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Rev. chil. cardiol ; 42(1): 14-22, abr. 2023. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441372


Antecedentes: Los dispositivos de asistencia ventricular (VAD, sigla en inglés) se utilizan cada vez más para el manejo de la insuficiencia cardíaca descompensada en unidades de cuidados intensivos. El manejo nutricional es fundamental para la evolución clínica de estos pacientes. Objetivos: El objetivo fue evaluar en cuánto tiempo se puede alcanzar las necesidades nutricionales, utilizando distintas modalidades de apoyo nutricional, en pacientes que requirieron asistencia con VAD por insuficiencia cardíaca aguda en una clínica privada del país. Métodos: En una clínica privada se efectuó un estudio observacional retrospectivo analizando los datos clínicos relacionados al aporte nutricional de 12 pacientes que requirieron asistencia con VAD. Las vías de aporte nutricional evaluadas fueron la nutrición enteral (NE) y/o nutrición parenteral (NP). Se midió el tiempo de implementación del apoyo nutricional y su efecto se estimó por una valoración nutricional subjetiva y por la medición de indicadores de laboratorio. Además, se vigilaron las complicaciones asociadas al aporte nutricional. Resultados: El estudio incluyó a 12 pacientes. Los objetivos nutricionales se alcanzaron por completo en el 91% de los pacientes (n=11) en 3,7 ± 1 días después de iniciado el apoyo nutricional. En ese momento, 5 pacientes recibían NE exclusiva, 4 pacientes NP complementaria a la NE, 1 paciente NE complementaria a la alimentación oral y 1 paciente con vía oral. Al momento de alcanzar los requerimientos nutricionales ningún paciente tenía NP exclusiva. Conclusión: Concluimos que el apoyo nutricional precoz es factible y seguro en pacientes con VAD. Alcanzar los objetivos nutricionales es posible sin efectos adversos graves. Se necesitan estudios futuros para determinar el beneficio a largo plazo del apoyo nutricional agresivo para pacientes en estado crítico que requieren apoyo hemodinámico.

Background: Ventricular assist devices (VAD) are being used more frequently in patients with severe heart failure. Nutritional support is a critical factor for the outcome in these patients. Aim: to evaluate the time required and mode of nutritional support in patients with severe cardiac dysfunction being treated with VAD. Methods: 12 patients with VAD being treated in an intensive care unit were evaluated to determine the time and mode of support required to achieve adequate nutrition. Enteral and / or parenteral modes of nutritional support were used. The outcomes were evaluated by subjective appreciation, weight measurement and serum levels of albumin, pre-albumin and vitamin D. Results: Adequate nutritional support was achieved in 91% of patients a mean of 3 days after beginning of treatment (SD 1 day). At that time 5 patients were receiving only enteral nutrition, 4 patients enteral and parenteral nutrition, 1 patient enteral nutrition in addition to oral nutrition and 1 patients was receiving only oral nutrition. No patient was receiving only parenteral nutrition. Conclusion: early nutritional support is posible and safe in patients with an VAD. Further studies are needed to evaluate long term benefits of this strategy of nutritional support.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Dispositifs d'assistance circulatoire , Soutien nutritionnel/méthodes , Défaillance cardiaque/thérapie , Facteurs temps , État nutritionnel , Maladie aigüe , Études rétrospectives , Nutrition entérale , Nutrition parentérale , Soutien nutritionnel/effets indésirables
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 68(5): 484-491, Sept.-Oct. 2018. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-958343


