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Article de Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-911509


Este ensaio teórico discute o assédio moral no trabalho enquanto constituição e desenvolvimento de uma forma específica de violência no trabalho, enfatizando as consequências sobre a organização da classe trabalhadora, em especial os sindicatos, a partir do materialismo histórico-dialético (MHD). O assédio moral emerge na década de 1970 como uma forma de gestão necessária do capital para enfrentar sua contestação, tão mais eficiente quão pouco explícita. É a lógica do capital que organiza determinadas estratégias de atuação que visam impedir a classe trabalhadora de se unir, de se reconhecer como indivíduos com direitos comuns, como classe. O momento de descenso das representações de classe tem impactado negativamente as formas de resistência dos/as trabalhadores/as, mas saídas existem e devem ser construídas necessariamente no coletivo. A luta sindical esbarra em limites corporativos inerentes à sua própria natureza, mas pode ser travada até o limite, forçando conquistas e organizando a classe nesse processo. Faz-se necessário que a luta contra o assédio moral seja travada como luta de classe e não como luta cidadã, posto que esta é uma das estratégias do capital para sua perpetuação

This theoretical essay is a debate on moral harassment at workplaces from the historical-dialectical materialism standpoint, which discusses the constitution and development of a specific form of violence at work by emphasizing on the consequences on the organization of the working class, particularly the trade unions. Emerging in the 1970s, moral harassment is a capital's required sort of management addressed against those who then used to contest it, becoming thus a much more efficient, but less explicit tool. It is the logic of capital that arranges certain strategies of action, which necessarily aims to prevent the working class from coming together to organize and to recognize themselves as individuals with common rights, as a class. Unfortunately, the fall time of working class representations has negatively impacted worker's means of resistance. There are ways for workers to go out of this situation, but they must necessarily be built collectively. Struggles through trade unions run into corporate boundaries, inherent in their own nature, but they can be held to their limits, by achieving and organizing the class in this process. This confrontation needs to be performed as class struggles and not as a search for citizenship since it is inscribed in capital's board of strategies of keeping its own perpetuation

Humains , Communisme , Harcèlement non sexuel/psychologie , Syndicats , Violence au travail
Salud trab. (Maracay) ; 22(2): 141-152, dic. 2014.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-740453


El trabajo busca analizar cómo cada sujeto internaliza las órdenes, partiendo del presupuesto de que la posición de la clase/género/etnia permea y determina el modo por lo cual estas son internalizadas. En el análisis de los fenómenos sociales, especialmente el Acoso Moral, estas determinaciones tienen importancia sustantiva. Se discute inicialmente el concepto de género, forma como son llamadas las diferencias entre los sexos, en tanto relaciones sociales. Los géneros no se encuentran en un eje que va de femenino a masculino, sino, más bien, son dos categorías contrapuestas y mutuamente excluyentes. A continuación, para entender cómo ocurre la internalización de las órdenes recibidas, se analiza la relación entre familia y género, considerando la familia como el primer mediador entre el individuo y la sociedad. Por último, se analiza cómo las distintas maneras de internalizar la realidad se configuran en la vigencia del Acoso Moral en el trabajo, mediante el cual, el hostigamiento y los actos humillantes cometidos contra las mujeres, pueden asumir un carácter de naturalidad, pasando desapercibidos como actos de violencia.

This paper seeks to examine how each individual internalizes received orders, starting from the assumption that the position of class/gender/ethnicity pervades and determines the way in which they are internalized. In the analysis of social phenomena, especially psychological harassment (bullying), these determinations have substantive importance. We first discuss the concept of gender, and how differences between gender and sex are described within the context of social relationships. Genders are not located on an axis that goes from female to male, but, rather, are two opposing and mutually exclusive categories. Next, to understand how received orders are internalized, we analyze the relationship between family and gender, considering the family as the first mediator between the individual and society. Finally, we analyze how different ways of internalizing these realities are configured in the presence of moral harassment in the workplace, where harassing and humiliating acts committed against women can go unnoticed as a form of violence.