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Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 35(4): 599-609, oct.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-985793


RESUMEN Objetivos. Estimar la carga de enfermedad asociada al consumo de tabaco en Paraguay y evaluar el potencial efecto económico y sanitario del aumento de precio mediante impuestos. Materiales y métodos. Se diseñó un modelo de microsimulación de Monte Carlo que incorporó la historia natural, costos y calidad de vida de enfermedades asociadas al tabaquismo para el 2015. Asimismo, se estimó el impacto en varios escenarios de aumento de impuestos sobre la prevalencia de tabaquismo y la recaudación fiscal. Resultados. 3354 personas mueren al año en Paraguay por consecuencia del tabaquismo. El 19 % de las muertes son por enfermedad isquémica cardíaca, el 15 % por accidentes cerebrovasculares. El 77 % de las muertes por enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica y el 83 % de cáncer de pulmón son atribuibles al tabaquismo. Estas enfermedades en Paraguay representan un costo médico directo anual de más de 1,5 x 106 millones de guaraníes, mientras la recaudación impositiva por la venta de cigarrillos apenas llega a cubrir un 20 % de este gasto. Un aumento en el precio de los cigarrillos del 50 % vía impuestos, podría llevar a evitar 2507 muertes en diez años y generar recursos por 2,4 x 106 millones por ahorro en gastos sanitarios y aumento de recaudación. Conclusiones. El costo y la carga de enfermedad asociado al consumo de tabaco en el sistema de salud es elevado en Paraguay. Un aumento del precio de los cigarrillos a través de los impuestos tendría importantes beneficios sanitarios y podría compensar parcialmente los costos sanitarios.

ABSTRACT Objectives . To consider the burden of disease associated to tobacco consumption in Paraguay and to evaluate the potential economic and health effect of price increase through taxes. Materials and Methods . A Monte Carlo simulation model was designed incorporating natural history, costs, and quality of life of diseases associated to smoking for 2015. Also, several scenarios were considered for the impact of tax raises on the prevalence of smoking and fiscal collection. Results . In Paraguay, 3,354 people die every year as a consequence of smoking. Nineteen percent of deaths are due to cardiac ischemia, 15% due to stroke. 77% of deaths due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and 83% of lung cancer can be attributed to smoking. These diseases in Paraguay represent an annual direct medical cost of more than 1.5 trillion PYG, while the tax collection from cigarette sales barely covers 20% of this expense. A 50% increase in the price of cigarettes via taxes could avoid 2507 deaths in ten years and generate resources by 2.4 trillion in savings in health expenses and tax of collection. Conclusions . The cost and the burden of disease associated to tobacco consumption is high in the health system in Paraguay. An increase in cigarette price through taxes could have significant health benefits and could offset health costs in part.

Adulto , Anciano , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Impuestos , Costo de Enfermedad , Comercio , Uso de Tabaco/economía , Uso de Tabaco/efectos adversos , Paraguay , Uso de Tabaco/prevención & control
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 44(4)oct.-dic. 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1042994


Introducción: Estudios de consumo anual, con información de ventas de cigarrillos, permiten monitorear el Programa de Prevención y Control del Tabaquismo de manera costo- efectiva y valorar los resultados alcanzados. Objetivos: Determinar consumo percápita de cigarrillos, estimar precio promedio de la cajetilla de cigarrillos y establecer la elasticidad de la demanda en 2017. Caracterizar la segmentación del mercado según formas de comercialización y describir aspectos económicos y sociales asociados al consumo en ese periodo. Métodos: Estudio convencional, observacional descriptivo, transversal. Resultados: El consumo percápita en la población cubana de 15 años y más fue 1 612 cigarrillos, decreció 2,01 por ciento respecto a 2016. El precio promedio estimado de la cajetilla fue $ 9,90 (moneda nacional), con incremento de 2,06 por ciento y aumento de ventas en pesos cubanos convertibles. Se presenta elasticidad de la demanda de -1,31. Se estima reducción de prevalencia de fumadores en 0,46 por ciento. De 100 cigarrillos vendidos, 26 fueron adquiridos en moneda nacional y 74 en libremente convertible. La marca Criollo se mantiene como líder. Conclusiones: La disminución del consumo percápita de cigarrillos en la población cubana en el 2017 pudiera constituir inicio de tendencia decreciente. El incremento discreto del precio promedio de la cajetilla de cigarrillos resultó suficiente para reducir el consumo. El mercado mantiene preferencia por la marca "Criollo" y a la adquisición de cigarrillos a menor precio. Factores sociales y económicos en el periodo apuntan a ser causa de mayor sensibilidad al precio de los cigarrillos y la reducción de la demanda(AU)

