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Protein & Cell ; (12): 667-679, 2015.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-757566


The Escherichia coli fadR protein product, a paradigm/prototypical FadR regulator, positively regulates fabA and fabB, the two critical genes for unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) biosynthesis. However the scenario in the other Ɣ-proteobacteria, such as Shewanella with the marine origin, is unusual in that Rodionov and coworkers predicted that only fabA (not fabB) has a binding site for FadR protein. It raised the possibility of fad regulon contraction. Here we report that this is the case. Sequence alignment of the FadR homologs revealed that the N-terminal DNA-binding domain exhibited remarkable similarity, whereas the ligand-accepting motif at C-terminus is relatively-less conserved. The FadR homologue of S. oneidensis (referred to FadR_she) was over-expressed and purified to homogeneity. Integrative evidence obtained by FPLC (fast protein liquid chromatography) and chemical cross-linking analyses elucidated that FadR_she protein can dimerize in solution, whose identity was determined by MALDI-TOF-MS. In vitro data from electrophoretic mobility shift assays suggested that FadR_she is almost functionally-exchangeable/equivalent to E. coli FadR (FadR_ec) in the ability of binding the E. coli fabA (and fabB) promoters. In an agreement with that of E. coli fabA, S. oneidensis fabA promoter bound both FadR_she and FadR_ec, and was disassociated specifically with the FadR regulatory protein upon the addition of long-chain acyl-CoA thioesters. To monitor in vivo effect exerted by FadR on Shewanella fabA expression, the native promoter of S. oneidensis fabA was fused to a LacZ reporter gene to engineer a chromosome fabA-lacZ transcriptional fusion in E. coli. As anticipated, the removal of fadR gene gave about 2-fold decrement of Shewanella fabA expression by β-gal activity, which is almost identical to the inhibitory level by the addition of oleate. Therefore, we concluded that fabA is contracted to be the only one member of fad regulon in the context of fatty acid synthesis in the marine bacteria Shewanella genus.

Séquence d'acides aminés , Protéines bactériennes , Chimie , Métabolisme , Séquence nucléotidique , Sites de fixation , ADN bactérien , Métabolisme , Escherichia coli , Génétique , Métabolisme , Fatty acid synthase type II , Génétique , Métabolisme , Acides gras , Régulation de l'expression des gènes bactériens , Données de séquences moléculaires , Acide oléique , Pharmacologie , Liaison aux protéines , Régulon , Génétique , Protéines de répression , Chimie , Métabolisme , Shewanella , Génétique , Métabolisme
Protein & Cell ; (12): 928-939, 2014.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-757630


Escherichia coli (E. coli) FadR regulator plays dual roles in fatty acid metabolism, which not only represses the fatty acid degradation (fad) system, but also activates the unsaturated fatty acid synthesis pathway. Earlier structural and biochemical studies of FadR protein have provided insights into interplay between FadR protein with its DNA target and/or ligand, while the missing knowledge gap (esp. residues with indirect roles in DNA binding) remains unclear. Here we report this case through deep mapping of old E. coli fadR mutants accumulated. Molecular dissection of E. coli K113 strain, a fadR mutant that can grow on decanoic acid (C10) as sole carbon sources unexpectedly revealed a single point mutation of T178G in fadR locus (W60G in FadRk113). We also observed that a single genetically-recessive mutation of W60G in FadR regulatory protein can lead to loss of its DNA-binding activity, and thereby impair all the regulatory roles in fatty acid metabolisms. Structural analyses of FadR protein indicated that the hydrophobic interaction amongst the three amino acids (W60, F74 and W75) is critical for its DNA-binding ability by maintaining the configuration of its neighboring two β-sheets. Further site-directed mutagenesis analyses demonstrated that the FadR mutants (F74G and/or W75G) do not exhibit the detected DNA-binding activity, validating above structural reasoning.

3-Oxoacyl (acyl carrier protein) synthase , Génétique , Métabolisme , Séquence d'acides aminés , Protéines bactériennes , Chimie , Génétique , Métabolisme , ADN bactérien , Chimie , Métabolisme , Escherichia coli , Génétique , Métabolisme , Protéines Escherichia coli , Génétique , Métabolisme , Fatty acid synthase type II , Génétique , Métabolisme , Acides gras , Métabolisme , Régulation de l'expression des gènes bactériens , Hydro-lyases , Génétique , Métabolisme , Interactions hydrophobes et hydrophiles , Métabolisme lipidique , Modèles moléculaires , Données de séquences moléculaires , Mutation , Liaison aux protéines , Structure secondaire des protéines , Protéines de répression , Chimie , Génétique , Métabolisme , Alignement de séquences , Similitude de séquences d'acides aminés , Transduction du signal