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Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972471


Objective: To evaluate the hepatic and renal protective potential of coriander seeds and leaves using animal feed model. Methods: Coriander seeds- and leaves-based sauces were administrated to normal (Study I) and carbon tetrachloride (2 mL/kg B.W.)-induced hepatotoxic rabbits (Study II). Hepatic and renal biomarkers like aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, superoxide dismutase and catalase were measured. Results: Coriander leaves-based sauce exerted more decline (P<0.05) in serum aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase levels in the study II as 18.32%, 19.91% and 21.24%, respectively. While, hepatic superoxide dismutase and catalase levels were raised significantly (P<0.05) in both studies. Renal parameters also depicted positive impact by the provision of developed sauces. Conclusions: Coriander seeds and leaves based sauces are effective in alleviating the hepato/renal toxicity. The hepatoprotective effect of coriander leaves is more pronounced as compared to coriander seeds.

PAFMJ-Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. 2014; 64 (2): 333-338
Dans Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-154719


To assess the outcome of early skin tumour excision and reconstruction with regards to tumour margin clearance, recurrence and aesthetic results of reconstruction. Quasi experimental. This study was carried in the department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Combined Military Hospital [CMH] Rawalpindi, Pakistan from January 2010 to December 2012. All patients having tumours of the cheek, upper and lower lips, nose and forehead, who underwent primary surgical excision and reconstruction with local flaps, were included in the study. Patients with nodal or distant metastasis were excluded. Tumours were excised with safe margins and defects reconstructed with local facial flaps. Patients were regularly followed up as per protocol for basal cell carcinoma [BCC] and squamous cell carcinoma [SCC]. Eighty nine patients aged between 37-86 years with a mean age of 59.4 years [SD +/- 9.24] were included in the study. There were 58 [65%] cases of basal cell carcinoma [BCC] and 31 [35%] of squamous cell carcinoma [SCC]. Recurrence was seen in 3 [5.2%] cases of BCC and 2 [6.4%] cases of SCC. There was 1 [1.1%] complete and 4 [4.5%] partial flap losses. The follow-up period ranged from 4 months to 3 years with average of 16 months. Local flaps give a simple option for facial reconstruction for postoncological resection defects giving good aesthetic match due to local tissue

PAFMJ-Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. 2012; 62 (3): 333-339
Dans Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-150266


To see the changing mode of injury from firearm to blast, pattern of injury with modern body armor and improved surgical options with results of different procedures done. Descriptive study. Department of Plastic Surgery Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi between Jan 2008 and Dec 2010. All victims of low intensity conflict whether civilian or military personnel from all age groups without sex discrimination were included. Data was collected from history, transferring notes from the forward medical facility to this hospital, case record documents in this hospital and `patients follow up proforma. All these cases were managed in collaboration with other concerned specialties including orthopedic surgery, general surgery, otolaryngyology, maxillofacial surgery and vascular surgery. Plastic surgery department managed 212 patients over last three years i.e. 2008-2010. Age range was 14-58 years and male to female ratio was 71:1. Primary surgical wound management was done at field military hospitals in majority of cases and few were air evacuated directly to CMH Rawalpindi. Majority of injuries were caused by explosions followed by firearms. Simultaneous injuries were 68.9% and isolated injuries were 31.1%. Decision of wound closure was usually dependent on level of tissue damage, contamination and infection. Concept of reconstructive ladder was followed. Majority of wounds were closed in delayed primary setting. Infection was the most common complication followed by partial or complete graft or flap loss. Minimum complication rate was encountered in the wounds which were closed in delayed primary setting. All war wounds are primarily contaminated. If these wounds are closed in delayed primary setting after 2-3 debridements, best results can be achieved. Although infected wounds, wounds with severely damaged structures and injuries associated with tendon or nerve injuries or bone loss will require secondary reconstructive procedures.

