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Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972850


Introduction@#Among the endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic disease and thyroid disorders occupy a significant place. According to the World Health Organization, 8-18% of the world’s population suffer from thyroid disorders. In our country, no research on the prevalence of the disorders has been conducted before, and this research methodology was discussed by the Scientific committee of the National Center for Public Health and was approved by resolution No.156 of the Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Health on 2020. @*Materials and Methods@#In order to determine the prevalence of thyroid disease in the country, we collected the actual number of thyroid disorders registered in 9 districts of the capital city and 330 soums of 21 aimags for a total of 10 years from 2011 to 2020. The prevalence of thyroid disorders was mapped using Arc view and GIS software.@*Results@#Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disease account for 2.3% of all outpatient cases. Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic disease accounted for an average of 168.3 per 10000 population over the past 10 years, and thyroid disorders accounted for 45 or 26.7% of endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases. Thyroid disorders are highest in people aged 40-49 years. </br>Thyroid toxicity is the most common type of thyroid disease in Mongolia, accounting for 56.2%, with an average of 17.2 per 10000 population in 2011-2020. However, iodine deficiency-related thyroid disease accounts for 5.5% of all thyroid disorders, with an average of 2.5 per 10000 population in 2011-2020. In 2011, it decreased by 2.2 per 10000 population, and by 2020, it decreased by 0.2 per thousand to 2.0, but in the last 5 years, it has increased by an average of 2.4 per 10,000 population, and in the last 5 years it has increased by 0.2 per thousand, or 2.6 per 10,000 population. Morbidity is high in the Khangai and Central regions.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974443


Background@#Breastfeeding is the ideal food source for all newborns globally. Proper feeding of infants and young children promotes optimal growth and development, especially in the critical window from birth to 2 years of age. Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and continued breastfeeding for the first 2 years of life protects children from infection, provides an ideal source of nutrients, and is economical and safe.@*Objective@#To assess the indicators of infant feeding practices among 0- 23 months old children.@*Materials and Methods@#The NNS V was implemented in 21 aimags (provinces) in 4 economic regions (Central, Eastern, Khangai, Western) and the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. Given the regional differences in lifestyle and nutrition status, target populations were stratified into 5 strata based on economic region and Ulaanbaatar with equal samples drawn from each stratum using a cluster-randomized sampling design [1]. The infant and young child feeding indicators assessed in the NNS V were based on the mother’s or caretaker’s report of breastfeeding and consumption of foods and fluids by the child during the day or night prior to being interviewed.@*Results@#83.7% of children under 2 years started breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth and though almost all children were ever breastfed (97.9%), a slightly higher percentage of girls were ever breastfed overall and within 1 hour of birth. Children 0-5 months were categorized according to whether they were exclusively breastfed or predominantly breastfed, with the former only allowing vitamins, mineral supplements, and medicine and the latter also including plain water and non-milk liquids. Among children 0-5 months of age, 58.3% were exclusively breastfed and 65.3% were predominantly breastfed, having received other liquids or foods in addition to breast milk. The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding was lowest in the 4th wealth index quintile (46.5%) and wealthiest quintile (54.0%) households.@*Conclusions@#Exclusive breastfeeding and early initiation of breastfeeding practices are unacceptably low in Mongolia; 20% of newborns are not breastfed within 1 hour of birth and more than 40% of infants under 6 months of age are not exclusively breastfed and therefore, not receiving optimum nutritional and immunity benefits from breast milk. Strengthening IYCF counselling in all regions and wealth quintiles to support women to practice optimal breastfeeding, along with counselling and awareness of timely and adequate complementary feeding for children under 2 years of age, should be a top priority for public health and as it is a key strategy to reduce malnutrition in children.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973322


