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Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 56: e0253, 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422910


ABSTRACT Background: This cross-sectional study compared the general impact of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) and patient satisfaction with treatment and health services as perceived by those undergoing different therapeutic regimens in an endemic region in South-Eastern Brazil. We also investigated the factors associated with both outcomes (general impact and satisfaction). Methods: We included 84 patients with CL treated between 2018 and 2019 with intravenous meglumine antimoniate, liposomal amphotericin B, or intralesional meglumine antimoniate therapy. Data were collected through interviews that assessed sociodemographic characteristics, comorbidity status, access and use of health services for CL diagnosis and treatment, and the items of the Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Impact Questionnaire (CLIQ). The CLIQ is a psychometric questionnaire previously validated to assess the general impact of CL on patient satisfaction with treatment and health services. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify the factors associated with high CL impact and low patient satisfaction. Results: The general impact of CL and patient satisfaction with treatment and health services were not significantly associated with the therapeutic regimen. High CL impact was associated with low family income (odds ratio [OR]:3.3; 95% confidence interval [CI]:1.0-10.3), occurrence of complications/adverse effects during treatment (OR:7.7; 95%CI:2.4-25.6), and additional costs during diagnosis and/or treatment (OR:12.1; 95% CI:2.8-52.4). Low satisfaction was associated with high disease impact (OR: 9.5; 95% CI:2.7-33.9), occurrence of complications/adverse effects (OR:4.2; 95% CI:1.3-13.0), and high family income (OR:7.1; 95%CI:1.7-28.2). Conclusions: Our data support public health policies aimed at reducing the impact of CL and its treatment as well as the use of therapy with fewer adverse effects.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e23, 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515483


ABSTRACT Objective. To describe the results of a national campaign aimed at the integrated control of neglected tropical diseases in Brazil in light of the World Health Organization (WHO) official documentation related to the integration of strategies for the prevention, control, and elimination or eradication of neglected tropical diseases. Methods. A document review that included official WHO documents published between 2007 and 2020 and campaign results extracted from the official technical report produced by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Results. The integrated control of neglected tropical diseases was gradually incorporated in the WHO documentation over time. Preventive chemotherapy through mass drug administration, intensified case management, and integrated vector management were extensively recommended as strategies for integrated control. The Brazilian campaign was carried out in four iterations between 2013 and 2017. Children aged 5 to 14 years enrolled in municipal public schools nationwide were targeted. In summary, a total of 1 074 and 73 522 new cases of leprosy and trachoma, respectively, were detected. Nearly 18 million doses of preventive chemotherapy for soil-transmitted helminthiasis were administered. More than 700 cases of schistosomiasis were diagnosed and treated. Conclusions. The integrated strategies implemented in Brazil throughout the campaign generated results aligned with the WHO recommendations for the control of neglected tropical diseases, especially those regarding mass drug administration, active case detection, and intensified case management. Therefore, the continuity of the campaign with adequate evaluation tools must be encouraged as a constant public health policy in the Brazilian government agenda.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Describir los resultados de una campaña nacional dirigida al control integrado de las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas en Brasil, a la luz de la documentación oficial de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) relacionada con la integración de estrategias para la prevención, el control y la eliminación o erradicación de las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas. Métodos. Revisión documental que comprendió documentos oficiales de la OMS publicados entre el 2007 y el 2020, así como los resultados de las campañas, extraídos del informe técnico oficial elaborado por el Ministerio de Salud de Brasil. Resultados. Con el tiempo, la OMS ha ido incorporando gradualmente en sus documentos el concepto de control integrado de las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas. Tanto los tratamientos quimioprofilácticos mediante la administración masiva de medicamentos como la intensificación del tratamiento de los casos y el control integrado de vectores han sido recomendados ampliamente como estrategias para el control integrado. En Brasil, la campaña se llevó a cabo en cuatro ediciones, realizadas entre el 2013 y el 2017. Las actividades estuvieron dirigidas a la población escolar de entre 5 y 14 años de las escuelas públicas municipales de todo el país. En resumen, se detectaron 1 074 y 73 522 casos nuevos de lepra y tracoma, respectivamente; se administraron casi 18 millones de dosis de tratamiento quimioprofiláctico contra las geohelmintiasis; y se diagnosticaron y trataron más de 700 casos de esquistosomiasis. Conclusiones. Las estrategias integradas aplicadas en Brasil en el transcurso de la campaña permitieron obtener resultados acordes con las recomendaciones de la OMS para el control de las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas, especialmente en lo relativo a la administración masiva de medicamentos, la búsqueda activa de casos y la intensificación de su tratamiento. Por lo tanto, es necesario fomentar la continuidad de la campaña con herramientas de evaluación adecuadas, como una política constante en materia de salud pública dentro de la agenda del Gobierno de Brasil.

