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Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-97070


PURPOSE: To evaluate the axial displacement of implant-abutment assembly after cyclic loading in internal tapered connection system. MATERIALS AND METHODS: External butt-joint connection implant and internal tapered connection implant were connected with three types of abutment for cement-retained prostheses, i.e. external type abutment (Ext group), internal tapered 1-piece abutment (Int-1 group), and internal tapered 2-piece abutment (Int-2 group). For each group, 7 implants and abutments were used. The implantabutments assemblies were clamped into the implant holder for vertical loads. A dynamic cyclic loading was applied for 150 +/- 10 N at a frequency of 4 Hz. The amount of axial displacement of the abutment into the implant was calculated at each cycle of 0, 5, 10, 50, 100, 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000. A repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the overall effect of cyclic loading and the pattern analysis by linear mixed model were used for statistical analysis. Differences at P<.05 were considered statistically significant. RESULTS: The mean axial displacement after 10,000 cycles were 0.714 +/- 0.488 microm in Ext group, 5.286 +/- 1.604 microm in Int-1 group, and 11.429 +/- 1.902 microm in Int-2 group. In the pattern analysis, Int-1 and Int-2 group showed continuous axial displacement at 10,000 cycles. There was no declining pattern of axial displacement in the Ext group. CONCLUSION: The pattern of linear mixed model in Ext group showed no axial displacement. There were continuous axial displacements in abutment-implant assemblies in the Int-1 and Int-2 group at 10,000 cycles. More axial displacement was found in Int-2 group than in Int-1 group.

Conception d'implant dentaire et de pilier , Projets pilotes , Prothèses et implants
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-211403


BACKGROUND: In order to restore severely attrited teeth properly, surgical intervention in the form of a crown-lengthening procedure may be required. And also, proper diagnosis and treatment sequencing is critical to obtain a successful results. Adequate diagnostic wax-up ensures good esthetics and healthy periodontal tissue. CASE DESCRIPTION: This clinical case report describes a diagnostically based protocol for restoration on mandibular anterior teeth with crown lengthening procedure and the treatment of partially edentulous mandible combined with an edentulous maxilla. In addition, the effort to prevent the combination syndrome was described. CLINICAL IMPLICATION: An interdisciplinary diagnosis and examination through visualization of the desired results ensure conservative and more predictable outcome.

Humains , Élongation coronaire , Couronnes , Saccharose alimentaire , Esthétique , Mandibule , Maxillaire , Bouche , Rééducation buccale , Dent