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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 68(2): 466-474, mar.-abr. 2016. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-779798


O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a conversão alimentar (CA) por meio da inferência bayesiana considerando-se análises bivariadas. Foram utilizadas diferentes espécies animais de experimentos conduzidos na Universidade Federal de Viçosa, no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O modelo proposto mostrou ser apropriado, uma vez que possibilitou a detecção de diferenças significativas entre níveis de fatores não detectados por procedimentos frequentistas em ANOVA tradicional, principalmente em pequenas amostras. No experimento com codornas, evidenciou-se que aves cujos níveis de proteína bruta eram de 23% e 29%, respectivamente, para machos e fêmeas, apresentaram uma melhor CA, de 2,83±0,03 e 2,66±0,03, respectivamente. No experimento com frangos, no grupo sem o aditivo antibiótico, a inclusão de 0,02% de extrato de ésteres naturais foi o que promoveu a melhor CA (1,72±0,01), e, de modo geral, o uso de antibiótico e a ausência de ésteres naturais promoveram CA de 1,63±0,02. Em caprinos, verificou-se que o aleitamento, seja com leite de cabra ou de vaca, promove igualmente uma melhor CA, respectivamente, no grupo de 60 e 90 dias, de 1,29±0,14 e 1,79±0,11, sugerindo que o aleitamento seja feito até os 60 dias. Em suínos, a dieta com maior nível de energia metabolizável e aminoácidos foi a que promoveu a melhor CA (2,86±0,07), quando comparada a uma dieta com nível nutricional mais baixo. Já o uso de enzimas na dieta com menor nível energético e de aminoácidos proporcionou resultado intermediário (2,90±007). Em bovinos, observou-se que o uso de 1% de concentrado na dieta promoveria uma melhor CA estimada de 7,33±0,35 entre os Nelores e que essa promoção seria de 7,40±0,58 entre os cruzados com o uso de 2% de concentrado na dieta.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the feed conversion (CA) by Bayesian inference in bivariate considering analyzes in real and simulated data. Different animal species experiments conducted at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil are used. The proposed model proved to be appropriate once it enabled the detection of significant differences between levels of factors not detected by frequentist procedures with traditional ANOVA, especially in small samples. In the experiment with quails, it became clear that the birds' brute protein levels were 23% and 29%, respectively, for males and females, which presented better CA, 2.83±0.03 and 2.66±0.03, respectively. In the experiment with chickens, the group without additive antibiotic, including 0.02% extract natural esters promoted the best CA (1.72±0.01) and in general antibiotic absence of esters natural promoted 1.63±0.02 of the CA. In goats, it has been found that feeding milk from cows or goats also promotes better CA, respectively, in groups milked up to 60 and 90 days, being 1.29±0.14 and 1.79±0.11, suggesting that suckling done until 60 days. Pigs fed the highest level of metabolizable energy and aminoacids promoted the best CA (2.86±0.07) compared to a diet with lower nutritional level. But the use of enzymes in the diet with lower energy level and amino acid provided intermediate result (2.90±007). In cattle, it was observed that the use of 1% concentrate diet, CA, promotes a better estimate of 7.33±0.35 between Nellore and this promotion would be 7.40±0.58 between the cross breeds using 2% concentrate diet.

Animaux , Sciences de la nutrition chez l'animal , Phénomènes physiologiques nutritionnels chez l'animal , Théorème de Bayes , Régime alimentaire/médecine vétérinaire , Élevage , Consommation alimentaire , Aliment pour animaux/analyse
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 67(1): 211-220, 2/2015. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-741088


Os efeitos da inclusão de levedura seca de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) na dieta de vacas lactantes foram avaliados com base no fornecimento de quatro dietas constituídas de diferentes níveis de substituição do farelo de soja pela levedura de cana-de-açúcar (0,00; 0,33; 0,67 e 1,00kg/kg de MS). O delineamento utilizado foi o quadrado latino 4 × 4. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos sobre o consumo de MS, MO, EE, FDNi e NDT, porém ocorreu redução linear no consumo de PB e FDNcp e aumento do consumo de CNF. Diferenças estatísticas não foram verificadas para os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da MS, MO, PB, CNF e NDT; no entanto os coeficientes do FDNcp e do EE decresceram linearmente. Não foi observado efeito sobre a produção e eficiência de síntese microbiana, utilização dos componentes nitrogenados e produção e composição do leite. Conclui-se que a levedura seca pode substituir 100% o farelo de soja na alimentação de vacas lactantes.

