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Innovation ; : 32-35, 2021.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-976424


Background@#According to the WHO, WB estimation, there are over 1 billion people living with some form of disability in the world.<sup>2</sup> Out of which, 284 million people have vision impairment, 360 million people have hearing and speech impairment, ten percent of them living in developing countries.<sup>3</sup> According to the National Statistical Office’s 2018 data there are 105,730 people with disabilities in the country which is 3.2% of the total population.<sup>4</sup> In Mongolia, 28% of the disabled population in the working age are employed while 43% of the population aged 6-18 are illiterate. People with vision, hearing and intellectual disabilities have the same right to access health, education, employment, social welfare and protection services as others, but due to the lack of access to facilities and public transport, they cannot fully access social services. Also, the legal framework that provides equal opportunities for social contacts is not enough. There is virtually no comprehensive study on access of social service and environmental accessibility for the disabled people in the country. Therefore, there is a need to study in detail of social services and environmental accessibility of the people with visual and hearing impairment and adapt their demands into policy and develop policy recommendations and to further improve legal regulations.@*Purpose@#Main objective of the study is to assess social service delivery and environmental accessability of the people with visual and hearing impairment@*Methods@#The direct-observation, household based survey and document review, methods have been used for this study. Direct observation method has been applied for 100 public constructions. Total of 100 disabled people, out of 50 people with visual impairment and 50 people with hearing impairment has been covered for the public transportation accessibility assessment questionnaire survey. Information and communication accessibility studies carried out among 100 organizational websites and 31 broadcasting internet television including Univision and Sky media. </br> Household survey covered 148 people with visual and hearing impairments to assess social service accessibility.@*Results@#The public construction’s environmental accessibility for the people with vision impairment was assessed at 48.8 percent: 36.8% for the people with poor vision impairment and very bad for blind people at only 16.5%. The public transportation accessibility assessed as not accessible (3.43 odds) for people with vision impairment and as moderate accepable for blind people (2.87 odds). Information and communication accessibility through website assessed at 25% for people with vision impairment which shows not sufficiently accessible for blind people (32%). Total accessibility of information regarding to the organizational website assessed at 34.8% which shows moderately accessible. Services of the Univision, Sky media internet TV (IPTV) wasn’t accessible for people with vision impairment. Regarding to the people with hearing impairment, public construction environmental accessibility assessed at 31.7%, 48.5% for people with moderate hearing impairment which is average accessibility and 21% people with severe hearing problem. The public transport accessibility assessed in high discrepancy (3.51 odds ratio) which means there is an in-sufficient access. Information and communication accessibility for people with hearing impairment assessed at 5% which shows very bad accessibility. </br> Health service coverage is 64% for the people with vision impairment while 36% for the people of hearing impairment. Education service coverage for vision impairment people is 36% and 18% to people with hearing impairment. Regarding to the accessibility to social service, the coverage is 33% for people with vision impairment and 31% for the people with hearing impairment. Employment rate among people with vision disability resulted in 19% and 24 % for the people with hearing imapirment.@*Conclusion@#The public constructions accessibility for people with vision and hearing impairment (37.7%), public transport accessibility (2.90 odds ratio), information accessibility (34.8%) assessed at “moderately accessible”. Assessment result of below 50% considered as “insufficient” for education service -27%, employment service-21.5%, social welfare services -32%. There is a need for special laws and regulations concerning to social services and environment accessibility.

Innovation ; : 134-135, 2017.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-686860


