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Health sci. dis ; 25(2 suppl 1): 48-52, 2024. tables, figures
Article Dans Français | AIM | ID: biblio-1526746


Introduction. La tuberculose est dite multifocale (TMF) lorsqu ́il y a l ́atteinte d ́au moins deux sites extra pulmonaires non contigus associée ou non à une atteinte pulmonaire. Cette étude avait pour but d'étudier les aspects épidémiologiques, diagnostics et évolutifs de la TMF au service de pneumo-phtisiologie du CHU-RN de N'Djamena. Matériels et méthode. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective à visée descriptive de 5 ans allant de janvier 2018 à décembre 2022. Les variables étudiées étaient, épidémiologiques, cliniques et évolutives. Résultats. Au total, 185 patients étaient inclus sur 2001 cas de tuberculose, soit une fréquence de 9,24%. L'âge moyen était de 34,1 ans avec des extrêmes de 16 ans et 75 ans. Le sex-ratio était de 1,28. Les patients sans-emploi étaient majoritaire soit 47% des cas. La notion de contage tuberculeux représentait 13,5% des cas, et 66,5% des patients étaient vaccinés au BCG avec une séroprévalence VIH de 54,6%. Tous les signes habituels de la tuberculose étaient présents. La localisation pulmonaire était la plus représentée (66,2%) suivie de la localisation ganglionnaire (48,6%). Dans 80% des cas, la localisationétait bifocale. La mortalité était de 21,6% pour un séjour moyen d'hospitalisation de 20,26 jours. Conclusion. La tuberculose multifocale est une forme rare et grave, qui survient généralement chez les patients infectés par le VIH, mais le sujet immunocompétent peut être aussi touché. Un traitement antituberculeux doit être instauré le plus rapidement possible afind'éviter les complications

Introduction. Tuberculosisis called multifocal (TMF) when there is involvement of at least two non-contiguous extrapulmonary sites, whether or notassociated with pulmonary involvement. This study aimed to study the epidemiological, diagnostic and evolutionary aspects of FMT in the pneumo-phthisiology department of the CHU-RN of N'Djamena. Materials and method. This was a 5-year retrospective study with a descriptive aim from January 2018 to December 2022. The variables studied were epidemiological, clinical and progressive. Results. In total, 185 patients were included out of 2001 cases of tuberculosis, i.e. a frequency of 9.24%. The average age was 34.1 years with extremes of 16 and 75 years. The sex ratio was 1.28. Unemployed patients were the majority, i.e. 47% of cases. The notion of tuberculosis contagion represented 13.5% of cases, and 66.5% of patients were vaccinated with BCG with an HIV seroprevalence of 54.6%. All the usual signs of tuberculosis were present. The pulmonary location was the most represented (66.2%) followed by the lymph node location (48.6%). In 80% of cases, bifocal localization. Mortality was 21.6% for an average hospital stay of 20.26 days. Conclusion.Multifocal tuberculosis is a rare and serious form, which generally occurs in patients infected with HIV, but immunocompetent subjects can also be affected. Anti-tuberculosis treatment must be started as quickly as possible to avoid complications.

Tuberculose , Évolution de la maladie , Tuberculose extrapulmonaire , Épidémiologie , Diagnostic
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 118(3): e317-e323, jun. 2020. tab
Article Dans Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1117350


Stenotrophomonas maltophilia es un microorganismo gramnegativo, multirresistente. La información sobre la bacteriemia por S. maltophilia en niños es limitada. Se revisaron los datos de 10 años de un hospital de niños de alta complejidad. Se incluyó a niños de 0 a 18 años con hemocultivos o cultivos del catéter positivos. Se identificaron 20 cepas de S. maltophilia en 12 niños con infección confirmada, cuya mediana de edad fue 28 meses (intervalo: 3,1-187,3). El índice de antibioticoterapia previa fue 83 %, con una mediana de tres antibióticos (intervalo: 0­7) en los 30 días previos a la bacteriemia por S. maltophilia. La infección relacionada con el catéter fue la principal fuente de infección (8/12). La mortalidad fue de 4/12; y en dos casos, estuvo asociada con neumonía. S. maltophilia puede considerarse un agente muy invasivo productor de bacteriemia en niños con enfermedad preexistente expuestos a antibióticos durante una hospitalización prolongada.

