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Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery. 2016; 26 (2): 49-58
de Persan | IMEMR | ID: emr-187097


Introduction: Emotional intelligence is a group of skills that enhances individual's ability to succeed encounter environmental pressures and improve occupational achievement

Objective: The aim of study is to determine relationship between occupational exhaustion and emotional intelligence among nurses

Methods: This correlative descriptive study was done on 240 nurses from educational medical centers in Rasht who were selected by randomized stratified sampling method. The tools of study were Bar-on Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire with 5 subscales [Intrapersonal, adaptation, stress-management and general-mood] and Maslach Burnout Inventory consist of 3 general scales [emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment]. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics [Spirman correlation and ordinal logistic regression tests]

Results: There was a significant inverse relationship between emotional intelligence and emotional exhaustion [p=0.05, r=-0.122] and between emotional intelligence and depersonalization [p<0.0001, r=-0.258]. There was a direct significant correlation between emotional intelligence and personal accomplishment [p<0.0001, r=0.413] among nurses

Conclusion: Considering the results of our research, having emotional intelligence can lead to decreased occupational burnout; therefore, it is imperative to establish emotional intelligence training courses in order to reduce nurses' occupational burnout

Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery. 2016; 26 (2): 59-68
de Persan | IMEMR | ID: emr-187098


Introduction: Family of chronic renal disease patients conducts various supportive interventions for their patients at home and outpatient centers such as dialysis ward in hospitals. Caregivers of these patients often spend a lot of time caring for them and withstand fatigue and burden. Timely recognition of these burdens in the caregivers, have played a decisive role in promoting mental health

Objective: This study aimed to determine the level of caregiver burden and its related factors in caregivers of hemodialysis patients referring to Razi hospital in Rasht city

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 154 hemodialysis patients referred to the Razi Hospital in Rasht who was chosen by Sequential sampling method. Data were collected through interview by completing two questionnaire of Zarit caregiver burden and socio-demographic of patients and caregivers. Data were analyzed by using descriptive [mean and standard deviation] and inferential tests [binomial test]

Results: Mean and standard deviation deviation of caregiver burden was 50.75 +/- 14 and 74.7 % of the caregivers had severe caregiver burden. In addition, 46.1% of hemodialysis patients had very little vigor to doing things and 42.9% of them required a lot of care as reported

Conclusion: In attention to the need of hemodialysis patients to receive care from family, it is recommended to pay more attention to these caregivers regarding assessment of their burden and taking actions to reduce burden

Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery. 2016; 26 (1): 21-29
de Persan | IMEMR | ID: emr-187106


Introduction: The most essential part of any training program is evaluation, because by doing so, the shortcomings of the program can be realized and dealt with. Clinical evaluation of students is one of the fundamental challenges in clinical nursing education. Nowadays, self-evaluation is proposed as a useful method along with student evaluation by teacher

Objective: This study was performed to determine the agreement between self and clinical teacher evaluation of nursing students' clinical skills

Methods: In this descriptive cross -sectional study, 79 nursing students from of two to eight semester were chosen by stratified systematic random sampling method. At the end of the training, students' clinical skills were evaluated by themselves and clinical teachers. The data gathering instruments were evaluation forms used in college of nursing. Descriptive and inferential statistics [Variance analysis, Spearman correlation and inner group correlation square] were used for data analysis

Results: Based on study results, there was no significant difference between self and clinical teachers' evaluation in general and specific-general items. Also a high agreement and correlation were found between two assessment methods [P=0.0001, ICC= 0.916]

Conclusion: According to significant correlation between two different methods of assessment, it is suggested to increase the accuracy of clinical assessment scores and student satisfaction, self-assessment be used in addition to clinical teacher assessment. Perhaps this method may promote clinical evaluation methods

Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery. 2016; 26 (1): 56-63
de Persan | IMEMR | ID: emr-187110


Introduction: Ventilator-associated pneumonia is one of important factors of morbidity and mortality in critical care units, associated with hospitalization day's and increased cost of treatment. Thus prevention through identifying related factors must be highly recommended

Objective: This study is conducted by the aim of determining the nurses understanding of physician-nurse relationship with Ventilator - associated pneumonia reports in critical care units of Guilan University of Medical Sciences

