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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(12): 1048-1053, Dec. 2020. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1155032


Awareness of the physiological changes that occur when animals are subjected to climatic changes that are considered stressful is essential to maintain animal welfare and to be able to exploit their reproductive potential efficiently and rationally. The present study was carried out to evaluate climatic variables' influence on physiological parameters, and Murrah buffalo ejaculates reared in a humid tropical climate in the Amazon. The immediate analyzes pertinent to the physical and morphological characteristics of the ejaculates were carried out and corresponded in the rainy season (RS) volume of 3.4±2.0mL; the mass activity of 4.4±0.5; motility of 80.4±5.6%; vigor of 4.4±0.4; concentration of 657,300±237,865.1 x 106sptz/mL; major defects of 9.0±2.6%; minor defects of 11.2±3.9%; total defects 20.2±5.3% and sperm plasma membrane integrity (SPMI) 84.8±5.6%, whereas in the non-rainy season (nRS), the results were 4.0±2.1mL; the mass activity of 3.0±1.0; motility of 56.2±13.4%; vigor of 3.0±1.0; concentration of 586,000±291,925.9 x 106sptz/mL; major defects of 20.8±9.9%; minor defects of 27.5±6.3%; total defects 48.3±9.3% and SPMI of 57.9±12.4%. Furthermore, a statistical difference (P<0.05) was observed for the parameters mass activity, motility, vigor, major defects, minor defects, total defects, and sperm plasma membrane integrity between both periods. The data on heart frequency, superficial temperature (head, back, groin, and scrotal pouch) showed a statistical difference between both periods (P<0.05). To conclude is necessary specific management in the non-rainy season that thermal stress is not a determining factor in reducing the reproductive quality of buffaloes; it is necessary to use means to improve animal welfare; one alternative is to use baths regularly for these animals or provide constant access to areas of rivers or lakes, as well as shading, preventing the buffaloes from being directly exposed to the unfavorable thermal environment.(AU)

O conhecimento das alterações fisiológicas que ocorrem quando os animais são submetidos a alterações climatológicas consideradas estressantes é fundamental para manter o bem-estar animal, e poder explorar o seu potencial reprodutivo de forma eficiente e racional. O presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a influência de variáveis climáticas sobre parâmetros fisiológicos e de ejaculados de búfalos, da raça Murrah, criados em clima tropical úmido da Amazônia. As análises imediatas pertinentes às características físicas e morfológicas dos ejaculados foram realizadas e corresponderam no período chuvoso (PCh) o volume de 3,4±2,0mL, turbilhonamento de 4,4±0,5; motilidade de 80,4±5,6%; vigor de 4,4±0,4; concentração de 657.300±237.865,1 x 106sptz/mL; defeitos maiores de 9,0±2,6%; defeitos menores de 11,2±3,9%; defeitos totais de 20,2±5,3% e integridade da membrana plasmática (IMP) de 84,8±5,6%, enquanto que no período não chuvoso (PnCh), os resultados foram de 4,0±2,1mL; turbilhonamento de 3,0±1,0; motilidade de 56,2±13,4%; vigor de 3,0±1,0; concentração de 586.000±291.925,9 x 106sptz/mL; defeitos maiores de 20,8±9,9%; defeitos menores de 27,5±6,3%; defeitos totais de 48,3±9,3% e IMP de 57,9±12,4%. Observou-se diferença estatística (P<0,05) para os parâmetros movimento de massa, motilidade, vigor, defeitos maiores, defeitos menores, defeitos totais e integridade da membrana plasmática entre os dois períodos. Dados de frequência cardíaca, temperatura superficial (cabeça, dorso, virilha e bolsa escrotal) diferiram estatisticamente entre os períodos (P<0,05). Conclui-se que se faz necessário usar de um manejo específico no período não chuvoso para que o estresse térmico não seja um fator determinante na redução da qualidade reprodutiva dos búfalos, para isto se faz necessário utilizar de meios para melhorar o bem-estar animal, sendo uma das alternativas fazer uso de banhos regularmente para estes animais, ou disponibilizar acesso constante destes a áreas de rios ou lagos, assim como sombreamentos, evitando que os búfalos fiquem expostos diretamente ao ambiente térmico desfavorável.(AU)

Spermatozoïdes/physiologie , Buffles/physiologie , Analyse du sperme/médecine vétérinaire , Bien-être animal
Rev. biol. trop ; 64(4): 1519-1526, oct.-dic. 2016. ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-958231


