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Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507786


Introduction: The class Ascidiacea has about 3 000 species, which fulfill various roles in the ecosystem, for example, they filter high amounts of particles, and are shelter and food for other animals. Furthermore, the group has a high number of invasive species reported. In Costa Rica, ascidians have been barely studied. Objective: In this study, we aim to describe the diversity of ascidians in Costa Rica from new samplings in Área de Conservación Guanacaste, North Pacific, and by compiling previous reports for the entire country in order to improve the group's state of knowledge. Methods: Samples were collected during two field trips between 2018 and 2019, at six sites within the Gulf of Santa Elena and three sites near the Murcielago Islands area. The specimens were dissected and analyzed in detail to determine the species. All the identifications were compared with the available information from literature and from museum collections. Literature, collections databases of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution and the new material collected were used to create an updated taxonomic list. Results: A total of eight species were obtained from 70 specimens. Of these, five are new reports for the country, which increase to 22 species the total number reported for Costa Rica. The most common species was Rhopalaea birkelandi, whose presence was higher in Santa Elena Bay. Conclusions: This study improved the knowledge of ascidian diversity in Costa Rica. Polyandrocarpa anguinea, reported for the first time, is considered invasive in other areas, which suggests the necessity of a continuous monitoring of its population. It is necessary to include more areas of the country since almost all the reported species come from the North Pacific; the diversity of ascidians from other parts of the country, especially the Caribbean, is still unknown.

Introducción: La clase Ascidiacea tiene alrededor de 3 000 especies, las cuales llevan a cabo varias funciones en el ecosistema, por ejemplo: filtrar altas cantidades de partículas y servir de refugio y alimento para otros animales. Asimismo, para el grupo se han reportado un gran número de especies invasoras. En Costa Rica las ascidias han sido poco estudiadas. Objetivo: En el presente estudio buscamos describir la diversidad de ascidias en Costa Rica a partir de nuevos muestreos en el Área de Conservación Guanacaste, Pacífico Norte y mediante la recolección de reportes previos para el país para así aumentar el conocimiento del grupo. Métodos: Las muestras fueron colectadas en dos giras entre el 2018 y 2019, en seis sitios en el Golfo de Santa Elena y tres sitios cerca de las Islas Murciélago. Los especímenes fueron disectados y analizados en detalle para su identificación. Todas las identificaciones fueron comparadas con la información encontrada en la literatura y en colecciones de museos. Literatura, bases de datos de la colección del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de la Institución Smithsonian y el nuevo material colectado, fueron utilizados para crear un listado taxonómico actualizado. Resultados: Se obtuvo un total de ocho especies del muestreo. De estas, cinco son nuevos reportes, incrementando el total de especies reportadas en Costa Rica a 22. La especie más común fue Rhopalaea birkelandi, cuya presencia fue mayor en Bahía Santa Elena. Conclusiones: Este estudio mejoró el conocimiento sobre la diversidad de ascidias en Costa Rica. Polyandrocarpa anguinea, reportada por primera vez, es considerada una especie invasora en otras áreas, lo que sugiere la necesidad de monitorear su población de forma continua. Es necesario incluir más áreas del país en futuros estudios puesto que casi todas las especies reportadas provienen del Pacífico Norte; la diversidad de otras partes del país, especialmente el Caribe permanece desconocida.

Animales , Urocordados/clasificación , Costa Rica , Biodiversidad
Braz. j. biol ; 74(4): 923-932, 11/2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-732311


Didemnum granulatum is a colonial fouling ascidian that lives in subtidal substrates, worldwide. It exhibits two morphotypes, orange and beige. In this study, we verified if the color morphotypes and/or the spatial distribution of specimens in different islands might be associated to patterns of genetic structure of a single species, or if they represent distinct cryptic species. Specimens were collected in four islands, along the coast of the Santa Catarina state. A segment of 490 bp from the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) was amplified from 45 samples. Twenty-one haplotypes were identified. The total haplotype diversity (0.912) and the total nucleotide diversity (0.044) were high. The global Fst of the populations analyzed was 0.97, with most of the variation occurring between orange and beige groups (82.19%). The variation found between populations within groups was 15.37%, and 2.45% within populations. Haplotype networks and the neighbor-joining tree showed clear genetic divergence between individuals of distinct colors, and between the islands. These evidences strongly support the presence of a complex of two cryptic species for D. granulatum occupying the studied area. Both species were also highly genetically structured between islands, suggesting that the conservation process of these populations is complex.