Background@#Weight at birth is a good indicator of the mother’s health and nutrition status during gestation and a child’s chances for survival, growth, long-term health, and psychosocial development. Low birth weight (defined as less than 2500 grams) poses a range of serious health risks for children. @*Objective@#To assess the prevalence of low birth weights (LBW).@*Materials and Methods@#The NNS V was implemented in 21 provinces (aimags) in 4 economic regions (Central, Eastern, Khangai, Western) and the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. A total of 2250 children aged 0-59 months. Given the regional differences in lifestyle and nutrition status, target populations were stratified into 5 strata based on economic region and Ulaanbaatar with equal samples drawn from each stratum using a cluster-randomized sampling design. For the selection of households in urban areas, the process involved first selecting 30 khoroos (clusters), then khesegs, and then households with a child 0-59 months of age.@*Ethical considerations @#The survey methodology was discussed at the Scientific Committee of the Public Health Institute (recently named by National Center for Public Health) and granted the PHI Directors Order on 28th June, 2016. Ethics approval for conducting the NNS V, was obtained from the Medical Ethics Committee under the Mongolian Ministry of Health. @*Results@#Almost all (99.5%) children in the sample were weighed at birth with 5.0% weighing less than 2500 grams at birth and 12.6% weighing over 4000 grams at birth. The prevalence of low birth weight was slightly higher among girls than boys, however high birth weight was much more common in boys (15.9%) compared to girls (9.5%). Prevalence of low birth weight was highest in Western region (9.6%) and the poorest households (7.8%) while the prevalence of high birth weight was highest in Ulaanbaatar (13.8%) and wealthiest households1 (16.4%). High birth weight was more than double among children of overweight (17.5%) and obese (17.3%) mothers compared to children of normal weight (8.4%) or underweight (7.0%) mothers. Among singleton births, women <29 years of age had higher LBW rates than did those 30-39 years of age in both years, irrespective of birth order. LBW rate was more than double among mothers in kazak ethnic groups (13.8%).@*Conclusions@#The younger age of the mother was more likely to develop low birth weight, and it was twice as high among mothers in Kazak ethnic groups. Therefore, adolescents and women of reproductive age needed to improve the health education and to identify the causes and risk factors of low birth weight among mothers in Kazak ethnic groups.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973384


Background@#Iron is an essential mineral needed for physical and cognitive development with iron needs greatest during pregnancy, infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Iron is vital throughout the lifespan as it is a component of haemoglobin, the protein responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to body cells for energy production. Iron deficiency results from a depletion of body iron stores due to increased iron needs, inadequate dietary iron intake, reduced iron absorption, or loss of iron from infections caused by malaria, hookworms, and other intestinal parasites. In advanced stages, iron deficiency leads to iron deficiency anaemia, a condition of low red blood cells and reduced oxygen-carrying capacity.@*Goal@#This study aimed to determine body iron stores in Mongolian children aged 6-59 months, and estimate prevalence of iron deficiency among of studied children. @*Materials and Methods@#In this study were used materials that collected during the fifth national nutrition survey conducted in 21 provinces of 4 economic regions and 8 districts of Ulaanbaatar city of Mongolia. The fifth national nutrition survey was household based survey; therefore sampling unit was household with 5 year-old child. We had used demographic information collected by interview methods and laboratory examination results on ferritin, soluble transferrin (sTfR), C reactive protein (CRP) and α1-acid glycoprotein (AFP) in serum samples collected from 6 to 59 months old children, pregnant women and 15–49 year-old men living in child’s households. Serum Ferritin and soluble transferrin (sTfR) were used as a biomarker for iron store and iron deficiency and C reactive protein (CRP) and AFG were used as indicators for acute and chronic infection. The determination of iron status is challenging when concomitant infection and inflammation are present because of confounding effects of the acute-phase response on the interpretation of most iron indicators. Effects of C reactive protein (CRP) and AGP concentrations on estimates of ID according to serum ferritin (SF) and soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) were considered in the study. @*Ethical considerations @#The survey protocol was discussed at the scientific committee of the Public health institute and approved by director of scientific committee of PHI on June 28, 2016. Ethical approval for conducting the survey, including obtaining biological samples was obtained from the Medical ethics committee under the Ministry of Health of Mongolia on July 7, 2016. Participation in the survey was voluntary, oral and written informed consent was obtained from each participants and adult caregivers of under 5 year-old children. @*Results@#Biomarkers of iron status were adjusted with inflammation indicators and estimated iron deficiency (ID) and total body iron store in 1732 children 6-59 month-olds. The study findings showed that adjusted mean concentration of serum ferritin and soluble transferrin receptor was 33.7 µg/l and 8.8 mg/l in children age of 6-59 months, respectively. The calculated total body iron store by using adjusted SF and soluble transferrin receptor was 2.8 mg/kg among surveyed children. Iron deficiency was estimated by using 2 different biomarkers among selected population group. The prevalence of iron deficiency estimated by using SF was 20.7% in children 6-59 months. Iron deficiency in children defined by using serum soluble transferrin receptor was 27.7%.@*Conclusions@#</br> 1. The average serum ferritin and soluble transferrin receptor concentrations was 33.7 µg/l and 8.8 mg/l in children age of 6-59 months, respectively. Total body iron store estimated by using SF and soluble transferrin was 2.8 mg/kg among surveyed children. </br>2. The prevalence of iron deficiency estimated by using SF and sTfR was 20.7% and 27.7% in children 6-59 months, respectively. According to the WHO recommendation, prevalence of iron deficiency among Mongolian children aged 6-59 months is classified as “prevalent”. </br>3. Overall proportion of children with low body iron store was 22.4%. The prevalence of iron depletion is relatively common in boys, young children aged 6–23 months, and rural children aged 6-59 months.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974636


