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Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-402016


Objective To investigate behavioral and endocrinal changes following the conflict-related stress. Method Male SpragueDawley rats were exposed to stressors using Vogel conflict test. Body weight and behavioral responses in open field test were investigated during the whole procedure. Serum corticosterone level was analyzed using immunoassay. Results Compared with the control, the rats of the 1-week, 2-week and 4-week stressed group showed significantly decreased body weight. There was increasing tendency or significant difference in locomotion between the 1 -week, 2-week and 4-week stressed group and their control. And the hormone levels for the stressed animal were reliably high. Conclusions The increased locomotion, and high corticosterone level and reduced body weight in stress animal,was consistent with the features of anxiety-like disorders. Furthermore, the behavioral and endocrine changes produced by conflict-related stress could maintain a long time. The conflictrelated stress paradigm may be used as psychological stress animal mode in the future.