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Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 69(2): 200-203, Mar.-Apr. 2019. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003410


Abstract Background and objectives: A prompt and effective management of trauma patient is necessary. The aim of this case report is to highlight the importance of intraoperative echocardiography as a useful tool in patients suffering from refractory hemodynamic instability no otherwise explained. Case report: A 41 year-old woman suffered a car accident. At the emergency department, no abnormalities were found in ECG or chest X-ray. Abdominal ultrasound revealed the presence of abdominal free liquid and the patient was submitted to urgent exploratory laparotomy. Nevertheless, she persisted suffering arterial hypotension and metabolic acidosis. Looking for the reason of her hemodynamic instability, intraoperative transthoracic echocardiography was performed, finding out the presence of pericardial effusion. Once the cardiac surgeon extracted pericardial clots, patient's situation improved clinically and analytically. Conclusion: Every anesthesiologist should be able to use the intraoperative echocardiography as an effective tool in order to establish the appropriate measures to promote the survival of patients suffering severe trauma.

Resumo Justificativa e objetivos: O atendimento rápido e eficaz do paciente de trauma é necessário. O objetivo deste relato de caso foi destacar a importância do ecocardiograma intraoperatório como uma ferramenta útil em pacientes que sofrem de instabilidade hemodinâmica refratária sem explicação aparente. Relato de caso: Uma mulher de 41 anos sofreu um acidente de automóvel. No departamento de emergência, nenhuma anormalidade foi encontrada no ECG ou na radiografia de tórax. Uma ultrassonografia abdominal revelou a presença de líquido livre no abdome, e a paciente foi submetida à laparotomia exploradora de urgência. No entanto, a paciente continuou apresentando hipotensão arterial e acidose metabólica. Na busca pelo motivo de sua instabilidade hemodinâmica, um ecocardiograma transtorácico foi realizado no período intraoperatório e constatou a presenc¸a de derrame pericárdico. Após a remoção dos coágulos pericárdicos pelo cirurgião cardíaco, a condição da paciente melhorou clínica e analiticamente. Conclusão: Todo anestesiologista deve saber utilizar o ecocardiograma intraoperatório como ferramenta eficaz para estabelecer as medidas adequadas para promover a sobrevida de pacientes com traumatismos graves.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Épanchement péricardique/imagerie diagnostique , Échocardiographie/méthodes , Échographie/méthodes , Hémodynamique , Acidose/étiologie , Accidents de la route , Hypotension artérielle/étiologie , Soins peropératoires/méthodes
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 11(4): 291-303, oct.-nov. 2007.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-739515


El presente trabajo, se sustenta en las Bases Metodológicas de las Ciencias de la Educación, fundamentalmente la Didáctica y la Gestión de los Procesos Educativos y Ambientales, cuyo método general es el Materialismo Dialéctico, a partir de los paradigmas socio críticos y el enfoque histórico cultural de Vigotsky se pretende: determinar los fundamentos teórico metodológicos del proceso de Formación Ambiental para la carrera de Tecnología de la Salud, a partir de la implementación en la práctica de una Estrategia Metodológica de dicho proceso de Formación Ambiental para los estudiantes de la carrera, ya que actualmente existen limitaciones en dicho proceso, dado por lo atomizado, descontextualizado y asistémico del proceso formativo. Consideramos que para lograr un proceso de Formación Ambiental de carácter sistémico y eficiente, se necesita una estrategia metodológica que atraviese el Currículo como eje transversal, mediante la asignatura integradora que potencie un proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje más eficiente, pertinente y desarrollador, con enfoques interdisciplinarios, que se sustenten en principios, categorías y leyes de la Didáctica, la Sociología y la Gestión Ambiental, con el objetivo de lograr un egresado competente, capaz de transformar las realidades que enfrenta el mundo de hoy, en materia de formación ambiental, con modelos sostenibles y nuevos saberes, que promuevan la salud humana con su carácter de sistema, y además la salud del ambiente, basado en los 7 saberes de la educación de Edgar Morín y los paradigmas de la UNESCO. Este proceso es sin dudas interdisciplinario, transdisciplinario, por lo que abarca el proceso formativo escolar y no escolarizado, potenciando grupos de promotores culturales para fomentar la cultura ambiental dirigida al Desarrollo Sostenible.

