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Genet. mol. biol ; 32(4): 753-760, 2009. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-531792


The aim of this study was to estimate the components of variance and genetic parameters for the visual scores which constitute the Morphological Evaluation System (MES), such as body structure (S), precocity (P) and musculature (M) in Nellore beef-cattle at the weaning and yearling stages, by using threshold Bayesian models. The information used for this was gleaned from visual scores of 5,407 animals evaluated at the weaning and 2,649 at the yearling stages. The genetic parameters for visual score traits were estimated through two-trait analysis, using the threshold animal model, with Bayesian statistics methodology and MTGSAM (Multiple Trait Gibbs Sampler for Animal Models) threshold software. Heritability estimates for S, P and M were 0.68, 0.65 and 0.62 (at weaning) and 0.44, 0.38 and 0.32 (at the yearling stage), respectively. Heritability estimates for S, P and M were found to be high, and so it is expected that these traits should respond favorably to direct selection. The visual scores evaluated at the weaning and yearling stages might be used in the composition of new selection indexes, as they presented sufficient genetic variability to promote genetic progress in such morphological traits.

Ciênc. rural ; 38(2): 432-436, mar.-abr. 2008. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-474509


Com objetivo de estimar parâmetros genéticos e estudar a utilização de diferentes efeitos em avaliações genéticas para idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) por diferentes modelos, foram utilizados registros de IPP de animais da raça Nelore, nascidos entre os anos de 1990 e 2005. Foram considerados os seguintes modelos (M): M1, incluindo o efeito fixo de GC1 (constituído pelos animais nascidos na mesma fazenda e ano), além da covariável, peso aos 365 dias de idade (efeito linear e quadrático), totalizando 24.263 registros de IPP; M2, considerando os efeitos fixos de GC1, ano e estação de parição, totalizando 59.792 registros de IPP e M3, incluindo os efeitos fixos de GC2 (agrupando os animais nascidos na mesma fazenda, ano e que conceberam no mesmo manejo reprodutivo), ano e estação de parição, totalizando 59.792 registros de IPP. As estimativas dos componentes de variância e herdabilidade e os valores genéticos (VG) foram obtidos pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita, com a inclusão da matriz de parentesco disponível. As diferenças esperadas na progênie (DEPs) foram obtidas dividindo os VG por dois. Após a obtenção desses resultados, foram realizadas correlações entre os VG e o ranqueamento das DEPs dos reprodutores para IPP, utilizando-se o procedimento PROC CORR (SAS, 2003). Ao se considerar o ano e a estação de parto nos modelos de análise (M2 e M3), esses produziram um maior R², indicando que tais modelos conseguiram explicar, em maior grau, as diferenças existentes entre os animais para IPP. As herdabilidades estimadas foram de baixa magnitude (0,14 e 0,15). As correlações entre os VG obtidas por diferentes modelos foram 0,73 (M1 x M2); 0,91 (M2 x M3) e 0,66 (M1 x M3).

With the objective of estimate genetic parameters and study the utilization of different effects on the genetic evolution for the age of the first calving (AFC) by different models, they were used AFC records from Nellore breed animals, born from 1990 to 2005. They were considered the following models (M): M1, including the fixed effect of the contemporary group (CG), CG1 (grouping the animals that were born at the same farm and year), besides the co variable, weight at 365 days of age (linear and quadratic effects), totalizing 24,263 records of AFC; M2, considering the effects of CG1, year and season of the calving, totalizing 59,792 records of AFC and M3, including effects CG2 (grouping the animals born at the same farm, year and submitted at the same reproductive management), year and season of calving totalizing 59,792 records of AFC. The components of variance and Genetic Value (GV) were obtained by Restricted Maximun Likelihood Method, with the inclusion for the relationship matrix. The Differences Expected on the Progeny (DEPs) were obtained by dividing the GV by two, after this they were estimated the correlations between GV and ranks of the reproductor's DEPs for AFC, utilizing the procedure CORR (SAS, 2003). While considering year and season of calving in the analysis models (M2 and M3), it was produced a bigger R², indicating that those models could explain, in a larger scale, the existing differences between the animals for AFC. The heritabilities estimated were of low magnitude (0,14 and 0,15). The correlations between the GV obtained by the different models were .73 (M1 x M2); .91 (M2 x M3) and .66 (M1 x M3).

Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Bovins , Normes de référence/méthodes , Reproduction , Comportement sexuel chez les animaux
Genet. mol. biol ; 30(2): 343-348, Mar. 2007. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-452809


We used Gibbs sampling in single and two-trait animal models to estimate genetic parameters for some reproductive and related traits of Nellore cattle (Bos indicus). Female traits were age at first calving (AFC), cumulative productivity (CP) and adult weight (AW). For males, scrotal circumferences at 365 and 450 days of age were analyzed. Gibbs sampling using the Multiple Trait using Gibbs Sampling under Animal Model (MTGSAM) program of Van Tassel and Van Vleck was used to estimate the (co) variance components of the traits and conduct genetic analyses. Heritabilities were AFC = 0.26, AW = 0.36 and CP = 0.25 under the single-trait animal model. The mean, mode and median estimates for genetic parameters obtained from the marginal posterior distributions were similar for all traits except AW, which presented lower values for the mode than the mean and median. However, the marginal posterior distributions for the traits studied presented a tendency toward normality. Favorable, but low, negative genetic correlations were found between male scrotal circumference and female age at first calving. The reproductive traits showed medium-magnitude heritabilities, which indicates that these traits should respond to selection and therefore should be included in genetic improvement programs.

Genet. mol. biol ; 30(3): 545-551, 2007. graf, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-460068


The objective of this study was to estimate (co)variance components and genetic parameters for weights (W) and scrotal circumferences (SC) at 365 and 450 days of age, of Nelore (Bos indicus) cattle, using Bayesian inference in single and multiple-trait animal models. The fitted linear models included, besides the animal and residual random effects, the contemporary group (herd-year-season-sex-management group) and age-of-dam as "fixed effects". The analyses were carried out using a Gibbs sampler implemented through the MTGSAM program. The heritabilities (in parentheses) obtained fitting single-trait models were W365 (0.49), W450 (0.52), SC365 (0.68) and SC450 (0.66). Estimates of means, modes and medians for genetic parameters obtained from marginal posterior distributions were similar for all traits. The W365 and SC365 can be considered as suitable traits to be included as selection criteria in genetic improvement programs, not only because of their relatively high heritabilities but also due to the fact that they can be measured when the animals are relatively young compared to the corresponding traits W450 and SC450. The Bayesian approach appears to be an appropriate alternative for estimating genetic parameters, and has the advantage over point estimation methods of allowing inferences on marginal posterior distributions.

Genet. mol. biol ; 29(3): 482-485, 2006. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-450285


Parameters based on the probability of gene origin were used to describe the genetic variability in strains of Nellore and polled Nellore (Bos indicus) cattle that participated in the Program for Genetic Improvement of the Nellore Breed (Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Raça Nelore). The effective number of founders was 87.2 for Nellore and 107.9 for polled Nellore, while the number of ancestors was 59.8 for Nellore and 61.5 for polled Nellore and the remaining genomes were 39.4 for Nellore and 34.5 for polled Nellore cattle. The results indicate an intense use (by artificial insemination) of some sires and the absence of subdivisions in the population. The family structure in the two breeds was mainly caused by the genetic contribution of the same sires and only mating preferences for descendants of some founders are recorded in either breed. The results suggest that genetic variability needs monitoring in order to avoid the compromise of genetic improvement in economically important traits in the breeding program.

Animaux , Bovins/génétique , Dérive génétique , Variation génétique , Pedigree