RESUMO Objetivo. Descrever os resultados de uma campanha nacional voltada ao controle integrado de doenças tropicais negligenciadas no Brasil considerando os documentos oficiais da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) que tratam da integração de estratégias para a prevenção, o controle e a eliminação ou erradicação de doenças tropicais negligenciadas. Métodos. Realizou-se uma revisão documental que incluiu documentos oficiais da OMS publicados entre 2007 e 2020 e resultados de campanhas extraídos do relatório técnico oficial produzido pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. Resultados. O controle integrado de doenças tropicais negligenciadas foi gradualmente incorporado à documentação da OMS ao longo do tempo. A quimioterapia preventiva por meio da administração em massa de medicamentos, a intensificação da gestão de casos e o manejo integrado de vetores foram amplamente recomendados como estratégias para o controle integrado. A campanha brasileira foi realizada em quatro iterações entre 2013 e 2017. O público-alvo foram crianças de 5 a 14 anos matriculadas em escolas públicas municipais de todo o país. Em resumo, foi detectado um total de 1 074 e 73 522 novos casos de hanseníase e tracoma, respectivamente. Foram administradas cerca de 18 milhões de doses de quimioterapia preventiva para helmintíase transmitida pelo solo. Mais de 700 casos de esquistossomose foram diagnosticados e tratados. Conclusões. As estratégias integradas implementadas no Brasil ao longo da campanha geraram resultados alinhados com as recomendações da OMS para o controle de doenças tropicais negligenciadas, especialmente aquelas relativas à administração em massa de medicamentos, à detecção ativa de casos e à intensificação da gestão de casos. Portanto, a continuidade da campanha com ferramentas de avaliação adequadas deve ser incentivada como uma política de saúde pública constante na agenda do governo brasileiro.

Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387334


ABSTRACT This cross-sectional population-based study compared clinical features of leprosy and American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) in patients diagnosed with both diseases (n=414) and in those diagnosed with only leprosy (n=27,790) or only ATL (n=24,357) in Mato Grosso State, which is a hyperendemic area for both diseases in Midwest Brazil. All new cases of leprosy and ATL reported in the area from 2008 to 2017 were included. Patients diagnosed with both diseases were identified by a probabilistic linkage procedure applied to leprosy and ATL databases of the national reporting system. The distribution of the frequency of clinical features between groups was compared by the chi-square test, followed by a multivariate logistic regression. Patients diagnosed with both leprosy and ATL presented higher odds of having nerve damage (OR: 1.34; 95% CI: 1.09-1.66) and leprosy reactions (OR: 1.35; 95% CI: 1.04-1.76) compared to patients diagnosed only with leprosy. Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (OR: 2.29; 95% CI: 1.74-3.00) was more frequent among patients with both diagnoses when compared to patients who only had ATL. In conclusion, patients diagnosed with both leprosy and ATL present more severe clinical features of such diseases. Our data can be useful for designing health policies aimed at timely and integrated management of leprosy and ATL in co-endemic areas.

Rev. patol. trop ; 46(1): 23-34, abr. 2017. tab, graf, ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-913422


Dengue is an arboviral disease that is a serious public health concern, especially due to its increasing incidence in the past decades. This study aimed to characterize the epidemiological incidence of dengue in 2008­2012 in Southern Mato Grosso, Brazil. This is an epidemiological and descriptive study of dengue in the 19 municipalities of the Rondonópolis Regional Health Office using data obtained from the Information System of Diseases Notification. An analysis of the number of confirmed cases of dengue, according to year, age, and gender was performed. Data was associated with the rainfall of the region as well. There were 13,580 reported dengue cases; 2010 had the highest number of cases, with 7,244 dengue cases. In 2011, the number fell dramatically to only 236 notified cases. With regard to age, the most often affected were young adults (20-39 years of age); no difference was noted regarding gender. As expected, dengue cases were higher during the rainy season. In 2009 and 2010, in Southern Mato Grosso, there was a significant increase in the proportion of dengue cases compared with other years during the period evaluated. However, a rapid decline in the subsequent year was noted, possibly because of the intensification of preventive actions in vector control. Interestingly, 2012 presented an increasing number of dengue cases. This fact highlights the importance of actively combating dengue in order to prevent future epidemics.

Dengue , Épidémiologie , Notification des maladies
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 30(1): 127-136, Jan.-Feb. 2017. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-845580


ABSTRACT Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the presence of helminthes and intestinal protozoa in vegetables commercialized in Diamantina, a municipality located at Jequitinhonha Valley, one of the poorest regions of the world. Methods: A total of 108 specimens, including lettuce, green onion and rocket, were monthly collected from the most popular open street market, green grocery and supermarket of the municipality. The samples were processed by a concentration method and evaluated by light microscopy for parasitological identification. Results: The percentage of contamination was 50.9% (55/108), with predominance of nematode larvae (36.5%), cysts of Entamoeba coli (26.0%) and eggs of hookworms/Strongyloides spp. (12.9%). Lettuce showed greater contamination rate (61.1%) and samples from the open street market were more contaminated (77.8%). Information collected at each point of sale pointed the field cultivation as the critical step for such contaminations. Conclusion: Vegetables marketed in Diamantina presents a wide variety of intestinal parasites, which may represent a potential risk to the health of consumers of fresh vegetables.

RESUMO Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a presença de helmintos e protozoários intestinais em hortaliças comercializados em Diamantina, um município localizado no Vale do Jequitinhonha, uma das regiões mais pobres do mundo. Métodos: Cento e oito exemplares, incluindo alface, cebolinha e rúcula, foram mensalmente coletados em uma feira livre, uma quitanda e um supermercado do município. As amostras foram processadas por um método de concentração e avaliadas por microscopia óptica para pesquisa de estruturas parasitárias. Resultados: O percentual global de contaminação foi de 50,9% (55/108), com predominância de larvas de nematódeos (36,5%), cistos de Entamoeba coli e ovos de ancilostomídeos/Strongyloides spp. (12,9%). A alface demonstrou a maior taxa de contaminação (61,1%) e as amostras da feira livre foram as mais contaminadas (77,8%). Informações coletadas em cada ponto de venda apontaram o cultivo em campo como a etapa crítica para a contaminação. Conclusão: Hortaliças comercializadas em Diamantina apresentam uma ampla variedade de parasitas intestinais, o que representa um risco potencial à saúde dos consumidores da área.

Maladies d'origine alimentaire , Légumes , Parasitologie alimentaire , Helminthiase
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