The effects of the inclusion of sugar cane dry yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in dairy cows feeding were evaluated based on the provision of four different diets with increasing proportions of sugar cane dry yeast (0.00; 0.33; 0.67 and 1.00kg/kg of DM). The design adopted for this research was the latin square, 4 × 4. It was observed that the levels of yeast inclusion did not affect the intake of DM, OM, EE, NDFi and TDN. However, the CP and NDFcp intake decreased linearly, whereas the NFC intake increased linearly with the increasing levels of yeast. No effect on the digestibility coefficient of DM, OM, CP, NDFcp and NCF was observed. Nevertheless, the EE digestibility coefficient linearly decreased with the yeast inclusion in the experimental diets. There was no treatment effect on the production and efficiency of microbial synthesis, usage of nitrogenous components, as well as milk production and composition. It was concluded that the dried yeast can fully replace the soybean meal in diets of dairy cows.

Animaux , Femelle , Nourrisson , Bovins , Levure sèche/analyse , Levure sèche/métabolisme , Levure sèche/normes , Aliment pour animaux/effets indésirables , Aliment pour animaux/normes , Aliment pour animaux/statistiques et données numériques
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 16(4): 896-904, oct.-dic. 2014. graf, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-729899


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência dos extratos aquosos das plantas medicinais alecrim, alho, cravo-da-índia, sálvia, capim-limão, orégano ou pimenta-do-reino no desenvolvimento in vitro de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e de Fusarium moniliforme. Os extratos foram obtidos pela infusão de 60 g de cada planta medicinal em 200 mL de água fervente. Cada extrato aquoso foi fracionado em concentrações de 0, 5, 10 e 20% (p:v) e incorporado ao meio de cultivo BDA (batata-dextrose-ágar) antes da esterilização em autoclave. Posteriormente, um disco de 8 mm de diâmetro de micélio fúngico de cada patógeno foi transferido para o centro de placas de Petri. Após 24, 48 e 96 horas de incubação em câmara de crescimento a 22 ± 2 ºC e fotoperíodo de 12 horas avaliou-se o crescimento micelial de F. moniliforme e de C. gloesporioides. No último período de incubação, também se quantificou o número de conídios de cada fungo. Para o teste de germinação adicionou-se nas cavidades de placas de teste Elisa, uma alíquota de 40 µL de cada extrato nas concentrações de 0, 5, 10 e 20%, e outra alíquota, da suspensão de conídios de cada patógeno. Após 24 horas a 22 ± 2 ºC, no escuro, a germinação dos conídios foi paralisada com a adição de 20 µL de lactofenol; avaliou-se então a porcentagem de germinação de conídios. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 7 x 4 (extratos de plantas medicinais x concentrações) com quatro repetições. Para ambos os patógenos o extrato aquoso de alho e cravo-da-índia apresentaram maior ou total inibição do crescimento micelial, respectivamente, quando comparado com os demais extratos. Para C. gloeosporioides, o extrato de cravo-da-índia apresentou menor número de conídios em todas as concentrações testadas, e para o extrato de alho a 20%, também não foi observada a germinação de conídios. O extrato de alho foi eficiente em reduzir o número e a germinação dos conídios de F. moniliforme na concentração de 20%. Os extratos de alecrim, cravo-da-índia, orégano e pimenta-do-reino, nas maiores concentrações, tiveram efeito positivo na redução da produção de conídios deste mesmo fungo.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of aqueous extracts of the medicinal plants rosemary, garlic, clove, sage, lemongrass, oregano and black pepper in the in vitro development of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Fusarium moniliforme. The extracts were obtained by infusing 60 g of each medicinal plant in 200 mL of boiling water. Each aqueous extract was fractionated in the concentrations of 0, 5, 10 and 20% (w:v) and incorporated into the PDA (potato dextrose agar) culture medium before sterilization by autoclaving. Later, an 8 mm diameter disc of each pathogen mycelium was transferred to the center of the Petri dishes. After 24, 48 and 96 hours of incubation in a growth chamber at 22 ± 2 ºC and a photoperiod of 12 hours, we evaluated the mycelial growth of F. moniliforme, and C. gloesporioides. In the last period of incubation, we quantified the production of conidia of each fungus. For the germination test, we added, into the wells of an ELISA test plates, a 40 µL aliquot of each extract at the concentrations of 0, 5, 10 and 20% and another aliquot of a suspension of conidia of each pathogen. After 24 hours at 22 ± 2 ºC in the dark, the germination of the fungi was stopped with the addition of 20 µL of lactophenol. Then, we evaluated the germination of conidia. The experiments followed a completely randomized 7 x 4 factorial design (medicinal plants x concentrations) with four replications. For both pathogens, the aqueous extract of garlic and clove showed a greater or total inhibition of the mycelial growth, when compared to the other extracts. For the C. gloeosporioides, the clove extract showed a lower number of conidia at all concentrations tested, and the garlic extract at 20% showed not conidial germination. The garlic extract was efficient to reduce the conidial number and germination of F. moniliforme at 20%. Extracts of rosemary, clove, oregano and black pepper, in the highest concentrations, had positive effect in reducing the production of spores of the same fungus.

