Methodology: Eligible subjects were HIV-1 negative; with no demonstratable medical or emotional problems. The parameters considered were absolute lymphocyte counts (AL C); absolute CD4 and CD8 (ACD4; ACD8) and CD4/CD8 count ratio (ABSR). The central 95area under the distribution curve (ACD) of the parameters of interest was considered as well as mean distributions between the sexes. Results: 183 subjects; 69(37.7) females and 114 (62.3) males were submitted to the study. The 95range for the combined groupe for ALC was 1452.5 - 4447.5; for ACD4 558.6-2332.8; for ACD8 252.0-1396.1; and for ABSR 0.682 - 4.37. There was a significant difference (p0.5) in mean ALC and mean (ABSR between sexes. Discussion: This p[ilot study was necessitated by the absence of up-to-date haematological and especially immunologic parameters (CD4; CD8) among normal Ugandans. Currently many laboratories and clinicians use North American and European haematologic reference; and also use various manual methods for determination of CD4 and CD8. These ranges which were established with more accurate method of flow cytometry gives a scientists in Uganda (and by implication Central Africa) and calls for a more extensive study to establish more representative and accurate haematological and immunological parameters