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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198407


This study was carried out on 80 dry human sacra in meenakshi medical college Anatomical variations inmorphology and morphometry of sacral hiatus. Various shapes of sacral hiatus were observed which includedinverted U (66.3%), inverted V (11.3%), irregular (11.3%), dumbbell (3.8%) Agenesis Of the dorsal (6.3%) and bifid(1.3%). The apex of sacral hiatus was commonly found at the level of 4th sacral vertebra in 76.0%. the meanlength of sacral hiatus was 22.9 mm. The mean anteroposterior diameter of sacral canal at the apex of sacralhiatus was 4.97 mm. Narrowing of sacral canal at the apex of sacral hiatus, diameter less than 4mm, wasobserved to be significantly high, (36%). The knowledge of anatomical variations of sacral hiatus is significantwhile administration of caudal epidural anaesthesia and it may help to improve its success rate

Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175312


Introduction: The objective of this study was to observe the patterns of different arteries that supply the kidneys. The kidney has a segmental distribution of arteries. The kidneys are divided into five vascular segments. The arteries that arise from the aorta above or below the main renal artery and reach the hilum are called accessory renal arteries. They are persistent embryonic lateral splanchnic arteries. Accessory renal arteries may arise from the celiac or superior mesenteric arteries, near the bifurcation or from the common iliac arteries. The present study has attempted to find out accessory, and aberrant arteries to kidneys with review of literature. Materials and Methods: The study was done on 52 kidneys randomly selected from cadavers that were used for the purpose of teaching in the department of Anatomy at P.E.S Medical College. The kidneys were removed from the cadavers en-block with the arteries and veins intact. The renal artery was observed for its pattern of branching. Observations and Discussion: The pre-hilar branching pattern was absent only in six kidneys out of the 52 kidneys selected. The branches given before entering the hilum were either in the form of a fork pattern or a ladder pattern in the remaining 46 kidneys. The fork pattern wherein the branches arose from a single point was found in 42 kidneys. The ladder patterns were seen in two posterior segment arteries and two anterior segment arteries. The anterior division often showed the fork patterns which were either duplicate or triplicate outside the hilum more proximally, with further division into duplicate or triplicate terminal branches closer to the hilum but significantly outside.

Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-174597


Branches of aortic arch usually are brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery from right to left direction. Arch of aorta show more variations in branching patterns. One among which is origin of only two branches in which brachiocephalic trunk and left common carotid artery arise together as a common trunk and other branch is left subclavian artery. The variations occur due to abnormal development of arch of aorta. During routine dissection of superior mediastinum of thoracic region, we have found the left common carotid artery and brachiocephalic trunk was arising from the arch of aorta as a common trunk. These kinds of variations are very rare and knowledge of which is very important for neck surgeons, cardiologists and interventional radiologists while doing surgeries and instrumentation procedures.

Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-174592


The external carotid artery normally divides into two terminal branches at the level of the neck of the mandible. The terminal branches are usually the superficial temporal and maxillary arteries. The maxillary artery is described to be in three parts in relation to the lateral pterygoid muscle as the mandibular (first), pterygoid (second) and the pterygopalatine (third) parts. The second part passes behind the muscle. The branches that arise from the first part of the maxillary artery are the deep auricular, anterior tympanic, the middle meningeal, accessory meningeal and inferior alveolar arteries. The middle meningeal artery normally arises at the lower border of lateral pterygoid muscle from the first part of maxillary artery. It then ascends upwards, passes between the two roots of the auriculotemporal nerve and enters the foramen spinosum in the base of skull. During routine dissection of a male cadaver in the department of anatomy while teaching medical students variations were observed in the termination of the external carotid artery on the right side. The artery gave three branches at the termination, superficial temporal, maxillary and between the two the middle meningeal artery was seen arising close to the end of the external carotid artery. The middle meningeal artery did not pass between the two roots of the auriculotemporal nerve. The branches of first part of maxillary artery were variable. The deep auricular branch was absent and its territory may have been supplied by the posterior auricular and anterior auricular arteries. The anterior tympanic and accessory meningeal arteries arose from the middle meningeal artery. There were two inferior alveolar arteries 1.5 cm apart arising from the first part of maxillary artery. The first artery went to the mandibular canal along with the inferior alveolar nerve. The second artery accompanied the lingual nerve to the last molar tooth. Probably this artery may have been an additional supply to the gingiva around the last molar tooth. The other variations that were noted were the absence of mylohyoid branch from the inferior alveolar artery. To the best of our knowledge these variations in the arteries have not been previously reported.

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