The age old Romanowsky stained thick blood smear examination for malarial parasites may fail to reveal the low parasitaemia. The commercial 'QBC' like acridine orange stained capillary tube preparation has a limitation of precise species identification and the detection of extra-erythrocytic parasites. Hence, the present study was aimed to improve malarial parasite detection by using acridine orange to stain large blood drops in the form of wet coverglass mounts. The acridine orange stained blood wet mounts over 2420 suspected malaria cases from Indore city were examined under fluorescent microscope and the results compared with the Leishman's stained thick blood smears in a blind study. The positivity of malarial parasites reported by the modified acridine orange staining was 248 against 109 by Leishman's stained thick blood smears. The modified acridine orange stained method is simple, instant and more efficient, requires less scanning time and skill, allows scanning of larger blood volume (75 ul) at lower magnification and the morphological details at higher magnification helps to make the precise species identification.