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Gamme d'année
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 66(3): 345-354, June 2022. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393848


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess caregivers' perception about the changes in the daily habits of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Subjects and methods: Primary caregivers of youth aged ≤18 with or without type 1 diabetes were selected for the diabetes and the control groups. Caregivers estimated the youth's time (hours) of physical activity and screen time before and during the pandemic, and rated the quality of eating habits and medication adherence from 0 to 10. The primary outcome was the change in physical activity time, screen time, and eating habits scores during isolation. Between-group analyses and within-group comparisons were conducted. A post hoc analysis was performed using logistic regression to correct for confounding factors. Results: In total, 764 participants were included (381 diabetes group vs. 383 control group). Before the pandemic, the diabetes group presented a reduced median of physical activity (P < 0.001) and screen time (P < 0.001). During the pandemic, the difference between both groups remained similar (P = 0.58). Scores of quality of eating habits were similar in both groups before the pandemic [8.0 (7.0-9.0) vs. 8.0 (7.0-9.0), P = 0.31] but decreased during the pandemic [7.0 (5.1-8.1) vs. 8.0 (6.0-9.0), P < 0.001]. The diabetes group had a significantly worse change in eating habits scores (P < 0.01). Conclusion: During the pandemic, eating habits were significantly worse in youth with diabetes than in those without diabetes.

Acta méd. (Porto Alegre) ; 39(1): 185-198, 2018.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-910634


O aumento da população idosa e, proporcionalmente, dos casos de demência, demanda uma maior atenção ao tema e uma busca por tratamentos alternativos à medicação. Essa revisão avalia os benefícios da terapia musical, independente do seu método de aplicação ­ o qual pode ser grupal, individual, interativo, receptivo, de caráter nostálgico ou clássico ­ nesse público de idade mais avançada, buscando entender a sua influência, frequentemente positiva, nas manifestações da demência. A pluralidade dos sintomas avaliados nos estudos selecionados nos permitiu analisar um amplo espectro de resultados, que se mostraram eficazes para sintomas neuropsiquiátricos, destacando-se agitação, ansiedade e apatia ­ apesar da primeira não ter sido avaliada individualmente -, para qualidade de vida e para relações interpessoais; entretanto, devido à juventude desse tema e dos muitos métodos aplicados para avaliação, função cognitiva e controle da dor obtiveram parciais incertas ou divergentes. Depreende-se, portanto, que a terapia musical se apresenta de grande valor no tratamento dos sintomas da demência, fato esse que reflete em uma alternativa importante para a crescente população idosa acometida por essas ocorrências, possibilitando uma melhora no quadro sem o uso de medicação.

The increase of the elderly population and, inevitably, of dementia cases, demands a greater attention to the subject and a search for alternative treatments besides medication. This review evaluates the benefits of music therapy, despite its application method - which can be in group, individual, interactive, receptive, nostalgic or classic way - in the older public, seeking to understand its influence, frequently positive, on the manifestations of dementia. The plurality of symptoms evaluated in the chosen studies allowed us to analyze an ample spectrum of results, that proved to be effective for neuropsychiatric symptoms, especially agitation, anxiety and apathy - although the first was not appraised individually -, for quality of life and for interpersonal relationships; however, due to the youth of this theme and the many methods applied for evaluation, cognitive function and pain control obtained uncertain or divergent partials. We conclude, therefore, that music therapy has great value in the treatment of dementia symptoms, a fact that reflects in an important alternative for the growing elderly population affected by these occurrences, enabling an improvement in the clinical condition without the use of medication.

Démence/thérapie , Maladie d'Alzheimer/thérapie , Musicothérapie
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