Emergency department overcrowding combined with shortage of experienced and knowledgeable healthcare staff may lead to fatal, albeit rare, malpractice cases in developing countries. We report herein a patient with cardiac arrest as a result of inadvertent intravenous injection of hydrotalcite, an orally administered anti-acid medication. Our literature search revealed no previous cases of cardiac arrest as a result of intravenous (IV) administration of hydrotalcite.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dislocation is defined as excessive forward movement of the mandibular condyle beyond the articular eminence with complete separation of the articular surfaces and fixation in that position. A 54 years old man attended our Emergency Department (ED) with complaints of slurred speech and inability to close his mouth after upper gastroendoscopic procedures. Lateral craniography was obtained and illustrated bilateral anterior dislocation of the patient's mandibular condyles. To confirm the diagnosis urgent radiographic imaging is required without delay as the risk of complications occurring increases as time elapses.