Introduction: Studies of annual consumption including cigarette sales information allow monitoring the Program of Prevention and Control of Smoking in a cost-effective manner and assessing the results achieved. Objectives: To determine the per capita consumption of cigarettes, to estimate the average price of the cigarette package and to establish the elasticity of demand in 2017. To characterize the segmentation of the market according to marketing methods and to describe economic and social aspects associated with consumption in that period. Methods: Conventional, observational, descriptive and transversal study. Results: The per capita consumption in the Cuban population aging 15 years and older was 1 612 cigarettes. It decreased 2.01 percent with respect to 2016. The estimated average price of the pack was $ 9.90 (national currency), a 2.06 percent increase, and increase in sales in Cuban convertible pesos. Elasticity of the demand of -1.31 is exhibited. A 0.46 percent reduction in the prevalence of smokers is estimated. Out of 100 cigarettes sold, 26 were purchased in national currency and 74 in freely convertible. Criollo remains as leader brand. Conclusions: The decrease in per capita cigarette consumption in the Cuban population in 2017 could constitute the beginning of a decreasing trend. The discreet increase in the average price of the pack of cigarettes was enough to reduce consumption. Criollo is still the large selling brand and the community still preferred purchasing cigarettes at a lower price. The price of cigarettes and the reduction in demand point to cause greater sensitivity with regard to the social and economic factors of this period(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Tabaquismo/prevención & control , Análisis de Costo-Efectividad , Uso de Tabaco/economía , Prevención del Hábito de Fumar , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales , Cuba , Comercialización de Productos Derivados del Tabaco , Estudio Observacional
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 40(4): 222-228, Oct. 2016. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-830728


RESUMEN Objetivo Estimar la elasticidad precio de la demanda de cigarrillos y alcohol en Ecuador mediante la utilización de datos de corte transversal de la Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de Hogares Urbanos y Rurales (ENIGHUR) 2011-2012. Métodos Se utilizaron datos de la ENIGHUR 2011-2012. Se aplicó la metodología desarrollada por Deaton (1, 2) para estimar la elasticidad precio de la demanda de cigarrillos y alcohol con información sobre gasto y cantidades. Además, se incluyeron variables socioeconómicas de los hogares. Resultados La elasticidad precio de la demanda de cigarrillos es de 0,87. Esto significa que, si los precios se incrementaran 10%, el consumo podría disminuir 8,7%. Los resultados de elasticidades precio cruzadas del alcohol sobre la demanda de cigarrillos muestran el signo esperado, es decir negativo, lo que indicaría que son bienes complementarios; sin embargo, no son significativos desde el punto de vista estadístico. Además, se halló que la elasticidad precio de la demanda de alcohol es –0,44, por lo que un incremento de 10% en el precio del alcohol generaría una reducción en su consumo de 4,4%. Conclusiones Una política de incremento de precios, por ejemplo, con un alza de impuestos aplicada tanto a los cigarrillos como al alcohol, podría tener un efecto positivo sobre la salud pública mediante la disminución del consumo de ambos bienes. Sin embargo, esta medida no sería suficiente para reducir las brechas en las medidas de prevalencia y resultados de salud entre género y otros grupos poblacionales, dada la diferencia observada en la sensibilidad del consumo a variaciones del precio.

ABSTRACT Objective Estimate price elasticity of demand for cigarettes and alcohol in Ecuador using cross-sectional data from the National Survey of Urban and Rural Household Income and Expenditures (ENIGHUR is the acronym in Spanish) 2011-2012. Methods ENIGHUR 2011-2012 data were used with Deaton’s (1, 2) methodology to estimate price elasticity of demand for cigarettes and alcohol with expenditure and quantity information. Household socioeconomic variables were also included. Results Price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is –0.87, meaning that a 10% price increase could lead to an 8.7% decrease in consumption. Results for cross-price elasticities of alcohol on cigarette demand are negative, as expected, indicating that they are complementary goods; however, the results are not statistically significant. Furthermore, it was found that price elasticity of demand for alcohol is –0.44, meaning that a 10% increase in the price of alcohol would produce a 4.4% decrease in consumption. Conclusions A policy of price increases, for example, with a tax increase, applied to both cigarettes and alcohol, could have a positive effect on public health through reductions in consumption of both goods. However, this measure would not be sufficient to bridge gaps in prevalence measures and health outcomes between sex and other population groups, given the observed difference in the sensitivity of consumption to price variations.

Fumar , Industria del Tabaco/economía , Uso de Tabaco/economía
Indian J Cancer ; 2014 Dec; 51(5_Suppl): s83-s87
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-154361


CONTEXT: In India, 14% of the population use smoked tobacco products. Increasing prices of these products is one of the measures to curb their consumption. AIMS: This study analyzes “unit price” and “daily consumption” of cigarettes and bidis and investigates their relation with each other. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: A cross‑sectional survey was conducted in four states of India (Bihar, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra) as a part of the International Tobacco Control Policy (TCP) Evaluation Project (the TCP India Project) during 2010–2011. METHODS: Information was collected from adult (aged ≥15) daily exclusive smokers of cigarette/bidi regarding (a) last purchase (purchase in pack/loose, brand and price) and (b) daily consumption. Average unit price and daily consumption was calculated for different brands and states. Regression model was used to assess the impact of price on daily consumption. RESULTS: Bidis were much less expensive (₹0.39) than cigarettes (₹3.1). The daily consumption was higher (14) among bidi smokers than cigarette smokers (8). The prices and daily consumption of bidis (₹0.33–0.43; 12–15) and cigarettes (₹2.9–3.6; 5–9) varied across the four states. The unit prices of bidis and cigarettes did not influence their daily consumption. Smokers purchasing bidis in packs paid substantially less per unit and purchase of bidis and cigarettes in packs influenced their consumption positively. CONCLUSIONS: Cigarettes although more expensive than bidis, seem very cheap if compared internationally. Hence, prices of both cigarettes and bidis do not influence their consumption.

Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Recolección de Datos/métodos , Humanos , India , Fumar/economía , Fumar/prevención & control , Fumar/tendencias , Productos de Tabaco/economía , Productos de Tabaco/estadística & datos numéricos , Uso de Tabaco/economía , Uso de Tabaco/tendencias
Indian J Cancer ; 2014 Dec; 51(5_Suppl): s60-s66
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-154355


BACKGROUND: Cigarettes and other tobacco products act 2003 (COTPA) is the principal law governing tobacco control in India. Government of Maharashtra in one of its landmark decisions also banned manufacturing, sale and distribution of gutka and pan masala since July 2012. The desired impact and level of enforcement of the COTPA legislation and the gutka and pan masala ban in Maharashtra State, however, needs assessment. Among the many provisions within COTPA, the present study seeks to assess compliance to implementation and enforcement of Section 5 and 6 of COTPA including compliance to gutka and pan masala ban in Mumbai, India. METHODOLOGY: Six educational institutes (EI) within the Mumbai metropolitan region were selected in a two stage random sampling process. Area around each EI was manually mapped and all the tobacco products selling outlets with in the 100 yards distance were listed by trained Field Social Investigators and were observed to determine compliance for Section 5 and Section 6 of the COTPA legislation and for gutka and pan masala ban. The vendors/shop owners manning these outlets were also interviewed for their personal sociodemographic details, self‑tobacco use, awareness and perception about ill‑effects of tobacco and existing tobacco control legislation in the country. RESULTS: A total of 222 tobacco retail outlets were listed within 100 yards of the EI in violation to the provisions of Section 6 of COTPA, of which 72 (32.4%) were selling tobacco products on mobile structures. About 53.2% of the tobacco vendors were also users of some form of tobacco. Whereas, nearly 217 (97.7%) vendors were aware about the gutka and pan masala ban in the State, only 48.2% were aware about the existence of COTPA legislation. None of the EI had a display board prohibiting the sale of tobacco products within a radius of 100 yards of their EI. Only 56.3% tobacco outlets had complied with the mandatory warning display boards indicating tobacco products will not be sold to people below 18 years of age. With regards to point of sale advertisement only 25.2% compliance was noted for display of health warning boards at the point of sale. Nearly 48.6% tobacco outlets exhibited >2 display boards and another 43.2% exhibited hoardings with brand pack photo, brand name in violation to the provision under Section 5. Violation by visible stacking and open display of tobacco products for sale was observed at 51.3% of tobacco outlets. While 41% of tobacco outlets were found displaying gutka and pan masala packets in violation to the ban. CONCLUSIONS: Enacting of the law without robust measures for enforcement has led to widespread noncompliance to the provisions with in the tobacco control legislation in the metropolitan city of Mumbai. Strong and sustainable measures needs to be incorporated both by civic administration and public health departments for its forceful implementation.

Adulto , Areca , Humanos , India , Fumar/economía , Fumar/legislación & jurisprudencia , SMOKING ---PREVENTION & , Tabaco sin Humo/economía , Tabaco sin Humo/provisión & distribución , Productos de Tabaco/economía , Productos de Tabaco/provisión & distribución , Uso de Tabaco/economía , Uso de Tabaco/legislación & jurisprudencia , Uso de Tabaco/prevención & control
Indian J Cancer ; 2014 Dec; 51(5_Suppl): s8-s12
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-154341


BACKGROUND: The role of fiscal policy, especially taxation, though has been proved to be an effective instrument of tobacco control, its application is limited in India due to several reasons. This paper examines the tax structure, price and affordability of SLT products in order to provide evidence on how to strengthen the role of fiscal policy in tobacco control. METHOD: Secondary data on tax structure and revenue from tobacco products were collected from the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. In order to measure the rise of prices corresponding to the increase in tax rate, the retail price index (RPI) and Whole Price Index (WPI) of SLT products were compared with the price index for all commodities for the period 2006–2012. The affordability of tobacco products is calculated by dividing prices of tobacco products by per capita income. RESULTS: During the last 6 years, the tax rate on SLT has gone up leading to a rise in the prices of SLT products more than the general price rise. However, the price rise is less than the per capita income growth indicating increasing affordability. The study observed a decline in the consumption of zarda and kahini due to the price increase during 2008–2013. However, the decline in the consumption of zarda is less compared with khaini due to a very low rise in its price. CONCLUSION: The prices should be raised more than the growth in income to influence consumption. Tax administration is a major challenge for SLT products and strengthening it could enhance revenue collection from SLT products.

India , Impuestos/legislación & jurisprudencia , Tabaco sin Humo/economía , Tabaco sin Humo/estadística & datos numéricos , Uso de Tabaco/economía