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Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-680694


Glia maturation factor(GMF)detected in the adult brain is an acidic proteinthat has the ability to promote the morphological and chemical differentiation ofastroblasts,but this effect is reversible.In the present study we have establishedneuron-enriched dissociated primary cultures from 7-day-old rat cerebellar cortexin which about 97% of the cells are neurons especially granule cells using differential count of indirect immunofluorescence.The addition of purified GMF to the culturesmarkedly enhances neuronal survival,while control cultures grown in the absence ofGMF exhibit a significant decrease in neuronal number.These GMF effects aredose-dependent,with optimal stimulation occurring at a concentration of 250 ng/ml.Although the mechanism by which purified GMF influences cerebellar corticalneuronal survival is not known,these results suggest that GMF not only affectsglial cells,but also may function as a neurotrophic agent in the central nervousmetsys

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