Abstract Background Perioperative myocardial ischemia is common among patients undergoing hip fracture surgery. Our aim is to evaluate the efficacy of perioperative continuous lumbar plexus block in reducing the risk of cardiac ischemic events of elderly patients undergoing surgery for hip fractures, expressed as a reduction of ischemic events per subject. Methods Patients older than 60 years, ASA II-III, with risk factors for or known coronary artery disease were enrolled in this randomized controlled study. Patients were randomized to conventional analgesia using opioid intravenous patient-controlled analgesia or continuous lumbar plexus block analgesia, both started preoperatively and maintained until postoperative day three. Continuous electrocardiogram monitoring with ST segment analysis was recorded. Serial cardiac enzymes and pain scores were registered during the entire period. We measured the incidence of ischemic events per subject registered by a continuous ST-segment Holter monitoring. Results Thirty-one patients (intravenous patient-controlled analgesia 14, lumbar plexus 17) were enrolled. There were no major cardiac events during the observation period. The number of ischemic events recorded by subject during the observation period was 6 in the lumbar plexus group and 3 in the intravenous patient-controlled analgesia group. This difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.618). There were no statistically significant differences in the number of cases with increased perioperative troponin values (3 cases in the lumbar plexus group and 1 case in the intravenous patient-controlled analgesia group) or in terms of pain scores. Conclusions Using continuous perineural analgesia, compared with conventional systemic analgesia, does not modify the incidence of perioperative cardiac ischemic events of elderly patients with hip fracture.

Resumo Justificativa A isquemia miocárdica perioperatória é comum em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de fratura de quadril. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar a eficácia do bloqueio perioperatório contínuo do plexo lombar na redução do risco de eventos cardíacos isquêmicos em pacientes idosos submetidos à cirurgia para fraturas de quadril, expresso como uma redução de eventos isquêmicos por indivíduo. Métodos Pacientes com mais de 60 anos de idade, ASA II-III com fatores de risco para ou com doença coronariana conhecida foram incluídos neste estudo controlado e randomizado. Os pacientes foram aleatorizados para analgesia convencional usando analgésicos opioides para administração de analgesia intravenosa controlada pelo paciente (Intravenous Patient-Controlled Analgesia - IVPCA) ou analgesia contínua com o bloqueio do Plexo Lombar (PL), ambas iniciadas no pré-operatório e mantidas até o terceiro dia de pós-operatório. Monitoração contínua de ECG com análise do segmento ST foi registrada. Enzimas cardíacas seriadas e escores de dor foram registrados durante todo o período. Medimos a incidência de eventos isquêmicos por indivíduo registrados com monitoração contínua do segmento ST via Holter. Resultados Trinta e um pacientes (IVPCA 14, PL 17) foram incluídos. Não houve eventos cardíacos sérios durante o período de observação. O número de eventos isquêmicos registrados por sujeito durante o período de observação foi de seis no grupo PL e três no grupo IVPCA. Essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,618). Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas no número de casos com aumento dos valores de troponina no perioperatório (três casos no grupo LP e um caso no grupo IVPCA) ou em termos de escores de dor. Conclusões O uso da analgesia perineural contínua comparado ao da analgesia sistêmica convencional não modifica a incidência de eventos isquêmicos cardíacos no período perioperatório de pacientes idosos com fratura de quadril.

Procédures de chirurgie cardiovasculaire , Bloc du plexus cervical , Fractures de la hanche , Analgésie/méthodes , Plexus lombosacral/traumatismes
Rev. bras. ortop ; 50(5): 537-540, set.-out. 2015. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-766231


Verificar a frequência e a gravidade das lesões que acometem praticantes amadores de corrida. Métodos: O estudo foi conduzido por meio de questionário aplicado a 204 corredores amadores. Foram excluídos do estudo menores de idade e pessoas sem prática de corrida. Número, tipo, topografia e grau de gravidade das lesões, além de idade e sexo, foram os dados coletados. Resultados: Observou-se predomínio de atletas do sexo masculino, idade média de 32,6 ± 9,3 anos com variação de 18 a 68 anos. As lesões foram classificadas como leves e afastaram o atleta da prática de corrida por menos de oito dias. Entorses, lesões bolhosas e escoriações foram as lesões mais frequentes, localizadas mais frequentemente nos membros inferiores, com predomínio nos pés. Conclusão: Na prática de corrida, entorses, lesões bolhosas e escoriações são frequentes,porém são leves e acometem mais os membros inferiores.