@#BACKGROUND: Children’s development and childhood disability are a public health issues to their consequences on quality of life and productivity not only for affected children but also for families and populations as a whole. WHO and the World Bank estimate that more than a billion people live with some form of disability, which equates to approximately 15% of the world’s population (1). Citing the Global Burden of Disease study of 2004, the World Report further estimates that amongst those aged 0-14 years, roughly 5.1% of all children (93 million) live with a ‘moderate or severe’ disability and 0.7%, or 13 million children, live with severe difficulties. Many children younger than 5 years in developing countries are exposed to multiple risks, including poverty, malnutrition, poor health, and other risks, which are affect their cognitive, motor, and social emotional development. There are few research result and national statistics on the childhood disabilities of under 5 years children in Mongolia. OBJECTIVES:The objective of the screening was to determine the rate of disabilities in children aged 9 months to 5 years in Ulaanbaatar. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Population based cross-sectional study design used childhood disabilities screening among under 5 years children in Ulaanbaatar. TQ-(ten questions) screening method used to determine childhood disabilities. The structured interview checklist (TQ) and a guide to collect background and risk factors information were administered in a face-to-face interview of the child’s caregivers. The screening covered 8838 children from 6 districts, Ulaanbaatar. RESULTS: The study covered totally 8838 children (50.4 %) were male and 193 (48.4 %) were female. Over 81 % of the persons responding to the questions were mothers of the children, 10 % fathers. 9 % were the child’s relative and child’s sibling. Based on the ‘ten questions’ screen, 1960 out of 8838 children were positive (disabled). CONCLUSIONS: The positive rate of disabilities by TQ was a higher. At the post verification stage there is need to estimate sensitivity, specificity and negative predictive value of TQ. The second step of evaluation among positive cases should take diagnosis by comprehensive evaluation and clinical assessment.

Innovation ; : 24-29, 2016.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975522


To evaluate the efficacy and safety of bevacizumab monotherapy or combined with laser versus laser monotherapy in Mongolian patients with visual impairment due to diabetic macular edema.Prospective, randomized, single-center, a 12 month, laser-controlled, clinical trial. Participants: One hundred twelve eligible patients, aged ≥18 years, with type 1 or 2 diabetes mellitus and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in the study eye of 35 to 69 Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS)letters at 4 m (Snellen equivalent: ≥6/60 or ≤6/12), with visual impairment due to center-involved diabetic macular edema (DME). Methods: Patients were randomized into three treatment groups:(I) intravitreal bevacizumab monotherapy (n=42), (II) intravitreal bevacizumab combined with laser (n=35), (III) laser monotherapy (n=35). Bevacizumab injections were given for 3 initial monthly doses and then pro re nata (PRN) thereafter based on BCVA stability and DME progression. The primary efficacy endpoints were the mean change in BCVA and central retinal subfield thickness (CRST) from baseline to month 12.Bevacizumab monotherapy or combined with laser were superior to laser monotherapy in improving mean change in BCVA letter score from baseline to month 12 (+8.3 and +11.3 vs +1.1 letters; both p73 (Snellen equivalent: >6/12) with bevacizumab monotherapy (23.8% and 7.1% and 4.8%, respectively) and bevacizumab + laser (57.1% and 28.6% and 14.3%, respectively) versus laser monotherapy. The mean central retinal subfield thickness was significantly reduced from baseline to month 12 with bevacizumab (−124.4 μm) and bevacizumab + laser (−129.0 μm) versus laser (−62.0 μm; both p<0.0001). Conjunctival hemorrhage was the most common ocular events. No endophthalmitis cases occurred.Bevacizumab monotherapy or combined with laser showed superior BCVA improvements over macular laser treatment alone in Mongolian patients with visual impairment due to diabetic macular edema.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975590


BackgroundIn accordance with WHO investigation, most of the mental disorders onset in childhood and 20 percentof children (1 of fi ve) with mental and behavioral disorder currently. In 2005, by assessment of mentalhealth system in Mongolia (WHO-AIMS) it was concluded that special attention needs to be given todevelop professional competence and services in the area of child and adolescents mental health so itis a reason of the this study.AimTo early identify common emotional and behavioral problems among children and identify risk factorsfor itMethodsThe study was randomly selected 3500 child aged between from 4 to 17 years in 5 districts of Ulaanbaatarcity and 46 soums of 11 aimags of Mongolia.A main tool is Strengths and Diffi culties Questionnaire (SDQ) and included the 25-item child andparent versions were used to record each informant’s perception of four problem domains/subscales.SDQ was differently used child ages such as child aged 6-10 years used by parent version child agedbetween11-17 years used by both child and parent versions.ResultsOf 2920 child who participated in the study, 382 (13%) studied in kindergarten, 2423 (82.9%) school. Anaverage age of participants was 10.9±4.ConclusionThe abnormal emotional reaction was dominantly occurred in urban girls aged between from 6 to 10years and the abnormal behavioral reaction was dominantly occurred in urban boys aged between from6 to 15 years. The family relationship was a risk factor for developing emotional and behavioral problemsin child.