Methods: This cross-sectional -analytic study conducted by selecting 101 nurses from 7 critical care units of Guilan province with determined characters by census method. Data were gathered by a 3-part tool consisting demographic data and ventilator associated pneumonia recording data for 3 months before sampling and standard Practice Environment Scale of the Nurses Work Index [physician-nurse relationship] by interview. Mean of reported pneumonia frequency classified in 3 groups of none, 1-5 cases and more than 5 cases. Mean of physician-nurse relationship classified in 2 groups of desirable and undesirable. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and analytic tests [chi-square]

Results: The findings showed that majority of samples [62/7%] 1-5 were related to ventilator associated pneumonia. This variable had significant relation with years of employments in samples [p=0.004]. Mean score of 72.5 percent of samples in physician-nurse relationship was in favorable level with no significant relationship with personal variables except the nurses` employment status [p=0.035]. Finally, X[2] statistical test showed significant relationship between favorable perceived physician - nurse communication and lower Ventilator-associated pneumonia [p=0.01]

Conclusion: Significant relation between ventilator associated pneumonia and physician-nurse communication in this survey indicated that possibility of prevention of pneumonia by improving nurse-physicians relationship and collaboration quality

Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery. 2016; 26 (1): 80-88
de Persan | IMEMR | ID: emr-187113


Introduction: Menopause is one of the most critical stages of women's lives and is a physiological event that occurs in middle age women between 40-59 years which results in physical, mental and social wellbeing and influences their quality of life. Paying attention to postmenopausal women's quality of life can guarantee health for more than a third of their lifetime

Objective: This study aimed to determine the factors associated with specific quality of life in postmenopausal women referring to Retirement Fund in Rasht city

Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 180 postmenopausal women who referred to Retirement Fund in Rasht selected by sequential sampling. Data were collected by a two part questionnaire including: researcher-made questionnaire on personal factors and Quality of Life Questionnaire Specific to Menopause [MENQOL]. Results were analyzed using descriptive [frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation] and inferential statistics [T independent test, Chi-square, Exact Fisher test and Regression]

Results: Findings showed that the overall quality of life of postmenopausal women in 54.4% of cases was good and 45.6% of cases reported it as moderate and only one case [0.6%] reported unsatisfactory quality of life. Also samples' quality of life in vasomotor, psychosocial and physical domain was satisfactory but reported unsatisfactory in sexual domain. Results of regression model indicated a significant relationship between quality of life and age [P=0.004], educational level [P=0.03], physical activity [P=0.03], marital satisfaction [P=0.02], employment after retirement [P=0.01], the organization covering retirement [P=0.004], not spending time with friends [P=0.004], no arthritic disease [P=0.006] and no hyperlipidemia [P=0.03]

Conclusion: Quality of life can be affected by several factors. Identifying quality of life condition of postmenopausal women is important in explaining the need for training, counseling, care and treatment of postmenopausal women and serves as basis for formulation and implementation of health care programs and further planning to improve their quality of life

Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery. 2016; 26 (3): 8-15
de Persan | IMEMR | ID: emr-187117


Introduction: Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents. In the past decade, coinciding with the increased prevalence of depression in younger age, much attention has been attracted to the diagnosis and treatment of depression in children and adolescents

Objective: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of depression symptoms in guidance school children and assessment of its relation with some personal and family factors

Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study which used random multi-stage cluster sampling. First, educational districts 1 and 2 of Rasht city were considered as the two main clusters. In the next stage, in each cluster separately, according to sex [girls' and boys' schools], school type [public, private] and grades [sixth and seventh in primary and third in secondary school], a total of 24 grades in districts 1 and 2 were calculated. The sample size of 618 students was determined based on results of the pilot study. Given that the entire class was considered as a cluster, the number of samples increased to 775 [31 clusters]. 753 of all parents returned the completed form. The research tool included Children Depression Inventory [CDI] and a questionnaire on demographic characteristics [personal-family] which were given to subjects with answer sheets by the researchers. They were asked to answer the questions honestly and accurately according to what they felt at the moment. CDI psychometrics with cut-off 22 had been determined in Iran. The data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics [chi-square, logistic regression and t-test]

