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Biol. Res ; 50: 34, 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-950877


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to reveal the mitochondrial genomes (mtgenomes) of Tetrix japonica and Alulatettix yunnanensis, and the phylogenetics of Orthoptera species. METHODS: The mtgenomes of A. yunnanensis and T. japonica were firstly sequenced and assembled through partial sequences amplification, and then the genome organization and gene arrangement were analyzed. Based on nucleotide/amino acid sequences of 13 protein-coding genes and whole mtgenomes, phylogenetic trees were established on 37 Orthoptera species and 5 outgroups, respectively. RESULTS: Except for a regulation region (A+T rich region), a total of 37 genes were found in mtgenomes of T. japonicaand A. yunnanensis, including 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, and 22 transfer RNA genes, which exhibited similar characters with other Orthoptera species. Phylogenetic tree based on 13 concatenated protein-coding nucleotide sequences were considered to be more suitable for phylogenetic reconstruction of Orthoptera species than amino acid sequences and mtgenomes. The phylogenetic relationships of Caelifera species were Acridoidea and Pamphagoidea > Pyrgomorphoidea > Pneumoroidea > Eumastacoidea > Tetrigoidea > Tridactyloidea. Besides, a sister-group relationship between Tettigonioidea and Rhaphidophoroidea was revealed in Ensifera. CONCLUSION: Concatenated protein-coding nucleotide sequences of 13 genes were suitable for reconstruction of phylogenetic relationship in orthopteroid species. Tridactyloidea was a sister group of Tetrigoidea in Caelifera, and Rhaphidophoroidea was a sister group of Tettigonioidea in Ensifera.

Animales , Evolución Molecular , Genoma Mitocondrial/genética , Saltamontes/genética , Filogenia , Secuencia de Bases , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN , Saltamontes/clasificación
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(1): 127-138, Jan.-Mar. 2015. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-753780


The estimation of biomass in insect populations is a key factor to quantify the available resources and energy fluxes in ecosystems food webs. Cornops aquaticum is a common herbivore in Eichhornia plants in wetlands of Northeast Argentina. We aimed to analyse its biomass variation, related to the different grasshopper age categories populations in two host-plants: Eichhornia azurea and Eichhornia crassipes. For this, standard samplings of C. aquaticum populations were carried out with an entomological net of 70cm diameter in two wetlands with E. azurea and E. crassipes, in Corrientes and Chaco Provinces; besides, dry weight was also obtained (directly and indirectly), and a regression model to indirectly estimate the biomass from a linear dimension measure (hind femur length) is proposed. A total of 2 307 individuals were collected and separated in different age categories; their abundance and linear dimension data were obtained. The model proposed was lnDM=lna+b*lnH (where DM=dry mass, a and b are constants and H=hind femur length) (R²=0.97). The population biomass variations of C. aquaticum were due to the relative abundance of each age category and the grasshopper individual dry weight. No significant differences were found between populations biomasses obtained by direct and indirect methods in E. azurea and E. crassipes floating meadows. This model made easier the C. aquaticum biomass calculation for both individuals and the population, and accelerated the processing of high number of samples. Finally, high biomass values of populations and individual age category (especially in adults) emphasize the importance of C. aquaticum as a consumer and a resource for predators on Eichhornia floating meadows food webs. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (1): 127-138. Epub 2015 March 01.

La estimación de la biomasa en las poblaciones de insectos, es un factor clave para cuantificar los recursos disponibles y los flujos de energía en las redes tróficas de los ecosistemas. Cornops aquaticum es un herbívoro común en las plantas de Eichhornia en los humedales del nordeste de Argentina. Nuestro objetivo fue analizar la variación de su biomasa en relación a las distintas categorías de edades de la población de este acridio, en dos plantas huésped: Eichhornia azurea y Eichhornia crassipes. Para ello, se realizaron muestreos estándar de las poblaciones de C. aquaticum con una red entomológica de 70cm de diámetro, en dos humedales con E. azurea y E. crassipes en las provincias de Corrientes y Chaco; además, se obtuvo el peso seco de los individuos (de manera directa e indirecta) y, se propuso un modelo de regresión para estimar la biomasa de C. aquaticum de manera indirecta a partir de una medida de dimensión lineal (longitud del fémur posterior). Un total de 2 307 individuos fueron recolectados y separados en distintas categorías de edades; se obtuvo su abundancia y distintas medidas de dimensión lineal. El modelo propuesto fue lnPS=lna+b*lnH (donde PS=peso seco, a y b son constantes y H=longitud del fémur posterior) (R²=0.97). Las variaciones en la biomasa de las poblaciones de C. aquaticum se debieron a la abundancia relativa de cada categoría de edad y al peso seco individual de estos acridios. No hubo diferencias significativas entre la biomasa de las poblaciones de C. aquaticum obtenida por los métodos directo e indirecto en las praderas flotantes de E. azurea y E. crassipes. Este modelo facilita el cálculo de la biomasa individual y poblacional de C. aquaticum y acelera el procesamiento de un gran número de muestras. Finalmente, los valores altos de biomasa poblacional e individual de las categorías de edades (especialmente en adultos) enfatizan la importancia de C. aquaticum como consumidor y como recurso para los depredadores en las redes alimenticias de las praderas flotantes de Eichhornia.