Innovation ; : 36-39, 2015.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975382


Acceleration of emissions reductions in household coal stoves and modest improvements in other sectors, however, have the potential to considerably lower outdoor pollution and reduce total exposures to about 70% of those today (Scenario 1). Reducing total exposures closer to these international benchmark levels will require moving away from coal and wood as household fuels and even more control on other sources (Scenario 2). The first package of moderate control measures (Scenario 1) considered in this assessment will result in a slow decline in impacts(Figure) and a cumulative health savings over trends in 2013, but leave annual per capita health impacts only about 25% lower than today after ten years. A more aggressive set of control measures (Scenario 2), however, will result in more health protection over the period and reduce annual impacts by approximately 60% from current levels in 2025 . In terms of impact per capita,this would represent nearly a 70% reduction over the period taking population growth into account.

Innovation ; : 136-137, 2015.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975420


Machinery Repair Plant (MRP) of Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) is the subject of this research in order to determine the labor conditions and illnesses of the employees at the metallurgical plant.MRP’s function is to smelting and processing metals for milling, producing, repairing or restoring metal structures of machineries or equipment. MRP employs 639 employees for 185 working places and 568 equals to 88.6% of them have been working n the abnormal condition which reveals that the plant has hard conditions of labor.The research was performed using retrospective research method in fact modeling; and made an evaluation on measurements of 2008-2014, performed by the occupational health laboratory covering 185 working places at MRP; occupational diseases occurred to 639 employees; and perspective status of temporarily invalidity. Electronic logging data base for Occupational Diseases and temporary invalidity at the EMC was used for categorization and conclusion according to the International category of 10 diseases. Research results of labor conditions: As to measurements made between 2008 and 2014 on the working places at MRP, dust concentration reached up to 18mg/m3 and that was excessive than the corresponding average by 9 times of measurements. Results from occupational disease survey: 137 employees have been affected by the occupational diseases at the MRP for the last 27 years. 39, which is a large amount, out of 137 were affected by bronchadenitis caused by dust. Results from temporary invalidity survey: 2293 occurrences were recorded in relation to temporary invalidity at MRP between 2008 and 2012 and the percentage of injuries or toxicities and certain disorders caused by outsources is 15.6%. Reviewing the survey results, common occurrences are bronchadenitis caused by dust, spinal neural inflammations and chronic inflammation caused by dust toxicities, and the large percentages are occupied by temporary invalidity, injuries or toxicities and certain disorders caused by outsources, respiratory organ and system disorders. It shows that those of diseases and disorders are dependent to the working place environments and labor conditions.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975439


BACKGROUND: Worldwide, the number of people killed in road traffic accidents (RTA) each year is estimated at over 1.2 million, while the number f injuries reaches as high as 50 million. In Mongolia, the number of road accidents, crimes and road safety violations is on the increase, and it is forecasted that this trend will continue in the future The third leading cause of mortality in Mongolia is injury, and more injuries are caused by traffic accidents (18.9%) than any other cause. According to the National Statistics reports, health and demographic studies, it can be seen that there are a high number of road traffic accidents and injury cases in Mongolia.OBJECTIVE: The main objective was to identify the risk factors of road traffic injuries and deathsMETHOD: Primary data on Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) of the Road Traffic Police was used. 4000 investigation forms were randomly selected and analyzed. Within the research objectives, necessary descriptive and analytical statistics were calculated and the results were illustrated by tables and charts.RESULT: The rate of road traffic accidents is high in urban areas from January till May while it is high in rural areas from February till October. The rate of road crashes caused by alcohol is significantly different in rural and urban areas (36% in rural and 16% in urban). The statistically significant risk factors for Road Traffic Injuries (RTIs) were the fault of pedestrians, drunk driving, failure to stop the vehicles, turning maneuver, inadequate estimation of the distance between cars and collation of lane and for Road Traffic Deaths (RTDs) the alcohol consumption, speeding, vehicle defects, driver’s negligence, cross the intersection, turning maneuver, failure to keep distance, fault of pedestrians and transportation people or goods.CONCLUSION: To decrease the risk factors of injuries and deaths of RTAs, specific actions are required to enhance the road traffic safety control and patrolling during certain months, weeks, days and times when accidents mostly happen in urban and rural areas.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975646