Plantes médicinales/anatomie et histologie , Extraits de plantes/analyse , Colletotrichum/croissance et développement , Fusarium/génétique , Techniques in vitro/méthodes , Agriculture biologique/normes , Champignons/classification
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 64(3): 683-692, June 2012. ilus, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-640133


Avaliou-se o efeito dos níveis de suplementação sobre o desempenho, as características de carcaça, a composição corporal e as exigências de energia e proteína de bovinos de corte sob pastejo. A área experimental constituiu-se de cinco piquetes formados com Brachiaria decumbens. Utilizaram-se 22 bovinos não castrados, com peso corporal médio inicial de 320kg e idade de 18 meses. Três animais foram abatidos ao início do experimento para servirem como referência. Dos 19 animais restantes, três foram designados ao grupo mantença (MT), os outros 16 foram distribuídos em quatro tratamentos: controle ou mistura mineral (MM), 1kg, 2kg e 3kg de suplemento ao dia. Observou-se aumento linear no consumo de matéria seca (CMS), energia digestível (CED) e energia metabolizável (CEM); o consumo de nutrientes digestíveis totais (CNDT) foi máximo para o consumo de 2,88kg de suplemento. O ganho médio diário (GMD) máximo, 0,91kg/dia, foi observado para o consumo de suplemento de 2,69kg/dia. Verificou-se aumento linear no peso corporal em jejum (PCJ), no peso de corpo vazio (PCVZ) e no peso da carcaça para os animais suplementados. Não foi observado efeito da suplementação sobre o rendimento da carcaça. Verificou-se aumento sobre a área de olho de lombo (AOL) e a espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS), quando os animais não suplementados foram comparados com os suplementados. Não foi observado efeito para o comprimento da carcaça (CCA), nem para os rendimentos dos cortes comerciais. As exigências líquidas de energia e proteína apresentaram, respectivamente, aumento e redução com o aumento do PC dos animais. As exigências de energia líquida para mantença (ELm) foram de 85 kcal/PCVZ0,75. As exigências de energia metabolizável para mantença foram estimadas em 130,08 kcal/PCVZ0,75. A suplementação de bovinos no período de transição águas-seca aumenta o consumo de MS e energia, promovendo aumento do ganho de peso dos animais.

This experiment aimed to evaluate the performance, carcass characteristics, body composition, and energy and protein requirements of beef cattle under grazing conditions. The experimental area constituted of 5 paddocks with Brachiaria decumbens as forage source. Twenty two steers (Zebu) with mean body weight and ages of 320kg and 18 months, respectively, were used. Three animals were slaughtered at the beginning of the experiment and used as standard. Of the nineteen remaining animals, three were designated for maintenance group and the others were randomly submitted to one of four treatments: mineral mixture (MM), 1, 2 or 3kg of supplement daily. There was a linear increase in dry matter intake (DMI), digestible energy (DEI) and metabolizable energy (MEI), and total digestible nutrients intake (TDNI) was maximum consumption of 2.88kg of supplement. The maximum average daily gain (ADG), 0.91kg/day, was observed for supplement intake of 2.69kg/day. Linear increase was observed in shrunk body weight (SBW), EBW and carcass weight. There was no effect on the carcass allowance, however, it was observed on the ribeye area and back fat thickness. No effect was observed on carcass length and commercial cuts. The requirement of net energy (NE) and net protein (NP) increased and decreased as the animals BW increased. The maintenance requirement for net (NEm) and metabolizable energy were 85 kcal/EBW0.75 and 130 kcal/EBW0.75. Supplementation of cattle in the period of transition between rainy and dry seasons increased the dry matter and energy intake, promoting an increase in animal weight gain.