Abstract:The agouti (Dasyprocta sp.) is a hystricomorph rodent found in some regions of the Americas. It is an important cynegetic species, which indicates that the overhunting is a threat to their conservation. Very little is known about this wildlife in relation to what already has been studied in domestic animals. Thus, the knowledge on reproduction of wildlife becomes necessary and essential for the management and conservation of these natural resources. Specifically, studies regarding hormonal monitoring are important as a basic tool for research in modern reproductive biotechnology, and currently, there is no information on the progesterone changes during pregnancy of Dasyprocta sp., compared to other hystricomorphs. The aim of this study was to describe the profile of plasmatic progesterone during pregnancy, and report the restart of ovarian cycle in agouti after parturition. For this purpose, 18 black-rumped agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) born in captivity were used, and one or more consecutive pregnancies were observed. Copulation was confirmed by the presence of spermatozoa observed in the colpocytological examination. Blood samples were collected two times per week, and concentrations of progesterone, assessed in ten agoutis, were determined by radioimmunoassay. The onset of ovarian activity in six females was observed daily by colpocytological examination, starting on the seventh day postpartum. The gestational period observed in this study was 104.04 days (SD = 1.31) (101-106 days) (Number of cases, N = 26), and the interval between births was 126.03 days (SD = 18.40) (109-184 days). The plasmatic profile of progesterone during pregnancy showed a progressive increase from the 1st to the 5th week. The higher progesterone levels over this period (6.88 ng / mL, SD = 3.01) were detected in the 5th week. This value was similar (One-Way ANOVA, p > 0.05) to that observed in the 4th and 6th weeks, but was statistically different (One-Way ANOVA, p < 0.05) when compared to the other weeks. After the 6th week there was a progressive decrease in plasmatic progesterone levels. The animals showed a postpartum estrus of 12.04 days (SD= 4.29) (7-24 days) (N= 23). It was observed that 80.95 % (N= 19) of copulations during this period were fertile. This work contributed to understanding the dynamic changes in the progesterone levels during the pregnancy in agouti. Nevertheless, more studies are needed for a better appreciation of other endocrine and biological changes, in the mother and feto-placental unit of the agouti. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (4): 1519-1526. Epub 2016 December 01.

Resumen:El agouti (Dasyprocta sp.) es un roedor histricomorfo encontrado en algunas regiones de América. Es una especie cinegética importante, lo que indica que la caza excesiva es una amenaza para su conservación. Muy poco es lo que se conoce acerca de la biología de los animales silvestres, en relación al conocimiento acumulado sobre los domésticos. Por lo tanto, el estudio sobre la reproducción de los animales silvestres se hace necesario e imprescindible para el manejo y conservación de la especie como recurso natural. En concreto, los estudios relativos a la monitorización hormonal son una herramienta básica para la investigación en biotecnología reproductiva moderna. No hay información sobre los cambios de progesterona durante la preñez de Dasyprocta sp. en comparación con otros histricomorfos. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el perfil de la progesterona plasmática durante la preñez, y reportar el reinicio del ciclo ovárico después del parto. Para ello, se utilizaron 18 agoutis de rabo negro (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) nacidos en cautiverio. Fueron estudiadas una o más preñeces consecutivas. La copulación fue confirmada por la presencia de espermatozoides observados en examen colpocitológico. Las muestras de sangre se recogieron dos veces por semana, y las concentraciones de progesterona se determinaron en 10 individuos mediante radioinmunoensayo. Se observó el inicio de la actividad ovárica diaria por examen colpocitológico, comenzando en el día séptimo posparto. El período gestacional observado en este estudio fue de 104.04 días (SD= 1.31, rango entre 101-106 días, N= 26), y el intervalo entre los nacimientos fue 126.03 días (SD= 18.40, rango entre 109-184 días). El perfil plasmático de la progesterona durante el embarazo mostró un aumento progresivo de la 1ª a la 5ª semana. Los mayores niveles de progesterona durante este período (6.88 ng / mL, SD= 3.01) se detectaron en la quinta semana. Este valor fue similar (ANOVA de um factor, p > 0.05) al observado en las semanas cuatro y seis, pero fue estadísticamente diferente (ANOVA de um factor, p<0.05) en comparación con las otras semanas. Después de la sexta semana hubo una disminución progresiva en los niveles plasmáticos de progesterona. Los animales mostraron un estro posparto de 12.04 días (SD= 4.29, rango entre 7-24 días, N= 23). Se observó que el 80.95 % (N= 19) de cópulas durante este período fueron fértiles. Este trabajo contribuyó a la comprensión de los cambios dinámicos en los niveles de progesterona durante la preñez del agouti. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios para una mejor comprensión de otros cambios biológicos y endocrinos, y en la unidad materna y feto-placentaria del agouti.

