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IJEM-Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2010; 12 (3): 231-236
de Persan, Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-98614


Alghough some studies report an association between ferritin and glycemic status, data from Iran is limited. This study was designed to assess the relation between serum ferritin and glycemic status in type 2 diabetic and healthy individuals, aged 45-60 years, in Tehran. This cross-sectional study was performed on 54 type 2 diabetic patients and 53 healthy subjects, aged 45-60 years. The diabetic patients were members of the diabetes society in Tehran and healthy subjects were employees of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Serum ferritin, fasting blood glucose [FBS], HbA1C, serum insulin and insulin resistance were analyzed in all participants. Statistical analyses were done using regression and independent sample t-test. Serum ferritin levels were within normal range in both groups. Positive correlations between ferritin and FBS, HbA1C, insulin and insulin resistance were found, which were significant in diabetic patients and non-significant in healthy subjects. There was significant correlation between insulin resistance and serum ferritin in diabetic patients; however the correlation was non-significant in healthy subjects. There were positive correlations between ferritin with serum insulin and insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes and the positive correlation was present even in normal ranges of serum ferritin. Since ferritin has a wide normal range, it may be better to reassess it, especially in patients with type 2 diabetes

Humains , Glycémie , Diabète de type 2 , Insuline , Insulinorésistance , Études transversales , Hémoglobine glyquée