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Bol. venez. infectol ; 30(1): 10-16, ene-jun 2019.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1007547


Objetivo: Analizar las manifestaciones clínicas y evolución de los casos sospechosos o confirmados de Difteria en Venezuela. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, observacional, descriptivo, longitudinal y multicentrico en los estados Anzoátegui, Bolívar, Carabobo, Distrito Capital, Lara, Mérida, Miranda y Zulia, se siguieron 48 pacientes sospechosos o confirmados para difteria y se describieron sus características clínicas. Resultados: 54,2 % fueron de sexo femenino, 2 de ellas embarazadas, 1 de ellas falleció. La localización más frecuente de lesiones fue la faríngea, sin embargo se observaron otras como la tonsilar, laringotraqueal, nasal y cutánea. Todos los pacientes recibieron antibióticos pero solo 32 toxina antidiftérica. Solo 11 pacientes tenían esquema vacunal completo y 18 presentaron complicaciones. El 18,8 % de la muestra falleció y el resto egresó sin secuelas. Conclusiones: El brote de difteria en Venezuela sigue activo, las cifras de pacientes afectados invitan a implementar estrategias de control a través de la inmunización de susceptibles, erradicación de portadores asintomáticos, diagnóstico temprano, reporte obligatorio, atención y manejo adecuado de los infectados.

Objective: To analize the clinical manifestations and evolution of suspected or confirmed cases of Diphtheria in Venezuela. Methods: A prospective, observational, descriptive, longitudinal and multicentric study was conducted in the Venezuelan's states of Anzoategui, Bolivar, Carabobo, Capital District, Lara, Merida, Miranda and Zulia. The time 1 of the investigation was at the hospital admission and the final time was at discharge. During the hospitalization, the follow-up was performed. Results: 48 patients were followed and all of them had suspected or confirmed Diphtheria. 45,5 % were men and 54.2 % were female, 2 of them were pregnant, and 1 of them died. The most frequent location of lesions was the pharyngeal, however other location were observed such as tonsillar, laryngotracheal, nasal and cutaneous. All patients received antibiotics but only 32 diphtheria antitoxin. Only 11 patients had a complete vaccination scheme and 18 (36 %) had complications. 18.8 % of the sample died and the rest withdrew without sequelae. Conclusions: The diphtheria outbreak in Venezuela is still active, the number of affected patients invite to implement strategies of control through the immunization of susceptibles, eradication of asymptomatic carriers, early diagnosis, mandatory reporting, care and adequate management of the infected.