Background @#Overweight and obesity are conditions of over nutrition resulting from consumption of more calories than the body requires leading to excess body fat accumulation. The prevalence of both overweight and obesity is increasing globally in all age groups in high, middle, and low-income countries and is largely attributed to the “nutrition transition” with a shift from traditional diets to readily available and inexpensive, low-nutrient unhealthy foods high in energy [1]. </br> The move away from traditional to “junk” foods often occurs at the same time as the move of populations away from daily physical activity and increase in sedentary activities such as time spent in front of a phone, computer, or television, furthering increasing the risk of becoming overweight. People who are overweight or obese are at higher risk for serious health problems including hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some cancers, and osteoarthritis. The increase in overweight and obesity is accompanied by a dramatic increase in prevalence of above mentioned chronic conditions in the worldwide. While the long-term repercussions of overweight and obesity are severe, they are largely preventable and treatable through healthy diets and healthy lifestyle behaviors [2].@*Materials and Methods@#The fifth National nutrition survey (NNSV) was implemented in 21 provinces (aimags) in 4 socio-economic regions (Central, Eastern, Khangai, and Western) and the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. Given the regional differences in dietary patterns and nutrition status, target populations were stratified into 5 strata based on 4 regions and Ulaanbaatar with equal samples drawn from each stratum using a cluster-randomized sampling design. In total, 1750 school children data on demographic and dietary information collected by interview methods and anthropometric measurement results were used in this study. @*Ethical considerations@#The survey protocol was discussed at the Scientific Committee of the Public Health Institute (recently named by National Center for Public Health) and granted by order of director of Scientific committee of PHI on 28th June, 2016. Ethical approval for conducting the NNS V was obtained from the Medical Ethics Committee under the Ministry of Health of Mongolia on July 7, 2016. Participation in the survey was voluntary, oral and written informed consent were obtained from adult caregivers of each children. @*Results@#Consumption of unhealthy or junk (high-calorie, low-nutrient) foods in the past week was nearly universal (99.0%) among school children 6-11 years of age. Over half of children (51.4%) consumed junk foods at least once per week and 45.7% consumed junk foods a few times a week. Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages was high with 80.9% of children consuming these at least once in the past week. Overall consumption of fried foods was lower than consumption of junk foods or sugar-sweetened beverages with 22.7% of children not consuming any fried foods in the past week and only 8.5% of children consuming fried foods a few times per week. Consumption of sweet foods was high with nearly all children having consumed sweet foods in the past week, 45.9% of children 6-11 years having consumed sweet foods a few times per week. </br> The prevalence of overweight (BMI > +1 SD) was 22.2% and prevalence of obesity (BMI > +2 SD) was 6.4%. Overweight prevalence was higher in boys (26.6%) compared to girls (17.8%) and in urban (23.9%) compared to rural (17.6%) areas with the highest prevalence in Ulaanbaatar (25.6%) compared to other regions. Children 6 years old (26.1%) and 7 years old (25.6%) had a higher prevalence of overweight than older children.@*Conclusion@#</br> 1. Consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks is common to 6-11 year olds group, with almost all children (99.2%) consuming any type of unhealthy foods and drinks at least once per week, in particular, 8 out of 10 children were found consuming sugary drinks and/or deep fried food. </br>2. The consumption of unhealthy foods was not differing by child’s sex, there were revealed significant differences between living area and regions. Proportion of the school children 6-11 years of age was relatively higher in Ulaanbaatar city and urban settings. </br>3. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in school children aged 6-11years sharply increased from 2010 NNS IV level and reached 22.2% and 6.4%, respectively. Among children with obesity consumption of any unhealthy foods and sugary drinks were 1.4–1.9 times higher than nonobese children, respectively.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975055