To determine the frequency and severity of injuries that affect amateur runners. METHODS: This study was conducted by means of a questionnaire applied to 204 amateur runners. Individuals who were under the age of 18 years and those who were unpracticed runners were excluded. The data gathered comprised the number, type, site and degree of severity of the injuries and the individuals' age and sex. RESULTS: It was observed that male athletes predominated. The mean age was 32.6 ± 9.3 years with a range from 18 to 68 years, and the injuries were classified as mild, keeping the athlete away from practicing running for fewer than eight days. Sprains, blisters and abrasions were the most frequent injuries, located most often on the lower limbs and predominantly on the feet. CONCLUSION: In practicing running, sprains, blisters and abrasions occur frequently, but are mild injuries. They mostly affect the lower limbs.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Jeune adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Traumatismes sportifs , Course à pied/traumatismes
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 34(3): 207-213, 2015. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-775490


La amiloidosis corresponde a un conjunto de enfermedades que tienen en común el depósito de amiloide en uno o más órganos. El hallazgo típico del compromiso cardíaco secundario a la amiloidosis es la presencia de insuficiencia cardíaca rápidamente progresiva. La historia natural de esta enfermedad en ausencia de tratamiento es de un rápido compromiso con alta mortalidad. Reportamos el caso de una paciente con esta enfermedad, describiendo su historia, manejo y seguimiento.

Cardiac amyloidosis refers to a set of diseases characterized by amyloid deposit in one or more organs. The typical finding of cardiac involvement secondary to amyloidosis is the presence of rapidly progressive heart failure. The natural story of this disease in the absence of treatment leads to rapid deterioration with a high mortality rate We report the case of a patient with amyloidosis and cardiac invol-vement, describing the clinical history, management and follow up.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Amyloïdose/diagnostic , Cardiomyopathies/diagnostic , Amyloïdose/imagerie diagnostique , Cardiomyopathies/imagerie diagnostique
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 33(1): 51-57, 2014. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-713527


La prevalencia de enfermedad cardiovascular en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica es elevada, e incluso la disfunción renal leve ha sido considerada un factor de riesgo independiente de eventos cardiovasculares. La utilidad diagnóstica y pronóstica del péptido natriurético tipo B está bien establecida para la población general, pero la presencia de disfunción renal agrega un nivel de complejidad a su uso como marcador de insuficiencia cardíaca. Por lo tanto, no debe ser interpretado como un valor aislado, sino en el contexto de la situación clínica general.

There is a high prevalence of heart failure in patients with chronic renal disease and the latter has been considered an independent risk factor for cardiovascular events in this patient population. Type B natruretic peptide is useful for diagnosis and prognostic evaluation in patients with heart failure. However, the presence of renal dysfunction makes the interpretation of BNP levels more difficult. The appropriate considerations needed to evaluate BNP level as an indicator of heart failure in the presence of renal disease are discussed.

Humains , Défaillance rénale chronique/diagnostic , Défaillance cardiaque/diagnostic , Peptide natriurétique cérébral/physiologie , Marqueurs biologiques , Défaillance rénale chronique/complications , Défaillance cardiaque/complications , Pronostic , Sensibilité et spécificité , Analyse de survie
Rev. méd. Chile ; 141(12): 1560-1569, dic. 2013. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-705576


The assessment of patients with a suspected cardiac failure aims to an early and precise diagnosis and risk stratification. Only natriuretic peptides have demonstrated to be clinically useful. Brain natriuretic peptide stands out due to its diagnostic and prognostic value. However its results should be cautiously interpreted in the clinical context, bearing in mind possible confounders. The combination of markers can provide a better risk stratification and compensates the limitations of individual markers. Each new marker gives a new insight on the underlying physiopathology of cardiac failure and proposes new therapeutic approaches.

