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China Pharmacist ; (12): 445-447, 2018.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-705555


Objective:To assess the impact of zero makeup policy for drug and medical supplies on hospitals. Methods:Descrip-tive statistics and comparative analysis were used to analyze the related indicators, profit and loss calculation and the cost of patients from April 2014 to March 2017.Results:After the policy was implemented, the number of outpatients and the number of outpatients choosing general doctors decreased. The average length of hospitalization was 8.88 days, and the proportion of drug consumption was 34.10%. The number of outpatients choosing medical experts, the number of inpatients and the proportion of surgical treatment in-creased. Although the policy benefited patients,the average medical expenditure still increased. There was policy loss in the hospital. Conclusion:The reform promotes the implementation of hierarchical medical system, optimizes the hospital income structure and re-duces drug proportion significantly,which achieves the original intentions of the policy to some extent.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-413358


Trials in public hospital reforms bear special significance for rational deployment of health resources and exploring the separation of hospital management from routine operations. The paper identified such setbacks in the present trials as easy technology measures, numerous models of separations, difficulty in setting pharmaceutical service fees, and inadequate governance. Authors also recommended such measures as searching for appropriate reforms for public hospitals locally, greater financial resources for completing the compensation mechanism of public hospitals, streamlining their management system for separation of management from operations, and improving governance. All these efforts are designed to enhance the public benefit nature of public hospitals.