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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 35(4): 579-584, out.-dez. 2013.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460764


Studies on morphological plasticity are extremely important to plant breeding seeking to optimize genotype interactions with their environments. The present study evaluated 38 genotypes of Brachiaria ruziziensis cultivated during the rainy (October to March) and dry (April to September) seasons and examined variations in their anatomical characteristics. Fully expanded leaves were collected and fixed in FAA70 (formaldehyde: acetic acid: ethyl alcohol) for 72h and subsequently stored in 70% alcohol. Median sections of leaf blades were examined and evaluated according to traditional plant anatomical procedures. Genotypes 15, 27, 40, 53, and 90 demonstrated interactions with the environment in five of the anatomical characteristics evaluated; genotypes 1 and 33 presented no plasticity in any of the characteristics examined. Except for the thickness of abaxial (ABT) and adaxial (ADT) epidermal surfaces, the genotypes showed different behaviors for all the other characteristics evaluated: mesophyll thickness (MT), xylem diameter (XD), distance between bundles (DB), number of bundles (NB), number of bulliform cells (NBC), sclerenchyma tissue area (%L), and bulliform cell area (ABC).

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 31(4): 433-437, 2009.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460607


The present research aimed to evaluate the foliar morphology (morphometry and leaf venation) of origins of maté collected in southern Brazil and Argentina. For the study of the morphometry, thirty leaves/plant were analyzed, and five measurements (leaf total length, maximum width, length from the base until maximum width, area and petiole length) and two indices were obtained (total leaf length on maximum width and length from basis until maximum width on total leaf length). The leaves were clarified by the clarification technique and examined in stereomicroscope. The highest and lowest values of leaf morphometry were, respectively, 118 and 67 mm for total leaf length, 51 and 34 mm for maximum width, 78 and 42 mm for length from the base until the maximum width, 16 and 10 mm for petiole length, 2.3 and 2 mm for total length on maximum width, and 0.65 and 0.6 for length from the base until the maximum width on total leaf length. In regards to leaf venation, differences between leaves of different origins were not observed, which presented pinnate primary venation; semicraspedodromous secondary venation, alternate percurrent and sinuous tertiary venation, regular polygonal reticulate quaternary venation and dichotomizing 5tha vein category

O presente trabalho objetivou analisar a morfologia foliar (morfometria e nervação foliar) de procedências de erva-mate coletadas no Sul do Brasil e Argentina. Analisaram-se 30 folhas de cada procedência, obtendo-se cinco medidas (comprimento total da folha, largura máxima, comprimento desde a base até a largura máxima, comprimento do pecíolo e área) e calculando-se dois índices (comprimento total sobre a largura máxima e comprimento desde a base até a largura máxima sobre o comprimento total da folha). Para a nervação foliar, as folhas foram clarificadas por meio da técnica de diafanização. Os maiores e menores valores morfométricos foram, respectivamente, 118 e 67 mm para comprimento da folha, 51 e 34 mm para largura máxima, 78 e 42 mm para comprimento desde a base até a largura máxima, 16 e 10 mm para comprimento do pecíolo, 2,3 e 2 mm para comprimento sobre largura máxima e 0,65 e 0,6 para comprimento desde a base até a largura máxima sobre o comprimento da folha. Quanto à nervação foliar, não foram observadas diferenças entre as folhas das distintas procedências, as quais apresentaram nervação primária penada, nervação secundária semicraspedódroma, nervuras terciárias com percurso alternado e sinuoso, nervação quaternária reticulada, constituída por polígonos regulares e nervação de 5ª ordem dicotomizante

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 30(3): 291-294, 2008.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460538


The chromosome complement of 16 Pennisetum accessions belonging to the Germplasm Collection of Embrapa Gado de Leite - Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais State was evaluated. The cytogenetic analysis employed the smear technique and staining with Feulgen. In four accessions, metaphases with 2n = 28 chromosomes were obtained, confirming their classification as P. purpureum. The hybrid origin P. purpureum x P. glaucum was observed in eight accessions, which presented 2n = 21. In an accession identified as P. purpureum x P. glaucum hybrid, metaphases with 2n = 54 were observed, suggesting that it is not a triploid interspecific hybrid. For three other evaluated accessions, cells with 2n=54 were also observed, although they were identified as hybrids between P. purpureum x wild species; P. glaucum polycross x hexaploid 200 and P. glaucum x [F92-161-01 (P. purpureum x P. glaucum)].

Avaliou-se o complemento cromossômico de 16 acessos de Pennisetum disponíveis na Coleção de Germoplasma da Embrapa Gado de Leite Juiz de Fora, Estado de Minas Gerais. Para a avaliação citogenética, utilizou-se a técnica de esmagamento e coloração com Feulgen. Para quatro acessos foram obtidas metáfases com 2n = 28 cromossomos, confirmando sua classificação como P. purpureum. A origem híbrida P. purpureum x P. glaucum foi constatada em oito acessos, os quais apresentaram 2n = 21. Em um acesso identificado como híbrido entre P. purpureum x P. glaucum, foram observadas metáfases com 2n = 54, permitindo inferir que não se trata de um híbrido interespecífico triplóide. Para outros três acessos avaliados, também foram observadas células com 2n = 54, embora estivessem identificados como híbridos entre P. purpureum x espécie selvagem; P. glaucum policross x hexaplóide 200 e P. glaucum x F92-161-01 ( P. purpureum x P. glaucum ).

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 28(1): 7-12, 2006.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460391


The aim of this work was to estimate the pollen viability in elephantgrass, pearl millet and interspecific hybrids accessions through in vitro germination and staining with propionic carmine, acetic orcein and Alexanders stain. The germination tests were accomplished with fresh pollen grains and stored for 30 days. The elephantgrass and peare millet accessions presented a high pollen viability. Just one of the accessions, when evaluated with Alexander"s stain, showed low fertility. For the hybrid, a high rate of functional pollen was observed with the nuclear stain. However, Alexander"s stain confirmed the complete sterility of those accessions. Elephantgrass and pearl millet accessions presented a low percentage of viable pollen grain, when induced to germination in culture medium. Complete sterility of the pollen grain was verified in the hybrid, agreeing with the meiotic abnormalities already described in the literature. After storage, the pollen grains of all accessions lost entirely their germinative power

O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a viabilidade do pólen em acessos de capim-elefante, milheto e híbridos interespecíficos por meio de germinação in vitro e coloração com carmim propiônico, orceína acética e corante de Alexander. Os testes de germinação foram realizados com grãos de pólen frescos e armazenados por 30 dias. Os acessos de capim-elefante e de milheto apresentaram alta viabilidade de pólen. Apenas um deles, quando avaliado com o corante de Alexander, mostrou baixa fertilidade. Para os híbridos, observou-se alta taxa de pólens funcionais com os corantes nucleares. Entretanto, o corante de Alexander confirmou a completa esterilidade desses acessos. Os acessos de capim-elefante e milheto apresentaram baixa porcentagem de pólens viáveis quando induzidos à germinação em meio de cultura. Nos híbridos foi constatada completa esterilidade do grão de pólen, condizente com as anormalidades meióticas relatadas na literatura. Quanto ao armazenamento, os grãos de pólen de todos os acessos perderam completamente o poder germinativo

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