Braz. j. morphol. sci ; 29(1): 18-22, Jan.-Mar. 2012. ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-654228


The male mucus gland is present in all species of bees, exception for meliponines. In bees, the function of themucus glands is not certain so far and its contribution to form the female espermatecal fluid is not assured.With the aim to contribute to the knowledge of the mucus gland in bees we carried out a histochemical studyof the gland in mature, adult males of Bombus morio, focusing on the histochemical nature of the secretion.The males were collected around the forest fragments into UFSCar, Campus Sorocaba. The glands werefixed and analysed under routine microscopy and for histochemistry techniques: Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS),Bromophenol Blue (BB), Sudan Black (SB) and Critical Electrolyte Concentration (CEC) variant. The resultsshowed that the mucus gland is constituted by a pair of large, thick tubular structures, which presented theirdistal portion more dilated and corn shaped. The glandular cells are columnar and in the apical portion presentseveral apocrine vesicles being released into the gland lumen. The histochemistry showed that gland secretionis very complex and contains protein (BB), neutral polysaccharide (PAS), as well as lipid (SB). The luminalgland secretion presents a background of homogenous content, presenting little dark dots stained by alltechniques used for this work. The investigation of the nucleolar activity (CEC) showed that the mucus glandepithelium is evolved in protein synthesis, presenting nucleoli developed and much RNA in the cytoplasm.

Animaux , Mâle , Glandes exocrines , Mucus , Mucus/composition chimique , Abeilles , Glandes exocrines/croissance et développement , Microscopie
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 60(1): 192-200, fev. 2008. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-483276


Avaliaram-se o consumo de alimentos, o pH e a concentração ruminal de amônia em quatro cabras, nas quais se coletou digesta de omaso via fistula ruminal para estimativa da digestão ruminal dos nutrientes. Para avaliação dos compostos nitrogenados (N), totais urinários de N-uréia no soro (NUS), no leite (NUL) e na urina utilizaram-se 12 cabras não fistuladas, distribuídas em três quadrados latinos 4x4. Os animais foram alimentados com rações constituídas de 50 por cento de silagem de milho e de 50 por cento concentrado à base da matéria seca (MS), e as dietas continham 11,5; 13,5; 15,5 e 17,5 por cento de proteína bruta na MS. Com exceção da proteína, os consumos e digestibilidades dos demais nutrientes não foram influenciados pelos níveis de PB nas dietas. O pH ruminal diminuiu após o fornecimento de alimento. Com o aumento no consumo de N, ocorreram aumentos na concentração ruminal de amônia, nas concentrações de NUS e NUL, no volume urinário e no balanço de N. Conclui-se que o nível de 13,5 por cento ou 245 gramas de PB é suficiente para cabras com produção diária de 1,6kg de leite e que o método de coletas de digesta no omaso precisa ser avaliado criteriosamente para sua validação em caprinos.

Feed intake, pH, and ruminal ammonia concentration were evaluated in four goats in which omasal digesta was collected by ruminal fistula in order to estimate the ruminal digestion of nutrients. The urinary total nitrogen compounds (N) and the concentrations of N-urea in serum (NUS), milk (NUL), and urine were evaluated in 12 goats assigned to three 4x4 Latin squares. The animals were fed rations composed of 50 percent of maize silage and 50 percent of concentrate, containing 11.5, 13.5, 15.5, and 17.5 percent of crude protein (CP) in the dry matter. With the exception of protein, the intake and total digestibility of the other nutrients were not influenced by the dietary CP levels. Ruminal pH was reduced in the post-prandial period. As the N intake increased, ruminal concentration of ammonia, NUS and NUL concentrations, urinary volume the N balance increased. It was concluded that the level of 13.5 percent, or 245 grams of CP, is sufficient for goats producing 1.6kg per day and that the method of omasal digesta collection needs to be evaluated in more detail for its validation in goats.