Didemnum granulatum é uma ascídia colonial incrustante de substratos consolidados infralitorâneos, e de ampla distribuição mundial. Variação na pigmentação é comum em invertebrados marinhos, e morfotipos de D. granulatum das cores laranja e bege foram detectados na região. Neste estudo, nós verificamos se os morfotipos de cor e/ou a distribuição espacial dos espécimens nas diferentes ilhas podem estar associados aos padrões de estruturação genética de uma única espécie, ou se eles representam espécies crípticas distintas. Os espécimens foram coletados em quatro ilhas ao longo da costa do estado de Santa Catarina. Um total de 45 amostras tiveram amplificados um segmento de 490pb do gene mitocondrial citocromo oxidase subunidade I (COI). Vinte e um haplótipos foram identificados. A diversidade haplotípica total (0.912) e a diversidade nucleotídica total (0.044) foram altas. O Fst global das populações analisadas foi 0.97, e a maior parte da variação ocorreu entre os grupos laranja e bege (82.19%). A variação encontrada entre as populações dentro dos grupos foi 15.37%, e 2.45% dentro das populações. A rede de haplótipos e a árvore de Neighbor-joining mostraram nítidas divergências genéticas entre os indivíduos de cores distintas, e entre as ilhas. Tais evidências sugerem a presença de um complexo de duas espécies crípticas de D. granulatum na região. Ambas as espécies foram fortemente estruturadas geneticamente entre as ilhas, o que reforça a necessidade de que tais atributos sejam considerados em medidas de conservação e proteção do ambiente marinho, mais especificamente nestas ilhas.

Animales , Complejo IV de Transporte de Electrones/genética , Variación Genética , Genes Mitocondriales/genética , Urocordados/genética , Brasil , Geografía , Haplotipos , Filogenia , Urocordados/anatomía & histología , Urocordados/clasificación
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(supl.1): 149-159, feb. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-753729


Gorgona National Park protects fertile waters that support large vertebrates, including green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas), and for them, gelatinous zooplankton constitute a food resource that can be found year-round in Gorgona Island´s coastal waters. This study was carried out to determine the abundance of salps and doliolids around Gorgona Island over a year, and to determine whether this is a resource that could be used reliably year-round by green turtles and other large plankton-feeding predators. The monthly abundance of salps and doliolids at eight coastal stations around Gorgona Island (Colombian Pacific) was determined between September 2005 and August 2006. Oblique tows were carried out from 50m to the surface, total zooplankton biomass was measured and the number of salps and doliolids per tow, and frequency of occurrence per station and month were determined. Superficial and bottom sea temperature, superficial and bottom salinity, and chlorophyll-a concentration were recorded at each station. There were tunicate abundance peaks in September 2005 and March 2006. The high abundances in March were probably due to a cold water intrusion into the study area, which resulted in colder saltier water and a shallower thermocline. Tunicates were probably advected to the area by currents from the southwest and aggregated due to the underwater topography. In September, the influence of continental river discharge as well as inputs from rainfall over the island could have provided increased nutrients and resulted in higher abundances. The large filter-feeding vertebrates that feed on tunicates include green sea turtle juveniles, which use coastal waters of Gorgona Island as feeding grounds, as part of their migration route in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. These turtles could be using tunicates opportunistically, as a sporadic resource that is available at certain times of the year. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 1): 149-159. Epub 2014 February 01.

