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Rev. biol. trop ; 61(3): 1067-1081, sep. 2013. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-688460


Studies on some reproductive traits in Equisetum species are scarce and valuable to understand species distribution. Therefore, a detailed study of the sporogenesis process and spore development in E. bogotense is presented, with an analysis of the main events during meiosis, maturation of spores, spore wall ultrastructure, orbicules and elaters. Specimens were collected from 500 to 4 500m in Cauca, Colombia. Strobili at different maturation stages were fixed, dehydrated, embedded in resin, and ultra-microtome obtained sections were stained with Toluidine blue. Observations were made with optical microscopy with differential interference contrast illumination technique (DIC), transmission and scanning electron microscopy (TEM and SEM). Ultrathin sections (70-80μm) for TEM observations were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate; while samples for SEM observations, were fixed, dehydrated in 2.2-dimethoxypropane and dried at critical point as in standard methods. Strobili have numerous mature sporangiophores, each one with a peltate structure, the scutellum, bearing five-six sessile sporangia attached to the axis of strobilus by the manubrium. Immature sporocytes (spore mother cells) are tightly packed within the young sporangia. The sporocytes quickly undergo meiosis, by passing the stage of archesporium and give origin to tetrads of spores. The tapetum loses histological integrity during early stages of sporogenesis, intrudes as a plasmodial mass into the cavity of the sporangium, partially surrounding premeiotic sporocytes, and then, tetrads and adult spores. The tapetum disintegrates towards the end of the sporogenesis, leaving spores free within the sporangial cavity. Spores present several cytological changes that allow them to achieve greater size and increase the number of plastids, before reaching the adult stage. Sporoderm includes three layers external to the cytoplasmic membrane of the spore cell, and they are pseudoendospore, exospore and perispore. Viewed with SEM, the exospore is smooth to rugulate, with micro perforations, while the perispore is muriform, rugate, with narrow, delicate, discontinuous, randomly distributed folds delimiting incomplete, irregular areolae, externally covered by of different size, densely distributed orbicules. These orbicules are also found all over the external face and margins of the elaters, while the internal face is smooth and lack orbicules. Viewed with TEM, the exospore is a thick layer of fine granular material, while perispore is a thinner layer of dense, separate orbicules. The elaters are composed by two layers of fibrillar material: an inner layer with longitudinally oriented fibrils and an outer, thicker and less dense layer with fibrils transversely fibrils and abundant, external orbicules. It is suggested that the processes of ontogeny and characters of the sporoderm are relatively constant in Equisetum; however, sporogenesis in E. bogotense is synchronous and this condition has been observed so far only in E. giganteum, a tropical genus also found in Colombia.

Los estudios sobre aspectos reproductivos son escasos en Equisetum. Por eso, hemos realizado un análisis detallado del proceso de esporogénesis, desarrollo de las esporas, ultraestructura de procesos que tienen lugar durante la meiosis, formación de la pared esporal, orbículas y eláteres de E. bogotense, en especímenes procedentes del Cauca, Colombia. Los estudios se efectuaron mediante microscopía fotónica, electrónica de transmisión (TEM) y de barrido (SEM). Los estróbilos llevan numerosos esporangióforos maduros, cada uno con un escutelo peltado, unido al eje del estróbilo por el manubrio y portador de 5-6 esporangios sésiles. Los esporocitos experimentan meiosis dando origen a tétradas de esporas. El tapete pierde la integridad histológica en las primeras etapas de esporogénesis y rodea los esporocitos premeióticos, posteriormente a las tétradas y finalmente las esporas inmaduras, que experimentan cambios citológicos y de tamaño antes de alcanzar la etapa adulta. El esporodermo de las esporas adultas de E. bogotense consiste de seudoendosporio, exosporio y perisporio. Vistos con MEB, el exosporio de las esporas adultas es liso a rugulado con microperforaciones y el perisporio es muriforme, rugado, con pliegues delicados, estrechos, discontinuos, que se distribuyen al azar y delimitan aréolas incompletas. Externamente el perisporio está cubierto por orbículas, que se forman también en la cara externa y los márgenes de los eláteres. Vistos con TEM, el exosporio es una capa de material granular fino y el perisporio, una capa mucho más delgada con orbículas discretas. Los eláteres están formados por dos capas de naturaleza fibrilar, orientadas longitudinalmente y transversalmente. La esporogénesis en E. bogotense es sincrónica, similar a la de E. giganteum, otra especie de distribución tropical que también crece en Colombia.