Animaux , Consommation alimentaire , Concentration en ions d'hydrogène , Lactation , Composés de l'azote , Protéines/métabolisme , Rumen , Ovis
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 36(11): 1589-1594, Nov. 2003. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-348287


Cancer cachexia induces host protein wastage but the mechanisms are poorly understood. Branched-chain amino acids play a regulatory role in the modulation of both protein synthesis and degradation in host tissues. Leucine, an important amino acid in skeletal muscle, is higher oxidized in tumor-bearing animals. A leucine-supplemented diet was used to analyze the effects of Walker 256 tumor growth on body composition in young weanling Wistar rats divided into two main dietary groups: normal diet (N, 18 percent protein) and leucine-rich diet (L, 15 percent protein plus 3 percent leucine), which were further subdivided into control (N or L) or tumor-bearing (W or LW) subgroups. After 12 days, the animals were sacrificed and their carcass analyzed. The tumor-bearing groups showed a decrease in body weight and fat content. Lean carcass mass was lower in the W and LW groups (W = 19.9 ± 0.6, LW = 23.1 ± 1.0 g vs N = 29.4 ± 1.3, L = 28.1 ± 1.9 g, P < 0.05). Tumor weight was similar in both tumor-bearing groups fed either diet. Western blot analysis showed that myosin protein content in gastrocnemius muscle was reduced in tumor-bearing animals (W = 0.234 ± 0.033 vs LW = 0.598 ± 0.036, N = 0.623 ± 0.062, L = 0.697 ± 0.065 arbitrary intensity, P < 0.05). Despite accelerated tumor growth, LW animals exhibited a smaller reduction in lean carcass mass and muscle myosin maintenance, suggesting that excess leucine in the diet could counteract, at least in part, the high host protein wasting in weanling tumor-bearing rats.

Animaux , Mâle , Rats , Carcinosarcome Walker 256 , Compléments alimentaires , Leucine , Protéines du muscle , Muscles squelettiques , Composition corporelle , Poids , Cachexie , Leucine , Protéines du muscle , Muscles squelettiques , Rat Wistar
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 34(3): 333-338, Mar. 2001. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-281613


Cancer patients present high mobilization of host protein, with a decrease in lean body mass and body fat depletion occurring in parallel to neoplastic growth. Since leucine is one of the principal amino acids used by skeletal muscle for energy, we investigated the changes in body composition of pregnant tumor-bearing rats after a leucine-supplemented diet. Sixty pregnant Wistar rats divided into six groups were fed a normal protein diet (18 percent, N) or a leucine-supplemented diet (3 percent L-leucine, L). The pregnant groups were: control (CN), Walker 256 carcinoma-bearing rats (WN), control rats pair-fed with tumor-bearing rats (pfN), leucine-supplemented (CL), leucine-supplemented tumor-bearing (WL), and leucine-supplemented rats pair-fed with tumor-bearing rats (pfL). At the end of pregnancy, all animals were sacrificed and body weight and tumor and fetal weight were determined. The carcasses were then analyzed for water, fat and total, collagen and non-collagen nitrogen content. Carcass weight was reduced in the WN, WL, pfN and pfL groups compared to control. The lean body mass and total carcass nitrogen were reduced in both tumor-bearing groups. Despite tumor growth and a decrease in fetal weight, there was a slight decrease in collagen (7 percent) and non-collagen nitrogen (8 percent) in the WL group compared with the WN group which showed a decrease of 8 and 12 percent, respectively. Although the WL group presented severe tumor growth effects, total carcass nitrogen and non-collagen nitrogen were particularly higher in this leucine-supplemented group compared to the WN group. These data suggest that the leucine-supplemented diet had a beneficial effect, probably attenuating body wasting

Animaux , Femelle , Rats , Composition corporelle/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Carcinosarcome Walker 256/métabolisme , Compléments alimentaires , Leucine/administration et posologie , Leucine/métabolisme , Composition corporelle/physiologie , Poids/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Poids/physiologie , Cachexie , Collagène/métabolisme , Muscles squelettiques/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Azote/métabolisme , Rat Wistar , Statistique non paramétrique
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 31(10): 1345-8, Oct. 1998. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-223998