Animaux , Grossesse , Progestérone/sang , Oestrus/sang , Période du postpartum/sang , Dasyproctidae/sang , Valeurs de référence , Comportement sexuel chez les animaux/physiologie , Facteurs temps , Analyse de variance , Âge gestationnel
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(1): 29-35, mar. 2011. graf, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-638043


Plasma concentration of progesterone and 17β-estradiol of black-rumped agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) during the estrous cycle. The agouti is a game animal that have been raised in captivity for conservation and sustainability purposes. However, the management of wild animals in an intensive breeding system requires an assertive knowledge of its reproductive parameters, one of the most important features for production improvement. Besides, little information is available regarding changes in reproductive hormone profiles in agouti. The objective of this study was to evaluate the hormonal profile of progesterone and 17β-estradiol during the estrous cycle of the agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha). The hormones were analyzed by radioimmunoassay. Blood samples were collected without sedation twice a week. The concentrations of progesterone were as follows: proestrus 0.78+0.39ng/ml, estrus 2.83+2.34ng/ml, metestrus 1.49+1.24ng/ml, diestrus 3.71+1.48ng/ml. In the estrous phase, an increase in the progesterone level was observed during a period of 24h. The average 17 β-estradiol levels were as follows: proestrus 2 030.98+961.00pg/ml, estrus 1 910.56+650.54pg/ml, metestrus 1 724.83+767.28pg/ml, diestrus 1 939.94+725.29pg/ml. The current results suggest that the progesterone plasma concentration during the estrous cycle in the agouti has a similar increasing, stabilizing and decreasing pattern, as in domestic mammals. Agoutis have two phases of follicular development, as two periods of 17β-estradiol peaks were observed, the first one in the metestrus and the second during the proestrus. Spontaneous ovulation seems to occur after the progesterone peak, possibly indicating that this hormone is associated with the ovulatory process. A more detailed investigation is needed for better understanding of how progesterone influences ovulation. Studies on the involvement of progesterone in follicular rupture can be carried out, using steroid biosynthesis inhibitors and observing the effect of this hormone on ovarian activity of proteolytic enzymes in the follicular wall. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (1): 29-35. Epub 2011 March 01.

El conocimiento de los procesos reproductivos de especies de importancia económica local son indispensables para apoyar su producción en cautiverio y garantizar su manejo sostenible. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar los niveles hormonales de progesterona y 17β-estradiol durante el ciclo estral en agutí (Dasyprocta prymnolopha). La recolección de sangre se realizó dos veces por semana, sin sedación. Las hormonas fueron analizadas por radioinmunoanálisis. Los niveles de progesterona fueron los siguientes: proestro 0.78+0.39ng/ml, estro 2.83+2.34ng/ml, metaestro 1.49+1.24ng/ml y diestro 3.71+1.48ng/ml. En el estro se observó un aumento de los niveles de progesterona durante un periodo de 24h. Los niveles de 17 β-estradiol fueron los siguientes: proestro 2 030.98+961.00pg/ml, estro 1 910.56+650.54pg/ml, metaesto 1 724.83+767.28pg/ml y diestro 1 939.94+725.29pg/ ml. Los resultados encontrados sugieren que los niveles plasmáticos de progesterona durante el ciclo estral en agutí siguen un patrón de aumento, estabilización y diminución, tal como en los mamíferos domésticos. Agutí tienen dos etapas de desarrollo folicular, puesto que se observaron dos altos valores de 17β-estradiol, el primero en el metaestro y el segundo durante el proestro. La ovulación espontánea ocurre posiblemente después del aumento de la progesterona, indicando que esta hormona posiblemente está asociada con el proceso ovulatorio. Es necesario desarrollar un estudio más detallado para mejorar la comprensión del papel de la progesterona en la ovulación. Algunos estudios de la participación de la progesterona en la ruptura folicular se pueden realizar utilizando inhibidores de la biosíntesis de esteroides y observar el efecto de esta hormona sobre la actividad de las enzimas proteolíticas en la pared folicular.