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is a multidrug-resistant, Gram-negative, and biofilm-forming pathogen. Information is limited concerning S. maltophilia bacteremia in children. Clinical data and microbiological test results collected in a tertiary children's hospital over a ten-year period were reviewed. Children 0­18 years old who had positive clinical specimen, blood and/or catheter cultures were included. We identified 20 S. maltophiliaisolates from 12 pediatric patients with confirmed infections. The median age was 28 months (range: 3.1-187.3). The rate of previous use of antimicrobial therapy was 83 %. The median antibiotic number was 3 (range: 0­7) within 30 days prior to onset of S. maltophilia bacteremia. Catheter related infection was the main infectious source (66.6 %). The mortality rate was 33.3 %. The death of two non-survivors was associated with pneumonia. S. maltophilia should be considered a breakthrough agent for bacteremia in children with underlying disease exposed to broad-spectrum antibiotics during long-term hospitalization

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Nouveau-né , Nourrisson , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Adolescent , Bactériémie , Stenotrophomonas maltophilia , Turquie , Études rétrospectives , Cathéters , Infections , Antibactériens/usage thérapeutique
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 115(2): e92-e95, abr. 2017. ilus, tab
Article Dans Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-838345


La gangrena gaseosa, o mionecrosis clostridial, es una de las enfermedades infecciosas más graves, y se caracteriza por la rápida y progresiva destrucción de los tejidos blandos profundos y la producción de gas dentro de los tejidos. Presentamos un caso de gangrena gaseosa espontánea mortal causada por Clostridium perfringens en un paciente con leucemia linfocítica aguda durante la fase de quimioterapia de inducción de la remisión.

Gas gangrene, clostridial myonecrosis, is one of the most serious infectious diseases, characterized by rapidly progressive destruction of deep soft tissues and production of gas within the tissues. We presented a case of fatal spontaneous gas gangrene due to Clostridium perfringens in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia during remission induction chemotherapy phase.

Humains , Mâle , Adolescent , Gangrène gazeuse/complications , Anémie hémolytique/étiologie , Issue fatale , Leucémie-lymphome lymphoblastique à précurseurs B et T/traitement médicamenteux
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 114(5): e343-e345, oct. 2016. ilus
Article Dans Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-838279


La Rothia mucilaginosa forma parte de la flora normal y no suele causar una enfermedad invasiva. Los pacientes inmunodeprimidos tienen mayor riesgo de infección grave. En este artículo, presentamos el caso de un paciente con neuroblastoma recidivante hospitalizado por neumonía. Después de la mejoría clínica, los síntomas respiratorios del paciente empeoraron de nuevo. En el hemocultivo, se aisló la bacteria Rothia mucilaginosa. El empeoramiento de los síntomas respiratorios puede explicarse por la diseminación hematopoyética de la bacteria. Se le administró tratamiento con meropenem y vancomicina durante 14 días, cuyos resultados fueron satisfactorios. Se sabe que esta bacteria poco frecuente tiene una alta tasa de mortalidad si no se trata de forma adecuada, y debe considerarse especialmente en los pacientes inmunodeprimidos con neoplasias malignas.

Rothia muciloginosa is a member of normal flora and rarely causes invasive disease. Immunosupressed patients have increased risk for severe infection. Here, we report a male patient with relapsed neuroblastoma hospitalized for pneumonia. After clinical improvement, patient's respiratory symptoms worsened again. Rothia muciloginosa was isolated from blood culture. The worsening of respiratory symptoms can be explained by hematogenous spread of bacteria. He was successfully treated with meropenem and vancomycin for 14 days. This rarely seen bacterium is known to have high mortality rates unless treated appropriately and should be considered especially in patients with malignancy due to their immunsupressed situation.