In tumor-bearing rats, most of the serum amino acids are used for synthesis and oxidation processes by the neoplastic tissue. In the present study, the effect of Walker 256 carcinoma growth on the intestinal absorption of leucine, methionine and glucose was investigated in newly weaned and mature rats. Food intake and carcass weight were decreased in newly weaned (NT) and mature (MT) rats bearing Walker 256 tumor in comparison with control animals (NC and MC). The tumor/carcass weight ratio was higher in NT than in MT rats, whereas nitrogen balance was significantly decreased in both as compared to control animals. Glucose absorption was significantly reduced in MT rats (MT = 47.3 ñ 4.9 vs MC = 99.8 ñ 5.3 nmol min-1 cm-1, Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.05) but this fact did not hamper the evolution of cancer. There was a significant increase in methionine absorption in both groups (NT = 4.2 ñ 0.3 and MT = 2.0 ñ 0.1 vs NC = 3.7 ñ 0.1 and MC = 1.2 ñ 0.2 nmol min-1 cm-1, Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.05), whereas leucine absorption was increased only in young tumor-bearing rats (NT = 8.6 ñ 0.2 vs NC = 7.7 ñ 0.4 nmol min-1 cm-1, Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.05), suggesting that these metabolites are being used for synthesis and oxidation processes by the neoplastic cells, which might ensure their rapid proliferation especially in NT rats.

Animaux , Rats , Carcinosarcome Walker 256/métabolisme , Glucose/pharmacocinétique , Absorption intestinale , Leucine/pharmacocinétique , Méthionine/pharmacocinétique , Cachexie , Division cellulaire , Facteurs temps
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 31(5): 633-7, May 1998. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-212400


There are doubts about the presence of glycosuria and the progress of glomerular disease. Some reports suggest that glycosuria could be an index of a more severe tubulointerstitial lesion. We investigated the presence of glycosuria in 60 patients with primary glomerular diseases: 17 patients (28 percent) and glycosuria and 43 patients (72 percent) were glycosuria free. The two groups were similar in age, arterial pressure and sex. Serum creatinine was higher in patients with glycosuria (2.0 + 1.7 vs 1.3 + 0.9 mg/dl, P<0.05). The protein excretion rate was 7.5 + 3.7 vs 5.3 + 4.2g/day (P>0.05) in patients with and without glycosuria, respectively, while serum albumin was lower in patients with glycosuria (1.7 + 0.6 vs 2.7 + 1.0 g/dl, P<0.05). Several histological forms were present in the group with glycosuria, with membranous glomerulonephritis being the most frequent. Histological evidence of tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis prevailed in patients with glycosuria, suggesting a poor prognosis for these patients. We may conclude that the presence of glycosuria in patients with glomerular disease is associated with more pronounced tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis and therefore imply a poorer prognosis.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Glomérulonéphrite/anatomopathologie , Glycosurie/anatomopathologie , Tubules rénaux/anatomopathologie , Glomérulonéphrite extra-membraneuse/anatomopathologie , Rein/anatomopathologie , Pronostic , Études rétrospectives
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 40(3): 189-94, jul.-set. 1994. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-143893


A microneurografia é um método eficaz e seguro para o registro intraneural direto da atividade nervosa simpática para o músculo e para pele em humanos. A técnica e suas aplicaçöes para o estudo da funçäo autonômica seräo discutidos neste artigo. Será abordada a regulaçäo da atividade nervosa simpática em diferentes situaçöes clínicas e/ou estímulos, tais como hipertensäo arterial essencial, hipertensäo experimental por mineralocorticóide, exercício, estresse mental, teste do gelo, hiperinsulinemia e ingestäo oral de álcool

Humains , Peau/innervation , Muscles/innervation , Système nerveux sympathique/physiologie , Résistance vasculaire , Système cardiovasculaire/physiologie , Insuline/pharmacologie , Microélectrodes , Consommation d'alcool/effets indésirables , Stimulation électrique , Stress psychologique , Exercice physique , Rythme cardiaque , Hypertension artérielle , Système nerveux sympathique
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 26(6): 633-8, Jun. 1993. ilus, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-148716


