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Rev. am. med. respir ; 18(1): 4-13, mar. 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-897300


Introducción: Diversos estudios han demostrado los beneficios del soporte vital extracorpóreo en pacientes críticos con patologías cardiorrespiratorias. El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en evaluar la experiencia preliminar con el uso del soporte vital extracorpóreo en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar avanzada, en lista de espera para trasplante pulmonar. Material y métodos: Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo y descriptivo de los pacientes que recibieron soporte vital extracorpóreo como puente al trasplante o a la candidatura para trasplante, entre agosto 2010 y julio 2015. Se analizaron los resultados según: exclusión de la lista de espera, candidatos a trasplante y trasplantes realizados. Se describen complicaciones y causas de mortalidad, tiempos de soporte vital extracorpóreo, asistencia respiratoria mecánica e internación post-trasplante. Se incluyeron 23 pacientes, edad promedio 36 ± 17 años, 61% mujeres. Los diagnósticos principales fueron fibrosis quística (34.8%), fibrosis pulmonar idiopática (30.4%) y fibrosis pulmonar secundaria (13.0%). Resultados: El tiempo medio con soporte vital extracorpóreo fue 14.4 ± 11.7 días; y se realizó veno-venoso en 14 pacientes, veno-arterial en 4, arterio-venoso 3 casos y veno-arterio-venoso en 2. Ocho pacientes no calificaron como candidatos al trasplante y se excluyeron de la lista de espera. Fueron aceptados como puente al trasplante 15 pacientes; 8 fallecieron bajo soporte vital extracorpóreo y 7 lograron ser trasplantados. Post trasplante, un paciente falleció y 6 fueron externados superando el año de supervivencia. Conclusión: En nuestra serie, el 46.7% de los candidatos lograron acceder al trasplante pulmonar bajo soporte vital extracorpóreo. La implementación de un programa de soporte vital extracorpóreo como puente al trasplante pulmonar efectivo requiere acceso a nuevas tecnologías y desarrollo de experiencia por parte del equipo.

Introduction: Several studies have demonstrated that the use of extracorporeal life support (ECLS) improves the recovery of critically ill patients with cardiorespiratory diseases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a preliminary experience on the use of ECLS as a bridge to lung transplantation. Methods: We conducted a retrospective and descriptive analysis of patients who received ECLS as a bridge to lung transplantation between August 2010 and July 2015. ECLS results were analyzed according to the final status: excluded from the waiting list, confirmed transplant candidacy and transplanted patients. Complications and cause of mortality were evaluated, as well as the length of ECLS, time on mechanical ventilation, length of stay and survival. Twenty-three patients were included, mean age 36±17 years, 61% were female. The most common diagnoses were cystic fibrosis (34.8%), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (30.4%) and secondary pulmonary fibrosis (13.0%). Results: Mean time on ECLS was 14.4±11.7 days; veno-venous support was implemented in 14 patients, veno-arterial support in 4 cases, arterio-venous in 3, and veno-arterio-venous in 2. During ECLS, 8 patients did not qualify as candidates for transplantation. Fifteen patients were accepted as candidates for lung transplant, 8 of them died during ECLS, and 7 were transplanted. After transplant, one patient died and 6 were discharged from the hospital. Conclusion: The use of ECLS provided a successful bridge to lung transplantation in 46.7% of the patients. The implementation of an effective ECLS program requires of the conjunction between the technological advances and the development of the center's experience.

Oxygénation extracorporelle sur oxygénateur à membrane , Transplantation pulmonaire
Rev. am. med. respir ; 18(1): 14-22, mar. 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-897301


Introduction: Several studies have demonstrated the benefits of extracorporeal life support in critically ill patients with cardiorespiratory diseases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the preliminary experience of the use of extracorporeal life support in patients with advanced pulmonary disease on the waiting list for lung transplantation. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective and descriptive analysis of patients who received extracorporeal life support as a bridge to lung transplantation or to lung transplantation candidacy between August 2010 and July 2015. Results were analyzed according to: exclusion from the waiting list, transplant candidates and number of transplants performed. We described complications and causes of mortality, and duration of extracorporeal life support, mechanical respiratory assistance and post-transplant hospitalization. Twenty-three patients were included, with a mean age of 36 ± 17 years; 61% were female. The most common diagnoses were cystic fibrosis (34.8%), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (30.4%) and secondary pulmonary fibrosis (13.0%). Results: Mean time on extracorporeal life support was 14.4 ± 11.7 days; veno-venous support was implemented in 14 patients, veno-arterial support in 4 cases, arterio-venous in 3, and veno-arterio-venous in 2. Eight patients did not qualify as candidates for transplantation and were excluded from the waiting list. 15 patients were accepted as a bridge for lung transplant; 8 of them died while receiving extracorporeal life support, and 7 were transplanted. After the transplantation, one patient died and 6 were discharged from the hospital with more than one year survival. Conclusion: In our series, 46.7% of candidates had access to lung transplantation under extracorporeal life support. The implementation of an effective extracorporeal life support program as a bridge to lung transplantation requires the access to new technologies and the development of the Center's team experience.

Oxygénation extracorporelle sur oxygénateur à membrane , Transplantation pulmonaire
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