Background@#In order to study and evaluate the nutrition situation of the Mongolian people. The 2016-2017 NNS V includes 5 different age groups from Mongolian’s four economic development regions and Ulaanbaatar. The NNS V survey quantifies the prevalence of the nutrition conditions that are of greatest concern to the population, particularly young children and pregnant women.@*Goal@#To establish the prevalence of micronutrients deficiency and estimate micronutrient intake in pregnant women@*Materials and Methods@#Totally 2220 pregnant women included in cross-sectional study from urban and rural area. Survey procedures consisted of interview, anthropometric measurements, clinical examinations, and the collection of biological (blood and urine) samples for pregnant women. Micronutrient deficiencies were assessed by tests for hemoglobin, serum, ferritin, soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR), retinol-binding protein (RBP), 25-hydroxyvitamin D {25(ОН)D}, spot urine samples for determination of urinary iodine concentration.@*Result@#The prevalence of anemia, as measured by hemoglobin, was 21.4% and the iron deficiency anemia (IDA) was 10.5%, as measured by adjusted serum ferritin or soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) was 29.6%. </br> Prevalence of iron deficiency as measured by serum ferritin was also highest in Western 35.1% and lowest in Eastern region 21.5% (P<0.01). The prevalence of vitamin D in pregnant women was high with 75.4% and 4.4% of all pregnant women had sufficient vitamin D status. An additional 20.2% of pregnant women having insufficient levels. The median concentration of 120.5µg/l indicates inadequate iodine status in pregnant women, as the desired range for adequate iodine nutrition in pregnancy 150-249 µg/l.@*Conclusion@#</br>1. One in every 5 pregnant women (21.4%) is anemic. </br>2. Vitamin D intake among pregnant women (7.3%) is very low, with 75.4% having vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D insufficiency –by 20.2%. </br>3. Median urinary iodine concentration of pregnant women is 120.2mg/l, considerably lower than WHO recommended reference range, indicating pregnant women are at risk of iodine deficiency. </br>4. Despite visible growth in vitamin and mineral supplements intake by pregnant women, compared to 2010, the infrequency of intake and failure to consume recommended number of supplements as instructed in the relevant guides persist.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973305