The effect of intravenous administration of 80 mg purified human Bence Jones protein twice weekly for 5 weeks was investigated in male Wistar rats (N = 7; 2 months old). A state of immunological tolerance was demonstrated by the absence of a B-cell response (plaque-forming cells and hemagglutination titers) and by the absence of detectable antigen or antibody deposition in glomeruli, as indicated by light and electron microscopy. No rise in blood urea level was detected (33.9 +/- 4.3 vs 32.8 +/- 1.3 mg per cent ). There was an increase in proteinuria (5.3 +/- 0.9 vs 32.8 +/- 4.0 mg/day), mainly due to Bence Jones protein excretion (0 vs 29.2 +/- 5.2 mg/day), with a slight but significant increase in albuminuria (0.2 +/- 0.1 vs 1.0 +/- 0.2 mg/day). There was a significant increase of lysosomal N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase in the urine (6.1 +/- 1.3 vs 72.7 +/- 18.8 mU/mg in creatinine). Lysosomal accumulation of Bence Jones protein in proximal tubular cells was evidenced by immunoelectronmicroscopy with protein A-gold. These results clearly showed proximal tubular dysfunction induced by chronic Bence Jones protein administration, without interference of autologous immune response as demonstrated by immunological state of tolerance

Animaux , Mâle , Rats , Enzymes/urine , Protéine de Bence Jones/effets indésirables , Protéinurie/induit chimiquement , Chaines légères des immunoglobulines/effets indésirables , Lysosomes/enzymologie , Microscopie immunoélectronique , Myélome multiple/immunologie , Modèles biologiques , Rat Wistar , Tubules contournés proximaux , Tubules contournés proximaux/ultrastructure
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; 34(4): 273-6, jul.-ago. 1992. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-134517


Schistosomal nephropathy has long been related to the hepatosplenic form of schistosomiasis. In the last few years, 24 patients with hepatointestinal schistosomiasis and the nephrotic syndrome were studied. Aiming at evaluating a possible etiologic participation of schistosomiasis in the development of the nephropathy, this group was comparatively studied with a group of 37 patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. Both groups had a different distribution of the histologic lesions. In the group with schistosomiasis there was a statistically significant prevalence of proliferative mesangial glomerulonephritis (33.3%), whereas in the control group there was prevalence of membranous glomerulonephritis (32.4%). On immunofluorescence, IgM was positive in 94.4% of the patients with schistosomiasis versus 55.0% in the control group (P < 0.01). In the group with schistosomiasis, 8 patients evidenced mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis and 5, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. In both histological types immunofluorescence showed IgM and C3 granular deposits in the glomeruli. The data in this study suggests that mesangial proliferative and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, with glomerular granular IgM and C3 deposits, represent the renal lesions of the schistosomiasis associated nephropathy

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Hépatomégalie/complications , Syndrome néphrotique/étiologie , Schistosomiase à Schistosoma mansoni/complications , Adolescent , Adulte , Ponction-biopsie à l'aiguille , Loi du khi-deux , Complément C3/métabolisme , Hépatomégalie/épidémiologie , Hépatomégalie/immunologie , Hépatomégalie/anatomopathologie , Immunoglobuline M/métabolisme , Rein/immunologie , Rein/anatomopathologie , Microscopie de fluorescence , Adulte d'âge moyen , Syndrome néphrotique/épidémiologie , Syndrome néphrotique/immunologie
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 22(10): 1191-4, 1989. tab, ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-83379


The rate of urinary protein excretion (Uprot.V) was evaluated in 20 patients with massive proteinuria caused by various histopathological types of glomerular disease. Measurements were made during five consecutive periods: period A (overnight bed res) and periods B, C, D and E corresponding to normal everyday upright physical activity. Mean Uprot.V was significantly lower during period A (8.2 + or - 1.3 mg/min, mean + or - SEM) than during all the periods of physical activity (11.8 + or - 1.8 mg/min). For 5/20 patients, physical activity induced a mean percent increase of 340 + or - 200% and for 11 an increase of 51 + or - 7% was observed. Only in 4 patients was the rate of urinary protein excretion unaffected or decreased on the average by -20 + or - 9% during physical activity

Humains , Exercice physique , Maladies du rein/urine , Posture , Protéinurie/physiopathologie , Débit de filtration glomérulaire , Protéinurie/urine
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 22(10): 1271-3, 1989. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-83388


The present data show that freshly explanted BCG-activated mouse peritoneal macrophages release large quantities of hydrogen peroxide upon initial contact with a foreign substratum, without the requirement for other membrane stimuli such as phorbol diesters. The hydrogen peroxide detected under these conditions does not originate from extracellularly released superoxide, since 2 x 10**5 BCG-activated macrophages spontaneously released 1.6 nmol hydrogen peroxide but only 0.2 nmol superoxide. Thus, more than 90% of the hydrogen peroxide detected was not derived from extracellular superoxide dismutation. The dissociation between hydrogen peroxide and superoxide release was further demonstrated in cytochalasin B- or lidocaine-treated cells or in the absence of glucose. Under these conditions, hydrogen peroxide release was markedly inhibited while superoxide release was unaffected. These observations provide evidence that another metabolic pathway is involved in the generation and release of hydrogen peroxide during adherence and spreading of freshly explanted activated macrophages onto a substratum

