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Journal of Surgery ; : 25-29, 2016.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975565


Introduction: We began treatment ofmulti drug resistant tuberculosis first from2003. At that time there was a 1960 cases andmost of the cases were from Ulaanbaatar,Darkhan, Selenge, Tuv, Dornod provinces.From all the cases only 62% or 1058 caseswere included in treatment. From that 336patient or 19% deceased, 296 patient or 18%didn’t get a treatment. We did this studybecause there were never done any researchor study of surgical treatment of multi drugresistant tuberculosis in Mongolia.Materials and Methods: We studiedcases of patients who undergone lobectomy,since 2007. There were 48 cases of 46patients, 2 patients surgery were done onboth sides. Respondents aged between 14-45, 25 male (52%), 23 female (48%), allpatients got a first - line anti-tuberculosistreatment, such as cat-1, cat-1+cat-2 and 10variants of these drugs. It was done basedon sputum culture test results of NCCDTB surveillance and research department’slaboratory.Results: From the all patients only77.08% had undergone surgery within thefirst 3 years. 92% patients were diagnosedwith multi drug resistance TB only with thesputum and sputum culture test results, andthe rest of the patients were diagnosedusing a tissue analyses on the above tests.It was revealed that HR resistant -91.66%,HR+(Z,E,S) -3 drugs resistant -18.78%,HR+(ZSE)-4 or 5 drugs resistant. In thepatients TB lesion locations was on the rightupper lobe 54%, left upper lobe 31%, ona both upper lobes 85%, cavernous fibrosistubercles 60%, combined TB lesions 77%,tubercles 21%.87.5% of total patientsreceived a multi - drug resistant TB treatmentbetween 7 - 24 months prior surgery.All 48 patients had a totally 69 surgeries.Surgeries included 9% pneumonectomy,28% lobectomy, 30% Wedge resection,23% pleurectomy decortication, 7% Wedgeresection on both sides, one bilobectomy.There were no complications during thesurgery but 5 of patients had an empyemaafter surgery. No fatal cases.Three patientsout of 5 who had a surgery due to pulmonaryhemorrhage developed an empyema aftersurgery. Drainage tubes were taken afterthe surgery within 2-3 months.Therewere nocomplication and escalations in the patientswho received a surgical treatment, after thesurgery from 6 months to 5 years.Conclusion: In study it shows that surgicaltreatment is effective to do after 6 monthsof anti-tuberculosis drug treatment in multi -drug resistant TB patients.Also it shows thatcombining of medical and surgical treatmentis healing up to 98% in the patients whowere rightly chosen according to surgicalindications.This research result shows that inour country multi - drug resistant TB surgicaltreatment complication is only 10.41%,which is below in the other countries whohave same anti-tuberculosis drug treatment.

Journal of Surgery ; : 25-29, 2016.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-631311


Introduction: We began treatment of multi drug resistant tuberculosis first from 2003. At that time there was a 1960 cases and most of the cases were from Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan, Selenge, Tuv, Dornod provinces. From all the cases only 62% or 1058 cases were included in treatment. From that 336 patient or 19% deceased, 296 patient or 18% didn’t get a treatment. We did this study because there were never done any research or study of surgical treatment of multi drug resistant tuberculosis in Mongolia. Materials and Methods: We studied cases of patients who undergone lobectomy, since 2007. There were 48 cases of 46 patients, 2 patients surgery were done on both sides. Respondents aged between 14- 45, 25 male (52%), 23 female (48%), all patients got a first - line anti-tuberculosis treatment, such as cat-1, cat-1+cat-2 and 10 variants of these drugs. It was done based on sputum culture test results of NCCD TB surveillance and research department’s laboratory. Results: From the all patients only 77.08% had undergone surgery within the first 3 years. 92% patients were diagnosed with multi drug resistance TB only with the sputum and sputum culture test results, and the rest of the patients were diagnosed using a tissue analyses on the above tests. It was revealed that HR resistant -91.66%, HR+(Z,E,S) -3 drugs resistant -18.78%, HR+(ZSE)-4 or 5 drugs resistant. In the patients TB lesion locations was on the right upper lobe 54%, left upper lobe 31%, on a both upper lobes 85%, cavernous fibrosis tubercles 60%, combined TB lesions 77%, tubercles 21%.87.5% of total patients received a multi - drug resistant TB treatment between 7 - 24 months prior surgery. All 48 patients had a totally 69 surgeries. Surgeries included 9% pneumonectomy, 28% lobectomy, 30% Wedge resection, 23% pleurectomy decortication, 7% Wedge resection on both sides, one bilobectomy. There were no complications during the surgery but 5 of patients had an empyema after surgery. No fatal cases.Three patients out of 5 who had a surgery due to pulmonary hemorrhage developed an empyema after surgery. Drainage tubes were taken after the surgery within 2-3 months.Therewere no complication and escalations in the patients who received a surgical treatment, after the surgery from 6 months to 5 years. Conclusion: In study it shows that surgical treatment is effective to do after 6 months of anti-tuberculosis drug treatment in multi -drug resistant TB patients.Also it shows that combining of medical and surgical treatment is healing up to 98% in the patients who were rightly chosen according to surgical indications.This research result shows that in our country multi - drug resistant TB surgical treatment complication is only 10.41%, which is below in the other countries who have same anti-tuberculosis drug treatment.

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