Background@#Overweight and obesity are conditions of over nutrition resulting from consumption of more calories than the body requires leading to excess body fat accumulation. The prevalence of both overweight and obesity is increasing globally in all age groups in high, middle, and low-income countries and is largely attributed to the “nutrition transition” with a shift from traditional diets to readily available and inexpensive high-energy and low-nutrient foods [1]. </br> The move away from traditional to “Junk” foods often occurs at the same time as the move of populations away from daily physical activity and increase in sedentary activities such as time spent in front of a phone, computer, or television, furthering increasing the risk of becoming overweight. People who are overweight or obese are at higher risk for serious health problems including hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some cancers, and osteoarthritis. The increase in overweight and obesity is accompanied by a dramatic increase in prevalence of these chronic diseases at the global level. While the long-term repercussions of overweight and obesity are severe, they are largely preventable and treatable through healthy diets and healthy lifestyle behaviors [2].@*Materials and Methods@#The NNS V was implemented in 21 provinces (aimags) in 4 economic regions (Central, Eastern, Khangai, and Western) and the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. Given the regional differences in lifestyle and nutrition status, target populations were stratified into 5 strata based on economic region and Ulaanbaatar with equal samples drawn from each stratum using a cluster-randomized sampling design [3]. Total participated 1944 mothers’ years of age who had a child aged 0-59 months. @*Ethical considerations @#The survey methodology was discussed at the Scientific Committee of the Public Health Institute (recently named by National Center for Public Health) and granted the PHI Directors Order on 28th June, 2016. Ethics approval for conducting the NNS V, including obtaining biological (blood and urine) samples, was obtained from the Medical Ethics Committee under Ministry of Health, Mongolia on 7th July, 2016 with granted approval to conduct the survey and send blood serum samples to the VitMin laboratory in Germany. Participation in the survey was voluntary and oral and written informed consent was obtained from all individuals selected for the survey. Participant confidentiality was maintained during data collection, data entry, data analysis, and in the dissemination of survey findings. @*Results@#Nearly half of mothers (46.2%) were overweight with 16.5% of mothers obese and 4.1% underweight. The prevalence of overweight in mothers was highest in rural areas (50.1%), married status (49.3%), and lowest in Ulaanbaatar (42.3%) compared to other regions (48.6% to 52.6%). The overall prevalence of anaemia among mothers was 16.2% with highest prevalence amongst Kazakh (31.9%) and other ethnic minority mothers (25.1%), mothers with secondary education (20.3%) and unemployed mothers (19.9%). Minimum dietary diversity is a proxy indicator for the nutrient content of a diet based on consumption of at least 5 of 10 food groups.<sup>1</sup> People who consume food items from at least 5 food groups are likely to consume at least 1 animal-source food and items from 2 or more of the fruit and vegetable food groups. In the NNS V, 70.2% of mothers met the minimum dietary diversity requirement with a higher prevalence in urban areas (74.8%) and Ulaanbaatar (77.5%).@*Conclusion@#The prevalence of overweight and obesity in mothers of reproductive age is 46.2%, with the highest percentage of mothers with overweight and obesity being in rural areas (50.1%), which is 5.8 percentage points higher than that of urban mothers. 16.2% of mothers are anemic. Prevalence of Minimum dietary diversity among mothers is 70.2%. Food consumption is inadequate in mothers with the primary and secondary education, and in mothers in rural areas, and in poorest mothers or in mothers with the second and third wealth index. @*@#<sup>1</sup><i>FAO and FHI 360. 2016. Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women: A Guide for Measurement. Rome: FAO.</i>

Health Laboratory ; : 5-9, 2017.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973078


Justification@#Iodine is a micronutrient essential for human health. 92% of the required iodine human organism obtains with food. One of methods to supply the required amount of iodine is the use of iodised salt. The overall goal of our study was to determine the actual consumption of iodised salt by households. @*Materials and Methods@#Samples of salt consumed by 20173 households from five regions (Western, Mountainous, Central, Eastern regions and Ulaanbaatar city) of Mongolia were collected and their iodine contents were determined according to MNS 5168:2002.@*Results@#Out of the total analyzed salt samples, 19.1 % were non-iodised, 2.8% had low iodine content, 77.5% had appropriate level of iodine and 0.6% had high level of iodine.</br> When the salt iodine contents were evaluated by the country regions, it was revealed that the households in Western (31.4%) and Mountainous (20.57%) regions consumed salt that was not iodised. 84.5% of the Ulaanbaatar city households consumed salt with appropriate level of iodine.@*Conclusions@#</br> 1. 19.1 % of the surveyed households consume non-iodised salt, 2.8% consume salt with low iodine content, 77.5% consume salt with appropriate level of iodine and 0.6% consume salt with high level of iodine.</br> 2. The iodine level is appropriate in 84.5% of salt consumed by Ulaanbaatar city households.

