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Braz. j. microbiol ; 42(1): 290-297, Jan.-Mar. 2011. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-571402


Ten captive neotropical Brazilian feline were submitted to gastroscopic examination and samples of gastric mucosa from fundus, corpus and pyloric antrum were evaluated for the presence of Helicobacter species. Warthin-Starry (WS) staining and PCR assay with species-specific primers and enzymatic cleavage were applied for bacterial detection and identification. Histological lesions were evaluated by haematoxylin and eosin staining. All animals showed normal gross aspect of gastric mucosa. Helicobacter heilmannii was confirmed in 100 percent of the samples by WS and PCR assay. Mild lymphocytic infiltrate in the lamina propria was observed in eight animals, mainly in the fundus region. Small lymphoid follicles were seen in three animals. No significant association between Helicobacter infection and histological findings was verified. These observations suggest that gastric Helicobacter spp. could be a commensal or a eventual pathogen to captive neotropical feline, and that procedures, way life, and stress level on the shelter apparently had no negative repercussion over the integrity of the stomach.

Animaux , Chats , Activation enzymatique , Maladies gastro-intestinales , Helicobacter felis , Infections à Helicobacter , Hématoxyline , Techniques in vitro , Plaques de Peyer , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne , Plaies et blessures , Techniques et procédures diagnostiques , Méthodes , Panthera
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 28(2): 257-268, abr.-jun. 2007. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-464701


Foram examinadas 150 amostras de fezes colhidas de cães com diarréia aguda (Grupo 1), e outras 50 deanimais sem diarréia (Grupo 2), atendidos entre outubro de 2004 e outubro 2005, no Hospital VeterinárioEscola da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Dos 150 animais do G1, 44 (29,3%) estavam infectados porhelmintos e/ou protozoários, sendo que destes, 32 (72,7%) apresentavam infecção simples e 12 (27,3%)infecções múltiplas. Os gêneros identificados nestes animais foram: Giardia sp. (9,3%), Cystoisosporasp. (7,3%), Ancylostoma sp. (7,3%), Entamoeba sp. (6,7%), Toxocara sp. (4%), entatrichomonashominis (3,3%) e Trichuris vulpis (1,3%). Dos 50 animais sem diarréia, seis (12%) eram positivos, dois(4%) para Ancylostoma sp., três (6%) para Giardia sp. e um (2%) para Ancylostoma sp. e ystoisosporasimultaneamente. Houve relação estatisticamente significativa (P=0,005) entre o parasitismo e a ocorrênciade diarréia, assim como entre a faixa etária e a proporção de infecções (P<0,001), porém, machos e fêmeasforam igualmente acometidos (P=0,08). O número de cães com raça definida foi significativamente maiordo que de cães sem definição racial (P=0,01). Os resultados demonstram a importância de realizaçãoperiódica de exames parasitológicos em cães com e sem diarréia para tratamento específico e adoçãomedidas de controle e profilaxia.

One hundred and fifty fecal samples from dogs with acute diarrhea (Group 1) and from 50 dogs without diarrhea (Group 2) were collected and analyzed at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the State Universityof Londrina, between October, 2004 and October 2005. From the positive samples (29.3%) of Group 1,72.7% were infected by only one agent, while 27.3% had mixed infection. The following genera were observed by coproparasitologic evaluation: Giardia sp. (9.3%), Ancylostoma sp. (7.3%), Cystoisospora(7.3%), Entamoeba sp.(6.7%), Toxocara sp.(4%), Pentatrichomanashominis (3.3%), and Trichurisvulpis (1.3%). From the 50 animals without diarrhea, six (12%) were positive by coproparasitologicevaluation: two (4%) for Ancylostoma sp., three (6%) with Giardia sp., and one (2%) for both Ancylostoma sp. and Cystoisospora sp. There was a significant relationship between infection and diarrhea (P=0,005),age and infection (P<0,001); but not between the occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in males andfemales (P=0.08). The number of infected pure breed dogs was significantly higher than their mixed breedcounterparts (P=0.01). The results show the importance of realizing periodic parasitological examinationin dogs with or without diarrhea for the specific treatment and the implementation of prophylaxis and control methods