Animales , Ecosistema , Eichhornia/parasitología , Saltamontes/fisiología , Argentina , Biomasa , Eichhornia/clasificación , Saltamontes/clasificación , Densidad de Población , Humedales
Braz. j. biol ; 74(3): 730-738, 8/2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-723868


Insects show morphometric variations associated with the environment that may be the result of phenotypic response or genetic inheritance, or both. Thereby, studies that emphasise the variability in body size are very useful for understanding the dynamics and the stability of ecological systems. Cornops aquaticum (Bruner, 1906) (Acrididae) is a semi-aquatic grasshopper, distributed from the southeast of Mexico to the south of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, and is intimately associated with the aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia spp. and Pontederia spp. In its wide habitat distribution, C. aquaticum shows variations in its life cycle and morphometric differences that were observed suggesting geographic and host plant influence. Considering these findings, this study aimed to find out the morphometric characteristics of this species at the Pantanal of Poconé – MT, using the protocol of the project “HICWA – Host-Insect Coevolution on Waterhyacinth”, as well as to assess possible differences in each stage of development between the sexes and among seasonal periods (flood, high water, low water and dry). During 12 months a total of 600 individuals were collected in monthly collections of 50 grasshoppers, and of this total, 261 were adults and 339 nymphs. The following measurements were taken: total length (A); body length (B); wing length (I) and measurement of the hind femur (H). The results showed that both male and female have different measurements but not correlated with seasonal periods. The average obtained for each character and the seasonality showed the highest values during the flood period. In nymphs, the measurement of the posterior femur presented the lower variation between individuals and characters.

Insetos apresentam variações morfométricas associadas ao ambiente que podem ser resultado tanto de respostas fenotípicas, quanto da herança genética, ou de ambos. Assim, estudos que enfatizam a variabilidade no tamanho do corpo do inseto são de grande utilidade para o entendimento da dinâmica e da estabilidade dos sistemas ecológicos. Cornops aquaticum (Bruner, 1906) (Acrididae) é um gafanhoto semi-aquático, distribuído desde o sudeste do México até o sul da província de Buenos Aires, Argentina, demonstrando íntima associação com macrófitas aquáticas dos gêneros Eichhornia e Pontederia. Em sua ampla distribuição de habitats, C. aquaticum apresenta variações em seu ciclo biológico e diferenças morfométricas que sugerem uma influência tanto geográfica, quanto da planta hospedeira. Diante disto, esse estudo objetivou conhecer as características morfométricas dessa espécie no Pantanal de Poconé (MT), empregando o protocolo do projeto “HICWA – Host-Insect Coevolution on Waterhyacinth”, bem como avaliar possíveis diferenças em cada estádio de desenvolvimento entre os sexos e entre os períodos sazonais dessa região (enchente, cheia, vazante e seca). Durante 12 meses foram coletados, mensalmente, 50 gafanhotos, totalizando 600 indivíduos, sendo 261 adultos e 339 ninfas, nos quais foram tomadas as medidas do comprimento total (A); comprimento do corpo (B); comprimento da asa (I) e medida do fêmur posterior (H). Os resultados indicam indivíduos adultos, tanto machos quanto fêmeas, de tamanho variado em todos os períodos sazonais, entretanto, essas variações não estão correlacionadas à sazonalidade. As médias obtidas para cada caracter entre os períodos sazonais demonstraram que houve diferenciação entre as medidas, revelando os maiores valores médios durante a enchente. Em ninfas, a menor variação entre os indivíduos em relação aos outros caracteres avaliados foi encontrada na medida do fêmur posterior.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Saltamontes/anatomía & histología , Brasil , Saltamontes/clasificación , Estaciones del Año
Rev. biol. trop ; 61(1): 111-124, Mar. 2013. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-674065


