Jupiá). As duas espécies de raias apresentaram dieta diversificada, ingerindo 14 itens, entre moluscos, crustáceos, insetos e peixes, porém com predominância de insetos aquáticos em diversidade e abundância. Somente um indivíduo de cada espécie ingeriu peixe. Potamotrygon motoro consumiu principalmente Ephemeroptera, enquanto P. falkneri, principalmente Mollusca, Hemiptera e Trichoptera. Os dados aparentemente indicam uma dieta mais especializada de P. motoro, com maior consumo de Ephemeroptera (Baetidae), e uma dieta mais generalizada de P. falkneri. A análise dos indivíduos capturados em três micro-hábitats, que diferem quanto ao tipo de substrato e presença de vegetação marginal, sugere diferenças nos tipos de alimentos consumidos.

Biología/clasificación , Conducta Alimentaria , Fauna Acuática/análisis , Fauna Acuática/clasificación , Ecosistema/análisis , Ecosistema/clasificación , Rajidae/clasificación