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Gamme d'année
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-874326


The role of particulate matter (PM) in health problems including cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and pneumonia is becoming increasingly clear. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, major components of PM, bind to aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhRs) and promote the expression of CYP1A1 through the AhR pathway in keratinocytes. Activation of AhRs in skin cells is associated with cell differentiation in keratinocytes and inflammation, resulting in dermatological lesions. Oleanolic acid, a natural component of L. lucidum, also has anti-inflammation, anticancer, and antioxidant characteristics. Previously, we found that PM 10, induced the AhR signaling pathway and autophagy process in keratinocytes. Here, we investigated the effects of oleanolic acid on PM 10,-induced skin aging. We observed that oleanolic acid inhibits PM 10,-induced CYP1A1 and decreases the increase of tumor necrosis factor– alpha and interleukin 6 induced by PM 10,. A supernatant derived from keratinocytes cotreated with oleanolic acid and PM 10, inhibited the release of matrix metalloproteinase 1 in dermal fibroblasts. Also, the AhR-mediated autophagy disruption was recovered by oleanolic acid. Thus, oleanolic acid may be a potential treatment for addressing PM 10,-induced skin aging.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-95800


PURPOSE: Emergency procedures are highly dependent on the skill and experience of the physician performing them. Recent advances in light embalming techniques have enabled us to train students on more "realistic" cadavers. The purpose of this study was to report on or 3-year experience with lightly embalmed cadaver-based training and evaluate the student satisfaction with this approach. METHODS: Lightly embalmed cadavers were prepared by the Department of Anatomy. The course was held every March for 3 years. In 2007, we held a 6-hour course for 16 first-year emergency medicine residents from various hospitals. We had procedure and demonstration stations for airway management, tube thoracostomy, central venous catheterization, venous cutdown, pericardiocentesis, intraosseous insertion, open thoracostomy, and lumbar puncture. We evaluated the students' level of satisfaction with the course by giving pre- and post-course evaluations to all students. RESULTS: Based on our experience from the two prior courses, the 2007 curriculum was divided into three parts: didactic lecture, procedure stations and demonstration stations. Pre- and post-course scores were compared for the following: knowledge of the indications and contraindications for the procedures; ability and confidence in performing the procedures; and the ability to perform procedures on actual patients. For 26 items out of a total of 32 items(81.3%), the scores from the post-course evaluation were statistically higher than the scores from the pre-course evaluation. CONCLUSION: Lightly embalmed cadavers are excellent training models for emergency procedures. From our 3-year experience with this method, we were able to develop a training course that was satisfactory to students.

Humains , Prise en charge des voies aériennes , Cadavre , Cathétérisme veineux central , Voies veineuses centrales , Programme d'études , Embaumement , Urgences , Médecine d'urgence , Lumière , Péricardiocentèse , Ponction lombaire , Thoracostomie , Dénudation veineuse
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-770291


The authors analyzed ultrasonographically the total 45 cases of thyroid disease verified by historicaldiagnosis, functional diagnosis, and morphological diagnosis at the Departement of Radiology, Busan NationalUniversity hospital from June to Sept. 1982. The resuls obtained were as follows; 1. In the sex distributionfemale was 38 cases (84.4%), and male 7 cases (15.6%). 2. Among the total 4 cases thyroid adenoma was 24 cases(53.3%), nodular hyperplasia 8 cases (17.7%), thyroid carcinoma 7 cases (15.6%), diffuse hyperplasia 3 cases(6.7%), Hanshimoto's thyroiditis 1 cases (2.2%), subacute thyroiditis 1 cases(2.2%), tuberculous thyroiditis 1cases(2.2%) in orders. 3. On ultrasonogram, total 24 cases of thyroid adenoma showed a single nodule in 24 cases(100.0%), smooth outer margin in 23 cases (95.8%), capsular echo in 23 cases (95.8%), pure cystic nodule in 4cases (16.7%), and increased echogenicity in 17 cases (85.0%) among the 20 cases excluded the pure cystic nodules.4. Total 7 cases of thyroid carcinoma showed no capsular echo in 4 cases (57.1%), irregular outer margine in 4cases(57.1%), no pure cytic nodule in all cases, and enlargement of metastatic lymphnode in 4 cases (57.1%). 5.Total 8 cases of nodular hyperplasia showed enlargement of thyroid gland and multiple nodule in 8 cases (100.0%),and increased echogenicity in 7 cases (87.5%). 6. Total 3 cases of diffuse hyperplasia showed enlargement ofthyroid gland and increased echogenicity in 3 cases (100.0%). 7. Total 3 cases of thyroiditis showed decreasedechogenicity in 3 cases (100.0%) and enlargement of thyroid gland in 2 cases (66.7%). 8. The cold area visualizedon radionuclide scan could be differentiated from a solid mass and cystic one by utrasonogram.

