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Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-358133


The time domain entombment of bacteria by intratubular mineralization following orthograde canal obturation with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Single-rooted human premolars (n=60) were instrumented to an apical size #50/0.06 using ProFile and treated as follows: Group 1 (n=10) was filled with phosphate buffered saline (PBS); Group 2 (n=10) was incubated with Enterococcus faecalis for 3 weeks, and then filled with PBS; Group 3 (n=20) was obturated orthograde with a paste of OrthoMTA (BioMTA, Seoul, Korea) and PBS; and Group 4 (n=20) was incubated with E. faecalis for 3 weeks and then obturated with OrthoMTA-PBS paste. Following their treatments, the coronal openings were sealed with PBS-soaked cotton and intermediate restorative material (IRM), and the roots were then stored in PBS for 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 weeks. After each incubation period, the roots were split and their dentin/MTA interfaces examined in both longitudinal and horizontal directions by SEM. There appeared to be an increase in intratubular mineralization over time in the OrthoMTA-filled roots (Groups 3 and 4). Furthermore, there was a gradual entombment of bacteria within the dentinal tubules in the E. faecalis inoculated MTA-filled roots (Group 4). Therefore, the orthograde obturation of root canals with OrthoMTA mixed with PBS may create a favorable environment for bacterial entombment by intratubular mineralization.

Humains , Composés de l'aluminium , Utilisations thérapeutiques , Calcification physiologique , Physiologie , Composés du calcium , Utilisations thérapeutiques , Cristallisation , Cavité pulpaire de la dent , Microbiologie , Dentine , Microbiologie , Association médicamenteuse , Enterococcus faecalis , Méthacrylates de méthyle , Utilisations thérapeutiques , Microscopie électronique à balayage , Oxydes , Utilisations thérapeutiques , Produits d'obturation des canaux radiculaires , Utilisations thérapeutiques , Obturation de canal radiculaire , Méthodes , Préparation de canal radiculaire , Silicates , Utilisations thérapeutiques , Facteurs temps , Ciment eugénol-oxyde zinc , Utilisations thérapeutiques
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-209275


OBJECTIVES: This clinical study evaluated the effect of light activation on the whitening efficacy and safety of in-office bleaching system containing 15% hydrogen peroxide gel. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-three volunteers were randomly treated with (n = 17, experimental group) or without light activation (n = 16, control group), using Zoom2 white gel (15% H2O2, Discus Dental) for a total treatment time of 45 min. Visual and instrumental color measurements were obtained using Vitapan Classical shade guide and Shadepilot (DeguDent) at screening test, after bleaching, and 1 month and 3 month after bleaching. Data were analyzed using t-test, repeated measure ANOVA, and chi-squared test. RESULTS: Zoom2 white gel produced significant shade changes in both experimental and control group when pre-treatment shade was compared with that after bleaching. However, shade difference between two groups was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Tooth shade relapse was not detected at 3 months after bleaching. The incidence of transient tooth sensitivity was 39.4%, with being no differences between two groups. CONCLUSIONS: The application of light activation with Zoom2 white gel system neither achieved additional whitening effects nor showed more detrimental influences.

Humains , Hydrogène , Peroxyde d'hydrogène , Hypersensibilité , Incidence , Lumière , Dépistage de masse , Récidive , Dent , Blanchiment dentaire
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-31982


This study aimed to assess the influence of different cross-sectional area on the cyclic fatigue fracture of Ni-Ti rotary files using a fatigue tester incorporating cyclical axial movement. Six brands of Ni-Ti rotary files (ISO 30 size with .04 taper) of 10 each were tested: Alpha system (KOMET), HeroShaper (MicroMega), K3 (SybronEndo), Mtwo (VDW), NRT (Mani), and ProFile (Dentsply). A fatigue-tester (Denbotix) was designed to allow cyclic tension and compressive stress on the tip of the instrument. Each file was mounted on a torque controlled motor (Aseptico) using a 1:20 reduction contra-angle and was rotated at 300 rpm with a continuous, 6 mm axial oscillating motion inside an artificial steel canal. The canal had a 60degrees angle and a 5 mm radius of curvature. Instrument fracture was visually detected and the time until fracture was recorded by a digital stop watch. The data were analyzed statistically. Fractographic analysis of all fractured surfaces was performed to determine the fracture modes using a scanning electron microscope. Cross-sectional area at 3 mm from the tip of 3 unused Ni-Ti instruments for each group was calculated using Image-Pro Plus (Imagej 1.34n, NIH). Results showed that NRT and ProFile had significantly longer time to fracture compared to the other groups (p < .05). The cross-sectional area was not significantly associated with fatigue resistance. Fractographycally, all fractured surfaces demonstrated a combination of ductile and brittle fracture. In conclusion, there was no significant relationship between fatigue resistance and the cross-sectional area of Ni-Ti instruments under experimental conditions.

Électrons , Fatigue , Fractures de fatigue , Nickel , Radius , Acier , Titane , Moment de torsion
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-164694


This clinical study evaluated the whitening effect and safety of polymer based-pen type BlancTis Forte (NIBEC) containing 8.3% carbamide peroxide. Twenty volunteers used the BlancTis Forte whitening agent for 2 hours twice a day for 4 weeks. As a control, Whitening Effect Pen (LG) containing 3% hydrogen peroxide was used by 20 volunteers using the same protocol. The change in shade (DeltaE*, color difference) was measured using Shadepilot(TM) (DeguDent) before, during, and after bleaching (2 weeks, 4 weeks, and post-bleaching 4 weeks). A clinical examination for any side effects (tooth hypersensitivity or soft tissue complications) was also performed at each check-up. The following results were obtained. 1. Both the experimental and control groups displayed a noticeable change in shade (DeltaE) of over 2. No significant differences were found between the two groups (p > 0.05), implying that the two agents have a similar whitening effect. 2. The whitening effect was mainly due to changes in a and b values rather than in L value (brightness). The experimental group showed a significantly higher change in b value, thus yellow shade, than the control (p < 0.05). 3. None of the participants complained of tooth hypersensitivity or soft tissue complications, confirming the safety of both whitening agents.

Agents de blanchiment , Peroxyde d'hydrogène , Hypersensibilité , Peroxydes , Polymères , Dent , Urée