Eucaryotes , Chiens , Diarrhée , Helminthes , Parasites
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 27(3): 453-462, jul.-set. 2006. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-464849


A gastrenterite hemorrágica (GHE) é uma afecção comum em filhotes de cães, e motivo freqüente de internação e mortalidade. Considerando que probióticos têm sido apontados como benéficos no tratamento destes pacientes, avaliamos o impacto da inclusão de probiótico á base de Lactobacillus acidophillus em 100 filhotes de cães com GHE, distribuídos em dois grupos de 50 indivíduos. Os cães do grupo 1 (G1), além da terapia indicada para GEH, constituída de fluido e antibiótico terapia e antiemético, receberam, por via oral, probiótico. Para os animais do grupo 2 (G2) foi adotada apenas a terapêutica convencional. Foram quantificadas as partículas virais nas fezes, pela hemaglutinação (HA) e os anticorpos (Ac) anti-parvovírus por inibição da hemaglutinação. Foram registradas a duração da internação e a tolerância dos animais ao probiótico. A excreção viral nas fezes pelos animais de ambos os grupos foi semelhante no momento da internação (P=0,746) e da alta hospitalar (P=0,294). Entretanto, no G1 a excreção foi significativamente menor no momento da alta (p<0,001). O período de internamento variou de um a 15 dias no G1 e de um a 10 dias no G2 (P=0,70). A taxa de mortalidade no G1 foi de 37,50 (18/48) e de 26 (13/50) no G2 (P=0,49). A aceitação do probiótico variou de regular a ótima em 95 das administrações, porém, os animais que foram a óbito demonstraram intolerância. Com estas observações não foi estabelecida relação entre a administração de probiótico e recuperação da doença, abreviação do período de internação ou ao aumento da resposta humoral. Porém, a suplementação reduziu a excreção fecal de vírus, o que é benéfico quando se considera a menor disseminação do vírus no ambiente

Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (GHE) is a common motivation to hospitalization and mortality betweenpuppies. Considering the beneficial effects of probiotics in the treatment of some gastrointestinal disorders,we evaluated the usefulness of the probiotic product in 100 puppies hospitalized because GHE. Fifthdogs were treated by intravenous fluid, antiemetic, antibiotics and probiotic product (G1), and the other50 only by supportive and symptomatic therapy (G2). We accessed the titters of anticorpus anti-parvovirusby HI, fecal excretion of virus by HA and registered the duration of internation period and tolerance toprobiotic ingestion. The titters of HI were similar between G1 and G2 in the samples from entrance (P =0,553) and at the hospital discharge (P = 0,844), moreover arises during hospitalization in booth groups(P < 0,001). The fecal excretion of virus of G1 and G2 were similar in booth moments (P = 0,746 and P =0,294, respectively) furthermore the G1 showed lowest fecal titters of virus at hospital discharge (P <0,001). The internation period in the G1 variates one to 15 days and one to 10 days in the G2 group,without statistical difference between the groups (P = 0,70). The rate of mortality in the G1 was 37,50%(18/48) and 26% (13/50) in the G2, lacking statistical significance (P = 0,49). Probiotic tolerance wasregular to excellent in 95% of the administrations, furthermore the animals that died demonstrate intolerance.These observation permits no established a relationship between the administration of Lactobacilusacidophillus based probiotic and shortening treatment duration, improved in the disease evolution oranticorpus production, likewise showed positive influence over fecal excretion of virus. Considering theparvovirosis, this is a desirable factor to decrease dissemination of the disease between susceptiblepopulation

Maladies des chiens/prévention et contrôle , Gastroentérite/médecine vétérinaire , Parvovirus canin , Probiotiques