Humains , Mâle , Diagnostic , Hyperplasie , Maladies de la thyroïde , Glande thyroide , Tumeurs de la thyroïde , Thyroïdite , Thyroïdite subaigüe , Échographie
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-770155


The review of normal intravenous pyelography can give us important criteria of the diseases of the urinary system and the adjacent organs. Authors analyzed 200 cases of intravenous pyelography of normal Korean adults and measured the following points; the length of kidneys, the distance from midline to both poles, the slope degree of longitudinal axis, the ureteral length and width, the shortest distance from midline to abdominal ureters, the longest distance form midline to pelvic ureters, and configuration of urinary bladder. The results were obtained as follows; 1. The average length of kidneys in adult male was 12.53±0.78 cm on right, 12.83±0.82cm on left; in adult female, 12.08±0.72cm on right, 12.46±0.73cm on left. In the age distribution, the length gradually became shorter by getting old. In 20% of cases, right kidney was longer than left. 2. The average distance from both the renal poles to midline was longer in male compared to female. The distance from upper pole to the midline was longer in left side than right in male, but in the lower pole, there was no difference in both sexes. 3. The slope degree of the renal longitudinal axis was larger in male than in female, and lager in right kidney compared to left. 4. The length of ureter was longer on left, but there was no remarkable difference between both sexes. 5.The short set distance from midline to abdominal ureter, there was no remarkable difference between both sexes and also between right and left side. But concerning the longest distance from midline to pelvic ureter, it was longer in female; and especially in female, right side was shorter than left. 6. The longitudinal diameter of urinary bladder was longer in male, but horizontal diameter was longer in female.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Répartition par âge , Rein , Uretère , Vessie urinaire , Voies urinaires , Urographie
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-770208


The vaso-epididymography and vasoseminal vesiculography is the only diagnositc method for investigating thepatency and abnormal lesion of male genital system radiologically. The author performed 53 cases ofvaso-epididymography and vasoseminal vesiculography in Busan National University Hospital during the 8 years from1973 to 1981. All patients complained of primary infertility more than a year and were confirmed azoospermia onsemen examination, and 23 cases of them underwent testicular biopsy. The results are as follows; 1. The agedistribution were mainly between 26 and 35 years old (83.0%). 2. The infertile duration were almost from 1 to 5years(86.8%). 3. The past history associated with infertility was gonorrhea, tuberculosis and scrotal trauma. 4.Of the 23 cases of confirmed by testicular biopsy, the pathologic findings were normal spermatogenesis in 12 cases(52.2%) and hypospermatogenesis or arrest type in 11 cases (47.8%). 5. Non-filling sites of contrast media onvas-epididymography and vasoseminal vesiculography were epididymis(83.0%), ejaculatory duct (41.5%) and seminalvesicle (24.5%), were commonly bilateral (68.0%) and were more prevalent in the right side than left (1.2:1.0). 6.The abnormal findings of ejaculatory ducts, seminal vesicles, vas ampullas and vas deferens were mainly strictureof obstruction, obstruction of dilatation, beaded appearance or obstruction and obstruction respectively. 7. Inthe epididymis, there was almost obstructive lesion at the tail portion(83.0%).

Humains , Mâle , Mâle , Azoospermie , Biopsie , Produits de contraste , Dilatation , Conduits éjaculateurs , Épididyme , Gonorrhée , Infertilité , Infertilité masculine , Méthodes , Oligospermie , Vésicules séminales , Spermatogenèse , Queue , Tuberculose , Conduit déférent