Introduction.M.Colombo, W.Lange studies showed that 30-40% of people became chronic after suffering fromHepatitis B and C virus, about 50% of chronic cases transformed into primary liver cancer. There arefew studies in our country were conducted on hepatitis among healthcare professionals, particularnursing personnel.Goal.To identify antigens and antibodies of hepatitis B and C virus among nursesMaterials and Method.We carried out cross-sectional study among selected nurses, to determine surface antigen of hepatitisB virus and antibodies to hepatitis C virus. For identification of these antibodies and antigen, andvalidation of results Serodia tests from Fujinebo Company (Japan) and Beringnost (Germany) wereused respectively.Results.There were 598 nurses from the State Central Clinical Hospital, Shastin’s State Hospital, Hospitalof Military of Justice and Internal Affairs, and the National Center of Maternal and Child Health, whoparticipated in the study. From 5 hospitals a 598 nurses surveyed and revealed the hepatitis B virussurface antigen positive 18.9%, hepatitis C virus antibodies in 23.2%, B and C viruses detected by1.2% combined.Conclusion.The study identified that 43.2 percent of nurses surveyed on hepatitis B and C viruses were detected;it shows a high prevalence among the nurses. There is an urgent need to provide knowledge tomedical personnel regarding standards during procedures, concerning hepatitis infections, monitoringand improve technology used during procedures.

Innovation ; : 60-63, 2014.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975305


BACKGROUNDAir pollution issue has become the largest problem of Ulaanbaatar city in the last decade affecting health and wellbeing of its citizens. Air pollution levels are increasing considerably in winter as a result of coal burning by city dwellers living in ger areas. Our study purpose was to survey the impact of air pollution on infant health of Ulaanbaatar city in 2012.METHODSData of 7484 on births at Khan-Uul and Sukhbaatar districts residence mothers and infants of Ulaanbaatar city from 2012 and corresponding daily air pollution level data (CO, NO2, SO2 and PM10) from the Ulaanbaatar city air quality monitoring stations were used.RESULTSAir pollution levels in Ulaanbaatar city significantly affect birth outcomes. Exposure to high levels of СО2 of during the third trimester of pregnancy reduces newborn’s weight. Exposure to NO2 is not influencing to newborn’s weight. Mothers who lived in more polluted area during pregnancy period more likely had baby reduced weight in 44 grams.

Innovation ; : 34-36, 2014.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975360


Child psychiatric disorders are common and treatable, but often go undetected and therefore remain untreated.To assess the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) as a potential means for improving the detection of child psychiatric disorders in the community.SDQ predictions and independent psychiatric diagnoses were compared in a community sample of 1959 11- to 17-year-olds from the 2013 Mongolian National Center for Mental HealthMulti-informant (parents, teachers, older children) SDQs identified individuals with a psychiatric diagnosis with a specificity of 66.8% (95% Cl 61.4-73.0%) and a sensitivity of 64.4% (59.9-71.3%). The questionnaires identified over 65% of individuals with conduct, hyperactivity, depressive and some anxiety disorders. Sensitivity was substantially poorer with single-informant rather than multi-informant SDQs.Community screening programmers based on multi-informant SDQs could potentially increase the detection of child psychiatric disorders, thereby improving access to effective treatments