Results: Most of subjects were 13 years old [37.6%]. Frequency of the girls and boys were 398 [52.9%] and 355 [47.1%], respectively. Moreover, the frequency of the students in sixth and seventh of primary and third grade of secondary school were 249, 268, 236, respectively.70.8% of the students were at public and 29.2% in private schools. Most of them had educational improvement [64.1%], without parents with history of depression [87% fathers, 87.9% mothers]. Results revealed 10% of the subjects with depression symptoms [8.5% in boys, 11.3% in girls] in sixth [11.6%] and seventh grades of primary [5.2%] and third grade of secondary [13.1%] in public [4.5%] and private schools [12.2%]. 10.6% of the students had educational improvement. 8.9% lacked it. Depression history was recorded for 2% of fathers and 7.7% of mothers. Moreover, 7.9% of fathers and 10.5% of mothers had chronic diseases. Families with monthly income of less than 150 dollars had the highest percent of depression [14.4%]. Most symptoms of depression were seen in children whose parents were illiterate [12.3%] and high school graduate [4.8%]. 19% of unemployed fathers and 10.3% of homemaker mothers had children with highest depression symptoms. Students living in a rental house [10.9%] as well as those whose mother's was dead showed the most symptoms [33.3%].Results indicated that depression symptoms were significantly related to grade [p=0.008], type of school [p=0.001], and no history of depression in father [p=0.005]. Third grade of secondary school students had the highest symptoms. Most of these students were at public than private schools [95% CI, 1.3-5.1- odd ratio: 2.5]. Students with father's history of depression had fewer symptoms [2% vs.11%]

Conclusion: Although depression symptoms based on our tool did not necessarily suggest the depression disorder in terms of severity and duration of the symptoms, a significant association was observed between scores of depression and some personal and family factors which insists on considering the importance of these factors in preventive programs for children depression

Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery. 2016; 26 (3): 55-64
de Persan | IMEMR | ID: emr-187122


Introduction: Attachment styles are important factors in determining the psychological harms in people especially aggression

Objective: This study aimed at determining the level of aggression in different types of attachment styles in 15 to 17-year-old high school students in Rasht city

Methods: This correlational descriptive study was conducted on 576 students studying at first to third grade of high school in Rasht in 2013. The study sample was classified based on district classification of Office of Education, type of school, sex and grade. 46 classes [n=576 students] were selected by systematic random sampling method. Classes were considered as clusters. Data collection tool was a questionnaire including three parts. First part contained demographic characteristics such as age, sex, grade, field of study, and type of school, birth order, having siblings, education level of family breadwinner, father's job and family income. Second part was the aggression questionnaire by Arnold and Perry which had 29 questions and 4 sub-scales [Physical and verbal aggression, anger, hostility].Total score of the questionnaire ranged from 29 to 145. Thus, the minimum and maximum scores of physical aggression [Min=9, Max=45], verbal aggression [Min=5, Max=25], anger [Min=7, Max=35] and hostility [Min=8, Max=40] were obtained. Scores higher than the mean showed aggression in all of them. Third part comprised of an adult attachment style questionnaire by Hazan and Shaver with 15 questions on secure, avoidant and anxious-ambivalent attachment styles. The final score was calculated based on sum of all obtained scores. Minimum and Maximum scores in all three aspects ranged from 5 to 35. Scores higher than the mean showed using that aspect. To determine the reliability of the aggression tool, a pilot study was conducted on 25 samples. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was obtained 0.85 for determining the internal consistency of the instrument for all questions and 0.73 for physical aggression, 0.78 for verbal aggression, 0.74 for anger and 0.78 for hostility sub-scales. Due to the frequent use of this questionnaire in many papers, re-determining its validity was discarded. In order to confirm the scientific validity of the attachment style questionnaire, content validity was used. Internal consistency of this instrument was investigated in a pilot study using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The alpha coefficient was obtained 0.88 for avoidant, 0.69 for anxious-ambivalent and 0.68 for secure attachment styles. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics [frequency, percent, mean, standard deviation and median] and inferential statistics [Kruskal-wallis and multivariate logistic regression]. P<0.05 was considered the significant level