Humains , Mâle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Complications postopératoires/microbiologie , Infections à Actinomycetales/complications , Bactériémie/microbiologie , Pneumopathie bactérienne/complications , Transplantation de cellules souches hématopoïétiques , Micrococcaceae , Neuroblastome/chirurgie
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 113(6): e336-e340, dic. 2015. ilus
Article Dans Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-838147


La sarcoidosis, un trastorno multiorgánico de etiología desconocida que afecta varios órganos, es poco frecuente en los niños. Se desconocen la incidencia y la prevalencia reales de la sarcoidosis infantil. Al igual que en los adultos, muchos niños con sarcoidosis tal vez no presentan síntomas y la enfermedad cursa sin diagnosticarse. Es fundamental realizar una evaluación completa y sistemática del paciente para establecer el diagnóstico de sarcoidosis en los niños. Se describe el caso de una nina de 12 años con uveítis y hepatoesplenomegalia de dos años de evolución. Mediante una tomografía computarizada del tórax, se hallaron nódulos pulmonares periféricos dispersos y linfadenopatía hiliar bilateral. La aspiración de médula ósea y la biopsia de hígado no fueron diagnósticas. La biopsia de pulmón mostró granulomas de células epitelioides no necrosantes. A la paciente se le diagnosticó sarcoidosis en virtud del hallazgo de inflamación granulomatosa y de la exclusión de entidades confusoras.

Sarcoidosis, a multisystem disorder of unknown etiology that involves multiple organs, is rare in children. The true incidence and prevalence of childhood sarcoidosis is unknown. As in adults, many children with sarcoidosis may be asymptomatic; the disease may remain undiagnosed. A complete and systematic evaluation of the patient is essential for the sarcoidosis diagnosis in children. Here, we describe a case of 12-year-old female who presented with 2 years history of uveitis and hepatosplenomegaly. A chest computerized tomography revealed scattered peripheral pulmonary nodules and bilateral hiliar lymphadenopathy. Bone marrow aspiration and liver biopsy were not diagnostic. A lung biopsy showed non-necrotizing epithelioid cell granulomas. She was diagnosed with sarcoidosis according to demonstration of granulomatous inflammation and the exclusion of confusable entities

Humains , Femelle , Enfant , Pédiatrie , Sarcoïdose/diagnostic
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627313


Changes in tear protein concentrations may reflect ocular surface health. This study analyzes changes in tear protein concentrations of young Malays with dry eye (DE) and determines its association with the clinical findings. Methods: Subjects were screened using McMonnies questionnaire (MDEQ) and flourescein tear break up time (TBUT). Total tear protein concentration (TTPC) was determined using Bradford's technique and specific tear protein (sIgA, lysozyme, lactoferrin and human serum albumin (HSA)) concentrations were determined using SDS-PAGE. Parametric and nonparametric tests were used to compare means between groups. Spearman correlation was used to determine the association between variables measured. Results: A total of 42 subjects (21 DE and 21 NDE) were included. Mean MDEQ score for DE was 16.00±1.48 and NDE was 8.47±3.47. Mean TBUT for DE was 3.47±0.47s and NDE was 4.98±0.43s. Mean TTPC for DE and NDE was 9.84±2.40mg/ml and 8.96±1.84mg/ml respectively. Mean sIgA, lysozyme, lactoferrin and HSA for DE was 0.54±0.10mg/ml, 1.68±0.17mg/ml, 1.47±0.25mg/ml, 0.06±0.03mg/ml and for NDE was 0.57±0.09mg/ ml, 2.04±0.19mg/ml, 1.75±0.23mg/ml, 0.06±0.03mg/ml accordingly. Significant differences were noted in MDEQ score (p=0.01), TBUT (p=0.01), lactoferrin (p=0.01) and lysozyme (p=0.01) but not in TTPC (p=0.19), HSA (p=0.74) and sIgA (p=0.24) between groups. Significant correlations were noted between TBUT with lactoferrin (r=0.02, p=0.02) and lysozyme (r=0.63, p=0.01) and between MDEQ score with lactoferrin (r=-0.34, p=0.02) and lysozyme (r=-0.64, p=0.01). Conclusions: There are changes in specific tear protein in dry eye patients, which correlate well with clinical results. Tear protein analysis may play an important role in the diagnosis of the dry eye.