Animaux , Femelle , Oestradiol/sang , Cycle oestral/sang , Ovulation/sang , Progestérone/sang , Rodentia/sang , Ovulation/physiologie , Dosage radioimmunologique , Rodentia/physiologie
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 45(6)2008. tab, ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-510886


O monitoramento do consumo de diferentes misturas minerais foi avaliado em 84 búfalos mestiços distribuídos em duas fazendas (1 e 2) localizadas na Meso-região do Nordeste Paraense para a avaliação do custo benefício de cada produto. As fazendas apresentavam pastagens do tipo Brachiaria brizantha, cv. Marandú onde os animais foram mantidos durante 14 meses. Os animais foram divididos em dois lotes. O lote 1 de cada fazenda recebeu um produto comercial de suplementação mineral recomendado para bubalinos (Topbúfalo Matsuda®) e o lote 2, o produto comercial de suplementação mineral convencional da propriedade, no qual era indicado para a espécie bovina. Na fazenda 1, o consumo da mistura mineral a ser testada foi inferior ao consumo da mistura mineral convencional e na fazenda 2, o consumo de ambos os lotes foi semelhante. O produto comercial recomendado para búfalos em regime de pastagem, em ambos os sistemas, promoveu um melhor desempenho no ganho de peso dos búfalos quando comparado a produtos comerciais recomendados para a espécie bovina. O peso médio da carcaça quente dos animais que consumiram a mistura mineral a ser testada foi superior a dos animais que receberam a mistura mineral convencional. O gasto com a suplementação mineral foi superior com os produtos convencionais em ambas as fazendas, com rendimentos líquidos menores do que a suplementação a ser testada. Conclui-se que a eficiência produtiva dos animais utilizando uma suplementação recomendada para bubalinos em regime de pastagem supera a eficiência produtiva de búfalos quando se utiliza uma suplementação recomendada para bovinos.

The monitoration of the consumption of different minerals mixtures was evaluated in 84 crossbred buffaloes distributed in two farms (1 and 2) located in Meso-area of Paraense's Northeast for the evaluation of the cost benefit of each product. The farms presented pastures of the type Brachiaria brizantha, cv. Marandú where the animals were maintained for 14 months. The animals were divided in two lots. The lot 1 of each farm received a commercial product of mineral supplementation recommended for buffalos (Topbúfalo Matsuda®) and the lot 2, the commercial product of conventional mineral supplementation of the property, in which was indicated for the bovine species. In Finance 1, the consumption of the mineral mixture to be tested was inferior to the consumption of the conventional mineral mixture and in Finance 2, the consumption of both lots was similar. The commercial product recommended for buffalos in pasture regime, in both systems, it promoted a better acting in the earnings of weight of the buffalos when compared to commercial products recommended for the bovine species. The medium weight of the hot carcass of the animals that consumed the mineral mixture to be tested was superior the one of the animals that received the conventional mineral mixture. The expense with the mineral supplementation was superior with the conventional products in both farms, with smaller net yields than the supplementation to be tested. Was ended that the productive efficiency of the animals using a recommended supplementation for buffalos in pasture regime overcomes the productive efficiency of buffalos when a supplementation is used recommended for bovine.

Animaux , Brachiaria , Buffles , Aliment pour animaux/effets indésirables , Prise de poids
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 75(1): 55-69, Mar. 2003. ilus, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-331144


A total of 30 animals of the genus Dasyprocta were cytogenetically studied. They belong to the following species: D. prymnolopha (N=20), D. leporina (N=6), D. fuliginosa (N=1) and Dasyprocta sp. (N=3) (Dasyproctidae, Hystricognathi). Cell suspensions were obtained by peripheral blood culture, besides bone marrow and spleen cells, from D. prymnolopha and D. leporina. The diploid number was 64/65 for all samples. The karyotypes showed similarity, and chromosomal polymorphism was not detected by Giemsa conventional staining and G banding. The constitutive heterochromatin distribution at the pericentromeric region of all the chromosomes was similar in all species. D. prymnolopha, D. leporina and Dasyprocta sp. presented variation in the heterochromatical block size at one of the homologues of the A18 pair. D. fuliginosa presented the heterochromatin uniformly distributed in all chromosomes. There was not variation in the NORs pattern in the species studied

Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Rodentia , Cellules de la moelle osseuse , Brésil , Zébrage chromosomique , Hétérochromatine , Caryotypage , Rodentia , Rate
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 19(1): 7-11, Jan. 1999. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-624086


The occurrence of the infection with Bovine Leukosis Virus (BLV) was examined in agar-gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test and with indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), in the State of Pará, Brazil. The blood sera were collected from different breeds including Nelore, Piemontes, Simental, Holstein Frisian, Indubrasil, Girolanda, Simbrasil and their cross-breedings. The majority of the animals were adults. The overall occurrence of infections was 49.8% (359/721) and 26.0% (174/668) for ELISA and AGID test, respectively. All animal groups examined showed infection in ELISA, however in the AGID test two groups were sera negative.(AU)

A ocorrência da infecção pelo Vírus da Leucose Enzoótica dos Bovinos (BLV) no Estado do Pará, foi estudada através do método de imunodifusão em ágar-gel (AGID) e por um ensaio imunoenzimatico (ELISA) indireto, paralelamente. Os exames foram realizados com amostras de soros sanguíneos oriundos de bovinos de diferentes raças sendo a maioria deles adultos. A prevalência observada foi de 49,8% (359/721) no ELISA e 26,0% (174/668) no AGID. Todos os 14 grupos dos animais estudados pelo ELISA indireto, mostraram a existência da infeção, enquanto que pelo método da AGID, dois grupos de animais foram negativos.(AU)

Animaux , Bovins , Bovins/virologie , Test ELISA/médecine vétérinaire , Leucose bovine enzootique/diagnostic , Immunodiffusion
Acta amaz ; 27(1)1997.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1454606


Colpocytologycs analyses in distinct phases of oestral cycle were performed in 20 female agoutis (Dasypwcta prymnolopha), as well as, the determination of gestation's ienght in six others animals. The agoutis were raised in captive management, in climatologie conditions of Amazon humid tropic. The animals showed a polyestrus continous reproduction pattern, then no sazonality was observed. The oestral period was 30,69 ± 4,65 days and the gestation's length average was 104,33 + 0,57 days. During proestrus phase the exfoliative cytology arrangement showed high frequency of anucleated superficial, intermediate and parabasal cells, respectively; the oestrus phase had elevated rates of superficial cells (anucleated and nucleated) and absence of leukocytes; highest indices of intermediate cells and an increse of leukocytes was found in metestrus phase; in diestrus phase the predominant cells type was the parabasal.

Foram realizadas análises colpocitológicas das diferentes fases do ciclo estral em 20 fêmeas adultas de cutias (Dasyprocta prymnolopha), assim como a determinação da duração da gestação em outros seis animais. As cutias foram mantidas em regime de cativeiro, nas condições climatológicas encontradas no trópico úmido da Amazônia. Os animais apresentaram reprodução do tipo poliestral continua, portanto não foi observada estação reprodutiva. A duração média dos ciclos estrais de 30,69 ± 4,65 dias e período médio de gestação de 104,33 + 0,57 dias. Com relação ao estudo da citologia esfoliativa, notou-se que no proestro houve frequência maior de células superficiais anucleadas, intermediárias e parabasals; no estro observou-se em número elevado, as células superficiais (anucleadas e nucleadas) e ausência de leucócitos; na fase de metaestro houve aumento de células intermediárias e leucócitos; no diestro, as células parabasals foram observadas em número maior de vezes.

Rev. bras. ciênc. morfol ; 11(2): 167-71, jul.-dez. 1994. ilus, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-162622


A morfologia do sistema reprodutor feminino foi estudada em oito cutias (Dasyprocta prymnolopha), sendo que dois animais eram sacrificados em cada fase do ciclo estral. Além disso, outras nove fêmeas foram utilizadas nos dados biométricos. A regeneraçao da membrana vaginal e as trompas com circonvoluçoes foram as principais observaçoes anatômicas referentes a esta espécie. Em ambos os ovários constatou-se, na fase estrogênica, a presença de um ou dois folículos pré-ovulatórios, havendo na fase progesterônica a formaçao de um a três corpos lúteos funcionais. As modificaçoes histológicas verificadas no epitélio vaginal e no endométrio foram evidentes nas diferentes fases do ciclo estral.

Animaux , Femelle , Endomètre/anatomie et histologie , Ovaire/anatomie et histologie , Rodentia/anatomie et histologie , Vagin/anatomie et histologie
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