In Argentina, the grasslands of Pampas region comprise approximately 15% of the country. As in other grasslands of the world, grasshoppers are among the most important native herbivores. Their economic importance has been recognized in Argentina since the mid to late nineteenth century, since outbreaks of different species have become recurrent phenomena. Therefore, the main objective of this work was to study their diversity and distribution in grasslands of the Southern Pampas region (Laprida county, Buenos Aires province), as one of the most affected areas. The study was conducted during five seasons (2005-10). Sampling sites were represented by the most common plant communities in this area, classified in four categories: native grasslands, disturbed grasslands, implanted pastures and halophilous grasslands. The samplings were conducted from mid-spring to early autumn, with five or six samples per season. We estimated the following population descriptors: species richness (S), eveness (E), dominance (J), and diversity index (H´). In order to evaluate the similitude of the grasshopper communities present in the different plant communities, we used qualitative and quantitative coefficients of similitude. A total of 22 species of grasshoppers were collected, of which 21 belong to the family Acrididae. The subfamily Melanoplinae was the most diverse with eight species. The largest species richness was recorded in native grasslands (18). The different communities of grasshoppers had similar indices of evenness and dominance (p>0.05). Considering all plant communities, the average value of Shannon-Wiener index was 1.58±0.075. There was a positive correlation between evenness index and species richness (p<0.05). The diversity index H’ was different between plants communities (p<0.05), and it was higher in the disturbed grassland (1.75±0.096, p<0.05) than in the halophilous grasslands (1.34±0.12). Native and disturbed grasslands had a higher plant richness than halophilous grasslands and implanted pastures (p<0.05). There was a positive relationship between plant richness and grasshoppers species richness, and diversity of grasshoppers. According to the qualitative indices applied, the similitude between different grasshopper communities was higher than 60%. In general, the species that had a higher frequency of occurrence showed greater abundance and distribution. Covasacris pallidinota, Dichroplus elongatus, D. maculipennis, Borellia bruneri and B. pallid were the most widely distributed species, most of them (12) showed a restricted distribution and few (five) an intermediate distribution.

Los acridios son componentes nativos de los pastizales, dichos sistemas han sido modificados debido a la intensificación de las actividades agrícola-ganaderas y por lo tanto se considera importante estudiar las comunidades de acridios asociadas. Se estudió la diversidad y distribución de acridios en el Sur de la región pampeana a través de muestreos realizados en las comunidades vegetales más representativas del partido de Laprida, provincia de Buenos Aires, durante cinco temporadas (2005-2010). Se recolectaron 22 especies. La subfamilia Melanoplinae fue la más diversa (ocho especies). La mayor cantidad de especies se observó en los pastizales nativos (18). La diversidad en los pastizales alterados (1.75±0.096) fue superior (p<0.05) a la de los pastizales halófilos (1.34±0.12). La riqueza de plantas en los pastizales nativos y los pastizales alterados fue superior (p<0.05) a la de las demás comunidades. Se registro una relación positiva entre la riqueza de plantas y las variables riqueza y diversidad de acridios. La similitud entre las comunidades de acridios estimada por los índices cualitativos fue superior al 60%. En general, las especies que tuvieron una mayor frecuencia de aparición, mostraron una mayor abundancia y distribución. Covasacris pallidinota, Dichroplus elongatus, D. maculipennis, Borellia bruneri y B. pallida fueron las de mayor distribución, cinco especies tuvieron una distribución intermedia y la mayoría (12) una distribución restringida.

Animales , Biodiversidad , Saltamontes/clasificación , Poaceae , Argentina , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(4): 1579-1587, Dec. 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-646534