The present work is based on the methodological grounds of Sciences of Education, mainly Didactics and the Management of the Educative and Environmental Processes which general method is the Dialectic Materialism,from the social and critical paradigms and from the Vigosquy´s Cultural Historic Approach and it is intended to determine the methodological theoretical grounds of the environmental training process for the Health Technology Major from the practice of a methodological strategy of this environmental training process for the students of this major, because nowadays there are limitations in this process, given by the atomized ,out of context and asystemic training process. It is considered that for obtaining a systemic and efficient environmental training process a methodological strategy is necessary for crossing the Curriculum as a transversal axis through the integrating subject which support a more efficient ,pertinent and developing teaching -learning process with inter discipline approaches which are supported by principles, categories and laws of Didactics, Sociology and Environmental Training Subjects in order to obtain a competent graduate, able to change the facts that the current world have to face according to the environmental training with sustained models and new knowledge based on the Edgar Morín"7 knowledge of Education and the paradigms of UNESCO. This process is inter discipline, trans-discipline, embracing the school and non-school training process supporting the culture promoters in order to promote the environmental culture directed to a sustained development.

P. R. health sci. j ; 13(4): 261-5, dic. 1994.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-176798


The probability of recording infectious diseases and injuries to the musculoskeletal system during sports events with a large number of participants is very high. From an historical perspective the distribution and trends of diseases that have an impact on public health have been evaluated by means of epidemiological surveillance systems. However, the application of these epidemiological methods to sports medicine is relatively recent. The utilization of an epidemiological surveillance system during sports events with a large number of participating athletes and countries has been reported in a limited number of competitions. In this article we describe the design of a system for epidemiological surveillance utilized during the XVII Central American and Caribbean Sports Games held in Puerto Rico in 1993, as an example of a surveillance system that could be regularly established in this type of event

Humains , Traumatismes sportifs/épidémiologie , Maladies transmissibles/épidémiologie , Mise au point de programmes , Surveillance de la population/méthodes , Amérique centrale/ethnologie , Porto Rico/épidémiologie , Caraïbe/ethnologie
P. R. health sci. j ; 13(4): 267-72, dic. 1994.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-176799


The objective of the epidemiological surveillance system for the XVII Central American and Caribbean Sports Games in 1993 in Puerto Rico was to estimate the morbidity related to infectious diseases and sports injuries during the competitions. In the village hospital a total of 794 medical consultations were reported; 57.7 per cent of the patients were athletes. Among athletes, the rate of consultation was 10.4 for every 100 participants. The consultations were more frequent in males (535, 67.4 per cent ). The analysis by country of origin revealed that the athletes from Guatemala (42, 9.2 per cent ) and Jamaica (35, 7.6 per cent ) used the services more frequently. The incidence of consultations by sport was higher in field hockey (47, 10.3 per cent ), followed by athletics (46, 10 per cent ), and softball (36, 7.9 per cent ). The most frequent diagnoses were injuries--302, 38.04 per cent ; of these 229 (75.8 per cent ) were athletes--,conditions of the respiratory system (180, 22.67 per cent ), problems of the skin and mucous membranes (85, 10.71 per cent ), and problems of the gastrointestinal tract (56, 7.05 per cent ). The severity of the majority of the conditions was mild and required primary care health professionals

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Traumatismes sportifs/épidémiologie , Maladies transmissibles/épidémiologie , Surveillance de la population , Amérique centrale/ethnologie , Notification des maladies , Morbidité , Porto Rico/épidémiologie , Caraïbe/ethnologie
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