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Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 29(1): 1-10, Jan.-Feb. 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-990762


Abstract The present work investigates the leaf and stem anatomy, chemical composition and insecticidal activities (against Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, 1758) of the volatile oils of Schinus molle L., Anacardiaceae, a Brazilian native traditional medicinal plant. Noteworthy micro-morphological features that can help in the identification and quality control of the species include the presence of isobilateral and amphistomatic leaves, anomocytic and cyclocytic stomata, capitate glandular and conical non-glandular trichomes, large secretory ducts in the midrib, presence of druses and prismatic crystals, and the petiole vascular system comprising of five vascular bundles arranged in U-shape and an additional dorsal bundle. The major components of the volatile oil include β-pinene (14.7%), α-pinene (14.1%), limonene (9.4%) and muurolol (11.8%). Insecticidal activities of the volatile oil against bed bugs were investigated for the first time; strong toxicity by fumigation with the volatile oil of S. molle was observed and reported herein.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 24(5): 531-537, Sep-Oct/2014. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-730559


Mikania lanuginosa DC, Asteraceae, is popularly known as "cipó-cabeludo" in Brazil due to a remarkable number of trichomes on its leaves and stems. It shows antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis and Bacillus cereus. This species can be confused with M. microlepis Baker and M. hirsutissima DC for substitution and tampering purposes. The aim of this study was to investigate the morpho-anatomy of leaf and stem of M. lanuginosa to obtain pharmacobotanical data that may contribute to its identification and taxonomic definition from other species of Mikania. The leaves and stems were investigated using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy techniques. Mikania lanuginosa shows a uniseriate epidermis covered by a thin and smooth cuticle. The epidermal cells present sinuous anticlinal walls on both sides and anomocytic stomata were observed. A few glandular trichomes and numerous non-glandular trichomes were identified on both surfaces. The mesophyll is dorsiventral, the midrib has a biconvex contour and the petiole shows a circular shape in a cross-section. The stem has a circular shape. These pharmacobotanical features described for M. lanuginosa support data for its identification and taxonomic delimitation from other Mikania species, and are a contribution for the quality control of herbal drugs.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 23(4): 585-591, Aug. 2013. ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-686639


Gochnatia polymorpha (Less.) Cabrera, Asteraceae, is popularly known as cambará and cambara-de-folha-grande in Brazil. It is used in traditional medicine to treat respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders. Pharmacological studies revealed anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibacterial and antiviral activities. The goal of this paper was to carry out morphological and anatomical studies in order to describe the aerial parts of G. polymorpha. The botanical material was collected, fixed, and prepared according to usual light and scanning electron microtechniques. The leaves are simple, oblong-lanceolate to elliptical-lanceolate in form with mucronate acute apex, rounded base, entire or slightly toothed margin, and short petiole. In transection, the epidermis is uniseriate along the leaf blade. A subepidermal layer next to the adaxial side is present. Anomocytic stomata are seen only on the abaxial surface. Capitate glandular trichomes and T-shaped non-glandular trichomes occur on the leaves. The mesophyll is dorsiventral and minor collateral vascular bundles are enclosed by a sheath of thick walled parenchymatic cells. The midrib is biconvex and the petiole has a circular shape. The epidermis of the stem consists of a single layer of cells with glandular and nonglandular trichomes. The vascular cylinder shows typical structure and perivascular fiber caps are next to the phloem.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 17(1): 39-43, jan.-mar. 2007. ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-451573


Homalocladium platycladum is a Polygonaceae species, popularly known as fita-de-moça or solitária that has been used as ornamental and medicinal plant, according to Oriental and Brazilian traditional medicine. The aim of this work was to evaluate the morpho-anatomy of the H. platycladum cladodes. The botanical material was fixed, sectioned and prepared according to usual light and scanning microtechniques. The cladode presented epidermal cells coated with thick and striate cuticle. The uniseriate epidermis showed paracytic stomata and glandular trichomes inserted in small depressions. These trichomes were capitate and presented short stalk and multicellular head. The cortex showed strands of chlorenchyma alternating with sclerenchyma that was an extension of a sclerenchymatic sheath. An internal boundary of the cortex was represented by a starch sheath. The vascular system consisted of collateral bundles and the pith showed parenchymatic cells and idioblasts containing calcium oxalate druses.

Homalocladium platycladum, popularmente conhecido como fita-de-moça ou solitária, é um táxon pertencente à família Polygonaceae, tendo importância como espécie ornamental e medicinal, de acordo com a medicina tradicional oriental e brasileira. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a morfoanatomia dos cladódios de H. platycladum. O material botânico foi fixado, seccionado e preparado segundo as técnicas habituais de microscopia fotônica e eletrônica de varredura. O cladódio revelou células epidérmicas revestidas por cutícula espessada e estriada. A epiderme unisseriada apresentou estômatos paracíticos e tricomas glandulares localizados em pequenas depressões. Os tricomas foram descritos como capitados, com pedicelo curto e porção apical pluricelular. A região cortical do cladódio revelou faixas descontínuas de colênquima, alternadas com esclerênquima, também encontrado como faixa subjacente. Após a faixa esclerenquimática, limitando internamente o córtex, verificou-se a presença de uma bainha amilífera. O cilindro vascular foi constituído de feixes colaterais. A medula revelou a presença de células parenquimáticas e idioblastos contendo drusas de oxalato de cálcio.