Humains , Marqueurs biologiques/sang , Défaillance cardiaque/diagnostic , Protéine C-réactive/analyse , Défaillance cardiaque/physiopathologie , Peptides natriurétiques/sang , Stress oxydatif , Pronostic , Appréciation des risques , Troponine/sang
Rev. méd. Chile ; 138(9): 1117-1123, sept. 2010. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-572017


Background: Chest pain (CT) constitutes an important cause of consultation and diagnostic dilemma in the emergency room, especially due to the possible presence of coronary disease. Its presentation, diagnosis and prognosis are different between men and women. Aim: To report a follow-up of patients attended at a Chest Pain Unit (CPU), evaluating gender differences. Material and Methods: Prospective evaluation of patients that consulted for chest pain in a period of 4 years. Baseline characteristics and the final diagnosis from CPU or hospitalization were registered. Telephonic follow-up was performed for at least one year. Mortality was determined using the national mortality registry. Results: A total of 1,168 patients aged 62 ± 23 years, 69 percent men, were followed for a mean of 28 ± 20 months. A definitive diagnosis of coronary disease (CD) was done in 32 percent. Mortality among women and men with CD was 28 and 14 percent respectively (p = 0,02). Predictor variables for mortality were the presence of a complete left branch block in the initial electrocardiogram, with an odds ratio (OR) of 12,5 (95 percent confi dence intervals (CI): 1,98-25,8), the presence of coronary disease with an OR of 3,98 (95 percent CI: 1,45-13,8) and elevated troponin I with an OR 2,12 (95 percent CI: 1,05-7,89). Female gender lost significance in the adjusted model. Conclusions: Complete left branch block, elevated troponin I and coronary etiology of CP are indicators of bad prognosis among patients that consult for CP. Women have twice the mortality of men after 28 months of follow-up.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Douleur thoracique/diagnostic , Maladie des artères coronaires/diagnostic , Répartition par âge , Douleur thoracique/étiologie , Chili/épidémiologie , Maladie des artères coronaires/mortalité , Électrocardiographie , Méthodes épidémiologiques , Hôpitaux universitaires/statistiques et données numériques , Orientation vers un spécialiste , Répartition par sexe , Facteurs sexuels , Troponine I/analyse
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 29(2): 171-176, ago. 2010. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-577262


Introducción: La resonancia magnética cardiaca (RMC) es una herramienta no invasiva, libre de radiación que permite una evaluación global del corazón. Una de las potencialidades son los estudios de perfusión miocárdica con stress. Objetivo: Presentar nuestra experiencia de RMC con stress (RMCS) su correlación con la coronariografía convencional (CC) y su relación con eventos clínicos. Método: En forma prospectiva se incluyeron en un registro todos los pacientes sometidos a RMCS en nuestro servicio entre Enero 2007 y Abril 2009. Todos los pacientes fueron sometidos a RMCS analizando anatomía, estructura, función global y segmentaria, perfusión stress/reposo y viabilidad miocárdica. Los exámenes fueron realizados en resonadores 1.5 T, en apnea de +/- 10 segundos, con gatilleo ECG retrospectivo y con uso de Gadolinio endovenoso para las fases de perfusión y viabilidad El estudio de stress se realizó con inyección de adenosina ev (140ug/kg/min) tras lo cual se adquirieron las imágenes y comparadas con la fase de reposo. El estudio de viabilidad se realizo a continuación de la fase de reposo. Se consideraron como RMCS positivas aquellas con áreas de hipoperfusión en stress que se recuperaron en reposo. En aquellos pacientes que fueron sometidos a CC dentro de los 3 meses de realizado la RMCS, se realizó correlación entre ambos métodos, considerando presencia y localización de la enfermedad coronaria. Se consideraron significativas las lesiones >70 por ciento de estenosis luminal. Resultados: Incluimos 71 pacientes que fueron estudiados durante el periodo indicado. Las indicaciones para los exámenes fueron: estudio viabilidad e insuficiencia cardiaca (64 por ciento); sospecha de cardiopatía coronaria (36 por ciento). Las características del grupo fueron: Hombres 72 por ciento, Edad 49 +/-7 años; Diabetes 17 por ciento, HTA 13 por ciento, AFCC 15 por ciento, TBQ 20 por ciento. La fracción de eyección promedio fue de 53+/-7 por ciento. El tiempo de examen...

