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Gamme d'année
Rev. ecuat. pediatr ; 19(2): 13-17, diciembre 2018.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-996643


Purpose: To evaluate thyroid function in newborns with early and late neonatal sepsis by measuring T3, T4, TSH. Methods: The study included 80 newborns with a diagnosis of neonatal sepsis divided into two groups: early neonatal sepsis and late neonatal sepsis, which during the clinical and laboratory manifestations of sepsis showed changes in thyroid hormones, particularly low T3 syndrome and T3-T4 low syndrome. We excluded newborns children of mothers with disease with thyroid disease, those with a history of perinatal asphyxia, congenital malformations and major surgeries. Results: The development of the non-thyroid disease syndrome was confirmed in the two study groups with a prevalence of 54.2% for neonates with early neonatal sepsis and 80.95% for neonates with late neonatal sepsis, the most frequent being the low T3 in neonates with early neonatal sepsis and low T4 syndrome in neonates with late sepsis. These findings are relevant since there is evidence that low levels of thyroid hormones are associated with a worse prognosis and a poor evolution in severely ill neonates Conclusions: The syndrome of non-thyroid disease is frequent in neonates with neonatal sepsis, although it manifests itself with variable patterns according to the type of neonatal sepsis. Larger studies are needed to evaluate in greater depth the prognostic value of the syndrome in critical neonates

Humains , Nouveau-né , Hormones thyroïdiennes , Sepsis néonatal , Maladies néonatales
Rev. ecuat. pediatr ; 19(1): 12-15, enero 2018.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-996421


El síndrome de Klippel- Trénaunay, es un síndrome óseo vascular congénito caracterizado por la presencia de malformaciones capilares cutáneas, malformaciones venosas e hipertrofia ósea y / o de los tejidos blandos de las extremidades. La prevalencia es desconocida y hasta ahora se han documentado aproximadamente unos 1.000 casos en el mundo. Los autores describen el caso de una recién nacida femenina, sin antecedentes de importancia, que presenta al nacimiento, malformación vascular en miembro inferior izquierdo, con presencia de mancha vino oporto en cara posterior de extremidad inferior izquierda, hipertrofia de extremidad inferior izquierda, varices y masa quística en cara posterior de rodilla izquierda. Es valorada por especialidad de dermatología pediátrica y genética clínica, quienes sugieren el diagnóstico del síndrome de Klippel- Trénaunay. Durante la hospitalización, la paciente presenta sangrado a través de hamartoma quístico por lo que es derivada a cirugía vascular, quién realiza excéresis de la masa y cauterización del mismo. Se mantiene en hospitalización por 15 días con evolución clínica favorable, por lo que es dada de alta a domicilio y control por consulta externa.

The Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome is a congenital vascular bone syndrome characterized by the presence of cutaneous capillary malformations, venous malformations and bone hypertrophy and / or soft tissues of the extremities. The prevalence is unknown and up to now approximately 1,000 cases have been documented in the world. The authors describe the case of a female newborn, with no relevant history, presenting at birth, a vascular malformation in the left lower limb, with the presence of port wine stain on the posterior side of the left lower extremity, hypertrophy of the left lower extremity, varicose veins and cystic mass on the left side of the left knee. It is assessed by specialty of pediatric dermatology and clinical genetics, who suggest the diagnosis of Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome. During the hospitalization, the patient presents bleeding through cystic hamartoma so it is derived to vascular surgery, who performs excresis of the mass and cauterization of the same. She is kept in hospital for 15 days with a favorable clinical evolution, so she is discharged home and monitored by an outpatient clinic

Humains , Femelle , Nouveau-né , Malformations , Syndrome de Klippel-Trénaunay , Malformations cutanées , Hamartomes , Malformations de l'appareil locomoteur
Rev. ecuat. pediatr ; 19(1): 25-27, enero 2018.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-996426


Ectopia cordis es el desplazamiento completo o parcial del corazón fuera de la cavidad torácica, producido por un defecto congénito en la fusión de la pared torácica anterior dando como resultado una ubicación torácica adicional del corazón. Su prevalencia estimada es de 5.5-7.9 por millón de nacidos vivos. Se presenta el caso de un recién nacido varón de 15 h de edad, que pesaba 2.25 Kg, con ectopia cordis, con signos de dificultad respiratoria y cianosis periférica. El paciente fallece antes de que cualquier intervención quirúrgica se pudiera llevar a cabo

Ectopia cordis is the complete or partial displacement of the heart outside the thoracic cavity, produced by a congenital defect in the fusion of the anterior chest wall resulting in an additional thoracic location of the heart. Its estimated prevalence is 5.5-7.9 per million live births. We present the case of a 15-h-old male newborn, weighing 2.25 kg, with ectopia cordis, with signs of respiratory distress and peripheral cyanosis. The patient dies before any surgical intervention can be carried out

Humains , Mâle , Nouveau-né , Malformations , Ectopie cardiaque , Cardiopathies congénitales , Mortalité Néonatale Précoce
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