Postembryonic development, fecundity and food consumption of Dichroplus exilis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) under controlled conditions. Dichroplus exilis is a widely distributed species in Southern South America. Although there have been reports of D. exilis as an agricultural pest, some recent observations suggest that the damage attributed to D. elongatus may actually have been caused by D. exilis. This study was conducted to determine the postembryonic life cycle stages, fertility and food consumption of this species under controlled conditions (30°C, 14L-10D, 40% RH).Individuals employed belong to the laboratory-hatched first generation (F1), from adults (n=64, ♀=28, ♂=36) collected in natural grasslands near Rafaela, Santa Fe province in North- Eastern Argentina. Three cohorts of 16, 17 and 20 individuals were monitored independently in acetate tubes on a daily basis, until death of the last insect. Average fecundity was 381.84, 38.54 eggs per female. Egg-pod incubation time was 14.4, 1.08 days and six nymphal instars were recorded. Nymphal development time was 41.38, 0.71 days (I=8.73, 0.20; II=6.38, 0.24; III=5.64, 0.33; IV=7.15; 0.43; V=9.76, 0.54; IV=7.85, 0.95). The recorded food consumption was 9.89, 1.08 (mg/ind/day) for nymphs IV, 18.04, 0.73 (mg/ind/day) for nymphs V-IV, 16.76, 1.06 (mg/ind/day) for pre-reproductive males, 28.09, 1.81 (mg/ind/day) for pre-reproductive females, 7.71, 0.91 (mg/ind/day) for reproductive males and 13.06, 0.71 (mg/ind/day) for reproductive females, while the average adult food consumption, regardless of sex and reproductive status, was 16.41, 4.32mg/day. Average food consumption of adult females was 17.47, 1.15mg, and was significantly higher than that of males (10.83, 0.91mg). Data obtained in this study showed that D. exilis exhibits at least some of the biological attributes needed to configure an actual or potential agricultural pest, albeit not yet recognized as such. Field monitoring ...

La Subfamilia Melanoplinae tiene una relevancia central dentro de la acridiofauna Argentina. Varias especies suelen ser numéricamente dominantes en las comunidades de acridios del país y algunas constituyen serias plagas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer el ciclo de vida postembrionario, la fecundidad y supervivencia de las hembras y el consumo de alimento de Dichruplus exilis bajo condiciones controladas (30°C; 40%HR y 14L-10O). Para ello se realizó el seguimiento de tres cohortes de 16, 17 y 20 individuos. El tiempo de incubación fue de 14.4±1.08 días. La duración del desarrollo ninfal fue 41.38; 0.71 días (I 8.73; 0.20, II 6.38; 0.24, III 5.64; 0.33, IV 7.15; 0.43, V 9.76; 0.54; IV 7.85; 0.95); la fecundidad promedio fue de 381.84, 38.54huevos/hembra. El consumo registrado fue de 9.89; 1.08 (mg/ind./día) para las ninfas de IV, 18.04; 0.73 (mg/ind./día) para las de V y IV, mientras que el consumo promedio de los adultos, sin diferenciar sexo y estado reproductivo, fue de 16.41; 4.32mg/día. Estos parámetros, al ser comparados con los de otras especies afines, indican que D. exilis exhibe atributos biológicos que condicen con los de otros melanoplinos considerados plaga.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Saltamontes/crecimiento & desarrollo , Estadios del Ciclo de Vida/fisiología , Animales de Laboratorio , Fertilidad/fisiología , Saltamontes/clasificación , Saltamontes/fisiología
Braz. j. biol ; 68(1): 21-24, Feb. 2008. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-482179


Over the last five years, collection and periodic observation in the Tapacurá Ecological Station, São Lourenço da Mata, Pernambuco, Brazil, have been carried out to produce a systematic ecological inventory of grasshopper distribution within the station based on the classifying criteria for Acridoidea, providing new data on families, subfamilies, tribes, genera and species related to the various types of vegetation and environments the station affords.

Através de procedimento de coletas e observações periódicas, ao longo de cinco anos, na Estação Ecológica do Tapacurá, São Lourenço da Mata, PE, procedeu-se a um inventário sistemático-ecológico da distribuição dos gafanhotos da estação, adotando-se critérios classificatórios de Acridoidea com novos assinalamentos de famílias, subfamílias, tribos, gêneros e espécies, relacionados aos diversos tipos de vegetação e ambientes da estação.

Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Saltamontes/clasificación , Brasil , Dinámica Poblacional
Neotrop. entomol ; 35(5): 632-637, Sept.-Oct. 2006. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-451224


A new species of the genus Ronderosia Cigliano 1997 is described. Color illustrations of the female and male, drawings of female and male external genitalia as well as drawings of its phallic structures and photographs of the chromosomes are included.

