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Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;63: e20190090, 2020. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132173


Abstract DNA vaccines have been evaluated as an option to prevent several diseases. In this study, the capacity of the xanthan biopolymer to improve the DNA vaccines immune response, administered intramuscularly, was evaluated. The experimental vaccines consisted of genes encoding fragments of the proteins LigA and LigB of Leptospira interrogans serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae serovar Copenhageni strain Fiocruz L1-130. The humoral immune response was evaluated by indirect ELISA. Cytokine expression levels were determined by RT-qPCR. Compared to the control group, the IgG antibody levels of animals immunized with pTARGET/ligAni and pTARGET/ligBrep plasmids associated with xanthan biopolymer were significantly higher than the control group. Additionally, there was a significant increase in IL-17 expression in animals vaccinated with pTARGET/ligBrep and xanthan.

Animaux , Femelle , Souris , Polyosides bactériens , ADN recombiné/pharmacologie , Adjuvants immunologiques/pharmacologie , Xanthomonas campestris , Vaccins à ADN/pharmacologie , Biopolymères/pharmacologie , Test ELISA , Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae , Anticorps
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 112(2): 123-130, Feb. 2017. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-841767


BACKGROUND Bovine tuberculosis (TB) is a zoonotic disease caused by Mycobacterium bovis, responsible for causing major losses in livestock. A cost effective alternative to control the disease could be herd vaccination. The bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine has a limited efficacy against bovine TB, but can improved by over-expression of protective antigens. The M. bovis antigen 85B demonstrates ability to induce protective immune response against bovine TB in animal models. However, current systems for the construction of recombinant BCG expressing multiple copies of the gene result in strains of low genetic stability that rapidly lose the plasmid in vivo. Employing antibiotic resistance as selective markers, these systems also compromise vaccine safety. We previously reported the construction of a stable BCG expression system using auxotrophic complementation as a selectable marker. OBJECTIVES The fundamental aim of this study was to construct strains of M. bovis BCG Pasteur and the auxotrophic M. bovis BCG ΔleuD expressing Ag85B and determine their stability in vivo. METHODS Employing the auxotrophic system, we constructed rBCG strains that expressed M. bovis Ag85B and compared their stability with a conventional BCG strain in mice. Stability was measured in terms of bacterial growth on the selective medium and retention of antigen expression. FINDINGS The auxotrophic complementation system was highly stable after 18 weeks, even during in vivo growth, as the selective pressure and expression of antigen were maintained comparing to the conventional vector. MAIN CONCLUSION The Ag85B continuous expression within the host may generate a stronger and long-lasting immune response compared to conventional systems.

Animaux , Femelle , Souris , Plasmides/génétique , Plasmides/immunologie , Vaccin BCG/génétique , Vaccin BCG/immunologie , Vecteurs génétiques/immunologie , Mycobacterium bovis/génétique , Mycobacterium bovis/immunologie , Antigènes bactériens/immunologie , Antigènes bactériens/métabolisme , Escherichia coli/génétique , Vecteurs génétiques , Souris de lignée BALB C
Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 41(3): 223-228, 2009. graf, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-544447


Introducao: Atualmente no Brasil, as doencas cardiovasculares (DCVs) sao as patologias de maior morbimortalidade. Os principais fatores de risco sao ma alimentacao, sedentarismo, tabagismo, etilismo, obesidade, dislipidemias, Diabetes mellitus e estresse. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os perfis lipidico e glicidico e identificar fatores de risco associados as doencas cardiovascularesem caminhoneiros. Materiais e Metodos: A amostra foi composta por 45 caminhoneiros que passaram pelo Centro Unificado de Fronteira, entre Brasil e Argentina, nos dias 23 e 24 de abril e 21 de maio de 2007. Foi avaliado o indice de massa corporal, a circunferencia abdominal, a pressao arterial, habitos alimentares, tabagismo e historia familiar de DCVs. O perfil lipidico foi definido pelas determinacoes do colesterol total, HDL e LDL colesterol, triglicerideos; e o perfil glicidico, atraves da glicemia de jejum. Resultados: Foram encontrados 33 casos de dislipidemias, classificados em hipercolesterolemia (33%), hiperlipidemia mista (15%) e hipertrigliceridemia (30%). Os fatores de risco presentes foram: obesidade (42%), obesidade visceral (78%), hipertensao (47%) e tabagismo (20%).Conclusao: Mesmo se referindo a um grupo especifico, o trabalho foi importante, pois identificou fatores de risco presentes na categoria profissional de motoristas de caminhao e com isso sua maior predisposicao ao desenvolvimento de DCVs.

Introduction: Nowadays in Brazil, the cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the major morbidities pathologies. The maincause of these pathologies is improper lifestyle that results in risk factors as: bad feeding, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcoholism, obesity, dyslipidemia, Diabetes mellitus and stress. This study had as objective the lipid and glucose profiles evaluation, and the identification of risk factors related to the truck drivers CVDs development. Materials and Methods: The sample was composed by 45 truck drivers that went by the Unified Center of Border, among Brazil and Argentina, at the days April 23, April 24 and May 21, 2007. Thestudy evaluated the CMI (Corporal mass index), the abdominal circumference and the arterial pressure and investigated the physical activity practice, alimentary behavor, tobacco consumption, coronary artery disease family history and Diabetes mellitus. The lipid profile was defined by the biochemical determinations of the total cholesterol, the HDL fraction, the LDL fraction, triglyceride, and the glucose profile, through the fast glycemia. Results: The study demonstrated that 33 of dislipidemias cases classified at hypercholesterolemia(33%), mingle hiperlipidemia (15%) and hypertriglyceridemia (30%). The risk factors showed were obesity (42%), visceral obesity (78%), hypertension (47%) and smoke (20%). Conclusion: Although the data presented in this study refers to only one placeand a specific group, the work was important, because it evaluated the risk factors exhibition extension that the truck drivers' professional category is submitted, and with that its largest predisposition to the development of CVDs.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Maladies cardiovasculaires , Dyslipidémies , Lipides , Facteurs de risque
Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 41(2): 103-108, 2009. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-521160


Introdução: A anemia ferropriva está relacionada com a deficiência de ferro no organismo devido à dieta pobre em ferro ou a presença de enteroparasitoses. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a prevalência de anemia em crianças de 1 a 5 anos moradora do bairro Passo, vila Arneldo Matter-São Borja/RS e sua relação com estado nutricional e enteroparasitoses. Materiais e Métodos: A amostra constou de 42 crianças carentes de 1 a 5 anos. Para avaliação hematológica analisou-se o hematócrito, hemoglobina, eritócritos e leucócitos totais, volume corpuscular médio, concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média e a hemoglobina corpuscular média e avaliação microscópica do esfregaço. No diagnóstico parasitológico utilizou-se o método de centrífugo-sedimentação modificado. O estado nutricional das crianças foi avaliado por um questionário. Resultados: Foram encontrados índices de 5% de anemia e 38% enteroparasitoses, sendo os mais encontrados Giárdia lamblia (19%), Ascaris lumbricoides e hymenolepis nana (14%), Entamoeba coli (11%), Trichuris trichiura e Enterobius vermicularis (3%). Além disso, 73,8% das crianças consumiam diariamente carne, leguminosas e alimentos com vitamina C. Conclusão: O estudo demonstrou baixa incidência de anemia pelo estado nutricional satisfatório, mas uma alta prevalência de enteroparasitoses, demonstrando a necessidade da continuidade de trabalhos científicos

Humains , Nourrisson , Enfant , Anémie par carence en fer , État nutritionnel , Maladies parasitaires , Prévalence