BACKGROUND: The rapid increase in the aged population has resulted in a growing number of cases of chronic diseases. This increase is an important demographic change that low- and middle-income countries have to face and poses a new challenge to health services. One of the first steps to formulate public policies is to understand the reality of each country's aging population. This study describes the prevalence of anemia, hypertension and diabetes and the overall health status in pre-elderly and elderly subjects enrolled in two primary health care clinics, Eldorado and Piraporinha, in the city of Diadema, São Paulo. METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 373 participants. Clinical data were collected from patient charts and the degree of disability and common mental disorders, as well as demographic data were obtained by interviews. RESULTS: The prevalence of anemia was approximately 11% and hypertension was 70% and 81% in Eldorado and Piraporinha, respectively. The frequency of diabetes was 52% in Eldorado and 30% in Piraporinha. The subjects of both health care clinics reported having difficulties in some of their daily physical and instrumental activities, with physical symptoms and emotional disorders. CONCLUSION: Anemia, hypertension and diabetes are prevalent in the studied population, and patients showed degrees of dependency and impaired health status.
Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Anémie , Diabète , Index érythrocytaires , Hypertension artérielle , Troubles mentaux , Qualité de vieRÉSUMÉ
Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a efetivação das orientações às puérperas, referente ao aleitamento materno, avaliar o grau de conhecimento das mães acerca da importancia do leite materno, além de contribuir com subsídios para que futuros progrmas de incentivo ao aleitamento materno sejam implantados. As informações foram coletadas em um hospital público da zona leste da cidade de São Paulo, através de questionário com 10 perguntas abertas e fechadas aplicado às puérperas de um alojamento conjunto.