Health Laboratory ; : 10-14, 2017.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973079


Background@#Iodine is a micronutrient essential for mental and physical development. One of ways to prevent from iodine deficiency is sufficient intake of iodine with food. The WHO approved method for assessment of the population’s iodine status is measurement of the concentration of iodine in urine.@*Goal@#The goal of the survey was to assess the iodine status in 6-11 years old children and pregnant women.@*Materials and Method@#1697 children of 6-11 years of age and 900 pregnant women were selected from 21 aimags and Ulaanbaatar city. Concentrations of iodine in their urine were determined using the Sandell-Kolthoff reaction method.@*Results@#The median amount of urinary iodine in 6-11-year-old children was 143.45 µg/L which was within the WHO recommended range (100.0-199.9 µg/L). 31.82% of the surveyed children had their urinary iodine less than 100 µg/L which indicated a risk of iodine deficiency. The highest frequency of children with urinary iodine less than 100 µg/L was observed in western regions (53.9%) and the lowest percentage was observed in eastern regions (17.8%).</br> The median concentration of urinary iodine in pregnant women was 111.35 100 µg/L which was lower than the WHO recommended value (≥150 µg/L). The median amount of urinary iodine was 127.81 µg/L for the women in Ulaanbaatar city and for those in rural areas was 108 µg/L. The overall percentage of the women with low urinary iodine was 64.1%. @*Conclusions@#</br> 1. The median urinary iodine concentration in 6-11 years old children is within the WHO recommended range, whereas the median concentration in pregnant women is lower than the WHO recommended value. </br> 2. 31.8% of the surveyed children and 64.1% of the pregnant women are at risk of iodine deficiency. </br> 3. The frequency of iodine deficiency is highest in western region and is lowest in eastern and central regions.

Innovation ; : 68-69, 2015.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975408


Cervical cancer is commonly caused by infection with human papilloma virus(HPV) and some risk factors are involved in the etiology of it.1 All over the world 437000 people are diagnosed with cervical disorders and half of them die due to cervical cancer.2 Annually 12000 new cases of cervical cancer are detected and 5000 women die because of it. In Spain about 2000 women are determined in the 3rd and 4th stage of the disease per year.3 Over the period 2000-2008 cervical cancer rate is 8 %among all cancers in Mongolia. Approximately 16 % of women’s cancer is cervical cancer. 4 In developing nations prevalence rate of cervical cancer is higher because of malnutrition, quality and framework for early detection are not satisfying and some reproductive risk factors also influence on it. 5 Worldwide diagnosing early and rapid management of precancerous condition and cervical abnormalities turn into main issue. Therefore based on these detection of premalignant lesion of cervix by colposcopy the main objective of the study. The overall goal of the study is to detect the premalignant lesion of cervix by colposcopy and determine of some risk factors and study the results.A total of 71 women, who are treated in Women’s inflammatory disease unit, Infertility and Women’s endocrine disorder unit are recruited for the cross sectional study. The women, who conducted the study were selected by accidently and colposcopy was done. They also have completed special questionnaires. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 19.0, Windows Office. The average age of the women was 38±9.4. Colposcopy was done 90.1% (n=64) of women, 9.9% (n=7) of women had not colposcopy. Among the women who had colposcopy, biopsies were taken 56.3% (n=36). During colposcopy we analyzed condition of cervix then we took biopsy from suspected areas and sent it histology laboratory. We compared predictive diagnosis, histology results after colposcopy and 33.3% (n=12) were identified as normal, CIN I was 52.7%, (n=19), CIN II was 5.5% (n=2), CINIII was 2.7% (n=1), cervical cancer is confirmed in 5.5% (n=2). We studied risk factors that can influence the cervical disorders among the women recruited in the study and age of first sexual intercourse (r=0.356, p=0.033), number of abortion (r=0.412, p=0.029) were statistically significant. However age of the women, parity, usage of contraceptive pills, smoking, number of sexual partners were statistically not significant.(p>0.05) When women’s age of first sexual intercourse is younger, cervical cancer disorder occurs30% greater comparing to women having first sexual intercourse later, (p<0.05, R=0.3), when number of abortion increases cervical cancer disorder increases 40%(p<0.05, R=0.41).F-1 to recruit osteoprogenitor /mesenchymal stem cells in the bone regeneration process.