Souris , Animaux , Macrophages/physiologie , Peroxyde d'hydrogène/métabolisme , Superoxydes/métabolisme , Activation des macrophages , Souris de lignée BALB C , Mycobacterium bovis/physiologie , Péritoine/cytologie , 12-Myristate-13-acétate de phorbol/pharmacologie
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 21(5): 919-25, 1988. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-63332


1. Normal rats and passive Heymann membranous glomerulonephritic rats were chronically treated with DOCA/NaCl for 9 weeks. Normal and untreated nephritic rats were used as controls. Urinary kallikrein excretion (UKE), proteinuria and tail blood pressure (BP) were determined in awake rats. Glomuerular filtration rate (GFR), plasma renin activity (PRA), and plasma potassium (PK) concentration were measured at the end of the experiment. 2. Comparasion between basal and 9th-week measurements indicated that DOCA/NaCl administration significantly increased (P < 0.05) UKE (3.96 ñ 0.30 vs 7.60 ñ 1.51 U/24 h) and 118 ñ 2 vs 135 ñ 6 mmHg) in normal rats, whereas in nephritic DOCA/NaCl-treated rats, UKE was unaltered (3.80 ñ 0.50 vs 3.40 ñ 0.30 U/24 h) and BP increased to higher levels (117 ñ 2 vs 152 ñ 3 mmHg) than in the normal DOCA/NaCl group (P < 0.05). Passive Heymann nephritis alone did not affect UKE (3.56 ñ 0.40 vs 3.60 ñ 0.80 /24 h) or BP (124 ñ 2 vs 125 ñ 2 mmØg). At the end of the study, PK was decrease and PRA totally suppressed in both normal and nephritic DOCA/NaCl - treated rats. Proteinuria was more pronounced in nephritic DOCA/NaCl - treated rats (44.8 ñ 5.2 mg/day) than in control nephritic animals (15.1 ñ 2.4 mg/day) and GFR was increased equally in both DOCA/NaCl-treated groups. 4. The failure of nephritic rats respond to DOCA/NaCl by increasing UKE was not associated with any significant derangement of renal function or structure and may have been related to the aggravation of arterial hypertension in this group

Rats , Animaux , Kallicréines/urine , Désoxycorticostérone/pharmacologie , Glomérulonéphrite/urine , Pression artérielle , Glomérulonéphrite/complications , Hypertension artérielle/complications
In. Associaçäo Nacional de Medicina do Trabalho. V Congresso da Associaçäo Nacional de Medicina do Trabalho. s.l, Associaçäo Nacional de Medicina do Trabalho, 1987. p.833-48, tab.
Monographie Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-47154
J. bras. nefrol ; 8(3): 77-84, set. 1986. ilus, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-38015


Foram estudadas 24 sessöes de hemodiálise (12 seqüenciais) em 6 pacientes com IRA (shunt A-V) e em 6 pacientes com IRC (FAV 2 agulhas) por meio de uma técnica simplificada. Tal técnica, realizada com um único motor de roletes além de um ou dois recipientes de 20 litros de capacidade, revelou-se muito prática, quase que assintomática, dispensando os rins artificiais atualmente em uso. Obteve-se, nas sessöes realizadas, um UF de 19,08 + ou - 3,39ml/min, sob PTM de 228,57 + ou - 69,86mm/Hg. A dialisância para a uréia foi de 104,23 + ou - 8,48ml/min (pacientes em IRA) e 97,62 + ou - 15,2ml/min (pacientes com IRC). A massa removida de uréia foi de 41,6 + ou - 4,08 e 30 + ou - 5,4% para o grupo de IRA e IRC, respectivamente. Tais parâmetros foram considerados satisfatórios, considerando-se o baixo volume (40 litros) de "banho" utilizado sob baixo fluxo (200-300ml/min) nos 240min da hemodiálise

Humains , Dialyse rénale/méthodes
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