Results: The mean age of study samples was 15.5 +/- 0.9 years old. Majority of them were girl [54.1%], first year high school student [49.1%] in public schools [88%] in field of Experimental Sciences [39.9%] with high school graduate parents [44.4%], a brother [45.7%], no sister [46%], three family members [63.7%], average family monthly income eqal 150 - 200 dollars [25.9%] and self-employed father's job [51.6%]. Based on the findings, none of the demographic variables had a statistically significant relationship with total score of aggression in adolescents. Moreover, the results showed that the total aggression score was significant in terms of attachment styles [p <0.002].Backward multivariate logistic regression model reveled a significant association between attachment styles by controlling for demographic variables with adolescent aggression score. Adolescents with anxious-ambivalent attachment style were 1.8 times more aggressive than the ones with secure attachment style [P=0.027]. Furthermore, among individual and social variables, field of study and education level of parents were associated with aggression score. Adolescents who had parents with lower education level than high school diploma were less aggressive than the students with university educated parents [p=0.046]. About field of study, adolescents in Humanities [p=0.019], Experimental Sciences [p=0.030] and Mathematics [p=0.017] were less aggressive compared to students in Work and Knowledge

Conclusion: According to the study findings, adolescents with a secure attachment style had lower aggression than the ones with avoidant and anxiety styles. Secure and avoidant attachment styles had the highest and lowest frequency, respectively. The quality of a person's attachment can predict the kind of his/her relationship in the future as well as rate of growth, health, copping strategies with emotions and stresses, independency and mental disorders

Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery. 2016; 26 (3): 86-95
de Persan | IMEMR | ID: emr-187125


Introduction: Problem solving is an essential skill for living at present century. Problem solving skills and knowledge-based decision making are expected behaviors from nursing students and learning these skills should be initiated during student period

Objective: The purpose of present study was to determine the problem solving skills and their related factors in undergraduate nursing students of Guilan University of Medical Sciences

Methods: This is a descriptive-analytical study conducted on all undergraduate nursing students [N=456] enrolled in faculties of Shahid Beheshti Nursing and Midwifery [N=317] and East Guilan [N=139] and according to the inclusion criteria, they were not guest or transitional students. Finally from all eligible students, 404 entered the study after completing the written consent forms. Referring to classes and clinical training environments, the subjects were asked to complete the questionnaires in twenty minutes. Data collection tool was a two-part questionnaire. First part included Heppner and Petersen Problem Solving Inventory [PSI] with 32 items. The answers were designed with Likert scale ranging from 1 [completely agree], to 6 [completely disagree]. The most and least scores of problem solving were 192 and 32, respectively. Scores lower than the mean indicated a higher ability in problem solving. This tool consisted of three components of self confidence in problem solving, proximity-avoidance and personal control. The tool was used with permission of the original author. The second part consisted of factors related to problem solving skills covering a two-part questionnaire of individual and educational factors. In order to determine the validity of this tool, 13 faculty members were asked to review it. Content validity ratio for all items of this questionnaire was 1. Furthermore, content validity index obtained was between 7.0 to 1. Cronbach's alpha coefficient and test-retest were used to define the internal consistency with a ten-day interval. In a pilot study, 20 questionnaires were given to 20 undergraduate nursing students. For re-test, after ten days the same tool was given to them. Cronbach's alpha coefficient showed a good internal consistency [problem-solving skills alpha=0.80, proximity-avoidance alpha=.81, self-confidence alpha=0.71, personal control alpha =0.78]. Internal correlation coefficient for this tool and all its dimensions were between 0.82-0.97 which indicated the reliability of the tool. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics [mean and standard deviation] and inferential statistics [Chi-square, Kruskal-wallis, Mann-Whitney, Spearman's correlation coefficients and multiple regressions]. P<0.05 was considered as the significance level. In order to determine the most important factors related to problem-solving skills, all significant or nearly significant variables in univariate analysis were entered into the regression model by backward step wise [LR] method [Entry 0.05, Removal 0.1]. In this model, the response variable, the problem solving skill was analyzed considering zero for scores > mean and 1 for scores