Innovation ; : 170-173, 2015.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975429


Risk of nephrotith disease increases relating with using high hardened water, not suitable diet, being sensitive for some kind of food products. Then for Mongolia, particularly Bulgan province which is located in basin of the Selenge river is consisted in regions which have high hardened water. Sickness rate of renal diseases especially nephtolith disease is high in population of Selenge soum of Bulgan province. It was main reason of choose this subject and investigate non organic substances in urine of population and determine risks of nephtolith disease for them. To determine оne of the factors affecting the formation of the disease is to study the composition of drinking water and investigate non organic substances in urine. We used cross-sectional methodology for our study. Our study was conducted from June, 2013 to November, 2014. Household water used portable water dissemination and homes with private wells and water samples from the river.Drinking water analyzed of the chemistry parameters (13 substances) in the chemistry and toxicology laboratories in Orkhon aimag. There was 300 urine analyze was done and 62 of them was confirmed nephtolith disease with it. We investigated non-organic substances in their urine. Interviews people in the study, the average age was 43.26±14.7. 64.2% of participants was answered that they use ground water (private groundwater wells), 25.4% use external water (the well water), 8.1% use river water, 2.3 use pure water when asked about their water supply. Composition of samples from drinking water standard was near to the standard assessments by comparing the maximum amount of. We were considered the most important water pH, solids, iron, chlorine analysis compares removable wells and private wells. Hardness for 53.3% of the well of 2.5-3.5 mg/l with hard water, private wells, 60.0% of 4.6-5.5 mg/l solids by of water. Wells chlorides portable 66.7% 14.4-25.3 mg/l, and private wells 13.3% of 4.3-14.3 mg /l. 20.7 percent of survey identified as the kidney and urinary tract diseases. Urat salt (32.1%), compound of urat and sodium (32.1%), oxalate (14.5%), sodium (13.4%), compound of oxalate and sodium (6.4%), phosphate (1.5%) was determined in urine analyze. It was close to the water content of the standard performance. The well water solids of 2.5-3.5 mg/l and private groundwater wells solids of 4.6-5.5 mg/l. And the well chlorides 14.4-25.3 mg/l and private groundwater wells chlorides 4.3-14.3 mg/l.Urat and compound of urat and sodium are dominated in composition of stone during nephrolith disease (p=0.043).

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975657


Background: Disorders in the human body due to selenium defi ciency are associated with geographiclocation or environment, especially selenium concentrations in water and in soil. Selenium concentrationsin the blood of populations around the world, varies greatly. To date, no research has been conducted onaverage serum selenium level of adult Mongolians.Goal. To conduct a comparative study on the average serum selenium level of adult Mongolians bygeographic regions.Materials and Methods. In this study were participated 2339 healthy subjects randomly selectedfrom sampling units based on 4 geographical regions of Mongolia. For the study were used thequestionnaire and biochemical methods. Blood samples were collected from all subjects and serumselenium concentration was measured by the thermo fi sher scientifi c analyzer using atomic absorptionspectrophotometer method.Result: The mean serum selenium level in adult Mongolians was 0.78 μmol/l. A comparative analysisshowed a statistically signifi cant difference (ð<0.0001) in the mean serum selenium level of adultMongolians living in different geographic regions. In particular, the mean serum selenium level ofadult Mongolians was 0.85 μmol/l in the Altai Mountain, 0.57 μmol/l in Khangai mountain, 1.0 μmol/l inGobi, 0.71 μmol/l in Dornod steppe regions and thus indicator was 0.75 μmol/l among adult citizens ofUlaanbaatar. Majority of residents living in Khangai mountain and Dornod steppe regions were at a riskof selenium defi ciency.Conclusions:1. Comparative analysis of the average serum selenium level of adult Mongolians by region showedthat the Gobi region has highest (1.0 μìîë/ë) and Khangai region has the lowest (0.57 μìîë/ë).2. Study fi ndings showed that 7 – 8 individuals out of 10 residents of Dornod steppe and Khangairegions were at the risk of selenium defi ciency.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975687