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975482


INTRODUCTION:The Government of Mongolia pays significant attention to reduce noncommunicable diseases and theirrisk factors. WHO Global strategy to reduce salt intake recommended to Member States to assessknowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of the population on salt intake.GOAL:To determine KAP on salt intake was explored in relation to geographical location and its challenges.MATERIALS AND METHODS:This is a cross-sectional study that included 1,040 people with age range 25 - 64 years. The participantswere randomly selected from the four economic regions - western, khangai, central and eastern regions,and Ulaanbaatar city of Mongolia. The ethical aspect of the study was reviewed and approved at ameeting of the Ethics Review Committee in the medical sector at the Ministry of health, Mongolia onJuly 8, 2012 by Resolution number 14.RESULTS:The population with no knowledge of high salt content foods was 23.5% in the western region, 18.9%was in the khangai region, 16.2% was in the central region, 22.0% was in the eastern region, and15.0% was in Ulaanbaatar (ð<0.000). The participants that think a high salt diet and foods do not causehealth problems were higher in the western region 15.8%, and participants who do not know whether itcauses health problems were higher in the eastern region 11.2% compared to other regions (p<0.001).The study population from the central region and males from eastern region did not aware the negativeconsequences of salty meal/foods towards developing stomach cancer (p<0.001).Percentage of population who drink salty tea was 84.4% in the western region, 90.7% were in thekhangai region, 23.4% were in the central region, and 11.0% were in the eastern region, and 44.8%were in Ulaanbaatar (p<0.000).CONCLUSION:Salt reduction intervention especially interventions on changing attitude should be conducted aftertaking account the specific differences of the local areas.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975664


BackgroundTraditional Mongolian Medicine has a history of over 5000 years. Scientific development of TM hasstarted in 1959. Since 1999 Mongolia was categorized by WHO as a country having an Integrativesystem of TM- officially recognized and incorporated into all areas of health care provision, TMMresearch has been following key objectives of National R&D programs.AimIn order to assess the situation of TMM development we have conducted this study based on last10 years’ research done.Ìaterial and MethodsDocument study- we have selected key TMM’s R&D project implementers’ archive and humanresources documents.Descriptive and Analytic methods- a survey of 32 questions evaluating participation of TMMprofessionals in R&D work were conducted. Also, to clarify the point of view about TMM’s R&D6 focus group meetings with different level participants, such as professional committee, policymakers and research workers as well as health care providers, were organized.ResultsFrom 2004-2013, there are 28 projects implemented on TMM, 43% accomplished by TMMRTC,32.8% of which is resulting in raw materials standardization and technology study, related clinicalstudies standing 20% out of all studies done on TMM matter. These numbers are confirmed bysurvey and focus group interviews, more than 50% of participants willing to conduct a clinical studyand expressing difficulties such as lack of knowledge of methodology, policy support and revenue.Conclusions:1. TMM R&D has a potential growth due to human resources capacity. Practitioners are leastinvolved in R&D, due to lack of knowledge of methodology and revenue.2. There were 28 projects implemented on TMM matter, most of these are basic studies, fewerclinical studies done, resulting in pharmacopeia monographs and technological guidelines.

Innovation ; : 24-28, 2014.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-631130


Over the last decade a large number of studies have investigated the possible adverse effects of ambient air pollution on birth outcomes. For preterm births the evidence as yet is insufficient to their infer causality. Our study goal was to study the associations between air pollution exposures during pregnancy and preterm birth for a 6 years period (January 2008 through December 31, 2013) in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. We used a logistic regression adjusting for gestational age, parental education level, parity and infant age. The preterm birth varied with maternal age, maternal education level, maternal pregnancy order and season after adjusting covariates. Young maternal age, maternal less education level, early and older birth order, spring season, not married status and higher number of pregnancy order t are risk factors for low birth weight. The correlation of preterm birth and air pollution was observed in the second and the third trimester of pregnancy. The preterm birth rates were associated with the average of combined air pollutants concentrations such us PM10, NO2 and SO2 in the preceding 6 weeks.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975714


IntroductionAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), diabetes, chronic pulmonary diseases and cancers accounted for 60 percent of mortality in the global population and 80 percent of mortality in low and middle income countries in 2008.Mongolia has been undergoing an epidemiological transition since 1990s. As a result, diseases related to lifestyles and health behavior, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and injuries are growing steadily and have become the leading causes of population mortality.PurposeTo determine the prevalence of common risk factors for non-communicable diseases among civil servants in Bulgan aimag.Materials and MethodsA total of 300 randomly selected 22-64 years-olds of staff from 9 organizations of Bulgan aimag participated in the study. The prevalence and measures of average distribution of NCD risk factors were estimated.ResultsOut of all participants, 135 were males and 165 were females. Most respondents (96.3%) knew that smoking harms their health. With respect to the frequency of smoking, 15.5 % (95% CI 11.4-19.7) of the respondents were regular smokers, 10.5% (95% CI 6.9-13.9) were irregular smokers and 65.5% (95% CI 60.1-70.9) were non-smokers. 47.1% of the population strongly agreed to the statement that the Mongolians tend to drink too much alcohol at one time and another 47.8% agreed with this judgment. The attitude of the community related to the daily consumption of fruit demonstrated that only 28.2% (95%CI 23.1-33.3) of the respondents considered having fruits daily as “very important” and 58.7%(95%CI 53.1-64.3) considered it as “important”. According to the study results, the prevalence of people engaged in moderate levels of physical activity was 48.5% with significantly more males (60.9%) (95%CI 52.5-69.3) engaged in such activities than females (38.4%) (95%CI 30.9-45.9).Conclusions:1. The samples examined by this study demonstrated a good knowledge on the harms of smoking (96.3%) and second hand smoking (99%).2. The majority of the respondents (94.9%) agreed that the Mongolians tend to drink large amounts of alcohol at once.3. In general, many Bulgan civilians are lack a health promotion attitude in regards of daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, with only about 28.2% of the respondents considering it as very important.

Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 112-116, 2013.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975723


IntroductionCardiovascular diseases are among the first three causes of mortality in the global population. 1 billion people in the world suffer from arterial hypertension2. In USA 60 million people have high arterial blood pressure, while 40% of the adult population of Russia have arterial hypertension. In Mongolia 28% of the adults suffer this disease. For most countries, arterial hypertension is both health and social problems. Studies of research centers in the USA and Western European countries demonstrate that decreasing the prevalence of arterial hypertension diseases can prolong the life expectancy3. There is an increasing trend of cardiovascular diseases in the Gobi region on Mongolia (10000:645.63 in Umnugobi aimag) with no tendency to decrease predicted in the near future4,5.ResultsWe conducted the study in order to define the intermediate risk factors causing the cardiovascular diseases on the aimag and soum levels. The study involved 754 people over the age of 30 years from 14 soums of 4 aimags. Of these participants, 26.3% are males and 73.7% are females. Our study shows high prevalence of arterial hypertension among the population, particularly among the working age population. A majority of the people over 30 years old taking park in our study had a low level of education, lower than minimum living standard income and unemployed. Among the people aged over 30 years, every fifth person uses tobacco and every seventh abuses alcohol and it shows that there is high index of alcohol and tobacco use among the population. 92.4% of the reviewed used less than 5 units of fruits and 90.8 of them used less than the same units of vegetables.ConclusionThus, the Gobi region population consumes insufficient quantity of fruits and vegetables with the entire food pattern being generally unhealthy. Hypodynamia is common among the population varying across the ages, sexes, occupation groups and locations. The average systolic and diastolic pressures are higher in men than in women. The prevalence of overweight and obesity is high due to lack of physical exercising, weight control and optimization of food intake. As to the genders, women have a higher risk for overweight. Blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels are higher in men. The correlation between arterial hypertension and consumption of alcohol and tobacco, obesity and overweight and hypodynamia is strong.

Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 146-150, 2013.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975728


