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Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974339


Background@#The American Heart Association estimates that more than 1 million people die each year from acute coronary heart disease and half a million from acute coronary syndrome, and that $ 115 billion a year is spent on diagnosing and treating coronary heart disease [Word Health Organization, 2013].@*Goal@#In this study we aimed to using coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) to diagnose unstable plaques in coronary artery disease.@*Material and methods@#From 2018 to 2021, we performed a coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) scan with a Philips Ingenuity 64-slice computed tomography (64 MD-CT) device and examined 47 patients diagnosed with unstable coronary artery disease at the Reference centre on Diagnostic Imaging named after R.Purev State Laureate, People’s physician and Honorary professor of the State Third Central Hospital.</br> Common statistical measurements such as means and standard errors were calculated. Probability of results were checked using Student’s test. @*Result@#In studying signs of coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) to diagnose unstable plaques in coronary artery disease that coronary artery diameters more widening to compared healthy artery 16(34.0%±6.9), low density sites clarify in plaque (lower than +30HU)- 14(29.8%±6.7), small calcification detect in plaque 36 (74.5%±6.4), ring liked additional density (lower than +130 HU) sees in edge of plaque (Halo sign)-9(19.2%±5.8), plaque edge roughness, erosion liked changes- 18 (38.3%±7.1), rupture of intima (dissection)- 8(17.0%±5.5).@*Conclusion@#We detect that computed tomography angiography (CCTA)’s specific signs of unstable plaque of coronary artery disease are coronary artery diameters widening, low density sites clarify in plaque (lower than +30HU), small calcification detect in plaque, ring liked additional density (lower than +130 HU) sees in edge of plaque (Halo sign), plaque edge roughness, erosion liked changes and rupture of intima.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974340


Background@#Lower extremity arterial diseases are chronic stenosis of the artery and occlusive arterial diseases, which are commonly caused by atherosclerosis. Prevalence of lower extremity arterial diseases has positive proportional relationship with age of the patients. Furthermore, prevalence of lower extremity arterial disease is 16% among the males over the age of 60, whereas prevalence among same aged woman is 13%. Among the age group of 38 to 59 age, 60 to 69 age and 70-82 age group, prevalence of lower extremity arterial disease was 5.6%, 15.9%, and 33.8%, respectively.@*Goal@#Identifying lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries by CTA-TASC classification of aorta-iliac and femoral popliteal lesions.@*Obiective@#</br> 1. To identify age and sex of the patients with lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries.</br> 2. To identify lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries by CTA-TASC classification of aorta-iliac and femoral popliteal lesions.@*Material and methods@#Study sample consisted of 237 patients, who were diagnosed with lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries from 2019 to 2020 at reference centre on Diagnostic Imaging na after R.Purev State Laureate, People’s physician and Honorary professor of the State Third Central Hospital. Computed angiogram images of lower extremity arteries were examined. Contrast agent “Ultravist” was pumped by automatic syringe. Lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries are categorized by CTA-TASC classification of аorta-iliac and femoral popliteal lesions. The youngest participant was 20 years old and the oldest participant was 76 years old. Common statistical measurements such as means and standard errors were calculated. Probability of results were checked using Student’s test.@*Results@#We have found following results: 185(78.1%±3.0) cases out of 237 diagnosed patients with lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries are males and 52(21.9%±3.0) cases are female. Distribution of lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries by the age group of patients are: up to 20 years of age is 3 (1.3%±0.7), 21 to 40 years of age is 14(5.9%±1.5), 41 to 60 years of age is 86(36.3%±3.1) and over the age of 61 is 134(56.5%±3.2). It is statistically highly significant that experiencing lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries among the age group of over 61(P<0.001). </br> The result of lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries by the CTA-TASC classification of aorta-iliac and femoral popliteal lesions are: CTA-TASS аorta-iliac lesions A-16(6.8%±1.8), B-8(3.4%±1.2), C-12(5.1%±1.4), D-41(17.3%±2.5), CTA-TASS femoral popliteal A-41(17.29%±2.5), B-53(22.36%±3.6), C-47(19.83%±2.6), D-96(40.5%±3.2), respectively.@*Conclusions@#</br> 1. Lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries occurs 46.5% over the age of 60 and 78.1% of the patients are males.</br> 2. Following two categories have identified more than the rest, 17.3% CTA-TASC classification of аorta-iliac lesions, type D and 23.3% CTA-TASC classification of femoral popliteal lesions, type D.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975579


Middle aortic coarctation (MAC), a variantof middle aortic syndrome, is a rare entity withonly ~200 cases described in the literature.It classically presents with early onset andrefractory hypertension, abdominal angina,and lower extremity claudication(1).A 30 years-old woman, Her systolic bloodpressure measures 180-200mm Hg and diastolicpressures measure 70mm Hg in both arms,lower extremity pressures are approximately70mm Hg. Her bilateral femoral pulses andpedal pulses are nonpalpable, but present onDoppler exam and CT-Angiography.We prepared diagnostic of CT-Angiographyand Aortography before operation. Wesuccessful operated abdominal aorticcoarctation by “Silver graft” Aortoaortic bypasson the middle aortic, left nephrectomy.She was discharged home on postoperativeday 7. Post operation is good. We werecontrolled CT-Angiography.

Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 188-192, 2013.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975735


IntroductionHypertension is a major public health problem with serious medical and financial consequences. Barriers to successful conventional pharmacological treatment include the side effects, out-of-pocket expenses, patient non-compliance and insufficient dosages. The design of the Stop Hypertension with the Acupuncture Research Program (SHARP) trial balanced rigorous clinical trial methodology with principles of TCM.GoalTo treat arterial hypertension by traditional medicines and acupuncture, and determine its effectiveness.Materials and Methodsthe participants had systolic blood pressure (SBP) 140-179 mmHg and diastolic BP (DBP) 90-109 mmHg in the absence of antihypertensive therapy. Following a screening, the participants were randomly divided to one of the following two groups: individualized acupuncture and standardized acupuncture. Standardized acupuncture used a pre-specified set of points. In the other group, each participant received a “prescription” for individualized acupuncture from an acupuncturist who was masked to treatment assignment, and was subsequently treated by an independent acupuncturist. Acupuncture was performed twice a week for 6 weeks.ResultsThe systolic blood pressure reduced statistically significantly through the 2nd, 4th and 6th weeks against the measurements taken at the onset of the treatment. Before the acupuncture therapy, the systolic blood pressure was 159.52 mmHg (95% CI: 156.52-162.51) and it reduced to 147.62 mmHg (95% CI: 147.62-154.22) in the 6th week. Before the acupuncture therapy the DBP was 98.34 mmHg (95% CI: 96.77-99.91). It reduced to 92.56 mmHg (95% CI: 90.80-94.31) at the 6th week. Conclusions: Acupuncture therapy reduced SBP by the mean of 8.6 mmHg and DBP by the mean of 5.78 mmHg.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-631319


Introduction: Pancreatic cancer in young patients is usually correlated with chronic alcohol consumption and hereditary factor. Chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic trauma, pancreatic cyst, alcoholism, and diabetes mellitus are the most clearly established etiological factors (T.Y Flanders., W.S Foulkes., 1996). The cancer was located to the pancreatic head in 75% to the body in 15-20% and to the tail in 5-10% of cases (A.E Richard., 2005). Goal: Determination of the US signs in pancreatic cancer and establishment standard (control) US diagnostic criteria. Objectives: 1. To reveal direct and indirect US signs of pancreatic cancer. 2. To establish standardized US diagnostic criteria. Materials and Methods: A prospective study was carried out in 35 patients with pancreatic cancer in a 4 years period between 2006-2010 (Shastin Central Hospital, Achtan Clinical Hospital). To each patient has being filled special investigation chart. Diagnosis was confirmed on the result of physical examination, laboratory investigation, abdominal conventional radiography, upper gastrointestinal contrast radiography, CT, MRI, ERCP and biopsy. The results of the measurements were compared with the standardized control evaluation of Mongolian people (Ts.Badamsed.B.Tserendash). Results: Our sample represents US signs in 35 patients with pancreatic cancer. On the basis of our study US sign were divided into two categories: direct and indirect signs. Direct signs: a) irregular shape, b) irregular tumour edge, c) hypodensity, d) tumour size more than 2.1cm, e) different location. Indirect signs: a) CBD distends, b) gallbladder distends, c) intra hepatic bile duct distend, d) pancreatic pseudo cyst, e) near-aortic limp node enlargement, f) splenomegaly. We consider that the upper mentioned US abnormality can be as control standard criteria for the US diagnosis of the pancreatic tumour. According to the study of V.N.Demidov and G.P.Sidorov (1987), the pancreatic cancer is located to head in 50-80%. In our series it was about 45.7%± 8.4. Irregular tumour shape in 60.0%±8.3, tumour hypodensity 80.0%±7.2, irregular tumour edge 68.6%±7.8, tumour clear definition 71.4%±7.6 which are the same with N.M. Mukharllyamov (1987). Conclusions: 1. Were described direct and indirect US diagnostic signs in pancreatic cancer 2. The tumor location, shape, size, edge, consistency, intra and extra hepatic bile duct distend, gallbladder distend, near-aortic limp node enlargement are the basic control criteria for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

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