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Rev. Soc. Argent. Diabetes ; 55(1): 13-20, ene. - abr. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1248270


Introducción: en la provincia de La Pampa no hay registro del número de pacientes con diabetes gestacional (DG) que vuelve a control metabólico posparto, cuando se conoce el riesgo que evolucione a diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2). Objetivos: analizar en el Hospital Público Interzonal (Dr. Lucio Molas) el porcentaje de mujeres con DG que volvió a control metabólico posparto y desarrolló DM2 durante seis años de seguimiento. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo ambispectivo en 44 pacientes con DG diagnosticada en 2013 con seguimiento hasta el 31/12/2019. Se analizaron antecedentes previos de DG y familiares de diabetes (AFD), edad, semana de gestación del diagnóstico con glucemia/prueba de tolerancia oral a la glucosa (PTOG), índice de masa corporal (IMC), presión arterial, vía del parto, peso del recién nacido, HbA1c. Resultados: en 2013 se efectuaron 1.238 partos, 44 pacientes (3,7%) tenían DG diagnosticada, 68% mediante PTOG. Presentaban 43% AFD, 38,6% sobrepeso, 20,45% obesidad, 68,2% cesáreas y 11,4% recién nacidos con alto peso. En seis años de seguimiento, 54,5% de estas pacientes realizó control metabólico; este grupo, a diferencia del grupo sin control, presentó mayor IMC al inicio del embarazo (t:2,103; p<0,02), glucemia basal (t:10,59; p<0,001), presión arterial sistólica (t:2,629; p<0,01), diastólica (t:1,965; p<0,05) y macrosomía fetal (4 vs 1). El 33,3 % manifestó DM2 predominantemente a partir de tres años del posparto. Conclusiones: el 54,5% de las pacientes con DG concurrió a control metabólico posparto tardíamente, y el 33,3% evolucionó a DM2; incluso estas pacientes presentaron mayor número de factores de riesgo obstétricos y cardiometabólicos que el grupo sin control al inicio del embarazo.

Introduction: there is no register of the number of women with gestational diabetes (GD) that have undergone metabolic post-partum control in the province of La Pampa, even though it is well-known the increased associated risk of becoming a diabetes type 2 patient (T2DM). Objectives: to analyze at the Interzonal Public Hospital (Dr. Lucio Molas) the percentage of women with GD who returned to postpartum metabolic control and developed T2DM during six years of follow-up. Materials and methods: descriptive ambispective study in 44 patients with GD diagnosed in 2013 with follow-up until 31 December 2019. Different characteristics were analyzed in all participants: previous history of GD and family members of diabetes (FHD), age, gestational week of the diagnosis with fasting glucose or oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, delivery route, newborn weight, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C). Results: a number of 1,238 of deliveries were performed in 2013, 44 women (3.7%) developed GD diagnosed by OGTT (68%), 43% presented FHD, 38.6% overweight, 20.45% obesity. Among the totality of deliveries 68.2% were by caesarea and 11.4% high birth weight newborns. In six years of follow-up, 54.5% of these patients underwent metabolic control, presenting this group, unlike the group without control, higher BMI at the beginning of pregnancy (t:2.103; p<0.02), fasting blood glucose (t:10 .59; p<0.001), systolic blood pressure (t:2.629; p<0.01), diastolic blood pressure (t; 1.965; p<0.05) and fetal macrosomia (4 vs 1). 33.3% developed T2DM predominantly from at three years postpartum. Conclusions: the present study reported that 54.5% of women with GD performed a late metabolic postpartum control evolving 33.3% developed T2DM presenting higher obstetric and cardiometabolic risk factors than the group without control at the beginning of pregnancy.

Humains , Diabète gestationnel , Glycémie , Âge gestationnel , Diabète de type 2