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Rev. argent. microbiol ; 35(3): 156-61, 2003 Jul-Sep.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1171721


The epidemiology of Malassezia genus is poorly understood; geographical and population factors might have influence on the species distribution. The aim of this work was to determine the frequency of Malassezia species involved in skin diseases in a diagnostic center at Buenos Aires City. From 02/01/1999 to 10/31/2001, 456 skin specimens from 447 patients diagnosed as pityriasis versicolor, seborrheic dermatitis, foliculitis and atopic dermatitis, were analyzed by microscopic examination and culture. Malassezia spp was evidenced in 255 skin samples (55.9

) by microscopic analysis but it could be recovered from only 99 (38.8

) scarring lesions that were negative by microscopy. Among 109 isolates, M. sympodialis (58.7

) was the most frequent, followed by M. globosa and M. furfur (18.3

) of M. obtusa, M. slooffiae and M. restricta were recovered. Eleven isolates (10.1

) could not be identified because they had lost viability in the culture. This is the first study on Malassezia species associated to skin diseases in Argentina; further screening including other geographic regions of the country is necessary in order to confirm these results.

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