Se determinó la abundancia de salpas y doliólidos en ocho estaciones costeras alrededor de Isla Gorgona (Pacífico colombiano), entre septiembre 2005 y agosto 2006. Se hicieron arrastres oblicuos desde 50m hasta la superficie; se midió la biomasa zooplanctónica total, el número de salpas y doliólidos por arrastres, y la frecuencia de ocurrencia por estación y por mes. Se registró la temperatura superficial y de fondo, la salinidad superficial y de fondo, así como la concentración de clorofila a en cada estación. Se observaron picos de abundancia de tunicados en septiembre 2005 y marzo 2006. Las altas abundancias en marzo fueron probablemente debidas a una intrusión de agua fría a la zona de estudio, la cual resultó en aguas más frías y saladas, y en una termoclina más somera. Los tunicados fueron probablemente advectados hacia el área por corrientes provenientes del suroeste, y la topografía subacuática causó una agregación de estos organismos. En septiembre, la influencia de las descargas de los ríos continentales, así como aportes por la precipitación sobre la isla pudieron haber provisto mayor cantidad de nutrientes y resultado en mayores abundancias. Los grandes vertebrados marinos filtradores que se alimentan de tunicados incluyen tortugas verdes juveniles, las cuales usan las aguas de Isla Gorgona como zona de forrajeo, como parte de su ruta de migración en el Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Estas tortugas podrían estar utilizando los tunicados oportunistamente, como un recurso esporádico que está disponible en ciertas épocas del año.

Urocordados/anatomía & histología , Niveles Tróficos/análisis , Urocordados/clasificación , Colombia
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 8(3): 99-0, jul.-set. 2008. ilus, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-500505


Thalia cicar van Soest 1973 (Urochordata, Thaliacea) is considered a tropical-subtropical species, registered in the Atlantic Ocean at latitudes between 7-34º S and 6-32º N. This work enlarges the occurrence of this species for Equatorial Atlantic waters. The specimens were found in a shelf break area of the Brazilian northeastern (07º 50'-07º 70' S and 34º 23' W) during the expedition JOPS-II (Joint Oceanographic Projects II) in March 1995; and, in São Pedro e São Paulo arquipelago (0º 55' N and 29º 20' W) in May and June, 2005. These two areas are characterized by the presence of local upwelling that induces the ascent of bottom waters rich in nutrients, generating areas of larger productivity than the typically oligotrophic Equatorial Atlantic waters. The new occurrence of Thalia cicar reported in this work can be related to these more productive waters of Equatorial Atlantic. The species that is most commonly found in the Atlantic Ocean is T. democratica, and the lack of past records of T. cicar might have been caused by the taxonomic difficulties determining of the solitary and aggregate zooids of these two species. This work suggests the potential use of the ratios among tunic lengths as an additional character to differentiate T. cicar and T. democratica oozooids.

Thalia cicar van Soest 1973 (Urochordata, Thaliacea) é considerada uma espécie tropical-subtropical, registrada no oceano Atlântico desde 7 a 34º S e 6 a 32ºN. Este trabalho amplia a ocorrência desta espécie para águas do Atlântico equatorial. Os espécimes foram encontrados na plataforma continental do Nordeste brasileiro (07º 50'-07º 70' S e 34º 23' W) durante a expedição JOPS-II (Joint Oceanographic Projects II) em março de 1995 e no arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo (0º 55' N e 29º 20' W) em maio e junho de 2005. Essas duas áreas se caracterizam pela presença de ressurgências locais que induzem a ascensão de nutrientes, gerando locais de alta produtividade, nas águas tipicamente oligotróficas do Atlântico equatorial. O registro de Thalia cicar nesses dois locais pode estar relacionado com essas águas de maior produtividade no Nordeste brasileiro. A espécie de Thalia comumente encontrada no oceano Atlântico é T. democratica e a ausência de registros passados de T. cicar pode decorrer das dificuldades taxonômicas em diferenciar os zoóides solitários e agregados dessas duas espécies. Este trabalho sugere a utilização da proporção entre os comprimentos das projeções da túnica como um caráter adicional para diferenciar os oozoóides destas duas espécies.

