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Gamme d'année
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227502


Background: Rabies is a vaccine-preventable, viral disease. However, once clinical symptoms appear, rabies is 100% fatal. Significantly, India accounts for 36% of the world’s rabies deaths. Recently, in Kerala, a surge in dog bite cases and a consequent rise in the incidence of rabies deaths has been noted, which is a serious public health medical concern. The present study was done to assess the level of knowledge of rabies and its prevention among medical students of Government T D Medical College, Alappuzha to identify lacunae in knowledge if any and to provide sessions on rabies prevention and control. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among the medical students of Government T. D. Medical College, Alappuzha in 2022. Convenient sampling was done, and data was collected using a pre-tested questionnaire which was analysed using SPSS software. Results: Out of the 261 students who took part in the study, 88.13% of the study participants were observed to have medium to sufficient level of knowledge regarding rabies and its prevention, while 11.87% had low level of knowledge. In general, the level of knowledge was noted to be roughly proportional to the year of study of MBBS. Conclusions: The level of knowledge of the participants with regards to the schedule of vaccination and knowledge of symptoms of rabies, was observed to be less than what would be desirable. Structured training and education of medical students can rectify this lacuna, and thereby bring about significant reduction in fatality rates.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(6): 1896-1900, Nov.-Dec. 2019. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1055150


Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar um caso de infecção por Mycobacterium bovis em um gato doméstico, com seis meses de idade, enfatizando seus aspectos clínicos e terapêuticos. O felino apresentava como histórico a ingestão de leite de vaca não fervido e posteriormente desenvolveu sinais de anorexia, tosse não produtiva e linfadenomegalia. Para elucidação do diagnóstico, foram realizados exames complementares de imagem, hematológicos, citológicos e reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). Diante da confirmação de infecção por Mycobacterium, o tratamento foi instituído por meio da associação de três antimicrobianos (enrofloxacino 5mg/kg, claritromicina 10mg/kg e rifampicina 15mg/kg), por via oral, a cada 12 horas, aos quais o animal respondeu positivamente, apresentando significativa diminuição dos sinais clínicos; entretanto, após 60 dias de tratamento, foi a óbito devido a um atropelamento. Conclui-se que a realização do tratamento em gatos com tuberculose pode ocasionar melhora dos sinais clínicos e que, embora de ocorrência rara no Brasil, essa enfermidade deve ser incluída como diagnóstico diferencial das enfermidades infecciosas nessa espécie.(AU)

This article aims to report a case of Mycobacterium bovis infection in a six-month-old domestic cat, emphasizing its clinical and therapeutic aspects. The feline presented as history the intake of unboiled cow's milk and later developed signs of anorexia, non-productive cough and lymphadenomegaly. Additional imaging, hematological, cytological and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests were performed to elucidate the diagnosis. In the presence of Mycobacterium infection, treatment was instituted by the combination of three antimicrobials (Enrofloxacin 5mg/kg, Clarithromycin 10mg/kg, and Rifampicin 15mg/kg) orally every 12 hours, to which the animal responded positively, presenting significant decrease of the clinical signs, however after 60 days of treatment the cat died accidentally, hit by a car on the street. It is concluded that the treatment in cats affected by tuberculosis can cause improvement of clinical signs and that although rare in Brazil, this disease should be included as a differential diagnosis of infectious diseases in this species.(AU)

Animaux , Chats , Tuberculose/médecine vétérinaire , Anti-infectieux , Mycobacterium bovis/isolement et purification , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne/médecine vétérinaire
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(4): 896-900, jul.-ago. 2017. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-876681


A resistência à tração e o diâmetro são características de grande importância na avaliação da qualidade de fios de sutura, estando relacionados à capacidade destes de suportar o estresse promovido pelas forças atuantes em determinados tecidos. Desta forma, objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar as propriedades mecânica e dimensional de fios de sutura à base de quitosana, comparando-as com as preconizadas pela norma NBR 13904/2003. Tais propriedades foram avaliadas usando-se uma máquina de ensaio universal e um micrômetro digital. Os parâmetros mecânico e dimensional analisados foram a resistência quanto à tração, a deformação, bem como o diâmetro, respectivamente. O valor médio do diâmetro dos fios de quitosana apresentou variação e observou-se resistência à tração ligeiramente abaixo da norma preconizada, com rápida deformação. O fio de quitosana, na forma em que foi produzido, apresentou variabilidade dimensional e baixa resistência à tração, havendo a necessidade de melhorias no método de fabricação dele.(AU)

Tensile strength and diameter are very important characteristics in assessing the quality of suture, being related to their ability to withstand the stress caused by forces acting in certain tissues. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the mechanical and dimensional properties of chitosan-based suture, comparing them with those recommended by the NBR 13904/2003. These properties were evaluated by using a universal testing machine and a digital micrometer. The mechanical and dimensional parameters analyzed were resistance to traction, deformation and diameter, respectively. The average diameter of the chitosan showed variation and yarn tensile strength was observed slightly below the recommended standard, with rapid deformation. The chitosan yarn in the form in which it was produced, presented dimensional variability and low tensile strength, there is a need for improvements in the method of manufacturing the same.(AU)

Phénomènes biomécaniques , Chitine , Polymères , Matériaux de suture , Résistance à la traction