PAFMJ-Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. 2011; 61 (2): 215-217
Dans Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-124645


To determine the frequency of duodenal ulcer perforation with radiological evidence of gas under the diaphragm on X-ray chest. Descriptive. Department of Surgery Combined Military Hospital [CMH] and Military Hospital [MH], Rawalpindi, from Nov, 2005 to May 2006. Patients with acute abdomen presenting as emergency at CMH and MH Rawalpindi were evaluated. Preoperatively X-ray chest PA view, in standing posture, was done in all cases and presence or absence of pneumoperitoneum noted. The patients were then followed by laparotomy to confirm or otherwise a perforation of duodenum. Only 30 patients were included in the study where duodenal perforation was confirmed per-operatively. Pneumoperitoneum on X ray chest PA view was found in 25 [83.3%] out of 30 patients with duodenal ulcer perforation; The remaining 05 patients i.e. 16.67% did not show pneumoperitoneum. X-ray chest is a helpful tool in diagnosing majority of patients with a perforated duodenal ulcer. However there is a significant number of patients where the clinical acumen of the doctor would help in an early diagnosis and prompt treatment

Humains , Mâle , Perforation d'ulcère gastroduodénal , Pneumopéritoine/imagerie diagnostique , Abdomen aigu , Radiographie thoracique
JAMC-Journal of Ayub Medical College-Abbotabad-Pakistan. 2008; 20 (3): 75-77
Dans Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-87455


Visceral Leishmaniasis [VL] has worldwide distribution including Pakistan. The disease is characterized by a spectrum of clinical features along with serious complications in untreated cases. This study describes the correlation between clinical manifestations with haematological changes of VL in Hazara Division. This cross sectional study was carried out in the children wards of Women and Children Hospital an Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad. Seventy cases were included in this study, Sign, symptoms, complications and haematological parameters were recorded in detail and their comparison was carried out. Majority of the patients [98.57%] presented with fever followed by abdominal distension [47%] Pallor, [44%] weight loss [43%] diarrhoea [17%], vomiting [15%] and epitasis [8%] and hepatosplenomegaly was found in about 83% along with lymphadenopathy [20%] purpura [13%] and peripheral oedema [11%]. Laboratory findings revealed anaemia in all the cases followed by neutropenia 43%, lymphocytosis 86% with thrombocytopenia 79%. Bone marrow in most of these cases showed myeloid hyperplasia with increased megakaryocytosis. There exists a new focus of visceral leishmaniasis in Hazara Division. The disease mainly affects children below 5 years and is more common in males than in female children. Bone marrow examination provides a reliable and simple tool for diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis and the condition can be affectively managed with Sodium stibogluconate or meglumine antimoniate

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Hémorragie meningée/étiologie , Anévrysme intracrânien/complications , Malformations artérioveineuses intracrâniennes , Artères cérébrales , Études rétrospectives , Craniotomie
Proceedings. 2006; 20 (1): 21-26
Dans Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-80334


This study was conducted during the year 2004 at Lahore General Hospital, Unit 1, department of Neurosurgery. We operated on 37 patients for thoracic cage interbody fixation after trauma. Age range was from 15 to 70 years. Maximum number of cases [41%] was between 21-30 years of age. Male involvement was seen in 29 [79%] patients. Majority [65%] belonged to rural community and agriculture and industry were the major setup of injury. Majority belonged to poor socioeconomic class i.e., 83% [31]. Level of injury was 37% upper dorsal spine, Main fracture types were burst fractures, compression fractures and fracture dislocations. Correction of deformity was achieved in majority of cases. Associated chest injuries were seen in 28% cases. Timing of surgery was as early as possible but it ranged from 2 hours to as long as 3 months. Neurological deficit ranged from complete paraplegia to power grade 4. Complications of the procedure are cage displacement in 6%, loosening in 5% and infection in 8%. Neurological statu s improved in 88% while kyphosis improvement occurred in 77% of the patients. Anterior cage fixation is a safe and effective treatment method for traumatic dorsal spine instability involving vertebral bodies

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Vertèbres thoraciques/traumatismes , Thorax
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