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Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-88684


BACKGROUND: Various rat models have been used to study subarachnoid hemorrhage related to a stress ulcer. However, these models have many problems such as high mortality, low success rates, and a bias due to a long procedure time. The purpose of this study was to develope a more reliable rat model for the study of subarachnoid hemorrhage related to a stress ulcer. METHODS: Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized, and various volume of autologous blood were injected into the basal cistern by percutaneous injection. Mild stress consisting of restraint plus 4degreesC cold water immersion, 20degreesC cold water immersion, or 4degreesC cold water immersion with 40degreesC water rewarming were used to produce a stress ulcer. Thirty minutes after water immersion, rats were euthenized and the relative ulcer length (RUL) was measured. RESULTS: Experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage by an injection of 0.2 ml autologous blood and three cycles of restraint plus 4degreesC cold water immersion with 40degreesC water rewarming produced a marked ulceration without mortality and a significant neurologic deficit. CONCLUSIONS: An injection of 0.2 ml autologous blood combined with three cycle of restraint plus 4degreesC cold water immersion with 40degreesC water rewarming is an ideal model to study subarachnoid hemorrhage related to a stress ulcer.

Animaux , Rats , Biais (épidémiologie) , Immersion , Modèles animaux , Mortalité , Manifestations neurologiques , Rat Sprague-Dawley , Réchauffement , Hémorragie meningée , Ulcère , Eau
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-179081


The authors made a clinical study on the changes of cardiovascular functions according to duration of inhalation anesthesia as compared with the preanesthetic status in 250 adults aged from 20 to 50 years who were anesthetized for operations by the Department of Anesthesiology, Pusan National University Hospital from September, 1981 to August, 1982. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1) There were marked increases in pulse rate 5 minutes after the start of anesthesia in all groups and this change persisted until 30 minutes after anesthesia. Of all groups, the ethrane group(group3) showed the most marked increase in pulse rate 5 minutes after the start of anesthesia. 2) Diethyl either group (group5) showed the greatest change of systolic blood pressure and this lasted until 30 minutes after anesthesia. 3) The halothane (group 1,2) showed variable changes in electrocardiographic patterns. Biphasic T waves appeared more in the ethrane group (group 3,4) and the fewest changes in EKG were observed in the diethyl ether group(group5).

Adulte , Humains , Anesthésie , Anesthésie par inhalation , Anesthésiologie , Anesthésiques par inhalation , Pression sanguine , Système cardiovasculaire , Électrocardiographie , Enflurane , Oxyde de diéthyle , Halothane , Rythme cardiaque , Inspiration