Indian J Exp Biol ; 2012 Nov; 50(11): 765-770
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-145314


Nervous system lesions are characterized by the loss of neuronal numbers and types. The neurotrophic factor levels in an injured tissue reflect their potential for regeneration. This hypothesis was investigated in olfactory bulb (OB), where olfactory tract was surgically transected disrupting neuronal migration and turnover. The effects were followed with quantification of mitral cells and three neurotrophic factors mRNA levels for 6 weeks. The neuronal numbers decreased by 3rd- and 4th-week in transected OBs followed by their restoration, comparable with that of controls at 5th- and 6th-week. The endogenous levels of three neurotrophic factors – (brain derived neurotrophic factor, insulin growth factor-1 and fibroblast growth factor-2) using qPCR showed increase at 2nd-week by 136-, 8- and 2-fold respectively. Also, there was a significant increase in specific neurotrophic factors at 5th-week and 6th-weeks. The results propose a temporal link between deployment of neurotrophic factors and the plausible restorative events for mitral cell numbers in OB.

Article Dans Anglais | AIM | ID: biblio-1263216


Excessive alcohol use is a serious public health concern worldwide; but less attention has been given to the prevalence; risk and protective factors; and consequences of early alcohol use in low-income; developing countries.The purpose of this study was to determine the associations between early alcohol use; before age 13; and problem drinking among adolescents in Uganda and Zambia. Data from students in Zambia (n=2257; 2004) and Uganda (n=3215; 2003) were obtained from the cross-sectional Global School-Based Student Health Survey (GSHS). The self-administered questionnaires were completed by students primarily 13 to 16 years of age. Multiple statistical models were computed using logistic regression analyses to test the associations between early alcohol initiation and problem drinking; while controlling for possible confounding factors (e.g.; current alcohol use; bullying victimization; sadness; lack of friends; missing school; lack of parental monitoring; and drug use). Results show that early alcohol initiation was associated with problem drinking in both Zambia (AOR=1.28; 95CI:1.02-1.61) and Uganda (AOR=1.48; 95CI: 1.11- 1.98) among youth after controlling for demographic characteristics; risky behaviors; and other possible confounders.The study shows that there is a significant association between alcohol initiation before 13 years of age and problem drinking among youth in these two countries. These findings underscore the need for interventions and strict alcohol controls as an important policy strategy for reducing alcohol use and its dire consequences among vulnerable youth

Alcoolisme , Consommation de boisson , Facteurs de risque , Étudiants
J Environ Biol ; 2009 Mar; 30(2): 165-174
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-146166


Of all the non-essential heavy metals, cadmium (Cd) is perhaps the metal which has attracted the most attention in soil science and plant nutrition due to its potential toxicity to humans, and also its relative mobility in the soil-plant system. This review summarizes the toxic symptoms of Cd in plants (i.e. growth retardation, alterations of photosynthesis, stomatal movement, enzymatic activities, water relations, interferences with mineral uptake, protein metabolism, membrane functioning, etc.) but also includes the mechanisms of cadmium uptake, translocation and deposition. Moreover, it also throws light on chelation, including identification of Cd ligands present in cytosol and vascular tissue. Cadmium-induced oxidative stress is also considered as one of the most widely studied topics in this review.