BackgroundThe prognosis of breast and cervical cancer is relatively good if they are diagnosed at early stages.In Mongolia, however the survival rate of these cancers has been lower than in developed countries. Prevalence of late diagnoses of breast and cervical cancer is one of the most significant factors of the low survival rate of cancer patients in Mongolia. In this study, we sought to determine (1) the delay in diagnosing related with patient and (2) delay in treatment related with medical care including possible risk factors.GoalTo study the diagnosis delay of breast and cervical cancers related to medical care system.MethodsBreast and cervical cancer patients treated in the inpatient wards of National Cancer Center completed a study questionnaire on the first symptoms, timeline of medical care, and socio-demographic information. Diagnostic delay related with patient is indicated by extension of time interval of 30 days between the first symptoms and the first medical consultation. Diagnostic delay related with medical care system is indicated by extension of time interval of 30 days between the first medical the consultation and the first diagnosis. The delays of time were analyzed using the Mantel-Haenszel test.ResultsThe mean value of cervical cancer patient delay was 1.7 months. 40% of the patients were diagnosed later than 1 month failing to seek medical assistance as soon as the first symptom has been found (p=0.03). But the mean value of breast cancer patient delay was 2.1 months and 57% of patients were diagnosed later than 1 month. Diagnostic delay was associated with lack of diagnostic capacity of general practitioners and of province and district hospitals (p=0.001).ConclusionsDelays occur in all stages of the diagnostic process. Our results may represent an important tool in guiding the actions for an early diagnosis of cervical and breast cancers. There is a need for improving breast and cervical cancer awareness and training of general practitioners to reduce breast and cervical cancers mortality by promoting early detection.

Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 178-182, 2013.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975733


IntroductionThe research was performed with a purpose of assessing the reality of first aid during road accidents in urban and rural areas, knowledge, attitude and practice of the population and risk groups and preparedness of primary care facilities.Materials and Methods30 cases were researched by epidemiologic approach. The observation covered 64 drugstores and shops in urban and rural areas and the action methods were applied to 1068 rural and urban people. ResultsThe percentage of totally-injured pedestrians is 66.7% in 30 cases of 23.3% received first aid. Although the first aid given to 40 percent of accident victims were people who accompanied them, such as drivers and other people, 66.7 percent of those first aids were not performed correctly while there was no the first aid available to the remaining 60%. There was no first aid material in all these cases. 50.7% of the total of 1068 participants involved in the KAP test had no knowledge on first aid, although a quarter of them attended a related training, 69.9% of them have never performed first aid personally, one of every two people had no material for emergency or there was such problem faced that they had no enough knowledge and experience of first aid. There is a first aid corner in 58.3% all drugstores and shops in Ulaanbaatar city and in 30.3% in rural places. Conclusion: As a result of the study, it shows that citizens have no enough KAP on first aid to provide during accidents and injuries: they have no materials for first aid. Training for the first aid is required for citizens. It is necessary make complex sets of first aid materials available in all trade units and to improve their usage commonly.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975801


Goal: The purpose of this study is to identify issues of current situation of the health information system in the health care facilities of Mongolia.Materials and Methods: A total 362 users as hospital directors, physicians, nurses, statisticians and IT workers of 105 health care facilities at primary, secondary and tertiary level participated in this study. Data collection methods were generated using a combination of questionnaires and in-depth interview of the users. The statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS. Outcome measures were calculated with 95% confidence intervals (CI).Results: The survey results were shown that a vertical health information flow regulates in the health sector, internal networks set up and H-info 2.0 software as routine data processing and insurance claims are used in the hospitals of Mongolia. Regarding of e-health software as Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE), Drug Information System (DIS), Laboratory Information System (LIS) and Radiology Information System (RIS), 82.6% of the health care facilities used only CPOE. There 50% of the existed e-health software is not integrated in the health care facilities. In the data management, 27.0% of the health care facilities that used e-health applications had no backup solution. 45.5% of total users said that the information technology human resource is insufficient. 70.0% of users responded as there did not any continues training program in health information technology. The study was determined lack of functions and difficulty of using the existed software and inadequate software operation and not user-friendliness are the causes of the most of dissatisfactions. Conclusions: A vertical health information flow, internal networks, routine statistic processing set up and mainly CPOE used in the health care facilities. However there is no integration of e-health software and lack of its capacity. It is required modern integrated health information system in the health sector of Mongolia.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975242