Background: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is a non invasive and non ionizing imaging tool that allows a complete cardiovascular evaluation. One of its advantages is the ability to analyze myocardial perfusion with and without stress. Aim: To show our experience using stress perfusion CMR (SPCMR), its correlation with conventional coronary angiography (CCA) and cardiovascular events. Methods: We retrospectively included in the analysis all patients referred to our institution to undergo a SPCMR since January 2007 to April 2009. In all patients we performed a complete evaluation including anatomic, left ventricular function, adenosine stress perfusion and viability study. All the studies were performed in a 1.5 T scanner and 10 seconds breath-hold. Stress perfusion was performed alter iv adenosine bolus (140 ug/Kg/min). Eight minutes after the stress, the rest phase was performed. Viability analysis was done after the iv injection of gadolinium based contrast (0.15 mMol/ kg). A positive SPCMR was considered in those with mismatch areas between stress and rest phases. In those patients who underwent a CCA, we correlated the SP-CMR findings with the presence and location of stenoses equal or greater than 70 percent as significant. Results: We included 71 patients during the mentioned period. Indication for SPCMR were heart failure and viability study (64 percent); coronary ischemia (36 percent). Main baseline characteristics were: Male 7 percent; age 9 +/-7 years; diabetes 17 percent; hypertension 13 percent; previous family history for CAD 15 percent; and tobacco 20 percent. Mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 53+/-7 percent. Mean time to complete the exam was 50+/-5 minutes. There were not adverse reactions to contrast or adenosine. Thirty one patients (42 percent) underwent CCA. All patients with stenoses greater than 70 percent had a positive SPCMR. Agreement between CCA and SPCMR for ischemia location was 90 percent...

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Maladie coronarienne/diagnostic , Maladie coronarienne/physiopathologie , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Épreuve d'effort/méthodes , Adénosine , Coronarographie , Gadolinium , Imagerie de perfusion , Études prospectives , Sensibilité et spécificité
Rev. méd. Chile ; 135(7): 839-845, jul. 2007. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-461910


Background: In large series, nearly 60 percent of admissions for suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS) had a non-coronary etiology of the pain. However, short term mortality of non recognized ACS patients, mistakenly discharged from the emergency room is at least twice greater than the expected if they would had been admitted. The concept of a chest pain unit (CPU) is a methodological approach developed to address these issues. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of a CPU in the emergency room of a general hospital for evaluation of acute chest pain. Material and Methods: Prospective study of patients with chest pain admitted in the CPU. After a clinical, electrocardiographic and laboratory evaluation with cardiac injury serum markers, patients were stratified in three risk groups, based on the likelihood of ACS of the American Heart Association. High probability patients were admitted to the Coronary Unit (CU) for treatment. Moderate probability patients remained in the CPU for further evaluation and low probability patients were discharged with telephonic follow-up. Results: Of 407 patients, 35, 30 and 35 percent were stratified as high, intermediate and low probability ACS, respectively. Among patients admitted with high probability, 73 percent had a confirmed ACS diagnosis. Among intermediate probability patients, 86 percent were discharged after an evaluation in the CPU without adverse events in the follow-up. Conclusion: Structured risk evaluation approach in a CPU improves the management of acute chest pain, identifying high probability patients for fast admission and start of treatment in a CU and allowing safe discharge of low probability ones.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Syndrome coronarien aigu/diagnostic , Douleur thoracique/étiologie , Unités de soins intensifs cardiaques , Syndrome coronarien aigu/complications , Syndrome coronarien aigu/épidémiologie , Brésil/épidémiologie , Douleur thoracique/mortalité , Douleur thoracique/anatomopathologie , Hospitalisation/statistiques et données numériques , Probabilité , Études prospectives , Facteurs de risque
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