Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is known to be associated with cognitive impairment, but the Impact of the timing of diagnosis on cognitive function remains unclear. This pilot project aims to assess the cognitive function of people diagnosed with T2DM at an early vs. late stage. The study will examine several cognitive domains, such as attention, memory, executive function, visuospatial skills, and sensorimotor abilities. Methods: We recruited 80 adults diagnosed with T2DM, evenly split into 2 groups-one with early diagnosis (?5 years) (n=40) and other with late diagnosis (?6 years) (n=40) depending on when their disease was identified. Both groups underwent evaluation for demographic and clinical factors. Cognitive function was assessed using mini-mental state examination (MMSE), Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA), and Addenbrooke's cognitive examination (ACE-III). Specific domain of cognition wasmeasured as span of attention (Tachitoscope), memory (PGI Battery scale), executive function (Stroop test), visuospatial function (Corsi block test), sensorimotor abilities (auditory /visual reaction time), and intelligence (Koh抯 Block design test). Results: Preliminary findings suggest that the early diagnosis group showed significantly average cognitive performance compared to the late diagnosis group. They also showed improved metabolic control and increased levels of physical activity. Individuals in the early diagnosis group had higher educational levels and socioeconomic status, potentially leading to improved disease detection and more effective health management. Conclusions: These findings indicate that identifying T2DM at an early stage, help in preserving cognitive function as compared to a diagnosis made at a later stage.
Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of different integrated crop management (ICM) practices on productivity, resource-use efficiency and energetics of pigeonpea crop so as to overcome various production- and climatic-vulnerabilities in Indo-Gangetic Plains Region (IGPR). Methodology: A study was conducted during Kharif 2017 in pigeonpea under pigeonpea–wheat cropping system at IARI, New Delhi, India to assess the influence of nine different ICM modules [Conventional tillage (CT) based: 04 (ICM1–ICM4); Conservation agriculture (CA) based: 04 (ICM5–ICM8); Organic agriculture based: 01 (ICM9)] on productivity, PAR interception, resource-use-efficiency and energetics in pigeonpea in randomized block design replicated thrice. Results: Pigeonpea seed yield was significantly higher in ICM7 (1.92 t ha-1) – a CA-based ICM module which was followed by ICM5, ICM8 and ICM6. In general, the CA based ICM modules showed an edge over CT based ICM modules with reference to growth, yield and PAR interception. The resource-use-efficiency indices like total water-use-efficiency (TWUE), irrigation water-use-efficiency (IWUE), economic water-productivity (WPE), partial factor productivity of applied nutrients (NPK) also exhibited same trend as that of seed yield with highest TWUE (2.96 kg ha-mm–1) and WPE (104.5 INR ha-mm–1) in ICM7 module. The energy output was highest in ICM7 (2, 23, 664 MJ ha-1) followed by ICM5, ICM8 and ICM6. The trend of energy-use-efficiency was ICM4>ICM2>ICM1>ICM3>ICM5>ICM7>ICM6>ICM8>ICM9, respectively. Interpretation: Conservation agriculture (CA) based modules like ICM7 can be recommended to the farmers for enhancing the plant growth, PAR interception, crop productivity, resource-use efficiency and energetics in pigeonpea alone or on pigeonpea-wheat cropping system basis in semi-arid Indo-Gangetic plains region (IGPR).
A community based cohort study on birth weight of newborns was conducted among pregnant women of an urban slum in Bhupal, India. The study was carried out to assess the magnitude of low birth weight (LBW) and factors contributing it in an urban slum community. Socio-demographic and maternal characteristics were examined applying statistical techniques to find out the variables associated with the LBW. An additional schedule was used to collect information from mothers about their socio-demographic background, dietary intake and the rest during the pregnancy. Weight of newborns of mothers registered in the study and delivering at the district hospital was recorded. Mean birth weight of newborns of 290 registered mothers was 2.57 ± 0.36 g. One hundred and five newborns (36.2%) had a birth weight lesser than 2500 g. Among different variables studied, statistically significant association was found in case of occupation, daily calorie intake and duration of day-time rest taken by pregnant women.