Introduction: The issue of meeting need of rehabilitation care service required to elders is one of determinants which influences in enabling quality of life of elderly people. In our country, we lack of survey on determining current need of long term care and one of its form rehabilitation care service for the elderly, so it became the background of the research. Goal: Reveal some needs of rehabilitation care service through determining the Activities of daily living and Instrumental Activities of daily living of Mongolian elderly people Materials and Method: The research was carried out by cross sectional method. In the research was involved 1207 elderly, who are retired, of which 60 and over for male and 55 and over for female from one cluster of each economic and geographic regions of Mongolia. The research was conducted by using ADL and IADL tests as well as questionnaire to determine the needs of rehabilitation care service. Results: Out of survey involved 1207 elderly, 32.5 percent (392) referred to men, 67.5 percent (815) to women, and their mean age was 68.1±8.1 (68.9±6.5 in male and 65.7±8.5 in female). While 473 elderly were from Ulaanbaatar city, 734 of them were from 4 regions of countryside. Among survey involved elderly, the mean of ADL ability was 87.4 percent, of which, the following abilities were better such as: continence (92.5%), toileting (91.3%), dressing (87.9%), while bathing ability was impaired mostly or 18.2 percent. Subsequently, the mean of IADL ability among survey involved elderly was found to be 29.9 percent. The health needs of elderly were differed. Due to extensive indicator, 24.8 percent of elderly wanted to admit in a hospital, 20.8 percent - home nursing care and 32.6 percent -involvement in rehabilitation care service. In terms of amount, the maximum needs were eight, while most of elderly requested 1-3 kinds of needs. Conclusions: 1. The impairment of Activity of Daily Living was found to be approximately 22.6 percent, while Instrumental Activity of Daily Living was 29.9 percent among Mongolian elderly people. 2. The impairment level of Activities of Daily Living and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living indicated the requirement of occupational and physical therapy in health care service for the elderly.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975243


Introduction: The mental and behavioral diseases affect in loneliness and discrimination of elderly people and mostly reduce the quality of life of elderly people compared to injury and accidence. Wulf Rossler, Switzerland mentioned that all kinds of mental diseases require long term care, especially rehabilitation. In our country, we lack of survey on determining psychosocial rehabilitation needs for the elderly, therefore it became the background of the research. Goal: Determine the psychosocial rehabilitation needs of Mongolian elderly people Method and materials: The research was carried out by cross sectional method. In the research was involved 1207 elderly, who are retired, of which 60 and over for male and 55 and over for female from one cluster of each economic and geographic regions of Mongolia. The research was conducted by using Geriatric depression test, Spielberg Hanin test to reveal anxiety, Mini mental examination test to assess the cognitive status and AUDIT test to evaluate the alcohol usage. The diagnoses were put according to ICD-10 based on geriatric examination. Results: Out of survey involved 1207 elderly, 32.5 percent (392) referred to men, 67.5 percent (815) to women, and their mean age was 68.1±8.1 (68.9±6.5 in male and 65.7±8.5 in female). While 473 elderly were from Ulaanbaatar city, 734 of them were from 4 regions of countryside. In terms of mental and behavioral diseases, anxiety and depression were prevailing among Mongolian elderly. Thirty eight point five percent of survey involved elderly investigated to have depression and 44 percent - anxiety. Moreover, dementia was found 36 and sleep disorder 28 per 1000 elders. Twenty three point six percent of elderly had slight cognitive impairment, 13.9 percent moderate cognitive impairment, while 2.1 percent had severe cognitive impairment. The cognitive impairment is differed in terms of region. The moderate cognitive impairment predominantly revealed in mountainous and eastern regions, while the severe cognitive impairment was prevailing in central and eastern regions. Due to classification of needs of elderly into medical, financial and other needs, found that, 37 percent of elderly required medical, 33 percent financial and 37 percent other needs. In terms of psychosocial needs, 30.4 percent wanted to have a place for spending free time, 23.9 percent to make new friends and 6.1 percent to hire a job. Also 4.4 percent of elderly had a need of having a caregiver. Conclusions: 1. Out of mental and behavioral diseases, anxiety (38.5 percent) and depression (44 percent) were prevailing among elderly. 2. Each Mongolian elderly had need of 1-2 psychosocial needs. 3. All kinds of psychosocial rehabilitation including the medical, adaptation enhancing and social rehabilitation are equally required for the elderly people.

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