Sudan Medical Monitor. 2007; 2 (2): 63-69
Dans Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-118783


Identifying children with cerebral Malaria [CM] who are at high risk of a fatal outcome depends on recognition of clinical signs, as well as laboratory variables. No comprehensive data on the clinical features and their importance in the prognosis of cerebral malaria in the Sudan are available. The aims of this study were to identify the clinical presentation of children with CM in Central Sudan and to evaluate the importance of clinical signs and laboratory investigations in determining the outcome of CM in children. 409 children [mean age 6.1 +/- 3.3 years] with CM were enrolled to the study. Comprehensive clinical and biochemical assessment were determined. The case fatality rate was 12% with the highest rate in younger children [< 2 years of age]. Univariate and multiple regression analysis identified six significant prognostic indicators in these children. These are, age /= 6.6 mmol/L [RR, 3.989; 95% CI, 2.359 - 6.746] and haemoglobin concentration

Gezira Journal of Health Sciences. 2006; 2 (2): 31-40
Dans Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-76605


To determine the iron status of first-year medical students at Gezira University and identify influence of ethnic group and gender on the iron status. Cross-sectional community based study. The sample consisted of 160 students aged 16-20 years with a mean [ +/- SD] age 18.56 +/- 0.94 of both sexes [70 = males, 90 = females]. Blood samples were collected from each student and questionnaire was completed. Haemoglobin [Hb], packed cell volume [PCV], serum iron and total iron binding capacity were determined by cyanomethaemoglobin method, microhaematocrit centrifuge and colourmetric methods respectively. Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration [MCHC] and transferrin saturation were calculated. The mean [ +/- SD] concentration of Hb, serum iron and transferrin saturation of all male students was 14.86 +/- 1.29 g/dL, 102.46 +/- 30.5 micro g/dL and 39.72 +/- 11.23% respectively. The mean [ +/- SD] concentrations of Hb, serum-iron and transferrin saturation of all female students was 12.57 +/- 0.92 g/dL, 57.51 +/- 11.8 micro g/dL and 21.12 +/- 5.4% respectively. Haemoglobin level, serum-iron and transferrin saturation were within normal levels according to WHO criteria. There were significant differences between mean values of biochemical parameters and sex of students and father income P<0.05. There was no significant association between iron status parameters and family size and ethnic groups. There was positive correlation between subject iron status and diet [meat, liver, fruits and hilba]. Iron status of first-year medical students at Gezira University is within normal reference values. This is in line with the health status of the students

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Étudiant médecine , Hémoglobines , Études transversales , Hématocrite , Transferrine/sang
J Environ Biol ; 2005 Jan; 26(1): 1-5
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-113335


Vitellogenin (vtg) concentrations were measured in plasma and liver samples from 12 hybrid Tilapia oreochromis niloticus x O. aureus to compare concentrations in these tissues. The results were calculated under two different normalizations: volume per gram of sample used (similar to normalization usually published in the literature and typically used for ELISA) and volume per total protein (similar to normalization used in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; PAGE). It was observed that the normalization procedure used in PAGE (per gram total protein) minimized the method detection limit by about 1000 and 2500 times in plasma and liver respectively, compared to the normalization usually reported in the literature. It was also observed that normalizing per gram total protein makes it possible to eliminate a potential problem of accidental dilution of plasma samples during sample collection. Moreover, the normalization on a per gram of total protein makes it possible even to compare results from the two different methods namely PAGE and ELISA. It also allows comparison between different tissues. Using the normalization procedures as used in PAGE (per gram total protein) for liver and the normalization method as reported in literature for ELISA (per volume of sample used), it was observed that liver samples had higher vtg levels (mean: 62 microg vtg/g) compared to the corresponding plasma samples (mean: 0.24 microg vtg/ml). However, when both results were normalized per gram total protein all but one liver sample were lower (62 microg vtg/g) than the corresponding plasma concentrations (mean = 246 microg vtg/g).

