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Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959567


A plasmodium ovale-like organism occurring in the blood of a native Filipino is reported. If this is actually a Plasmodium ovale infection it will be its second appearance in the Philippines. The morphology of the parasite is briefly described and some specific diagnosis points are given. (Summary)

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962692


In resume, the viral cause of the epidemic conjunctivitis appears to us to be settled. By following the Kochs postulates, we have successfully identified and isolated the virus as the Adenovirus, type 3. By rubbing this virus contained in the filtrate of the crushed follicles clipped off from the lower eyelid-conjunctivae of man, on the lower eyelid-conjunctivae of the rabbits, we have duplicated this conjunctivitis in this animal. The previous findings of Staphylococci, pneumococci, and diptheroids are secondary bacterial invaders, and not the primary cause of the diseaseThe free viral particles from the discharge of the disease-eyes can only remain infectious or alive for five minutes after excretion. On the other hand, the viral particles in the droplet infections from the nose and mouth of the patients have a period of survival of around 30 minutes. Also, we have found that a lethal dose (LD50) of the virus filtrate inoculated intracerebrally to one hour old newly hatched chicks outside the incubator thereafter, can kill this bird in 48 hours. This type of virus is highly contagious and transmitted by contact with the discharge within five minutes after excretion, and thru the inhalation of droplet infections from the nose and throat of the patientsAs regards, the treatment, the taking of steroids and vitamin-mineral tablets with bigger doses of vitamin C, and washing the affected eyes with running tape water is still the best so far. (Summary)

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962713


This report has enriched the diseases of the thyroid by one more disease which we have here given the name of solar hypothyroidism. Our main bases for creating this new disease are the chemo-pathology (absence or very little thyroid protease in the colloids) and the uniform and new histopathology which is very different from any hitherto described pathology of any known disease of the thyroid. The safest descriptive pathology that can be given to this report is that of an intermediate stage between the hyperplastic thyroid of toxic goiters and the hypoplastic thyroids of colloid goiters and those poisoned by thiouracil. The smooth bilateral enlargements along the lateral sides of the lobes and the clinical manifestations of the patients who are working for long hours in the sun are contributory to the diagnosis of this new diseaseThus far, our working hypothesis has been satisfied by the urinary iodine findings, chemopathology of the thyroid colloids, histopathology of the thyroids, and the newer signs and symptoms manifested by the subjects studied. (Summary and Conclusion)

Glande thyroide
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963669


A blood tuberculin test is described based on the hypothesis that a high degree of tuberculin hypersensitiveness could be widespread even to the nucleated cellular elements of the blood. The reactions produced by the challenging drop of PPD tuberculin inside the hypersensitive cells have been fairly demonstrated. The test appears to be specific for human mycobacterium tuberculosis. The Editors of the Journal hope to stimulate, through publication of this article, similar studies by other investigators in this field

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963670


These studies have experimentally demonstrated the induction of hyperreactivity of tuberculosis in rabbits, monkeys, and man by the injections of cholera El Tor heat-killed vaccine. Our criterion the severity of the tuberculous lesions after the injections of the El Tor vaccine and not on the determinations of LD50 of the El Tor endotoxins as done by Suter(1962) for those of the Salmonella typhimurium. While our approaches to this problem have been different from those of Suter, we have had the same results as those of the latter except in looking for the mechanisms and/or nature of hyperreactivityOur main view in this regard has been a mechanism that belongs to the phenomenon of anergy. This means that the endotoxins of cholera El Tor could destroy the antibody formation of the lymphocytes against tuberculosis indirectly by shifting this same capacity against their (El Tor) toxins. When this state of affair happens, with no immunebody road-blocks against tuberculosis, it becomes very obvious that the Mycobacterium tuberculosis will be very active; and sequentially, the tuberculosis lesions will have a flare-up. On the other hand, the restoration of this function of the lymphocytes against the mycobacterium tuberculosis by the administrations of corticoids will abolish this hyperreactivity of tuberculosis. In resume, the nature of hyperreactivity from this study is but a sort of anergy. (Summary and conclusions)

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963686


To avoid the cliche of the introduction of this paper, we can only say that this is the first time that the two cases of the Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections of the lungs of man have been reported in the Philippines. The high precision technology and histopathology applied to the isolation and identification of the Mycoplasma pneumoniae and to the clearer description of the histopathology have helped us arrive at the diagnosis of this kind of infection with the least doubt. Our microphotographs and x-ray picture can bear our descriptions. The future, however, holds promise of more sophisticated techniques for its laboratory and clinical diagnosis. And once, we have these skills, we will not miss these cases any more because the difficulties met with in its diagnosis would have been eased out. (Summary and conclusions)

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963757


Hecabepterin, the yellow pigment present abundantly in the Philippine butterfly, Terias hecabe Linnaeus, has been found to possess a strong antihemorrhagic property. Tried in 18 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis and in one with metastatic cancer of the lung, this substance can stop actual hemoptysis or blood spitting (2 cc to 3 cc of blood per cough) in 7 to 9 minutes after injection of 3 to 4 cc of the solution. Its effect lasts for about 2 hours even when the patient is coughingTo differentiate this substances from synthetic pterin and to indicate its natural source, the writer calls it "hecabepterin" after the species Terias hecabe Linnaeus, a common butterfly in the Philippines and in the Indo-Australian regions. In the animal and human experiments, it affects principally the bleeding time; the coagulation time is little affected or not at allThis leads one to believe that the pterin action has something to do with the thromboplastin-antiprothrombin reaction. It is possible that hecabepterin either acts as tromboplastin or increases the production of thromboplastin at the bleeding points, thereby neutralizing a greater amount of anti-prothrombin, which eventually raises the level of prothrombinIts isolation from the wings of the butterfly and its preparation for injection are so simple that they can be done in ordinary clinical laboratoryIts abundance in practically pure form in our Philippine butterfly, Terias hecabe Linnaeus, and its antiheamorrhagic property incapillary bleeding as inhemoptysis, are a new discovery in our country. (Summary and Conclusion)

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963930


A modified Field stain for the rapid and accurate diagnosis of malaria in both thick and thin smears is here described. It is particularly useful in routine laboratory diagnosis and is very economical. Its usefulness may also be taken advantage of in studies of bone marrow, splenic, and brain smears; in other hematological studies; and in staining other haemoprotozoan parasites such as trypanosomes and microfilaria (Conclusion)