Results: The mean age of students was 21.35 +/- 2.75 years old. Most of them were female [60.6%], single [91.9%] and local [81.1%]. 48.1% of them were living with their family. 41% of students' fathers and 41.8% of mothers had high school diploma. 51.4% of their income was equal to between 175 -350 dollars. Results showed 94.3% had no smoking and 98% no alcohol or drug use experience. 44.6% of the students saw themselves successful in solving problems. Majority of them [63.6%] requested their family support when dealing with a problem. Most of these students believed their parents were democratic [73.8% of fathers' behavior and 70.4% of mothers' behavior]. 82.5% had acceptable grades in their university courses and 97.7% with no failure. 81.3% of all samples had never participated in life skills classes. 52.2% declared their academic success was average. Results suggested that the total mean score of problem-solving skills equaled to 91.45 +/- 20.90 [ranging from 32 to 192]. The problem solving score was less than mean among these students. The mean of all scores of self-confidence in problem solving was 30.27 +/- 6.92 [ranging from 11-66], avoidance-proximity 44.12 +/- 12.28 [ranging from 16-96] and personal control 17.06 +/- 5.53 [ranging from 5-30]. In addition, the students had a lower score than mean in self-confidence and avoidance-proximity dimensions and lower and near to mean in personal control

Conclusion: Surveying the socio-demographic and educational factors revealed that based on multivariate logistic regression model, a positive relationship existed between the number of siblings [P=0.019, OR=0.85], mothers' educational status [p=0.026, OR=0.74], success in problem solving [p=0.0001, OR=1.95], perceptions about their mothers' attitude [p=0.011, OR=2.01], school and department of education [p=0.024, OR=1.76], satisfaction with field of study [p=0.006, OR=1.44] and success in professional and clinical skills [p=0.03, OR=1.48]

Holistic Nursing and Midwifery Journal. 2015; 25 (4): 110-117
de Persan | IMEMR | ID: emr-186316


Introduction: manpower providing health and treatment care has a crucial contribution to public health, therefore maintaining and improving the quality of health care providers is required for quality of providing service. An aspect that has impact on their health is occupation and job satisfaction

Objective: present study is designed to examine predictive factors of public health based on job satisfaction of health service centers' employees

Methods: this study is a cross sectional descriptive-analytic study conducted in 2012. In this study, census method was used for sampling. 252 personnel of health centers participated in this study and data collection tool included three questionnaires of Job Description Index [JDI], General Health Questionnaire [GHQ] and demographic characteristic questionnaire which were used after establishment of its validity and reliability. Data was analyzed using descriptive and analytical tests [Mann Whitney- Kruskal Wallis

Results: findings showed that only 47.6% of staff had good general health. About 63.16% of employees were satisfied most level of satisfaction was in colleague domain [76.83%] and least level of satisfaction was in salary domain [41.5%]. Results indicated that from domain studied, only related and predicted areas of public health were colleague domain [p<0.049] and work environment condition [p<0.043] therefore the chance of general health increased by increasing level of satisfaction with colleague and work condition. Among the demographic characteristics, education [p<0.043] and management position [p<0.035] were identified as predictors of publichealth

Conclusion: in attention to obtained results, it can be said that the relationship between work and health is mutual and for improving the two concepts, planning and appropriate interventions are needed. And this intervention can lead to increased job satisfaction and staff physical and mental health

Iranian Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2014; 2 (2): 67-80
de Persan | IMEMR | ID: emr-176030


Introduction: Anxiety and depression are the most common psychological outcomes in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery [CABG]. Determining the predictors of anxiety and reduction of cardiac events resulting from the outcome of psychological symptoms depression can be useful in ability of patients and therefore, this study was conducted to determine predictors of hospital anxiety and depression in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery

Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study in which 170 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery hospitalized in cardiac hospitals of Guilan University of Medical Sciences were selected by Convenience sampling method. Tools for data collection included demographic and social, Standardized questionnaire, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the stressors questionnaire. The data were analyzed by SPSS software, version 17, and descriptive and inferential statistic tests were used

Results: The findings showed 33/75% and 17/83%of patients had anxiety and depression at discharge. Based on logistic regression test predictors of hospital anxiety at "discharge pain or discomfort following surgery" sex and education level and depression at discharge "Lack of support from family and friends "age and sex were determined

Conclusion: Results of this study showed an occurrence of anxiety and depression in patients with coronary artery bypass surgery. Recommendations for further assessment of the mental status of the patients at discharge and considering predictors for planning appropriate interventions is recommended