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JPAD-Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists. 2007; 17 (3): 166-170
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-104651


Tinea capitis is caused by different species of dermatophytes particularly Microsporum and Trichophyton .Children are affected predominantly. Many systemic drugs e.g.griseofulvin, fluconazole, itraconazole, terbinafine, ketoconazoe etc are available for the treatment of tinea capitis. To compare the efficacy of griseofulvin and fluconazole in the treatment of tinea capitis. A total of 50 patients of age group 2-15 years were selected for the study.The cases were diagnosed clinically and confirmed by Wood 's lamp examination, KOH microscopy and culture.The patients were divided into two equal groups. Group A was given griseofulvin and group B was given fluconazole for a period of two months. Topical adjuvant therapy econazole nitrate was given in both groups. The patients were followed up at 2 weekly interval for clinical response and Wood 's lamp examination and finally KOH microscopy and culture. In group A clinical response was 84%and mycological response was 68%whereas in group B clinical response was 68%and mycological response was 56%. The present study showed that griseofulvin is more effective in the treatment of noninflammatory type of tinea capitis than fluconazole

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Griséofulvine , Fluconazole , Itraconazole , Microsporum/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Trichophyton/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Kétoconazole , Techniques de culture , Éconazole , Microscopie