Animaux , Électrophorèse sur gel de polyacrylamide , Test ELISA , Poissons , Vitellogénines/analyse
Journal of Family and Community Medicine. 2005; 12 (3): 127-132
Dans Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-176777


To assess the epidemiology, clinical presentations, disease management, outcome and risk factors associated with severe malaria in children in four hospitals in Sudan. Follow-up prospective design was used to fulfill the objectives of the study in four hospitals: Omdurman pediatrics hospital, located in the capital [Khartoum] compared to Madani, Gadarif and Sennar hospitals located in other states. Total admission of severe malaria was 543 children representing 21% of all paediatric admissions, and 12% of malaria outpatient cases. Median age of children with severe malaria was 48 months. 93% of children with severe malaria died before the age of 9 years. Case fatality rate was 2.6%. The risk of dying because of delay was four times more than when there was no delay, 95% CI [1.5 - 14.3]. Other risks of death were severe malaria associated with coma, inability to sit or eat and hyperpyrexia. Omdurman hospital in Khartoum State in the capital, had the highest case management performance percentage compared to other regional hospitals. In view of this, it can be argued that deaths due to severe malaria could be reduced by improving health management and planning with the redistribution of resources [including consultants] at the central and regional levels and the conduct of proper training

J Environ Biol ; 2004 Jan; 25(1): 1-6
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-113153


Embryos of the Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) were exposed to serial concentrations of atrazine (0, 25, 50, and 100 ppm) and arsenic trioxide (0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1 ppm) until hatching. Stasis of circulation, blood islands, titanic convulsions, tube heart and mortality were observed in atrazine-treated embryos. Each endpoint exhibited a concentration-response relationship. Only 4% of the embryos hatched in the 25 ppm, and none in the 50 and 100 ppm, probably due to cell death attributed to the embryos' inability to break from the chorion. With arsenic exposure, hatching was inversely correlated to chemical concentration: 86%, 75% and 54% for 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1 ppm, respectively. Hatching periods were also reduced from 7-13 days in controls to 7-11 days in arsenic-treated embryos. This observation was more pronounced with the 0.05 ppm concentration, showing a reduction of about 4 days. Despite this shortage in hatching time, there were no observable morphological abnormalities, as seen with atrazine. The ecological significance of these findings and implications for the development of sublethal toxicity tests using Japanese medaka embryos are important.

Malformations dues aux médicaments et aux drogues , Animaux , Composés de l'arsenic , Atrazine/toxicité , Mort cellulaire/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Embryon non mammalien/cytologie , Exposition environnementale , Femelle , Dose létale 50 , Oryzias , Oxydes/toxicité , Facteurs temps , Polluants chimiques de l'eau/toxicité
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 1999 Apr; 43(2): 235-41
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-106565


Alcoholic extract of root of Inula racemosa, was studied for its antiallergic effect in experimental models of type I hypersensitivity, viz. egg albumin induced passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) and mast cell degranulation in albino rats. The alcoholic extract was prepared by the process of continuous heat extraction. LD50 of this extract was found to be 2100 +/- 60 mg/kg, i.p. Assessment of protection against egg albumin induced passive cutaneous anaphylaxix by different doses of Inula racemosa was done by giving drug intraperitoneally or orally for seven days or once only. Mast cell degranulation studies were done by using compound 48/80 as degranulation agent with same dosage schedule. Inula racemosa (i.p. as well as p.o.) showed significant protection against egg albumin induced PCA. Protection against compound 48/80 induced mast cell degranulation by alcoholic extract of Inula racemosa (single dose) was similar to that of disodium cromoglycate. The seven days drug treatment schedule showed greater protection than disodium cromoglycate intraperitoneally. The results suggest that Inula racemosa possesses potent antiallergic properties in rats.

Animaux , Femelle , Hypersensibilité immédiate/induit chimiquement , Inula , Inuline/usage thérapeutique , Mâle , Mastocytes/anatomopathologie , Médecine ayurvédique , Anaphylaxie cutanée passive , Extraits de plantes/usage thérapeutique , Plantes médicinales/composition chimique , Agents protecteurs/usage thérapeutique , Rats , 4-Méthoxyphénéthyl-méthyl-amine/pharmacologie
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