IntroductionThe trace elements selenium is a constituent of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase. Becauseit boosts the body’s antioxidant capacity, selenium is thought to have some ability to control cell damagethat may lead to cancer. Selenium low status has been linked to increased risk of various diseases, suchas cancer and heart disease.GoalInvestigate serum selenium level of adult mongolians and conduct age and gender coparartive analysisof the serum selenium content.Materials and MethodsCross sectional study was performed among the 2339 apparently healthy Mongolians of both gendersaged ≥18 years. In the study were used questionnaire and biochemical methods. Blood samples werecollected from all subjects and serum selenium concentration was measured by atomic absorptionspectrophotometry method using thermo fisher scientific analyzer.ResultsThe mean and confidence interval of serum selenium level in adult Mongolians was 0.78 μmol/l (95%CI0.77-0.79) and there was no significant difference between genders. Thus the mean was 0.77 μmol/l(95%CI 0.76-0.80) among women and in men it was 0.78 μmol/l (95%CI 0.76-0.80). Data analysisrevealed that older age group individuals were at risk of lowered serum selenium level. In particular,the oldest age group of over 60 years (females: 0.74 μmol/l, 95%CI 0.70-0.77; males: 0.68 μmol/l,95%CI 0.64-0.71). The difference in selenium status between age groups was statistically significant inboth sexes. The overall prevalence of serum selenium concentrations indicative risk of deficiency was59.7%, with no significant differences in the prevalence by genders. Survey findings revealed that riskof selenium deficiency had statistically significant difference between age groups among the surveyedmen.Conclusion: The mean value of serum selenium in adult Mongolians was 0.78 μmol/l and there was nosignificant difference between genders.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975852


Introduction. Malnutrition has a negative impact on the physical and intellectual development which can further affect health, living potentials and the quality of life. A lack of a sustained decrease in low birth weight and young child malnutrition is associated with the failure to provide nutritious food in adequate quantities to pregnant and breastfeeding women and children up to two years of age. The most recent estimate from the 2005 MICS survey of the prevalence of wasting is 2.8 percent, stunting is 26.8 percent, and underweight is 7.4 percent among children aged 0-59 months in Mongolia.Goal. To assess the current nutritional status of 0-59 months old children of Mongolia, and identify next steps to improve child nutrition.Materials and Methods. This cross-sectional survey was conducted in 21 aimags of 4 economic regions of the country and in the city Ulaanbaatar. A total of 706 children aged 0-59 months were selected from sampled households. Interviews, anthropometric measurements and clinical examinations were used in the survey.Results. The distribution of length/height-for-age Z-scores of the surveyed children was shifted to the left compared to the WHO Child Growth Standard. The weighted average z-score and its standard deviation was 0.78±1.5, which is characteristic of high proportion of "short" children in Mongolia. Of the surveyed children, 15.6% (95%CI 12.7¬18.9) were stunted about one-third of stunted children had severe stunting. The prevalence of stunting was highest in the Western Region, the differences between this region and all other regions were statistically significant. Rural children had statistically significantly prevalence rates of overall stunting, moderate stunting, and severe stunting compared to their urban counterparts. Underweight and stunting were much more prevalent in children who had a low birth weight. Of those with a low birth weight, 35.5% (95%C118.4- 57.3) were underweight and 54.1% (95%CI 35.3-71.8) stunted, but there were no wasted children.Conclusions:1. In rural area the prevalence of stunting among in 0-59 months old children was highest than urban area's children.2. The prevalence of stunting was highest in the Western Region and remains at "high" level according to WHO classification.3. Underweight and stunting were much more prevalent in children who had a low birth weight4. The high rate of stunting among under five year olds is likely related to dietary behavior, and requires further study and intervention efforts.

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