Equisetum/ultrastructure , Sporanges/ultrastructure , Spores/ultrastructure , Colombie , Equisetum/classification , Equisetum/embryologie , Sporanges/embryologie , Spores/croissance et développement
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(4): 1845-1858, Dec. 2011. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-646556


Ontogeny of strobili, sporangia development and sporogenesis in Equisetum giganteum (Equisetaceae) from the Colombian Andes. Studies on the ontogeny of the strobilus, sporangium and reproductive biology of this group of ferns are scarce. Here we describe the ontogeny of the strobilus and sporangia, and the process of sporogenesis using specimens of E. giganteum from Colombia collected along the Rio Frio, Distrito de Sevilla, Piedecuesta, Santander, at 2 200m altitude. The strobili in different stages of development were fixed, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin, sectioned using a rotatory microtome and stained with the safranin O and fast green technique. Observations were made using differential interference contrast microscopy (DIC) or Nomarski microscopy, an optical microscopy illumination technique that enhances the contrast in unstained, transparent. Strobili arise and begin to develop in the apical meristems of the main axis and lateral branches, with no significant differences in the ontogeny of strobili of one or other axis. Successive processes of cell division and differentiation lead to the growth of the strobilus and the formation of sporangiophores. These are formed by the scutellum, the manubrium or pedicel-like, basal part of the sporangiophore, and initial cells of sporangium, which differentiate to form the sporangium wall, the sporocytes and the tapetum. There is not formation of a characteristic arquesporium, as sporocytes quickly undergo meiosis originating tetrads of spores. The tapetum retains its histological integrity, but subsequently the cell walls break down and form a plasmodium that invades the sporangial cavity, partially surrounding the tetrads, and then the spores. Towards the end of the sporogenesis the tapetum disintegrates leaving spores with elaters free within the sporangial cavity. Two layers finally form the sporangium wall: the sporangium wall itself, with thickened, lignified cell walls and an underlying pyknotic layer. The mature spores are chlorofilous, morphologically similar and have exospore, a thin perispore and two elaters. This study of the ontogeny of the spore-producing structures and spores is the first contribution of this type for a tropical species of the genus. Fluorescence microscopy indicates that elaters and the wall of the sporangium are autofluorescent, while other structures induced fluorescence emitted by the fluorescent dye safranin O. The results were also discussed in relation to what is known so far for other species of Equisetum, suggesting that ontogenetic processes and structure of characters sporoderm are relatively constant in Equisetum, which implies important diagnostic value in the taxonomy of the group. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (4): 1845-1858. Epub 2011 December 01.

Estudios sobre la ontogenia del estróbilo, los esporangios y la biología reproductiva de Equisetum son escasos, por lo tanto, para la especie E. giganteum, se estudiaron estos aspectos en especímenes recolectados a orillas del Río Frío, Santander, Colombia (2 200m). Los estróbilos en diferentes etapas de maduración fueron fijados, deshidratados, embebidos en parafina, seccionados en micrótomo rotatorio y teñidos con safranina O-fast green. Las observaciones se efectuaron mediante un microscopio óptico de alta resolución con contraste diferencial de interferencia (DIC) y microscopio de fluorescencia. Los estróbilos se inician a partir del meristemo apical, tanto en el eje principal como en los laterales, sin diferencias en el proceso de ontogenia y esporogénesis entre estróbilos de diferentes ejes. Sucesivas mitosis y diferenciación celular conducen al crecimiento del estróbilo, y a la formación de los esporangióforos peltados, formados por el manubrio, o porción basal con aspecto de pedicelo, el escutelo, o porción apical aplanada y las iniciales del esporangio, los cuales se diferenciarán para formar la pared del esporangio, los esporocitos y el tapete. No se forma arquesporio y los esporocitos experimentan meiosis para formar tétradas de esporas. El tapete mantiene la integridad histológica hasta la formación de las tétradas y en esa etapa forma un plasmodio que invade la cavidad esporangial la cual rodea parcialmente las tétradas y luego las esporas, y aparecen las cámaras plasmodiales, un término propuesto aquí para las formaciones designadas en inglés "tapetal gaps". La pared del esporangio queda reducida a dos capas celulares: una externa con engrosamientos lignificados en todas las paredes celulares y una interna picnótica. Al finalizar la esporogénesis, el tapete degenera, y las esporas, con exosporio, perisporio delgado, casi membranáceo y eláteres quedan libres en la cavidad esporangial. El esporodermo, los núcleos y nucléolos presentan fluorescencia roja, inducida por coloración con safranina O, mientras que los eláteres y las células de la pared del esporangio presentan autofluorescencia amarillo-naranja.

Equisetum/cytologie , Sporanges/cytologie , Spores/croissance et développement , Colombie , Equisetum/croissance et développement , Méiose , Sporanges/croissance et développement
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