Uma nova espécie do gênero Ronderosia Cigliano, 1997 é descrita. Ilustrações em cor de fêmea e macho, desenhos de fêmea e genitália externa do macho, assim como desenhos da estrutura fálica e fotografias de seus cromossomos são incluídos.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Saltamontes/anatomía & histología , Saltamontes/clasificación , Brasil , Saltamontes/genética , Cariotipificación
Rev. bras. entomol ; 50(2): 137-152, abr.-jun. 2006. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-445300


Revisão dos gêneros Sitalces, Eusitalces e Parasitalces (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Abracrini) e descrição de três novos gêneros. Os gêneros sulamericanos de Abracrini Sitalces Stål, 1878, Eusitalces Bruner, 1911, Parasitalces Bruner, 1911, Liebermannacris gen. nov., Robustusacris gen. nov., e Arimacris gen. nov. são revisados, descritos, redescritos e redefinidos. Quatro espécies são novas combinações: Liebermannacris dorsualis (Giglio-Tos, 1898) comb. nov., Liebermannacris punctifrons (Stål,1878) comb. nov., Robustusacris balzapambae (Rehn, 1913) comb. nov., e Arimacris trinitatis (Bruner, 1906) comb. nov., todas removidas de Sitalces Stål, 1878. Nove espécies são novos sinônimos: Sitalces robustus Bruner, 1908 (de S. volxemi Stål, 1878); S. infuscatus Bruner, 1908, S. nudus Bruner, 1908, S. ovatipennis Bruner, 1908, S. madeirensis Rehn, 1916 (de Liebermannacris dorsualis (Giglio-Tos, 1898); S. rubripes Hebard, 1924 (de Robustusacris balzapambae (Rehn, 1913); E. amazonicus Günther, 1940 e S. apolinari Hebard, 1923 (de Eusitalces vittatus Bruner, 1911); E. rubripes Günther, 1940 (de P. vulneratus (Bruner,1919)). Lectótipos e paralectótipos são designados. São fornecidas chaves para identificação, medidas, mapa de distribuição geográfica e ilustrações dos gêneros e espécies.

Revision of the genera Sitalces, Eusitalces and Parasitalces (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Abracrini) and description of three new genera. The South American Abracrini genera Sitalces Stål, 1878, Eusitalces Bruner, 1911, Parasitalces Bruner, 1911, Liebermannacris gen. nov., Robustusacris gen. nov., and Arimacris gen. nov. are reviewed, described, redescribed and redefined. Four species are new combinations: Liebermannacris dorsualis (Giglio-Tos, 1898) comb. nov., Liebermannacris punctifrons (Stål,1878) comb. nov., Arimacris trinitatis (Bruner, 1906) comb. nov., and Robustusacris balzapambae (Rehn, 1913) comb. nov., all removed of Sitalces Stål, 1878. Nine species are new synonymous: Sitalces robustus Bruner, 1908 (of S. volxemi Stål, 1878); S. infuscatus Bruner, 1908; S. nudus Bruner, 1908; S. ovatipennis Bruner, 1908; S. madeirensis Rehn, 1916 (of Liebermannacris dorsualis (Giglio-Tos, 1898); S. rubripes Hebard, 1924 (of Robustusacris balzapambae (Rehn, 1913); E. amazonicus Günther, 1940 and S. apolinari Hebard, 1923 (of Eusitalces vittatus Bruner, 1911); E. rubripes Günther, 1940 (of P. vulneratus (Bruner, 1919)). Lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated. Keys to identification of the genera and species, measurements, map of the geographical distribution and illustrations are added.

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Saltamontes/anatomía & histología , Saltamontes/clasificación , Especificidad de la Especie , Características de la Residencia
J Biosci ; 2003 Dec; 28(6): 743-52
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-111013


The external structure, i.e. number and distribution of sensillae on male and female antennae of 12 species of grasshoppers belonging to Pamphaginae, Catantopinae, Oedipodinae and Gomphocerinae in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia was investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Five major types of antennal sensillae were detected--trichoid, long basiconic, short basiconic, slender and short basiconic, and coeloconic sensillae. Total number of antennal sensillae varied among different sexes, subfamilies, feeding groups, life forms and eco-forms. Males showed significantly more sensillae than females, due to presence of more short basiconic and coeloconic sensillae. Species under Catantopinae showed more long basiconic sensillae than the others. The Oedipodinae had the highest number of slender and short basiconic sensillae and coeloconic sensillae, followed by Catantopinae and Gomphocerinae; while Pamphaginae had the fewest. The total number of sensillae showed the same trend for these two types amongst the subfamilies as well, species which prefer habits on the ground possessed fewer antennal sensillae than species which prefer to stay on plants. The maximal number of antennal sensillae were observed in hygrophytous species, Chorthippus albomarginatus, in the 12 grasshopper species investigated, although the data is not statistically significant. The general trend which emerged was that species feeding on grass possessed more antennal sensillae, particularly coeloconic sensillae, compared to other feeding group species.

Animales , Conducta Alimentaria , Saltamontes/clasificación , Órganos de los Sentidos/fisiología , Especificidad de la Especie