Clasificación , Fauna Marina/análisis , Fauna Marina/clasificación , Ecosistema/análisis , Ecosistema/clasificación , Urocordados/clasificación , Urocordados/crecimiento & desarrollo
J Environ Biol ; 2008 Jul; 29(4): 585-90
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-113392


Impingement of a large amount of gelatinous plankton, Salpa fusiformis on the seawater intake system-screens in a nuclear power plant at Uljin was firstly recorded on 18th June 2003. Whole amount of the clogged animals was estimated were presumptively at 295 tons and the shortage of cooling seawater supply by the animal clogging caused 38% of decrease in generation capability of the power plant. Zooplankton collection with a multiple towing net during the day and at night from 5 to 6 June 2003 included various gelatinous zooplanktons known to be warm water species such as salps and siphonophores. Comparatively larger species, Salpa fusiformis occupied 25.4% in individual density among the gelatinous plankton and showed surface distribution in the depth shallower than thermocline, performing little diel vertical migration. Temperature, salinity and satellite data also showed warm surface current predominated over the southern coastal region near the power plant in June. The results suggested that warm surface current occasionally extended into the neritic region may transfer S. fusiformis, to the waters off the power plant. The environmental factors and their relation to ecobiology of the large quantity of salpa population that are being sucked into the intake channel of the power plant are discussed.

Animales , Biodiversidad , Frío , Ecosistema , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Geografía , Corea (Geográfico) , Plantas de Energía Nuclear/instrumentación , Densidad de Población , Salinidad , Comunicaciones por Satélite , Temperatura , Urocordados/clasificación , Movimientos del Agua , Zooplancton/clasificación
Rev. biol. trop ; 55(2): 499-507, jun. 2007. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-637598


Diet of the ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata (Ascidiacea: Perophoridae) in two mangrove areas of Cuba. Stomach contents of 88 zooids of Ecteinascidia turbinata Herdman 1880 and the qualitative and quantitative composition of phytoplankton in the water column were studied in Santa Fe (North Coast of Havana) and Punta del Este (SW of Cuba). We identified 59 microalgal species and four tintinnids in the stomachs. Cell size was 75-165 µm in length and 2-105 µm in width. There were not significant differences in microalgal diversity in the water column in the two locations. In both locations, the diatoms had the largest number of species and individuals in stomachs and water. In Santa Fe, dinoflagellate biomass was larger in water and stomach contents, while in Punta del Este the contribution of each group to the stomach content was similar to that of the water column. This species filters in a constant and irregular way during the day, independently of food availability. Rev. Biol. Trop. 55 (2): 499-507. Epub 2007 June, 29.

Se estudiaron los contenidos estomacales de 88 zooides de Ecteinascidia turbinata Herdman 1880 y la composición cualitativa y cuantitativa del fitoplancton en la columna de agua en Santa Fe (Litoral Norte de la Habana) y Punta del Este (SW de Cuba). En el contenido estomacal de la ascidia se identificaron 59 especies de microalgas y cuatro tintínidos. El tamaño de las células varió entre 75 y 165 µm de largo y de 2 a 105 µm de ancho. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la diversidad de especies de microalgas en la columna de agua de las dos localidades. Las diatomeas tuvieron la mayor cantidad de especies y el mayor número de individuos, tanto en los estómagos como en la columna de agua en ambas localidades. La biomasa de dinoflagelados en Santa Fe fue mayor en agua y estómagos. En Punta del Este el aporte de cada grupo al contenido estomacal es similar al encontrado en la columna de agua. Esta especie filtra de forma constante e irregular durante las 24 horas del día, independientemente de la disponibilidad de alimento.

Animales , Preferencias Alimentarias/fisiología , Contenido Digestivo , Urocordados/fisiología , Cuba , Rhizophoraceae , Urocordados/clasificación
Rev. biol. trop ; 55(1): 247-254, Mar. 2007. graf, mapas
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-501478


Permanently submerged mangrove roots (Rhizophora mangle) are the main habitat of the ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata in Cuba. It was occasionally found on black coral (Antiphates caribeana) between 22 and 38 meters deep. This species exhibits a wide distribution in all the mangrove keys surrounding the Island of Cuba but does not occur in riparian or fringing mangroves. Populations of this species are abundant in Cuba: in 75% of the 58 localities sampled the species was present and in 57% more than 50% of the roots held at least one colony. The highest colony densities were found in the northern coast of Pinar del Rio province with values near one colony per lineal meter of mangrove root. We found the highest density (1.46 col/m) and greatest biomass at Jutías Key, with values between 25 and 660 g/m. The average of wet biomass in the studied mangroves was 73.63 g/m.

Animales , Ecosistema , Raíces de Plantas , Rhizophoraceae , Urocordados/fisiología , Biomasa , Cuba , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Urocordados/clasificación