Botanique , Médecine traditionnelle , Polygonaceae/anatomie et histologie
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 16(1): 53-60, jan.-mar. 2006. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-570957


Diversas espécies de Calea são utilizadas como medicinais e vários estudos químicos têm sido conduzidos para identificar compostos relevantes no gênero, no entanto, poucos enfocam aspectos morfoanatômicos. Este trabalho tem por objetivo caracterizar morfologicamente a folha e o caule de Calea uniflora Less., a fim de fornecer subsídios para a identificação da espécie. O material foi submetido às microtécnicas fotônica e eletrônica de varredura usuais. A lâmina foliar possui epiderme uniestratificada revestida por cutícula delgada e estriada. Em ambas as faces, ocorrem estômatos anomocíticos e anisocíticos, além de tricomas glandulares e tectores. Estes são pluricelulares e unisseriados, com ápice agudo. Os glandulares podem ser pluricelulares e plurisseriados ou capitados e inseridos em depressão na epiderme. O mesofilo é isobilateral e a nervura central é biconvexa, sendo percorrida por um feixe vascular colateral. O caule mostra secção circular e epiderme unisseriada, com tricomas similares aos da folha. Colênquima angular e clorênquima alternam-se no córtex, fibras perivasculares apõem-se ao floema, o arranjo vascular é colateral e a medula compõe-se de células parenquimáticas. Dutos secretores acompanham o sistema vascular na folha e no caule.

Various species of Calea are considered medicinal and several investigations have been carried out to identify relevant chemical substances in the genus, however, few studies have dealt with morpho-anatomical aspects. This work aimed to analyse the morphological characters of the leaf and stem of Calea uniflora Less., in order to contribute for the species identification. The plant material was prepared according to usual light and scanning microtechniques. The blade has uniseriate epidermis coated with thin and striate cuticle. Anomocytic and anisocytic stomata are seen on both surfaces, as well as glandular and non-glandular trichomes. The latter is pluricellular and uniseriate, with acute apex. The glandular trichomes are pluricellular and multiseriate or capitate and located in epidermal depression. The mesophyll is isobilateral, and the midrib is biconvex and traversed by a collateral vascular bundle. The stem shows circular transection and uniseriate epidermis, with trichomes similar to the leaf. Angular collenchyma and chlorenchyma alternate in the cortex, perivascular fibres adjoin the phloem, the vascular arrangement is collateral and the pith consists of parenchymatic cells. Secretory ducts are associated with the vascular system of the leaf and stem.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 15(3): 250-255, jul.-set. 2005. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-570920


Ocotea puberula (Rich.) Nees é uma espécie arbórea nativa, que ocorre por toda a América tropical e subtropical, em quase todas as formações florestais. É conhecida como guaicá, canela-guaicá e canela-sebo, sendo utilizada por comunidades indígenas no tratamento de tumores e afecções da pele. Este trabalho analisou a morfoanatomia das folhas da espécie, a fim de fornecer subsídios anatômicos à sua identificação. O material botânico foi fixado e submetido a técnicas usuais de microscopia fotônica e eletrônica de varredura. As folhas são alternas, simples, inteiras, elípticas ou elíptico-lanceoladas e revolutas na base. A anatomia foliar revela a ocorrência de estômatos paracíticos e tricomas tectores unicelulares na face abaxial, mesofilo dorsiventral, nervura mediana biconvexa, com sistema vascular constituído de feixe único do tipo colateral em arco aberto. Na estrutura anatômica da folha, são observadas células secretoras de substâncias lipofílicas e mucilaginosas.

Ocotea puberula (Rich.) Nees is a native woody species. It occurs all over tropical and subtropical America, in almost all the forest formations. It is known as guaicá, canela-guaicá and canela-sebo, being used by indigenous communities to treat skin diseases and tumours. This work has analysed the leaf morpho-anatomy of the species, in order to supply anatomical information for its identification. The botanical material was fixed and prepared according to usual optical and scanning microtechniques. The leaves are alternate, simple, entire, elliptical or elliptical-lanceolate and revolute at the base. The leaf anatomy shows paracytic stomata and unicellular non-glandular trichomes on the abaxial surface, dorsiventral mesophyll and biconvex midrib consisting of a collateral bundle in open arc. Oil and mucilage cells are found in leaf anatomical structure.

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