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Korean Journal of Medicine ; : 405-411, 1997.
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-15880


This article describes a case of intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor(DSRCT) experienced by the authors. The patient was 36ear old male, and admitted because of the mass of right inguinal area, back pain, weakness of low extremities. Imaging studies, right inguinal mass biopsy finding, immunohistochemical stains were compatible with DSRCT. Aggressive treatment with chemotherapy resulted in remarkable response temporarily in terms of tumor size and pulmonary metastasis. But as other author`s reports, multiple metastases to brain, spine, lung were progressed in our case. The patient died 13months after diagnosis.

Humains , Mâle , Dorsalgie , Biopsie , Encéphale , Agents colorants , Diagnostic , Traitement médicamenteux , Membres , Poumon , Métastase tumorale , Rachis
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-84125


Endometriosis of the rectum is unusual condition, since it represents an invasion of previously normal bowel by hormone-dependent nonmalignant cell from uterus of the same patient. It is estimated that the incidence of endometriosis is about 8-15% of reproductive women, of whom 3-34% show intestinal invasion of rectosigmoid colon, appendix, ileum, and cecum in order of decreasing frequency. Symptoms related bowel involvement may vary from none to complete intestinal obstruction. Because the mucosa is involved infrequently there is rarely rectal bleeding. X-ray and sigmoidoscopic studies are usually negative. It was not reported that colonic endometriosis was confirmed by endoscopic biopsy. Recently we experienced a case of rectal endometriosis which presented itself as a cyclic rectal bleeding with abdominal pain and diagnosed by colonoscopic biopsy.

Femelle , Humains , Douleur abdominale , Appendice vermiforme , Biopsie , Caecum , Côlon , Coloscopie , Endométriose , Hémorragie , Iléum , Incidence , Occlusion intestinale , Muqueuse , Rectum , Utérus