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Rev. bras. pesqui. méd. biol ; Braz. j. med. biol. res;26(6): 553-71, Jun. 1993. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-148709


The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) is still the paradigm of rapid ligand-gated ion channels. Since the early finding of a motionally restricted shell of lipids ( annulus ) in the immediate perimeter of the membrane-bound AChR, experimental evidence has supported the notion that the interface between the protein moiety and the adjacent lipid molecules is the site of action of a variety of pharmacologically relevant substances, including non-competitive inhibitors of the cholinergic system like some local anesthetics, short-chain alcohols, and steroids. Patch-clamp data on cells expressing the AChR protein add another dimension to this knowledge, enabling correlations to be established between the chemical composition of lipid-modified cells and the functional properties (ligand binding, channel gating) of the receptor protein in situ

Animaux , Ouverture et fermeture des portes des canaux ioniques , Lipides membranaires/métabolisme , Récepteurs nicotiniques/métabolisme , Anesthésiques/pharmacologie , Cholestérol/métabolisme , Cholestérol/pharmacologie , Dexaméthasone/pharmacologie , Spectroscopie de résonance de spin électronique , Acide gras libre/métabolisme , Acide gras libre/pharmacologie , Ouverture et fermeture des portes des canaux ioniques , Cinétique , Lipides membranaires/pharmacologie , Récepteurs nicotiniques