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Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(3): 269-279, mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530262


BACKGROUND: The effects of COVID-19 in Chile changed over time and among regions. Aim: To identify patterns in the impact and evolution of COVID-19 for each wave generated between 2020 and 2022 at the 16 regions of the country. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Several indicators related to the pandemic, their evolution and their consequences for the health system and the health of the population were calculated. RESULTS: There are differences in the evolution of the infection across the regions of the country, as well as heterogeneity between waves. Specifically, the second wave in Chile was identified as the one with the greatest impact, with a national death rate of 123.5 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants and 66.4% intensive care unit occupancy rate due to COVID-19. Performing a geographic analysis, it was possible to find systematic patterns, for example, between regions with higher immunization rates and lower rates of lethality, such as the cases of Ñuble and Atacama regions. Conclusions: These results emphasize the need to consider regional differences and the temporal context for the elaboration of strategies to the efficient management of a pandemic.

Humains , COVID-19 , Plan de recherche , Chili/épidémiologie , Pandémies , Unités de soins intensifs
Acta neurol. colomb ; 36(supl.1): 16-26, ago. 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124086


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN. El tiempo es un factor importante en el tratamiento del ACV agudo, con la pandemia de covid-19 se puede ver afectada la adherencia a las guías. Se han reportado tasas de ACV en presencia de covid-19 alrededor del 5%, además un aumento en el tiempo de consulta de los pacientes en otras regiones del mundo y una mayor ocupación de camas de UCI para patologías respiratorias que usualmente se destinan a pacientes con ACV. Este documento recoge las recomendaciones del comité de Enfermedad Cerebrovascular de la Asociación Colombiana de Neurología basados en la literatura y votadas por consenso. OBJETIVOS. Proporcionar una guía rápida adaptada a los diferentes escenarios de atención de ACV en Colombia, divididos en centro listo, primario y avanzado incluyendo una ruta de atención para paciente con sospecha de covid-19 denominada Código ACV protegido, que incluye el uso de elementos de protección personal para pacientes y personal de salud. PUNTOS PRINCIPALES. Dentro de las recomendaciones principales está el cuestionario de tamizaje al ingreso a urgencias, uso de tapabocas para el paciente, considerar todo Código ACV sospechoso de covid-19, toma de PCR para covid-19 en todos los ACV y llevar a zona buffer. En sospecha de oclusión proximal incluir tomo-grafía de tórax a la evaluación de imágenes. CONCLUSIONES. Establecer pautas de atención durante la pandemia covid-19 permite optimizar protección para pacientes y personal de salud, disminuir retrasos y tratar de evitar que pacientes no reciban el tratamiento adecuado en los diferentes niveles de atención del sistema de salud.

SUMMARY INTRODUCTION. Time is an important factor in the treatment of acute stroke, with the COVID-19 pandemic adherence to guidelines can be affected. Stroke rates in the presence of COVID-19 have been reported around 5%, in addition to an increase in the consultation time of patients in other regions of the world and a greater occupation of ICU beds for respiratory pathologies that are usually intended for patients with stroke. This document contains the recommendations of the Cerebrovascular Disease Committee of the Colombian Neurology Association based on the literature and voted by consensus. OBJECTIVES. Provide a quick guide adapted to the different stroke care scenarios in Colombia, divided into ready, primary and advanced centers, including a care route for a patient with suspected COVID-19 called the protected stroke code, which includes the use of protection elements for the patient and the healthcare team. MAIN FACTS. Among the main recommendations are the screening questionnaire on admission to the emergency department, the use of face masks for the patient, considering all suspected stroke code as COVID-19, taking the PCR for COVID-19 in all strokes and taking them to the buffer zone. In suspected large vessel occlusion, include chest tomography to image evaluation. CONCLUSIONS. Establishing guidelines of care during the COVID-19 pandemic allows optimizing protection for patients and health care personnel, reducing delays and trying to avoid patients not receiving adequate treatment at different levels of attention in the health system.

Développement orienté du transit
Rev. colomb. cir ; 30(2): 139-145, abr.-jun. 2015. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-753586


Nowadays liver and biliary tract surgery are the most commonly performed procedures worldwide; refinement in surgical techniques, anesthetic care and liver transplantation have revolutionized the treatment of liver diseases that were previously incurable. The autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease is a rare condition that may be associated with polycystic kidney disease or can present alone; the symptoms of this condition occur in the advanced stages of the disease. Despite the multiple modalities of treatment available, surgery with hepatectomy and fenestration has shown better results in patients with early satiety and massive hepatomegaly. A literature review was carried out and a number of cases dealt with this disease at the Metropolitan Hospital in Quito, Ecuador, are presented.

Nowadays liver and biliary tract surgery are the most commonly performed procedures worldwide; refinement in surgical techniques, anesthetic care and liver transplantation have revolutionized the treatment of liver diseases that were previously incurable. The autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease is a rare condition that may be associated with polycystic kidney disease or can present alone; the symptoms of this condition occur in the advanced stages of the disease. Despite the multiple modalities of treatment available, surgery with hepatectomy and fenestration has shown better results in patients with early satiety and massive hepatomegaly.

Foie , Polykystose rénale autosomique récessive , Hépatectomie , Polykystoses rénales
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